Over Eleven Hundred Loyal Sons of the University of Michigan Shower Tribute on Alma Mater at Greatest Alumni Dinner Ever Held in America (?v 1,c Xse NicrkL (iii N(11 'i is Ii c ii Im Ilt t11 t' ln7t 1t rr r cr 1 i -c tl 'l'hi" ; irit ,. 1 z-t t ? lti'211; 111 lll(I 1)a I Ills (hy la, 11 P of lk Id Pri' IciII il.\ 5[a c w c (.A tot al d d- lin av. I I ll(fcs 5 of ( C i ''ilici's ciici. sim ofi 11155sc o il c ii sill o\csilln s at hl h i ii 151t is511the 1115 Iissili 1 55 \ notabl feature of thei liii liiiwas 5 sit oiute ' i co _hb,)55t's IilYit Fort1'\--t\\ (11member s i h tli i cst 11I1 r lt"\\t'e 111 111t1end t / 111 111 sttlcl if !_)d\ t the l iall hu ll' FarsI).lssiIt, he ma l \\ihoi I sl-s 11 cr cl fle hi111lct, r11 illIs1 1111 ii a s isoa lt ! :\stl1n1 ii frt 5 .\ ciiII o the 111111f liii liii 'tIh is i issslilsi''tr e n t Is)i lle 'r s ii e 'iis ,l siiii <"1 's s sssbutsssi sl' nes.il il l ii and 51 55511 i ll8 sill' Ihl ( 1n ovserIl foirieis is ls, W1Is its v hr n it lhls ) p si, nl mvc 1) C Ii on-ca pmliili i nhe world. iiii l ti mi 1 w lirc ' i'. ii 1 Negeeupol te neis is s"1A sari ofis llm i.iTh str nger !h, i ly1 m Is a d Isin r h s 1111( l !1 t' isi s Il spsi biiy thy retail ingteii trlgd n i s age andi harsill th mirksi> siAsK!.. the probill m ofsel-ioi 51'cnt ofis the llNew Vokslissis ~ sic Ro sp ofteifune ihhe Ntisi I 's ii st switkli listhe1 imt sss is' ' I twI t thoulis 'is andIs ' 'ils tll i chigas n i I Xhisi te.ss hais hsill is theissis- 01.1 shrear lca l onsi1os i ~ ls m janIs sils t)1N'ilhess Un i rityo ic ia NullIr i 'l e 11o rInii s 'e,; i ' pasescoi all l ncri si ~ lsln( i]1 il i i n os i ti f[u tt e ,r hate sfllsd hich lsall - s.The s We s idea in 's is's ,I ml t ss'and ss is VI n X stalk ingis heI s irvts NN ills Iii k aisis wll as' il' ' i il side h lls'ofishei.ist ior.i" Uite sli ta stei s ulissis ' oI iralm rt is e ch ng se i's'sI'1I isis we is i w 1 esdntIltist s li il t lpakingtliupon 4teEco lese raed briefly the histor- sill I sliii l dv lpett ofiitile state "tsafat"sidi the speaker, "that is el alenst satnin that. the ii l etes of osillpenlisutlar state, tcr ' ~ e ienii''thle detprivaiions and I idshlps inidenslt to frltit rii'life, had the is' I ) to slananithe cosiurage to ii i ii i s ; irt u iiith ispesistenclito push I 'si Istocomiletc uccs'sseasseduca- tlmlsc ii t 'sill i i h h alssstoicts the L lv r ii i NI _hcial i, alIii uttitultioli lit a sr e 'tiustimdl its practically aloth vseritslatesantdlliss almrost lii' hc l s 'sen l'inf tlunitial factort instltedu siioal movemesns of itthe I c hi i l ii'roceeded itosdevelop th~it e l ''>i is o tsiini' sittssis'sttiiie tu i . Thatl l heistaii'te'n ierit i nit th rais llsofat ittiiiir l hsbts itis ii t hnImposltsas'diponlth et M l( vi I l 511 lss 'i i sill if dllts fhits 'iire s's e is iminftlueeiofthe wstai c st trilereven o th illor f eIu t - h 's isits u sil sils' ifth ,. Tat cof he eainsistoriithe ti< niesitis is ttohb''' ou' inli thre diti~ns.'I'hv ar tnotbou liey time itr I I thispast. Itiwisisthis if'eeilom~ iO act ithat e'n'abls'd NtMiiganto tleaf ii ithe br 111 suit stnd atsr sitng of tilt do l ite is oris i n i te utisis' tnt fori irl, il bmi: Clse Co nti nisii be- Sc lihschslum1dsuitvissersiletipbythe ii 'ss'sseralyreogi'ue'dthe '. I ithills titlt s t s of the stale I i ri is , r b b ial thills te cnii '1 ietsforits bsduo h it; I sis il the state." s stiril ii h ;tiili 1to iijo i t ea tily its a prosgressive is~a is n ils haithus1a11.snakse' ter futuire l ci reairiad1mosit es cltive bthal tl 5 h en leeri past lt i st. i t fii off i t il ra-JLbls>idi l 's h iri ii i"Ill ',c 5 iia ' j(1 ' T o t1 III r-,iti s t11s 1C 11 I. ( Is1 i f I' i i It li "I {? t a " I\,( ' s' kx rc l ' 1 I I IC; ) 1"S 'l ii 5 i< i s It l i ( BIG SCHED'UrLE WILT, KEEP VAR'SITY B USY Ferry Field is to Wittttss live ot the Eight Griditotn Struggles PENN ANtD NEBIRASKA HEIA) LIST 'I'll 1 Ni 'SIN' NI, 11111>. iiic~ e t' i Ck t i I tI - 1' ill ' 'l ' C i n ; i () i hi ga's i ' -ic i1 ('1 Ii'r ills made at' r theIs 5 sill, issexp N'e , sit ' ' Niii I ls i tee l wsl i i s t eiii ll 'sui s()fshi', l lt git I'swills1 in tA n Its' :t t ''5555 5 f55 itsv su veit oe poriiti es o)' ('ll i c t51 io ls tipi l's iou t s 'oss.thuatunshteC imax ith l ml i s c s till l s till 'is ' 11 this i" i s ''qu stils of nil ~ c S)lii ;Sa afi Xcr i )s Is iii ill tii ills' t il ch duc se li pa t thtilc l « 51 lc s i ps 1 a1r' lw [tlacats cid tile N stic ill 5give tiri malttti tjuior api' oIctits ttt'lrt slt 1S1turayevclii'' lug l ' 1S ollk, of the et)t111t1,V "Old ;irc :t?1's hesl. ('rise :i Ca11 lititliri's crt 1 hzt e ;]?t)\t it ill rtre ai.?lc° tc , gilt t