THE MICHIGAN- DAILY' / .... IDEAL Our best seller in Tan af Anewt lot lust int IDEAL LAST WAGNFR & CO. WINTER SALE OF Red~zetio rxs of fromn 25(/ to 33 UNIVERSITY NOTICES their grin p ijxctresiifor the Niichi le c1111) iiihigx rxxi 1x 1 oix da x i 1ti< -St 7:5 i , the llrrt x xv ii , xxi tv xii 1 x - ii } r rii, S :l ricrxili fxixvxx,:t x - , d ti v. lImportanti 131-i ii* ,'f -1ii i - . L.I iii \ IY IC11iii (2;8SFirl ) ROOifKiS iNi . A. A. i:. iii ixiixri\- ix ii hai ii- r~ vii., iixxxxxx tix ii c vxx ts% +f l," xciilegixxiate .si i on f ! Iixi f. letes if Amixcix, a s' ft (' ! ii fictininii i tie ixtxandii iii x ii I ihe ]looks xareix isiii yweli1u ed xiiih photoigrahxxix ilal eentsx, mxxiiiof themviing 'Wool xx taresx. iieach hoiokxthei fix iii are accominiedxii itafllt.t aini sisticx iicadecrifion o f txin Nnxthrxi eaue fi xI aluexxii is theic( pifii xitj f xa sei xxi xixlvtixcv xshow cv,intxiixi xxi xxxxdxisiperfornuc fox excvryxmiei fromii '876, the x xi thxexiiiiiixxi assocations i xiaii x t) frsetiiiimiexi. These xwrev xx- aftii long;iiseairchxbyxtfi ditorxiiand foxi inno otii book. 4d hY.. { . 1 f-T 1.1', Frst Fl1*~orr o First F loor I Indian Blankets and Crios I Arts and Cra~fts Shop Silv.- Novelties fhornEastern Shoxps Cxxr.Willo xxx xxxi Maynarxd THE OD PLACE Co llee Laundry R.EINOUK (a Co. IFINE HANI) WORK We have a fresh stxick of PrfineI Albert and Tuxedo is pound and Bell 1633 J1 606 E. Liberty NI. pound cans ann jars. o 1 tlii au D i Granger's School of [dancing Seoon~iiixind etrbiiiiiiiTiixii -%-exxx.ii14x Classes for Ladles and tlentlenman Tuesoday and Thursday Eveierngs, 7:00O to 8:00 o'clock Tiioin Li1xii. For Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246-Office flours 1010o 12, 21o 4 p.m, I a AT TUTTLE & Co. CHALE'BARBER SHOP oxl Under Hiuston Billiard Parlors le. Lunch Room You can find a fine line of Confectionery Charlie Weigand, Prop. sa WE We are Headquarters for Engineer's Supplies 0ix IDrawing Instruments French Dry Drawing Boards o Frenc Dry ensSquares Pe1sPencils, etc. v U icanStudent's Supply Store 1 311 S. University S A Suit or Overcoat, 75ce .Cl Suits Pressed,25 DETROIT Ut STED LINES e Trousers, I oc Between Detreoi, Aeon Arbor and REPAIRING Jackcstin Limited Cars East Bosuond-8:x20ia. tit., 10:20x a xit. :2 ipxix., '. 2x itx., 4:°0Ii . tix., 6:x2110 ~Limitied Cars WestmoBound-i:54iaxit.. 11:54 1::54 p. tn., 3:54 p, .,5::5x4 p. mi., 7:4 1 iii. pa Loeal Car. Easn nound-'1,)ixixixit 5:4x5 aS Filler & OR oUlor 1ix .xxi . iond iv5ratioursx ito to 51lei U . i 10Ypsxilanti, 5:445 it.m..axid xaliihour- t Tailoro, b19 E. William St. a.xi . i2 lintte, ciiange at Ypil~ani Locan Cars Wesn Bound-5x;45Oa. t..:5a. P M=lit.. iandx-ceve wooursito 11pinh x. Dr.iJ.. NWiterxinsrci ilGci t.: ;ILatini, xhxs xxedigraxxxiiileave of 'l, 1-c forv tic coingiii7 xxii vi 16mi tox fxakxei a tip toiEuropix-it picixil ixixixy. f Ie xxixaves x()It xi cxxxixa )-iig lxis absceix. Nix F i . I )t Th xx)iix Nortwesternxhi illsj. ci xxxN iiix it for chickerandchesxtamsxI'l( xxii. i s, ex akxi k' xxxiitnc- ayiixli. ixixs ourfifiixe ioniii iii xii Prof. 1T. C. Tulood i illxxii xiiitx 1eiBapistStudentsiixix(.Guildtillxi onM Thc Oraxtory.(if te i bl. til )t f x xcse iie xxif ixdxrxessxi tipx)xx the Maseiece iiox f 111t ,1ralr' ihich thei-guxildisfiv ~ingi ringixx txl xxxivt rxii limih. xici-xRxixv ()ix .iixiixix- iiiN SxiCLiSS PresixdexinticCiixc of .lNI. i xxxii- xxir, Chicago, . xiii iaddressithe taxi fxxv iixicvxsix Mn atithexi xiii rixix c urc ifxx t ixii atxx 12:1o ip. 1x11. Drxawxinig Iplates pfiiiifi xi andiineatii otixix ati Sinneric's.,Mi. PPORTUNlTI ES. Uxnxivrity stuxdentxiwhxxdxxire toi fxre- ire fxxv txetechniicali worklx of thect' LGoi-vrnmentx, soldiiwritefor(xxv xix x A 68o toliie Wasxingoxi Civ i Serivice Stlool, Wxashinxgton, D. C. Courxsesx reedixc bhxa "~L..M."ixnxaii. 64-70-76-82-88-9- TEAR THE LECTURES AT THlE Congregational Church Sunday Evenings, January and February ON Men Who Are Doing Things' Idsay, Washingtn, Seidel, Russell, Berger and others like them. i 47 l r.. r4" tZ }f 1a..-d tti ? y-" Ctip ~Ol~lfxi~i Tdix I- peat sat2 x 'c c W ( :oYrdA : .ni ta i HI IF S 1 _ l tceeGirl -I xlbi~x f-xv- - .i ii ~ - F .. v-. i cur erders early. vx .- nvxi 3 is' ° I 1 r k t ~3NOVEL TKam, 2 full sets A HMiver, 25p :xc r.. ^ _ ' E 1 + . } [ , Y. 4 } ± ...e!I L" r - ix :e~xstuiii be the i i r' reIteSeercs i LaS o Aitotler' B i EsI c'WedBLy Al-1, LAI.(iS co~yinv 4iixv txy veilix ST. JAM~ES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Oxpolite lexiteic WaitngORom 0304 V. STODLL, Proprietor 4 lboors From i Freddie's" HeIlne Allmendeinger -Teacher o0 Singing Voice Placing Song Interpretation German and Eniglishi Dictionx Studiox Wagnerlock 303tS..Siitie Si. Hours; 2ttoxx P. S. evSeexxxour ixiwIindwfrthiiitstint -Men's, Women's, and Children's Footwear Street and Dress Shoes Athletic Hloods E. R. Frost, 302cS. State St. xoex692Rio Ladies' Halir Dressing, Ohamponing. Manicurxing, Fane Massage Rain-Water- Shamspoos A Specialty- All os an Toxls Sxxitielixbeore Mrs. J. R.. Treejam-owaki S1110 S. University "I fi e #3II~ ~XL- .. ' Jz d,+ n 0 Soon~W~IMS~itr An-Iu~usi o i y ~ reiWeekFeb. 13 F ALWAYS AHElAD IN ST YILRS I RD, THE ix- TiI - BESTOF EVERY THiING 1 4 r AI!,(WIN41