Tip LOW Vol. XXI. ANN ARM~ TRACK TEAM WILL GO EAST IN APRIL Invitation to Compete in Big Intercollegiate Games is Accepted' WONT ENTER POUR MILE RELAY r~ I~in1v11asiti on0101toompen.teo ill the annual relav10 game~s w11c11wll he1) held1 ill Phiiladelophiai on tie last Itriay in Aprili 1as1.beeniirectiv ndithe \voi - i 11 10gie h 1111 111 veri111 have i gni . hirf 1 101 1itetion1ito ..,onte. 1' I X N ' N D I) 111 III 'Trel y\ rce itrth o l0111e1 C I'111Oi 11 \ (11 'IC Ii i mile1, 1two mi11, a1d1fo(r1 m e111 le- Allia INit iidii X li el d hi l isiiiii tise sc atc11111110 \'11 e 100 tl(ls ot )iii lii1s f r 10 c illS ' to111iiiiiiia thlets.1 te11 astnight ihu ll'ii a's Ii pri ioset gi nst c i ll Alpnt NilX lt01111 ~ l 00111 111, 0-it the Cast art' ndeed hazy- o ig 1tothe \esidet ; R. J. liy i r:pei nowi s tha Mihian il etert rela"t et ; [r reenol Advi('t1,se t avto ttnsillbtOl niiil ltw iiomi lei li- in Conditiurr on eoretryutsh vin l e e .11 otu the lirst11 time 1111111 o i ca ee ae scntd in th,° four inil^ reay. 1x11 c'11, ~ri iii,.21 RtEIAYoohO ii MEt N LACKtouoo~o I I ul I ol.1 ill form the111 ilens oh fii n li oottoo n o the 11tla mt erolot ia t. lionetotsIto r.oh iii i dis,. les 111 o t tti Attt ii i o o. ut tot ttt1h ier i e n i tt 1 tMuilhills roiise o e theco - - larges in bears. \)t (ml arethehue 1)I.~.i):r u hsci t mtlargeoothtstiatl, lit e DsiRUMO BUc t(ot I t tot t totl oo ttot '-o and 11T . butlJ iii r))clii)1 ) h( Iu ltg il( at lt~iii) 11001A sithe lt ubs ic IAr 1 a. Adv nced a ' , 1 r rc0 1 I tiltot toil '00 o a i l li 1. 1 '1 1010 i11111xililiitit Ottitig 0 ossibilitiesis pa1e 000iitibeitai nedht C itui 1I 0 '0' 111ttit it f Ito111.)iili= hop' tl lliltlttIo ti, Ad an e 1 '. o 0 11111 iutuitut 1t 1 tiat:tttoitrs s h lub 1I11 ott Ii those l)it'ow.areas it tlt isll I ii it the itit~l i i h I, ptotiXli 1 { 1'o l ll il i _______ Fre 1 0210 tihti lt t iist , riti ngtoo dI iW1 0 ot aco n t o i t i .. b b b t s w l 101 loot HOCI EY GA1~IL C IEL OF I lotsong;, aIdoifthtiiep pO the t 'too Ii 1.1111 - - io '1o1.'11;ti1hlectttoittoiltitoiat; .t 0;.o)1ti0 1 b lo Jar'1 i ws Trai ( nil1sform ser i dC'dt Of-l thum00110 oheir tsetitos e et Xeo N- I, i ntiodlo Sw m igPolF1i ~itdl- i t h e ' Or iinaClsietO titilet- 111'0 lb 10.N t - i0ll ~t n . i 0 1110 010111 0 '0d 00' l00 0 1 Robett Boil' ie c i ng oos tet 111.17, 0111310 i' to tt,'lI coi oao'uu (i iii t ite'n-Iit'ii o'utor o 'i n t ui t tutuwas o toot 'hot I.0.lol -' w toa, ca 11 - O K Y GA E C TL D O F t)1w sil-l)"lE ai. D vswl Itc t c s,. 11; "o\'io-itC()oo 1C' 1011 (t.i '0 01111 it s01'. t 7r0 00' l~ C' 0~i -Ii)11 t'()o- it 111-' - , ') 1)e 'l~ lk ()I, 01il th 1 ' I it t out oi11 ,tt 011r 1 1lc totil. T er f'i r c~lto I, 1 I ' 1 1 001 1 il(- {)t I-(0,111 '30 it1 L \lit m t Ii l vst l. ' to \j:i l y Il l 1 ' Ll0.000 to o seut te high 1 hoop.tormer111clotaring ixO XXe practice.ast year 11101 I 'N XXIIX Xi thi NiXCIC. Theii icI t~ani ill ihodits, an1tE ))tot ouill I atoin i st i n Barou ,h 110 "1h 1011an-ot to ca 00011' 11 loot to cotte (o'tr to thtelt' C) i toothget iOin hp'. XAtrelto ity a1n'tot too outha. toondth het titustt'ein prtoIty fairto buelievet'inoeno'uragooo.ing class ; it matnyi'timest0 1100covers00 mattetrialtout. 1110001' ani dio , licitil to thttoe' to i~tkeoutr tth Mt g totrtatiooatlly.- tlut toedne tuuttone 110'fultureot' 1 mere 1'.' oooooo c..t0' oh oooo.t ao. c ail th , cI t 1: 1 cl;ls. IlIkL I V I ) U I I It ).'Ik k ? I I I I , L K I I 1,1 , I t, I , t , , D 0n nd.XttoedAis.Jordanii ________ _ _ - ppe 1t t. fo oitoe cvCtu o O f o Febu aryoo Iit, lotlot ra ro t hootio''r t ooth totn oatlutu 001001; thal to i' ouoitO hic '0000 d , 0' ou tof on~lo' utuiteo se000 1o t yera la t 010100 toth otilc toi-t-tt,. ''I 0100v 010lot hded 1ing0100 etilmtIM -to 01 ttitoo ll stti osaid Itoo Io p I iii tickeo 0 Its fr jte ',tai00r'lo ll.Ltoo c"ITlhave totolieu o rap lot nfr n h benteit 00sinoo'o'lust X\out osot'. 01011! Lid b C'orlue-le f1111111tntilitis0011ltd tnro tdthave l 010111) 1 o 'to adeti (motoot 1 t h al ~ toobth huh il h i~v iiv Supplyh. R1s0 rv0 tons010 f or s0:a1s 0'1n teo oilt~to ot ureo tto o bout t a ttrl 100110 00111e madthe lao' to tis 'gio'oo te taol tt I ill toto~ c:c Wteeko. ext ra. lii t ww Iol t' 1 ' . " 1i \!" '.N. o- oci 0 00 '0 l We Kept Our Promiso Youi Can See Again Sat. Feb. 11, 2:30 P. M. New Whitney Theatre 00c 1aheW, 01 0 ' ltt ii oll I RRUITA1 1 1101.Xis !!AI0LTO--,IXriIT. IlnrU -h ifference letwoeeno hgiioanid 10000 01hj0a0Mc\l bla hl tt6.30 tootooglo lop 1)r. ' .S atonl. I itlooh oee ti~c rsi of a vey0 xc-a ci 00e 'next lheioug 'lTho Differcttoe pr10~l 0101attoo too on hio- Bildle tothd Mler Iltoks" 00I 010a ~ rc yPrf . 00. Rankiofooohthe ct'ttlric Avei wome1011101 i to to ot, ;giv00011000 tidtti oat lie .00, 1'113t1 tool 010 '0ll1ha p t0i 0, , ai' 0 , CHRISiTIANXX Xi'idhC0XIICNS X-Tacl ott 0 I i'1.XN 1 00- CX.11 PAXRTI0ES. 01)11 iett otsale - iiott bruanches i lof ietudtenuts' Chris- WedIte'situfromtl o oration juhitils mdonil - 0101 )tThe .01M.C. . woill heoldtits socil ont 0r1100 otdto, Feblruaory 0%ot t 01000 Ip. m., - - ~inu McMillan hatol!. The womttet's oroganoi- t innesicotta 1100zationo itill tmatk'tmetrvlotNewbherry se powiec ono- thlloun Satuordayteveoniong, hFebruaory xT,1 at 7:30. 0000001 0 0' a 3i1101- McMillan TaDfas~n~Tonih HallDr.. an * &t ~6:30 P. M. This is the firs o a series of three addresses. The others will be given by Pro. Rankin and Pro. Henderson on successive Sunday evenings.