14 l MICIAN IDAif, Wagner & Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe Tiso cot represents one of the new fall / S r~ shapes of the celebrated Ii g I-fES $4.00 and $5.00. Folly guaranteed as to workman slop and material. Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN HALLER - nr UJNIVERSITY NOTICES. Band meet at McMillan halt tonight at 7:0oa o'clock. Fischer. Important meeting of i913 Engineers,. 1'ridar evening at 7 :i5, Room 309 nesw Engineering muilding. Election of tem- porary' football mnanager. Schepler. COUNCIL tPUBI.ISIES THlE NINE FRESII-TRADITIONS. Nine rtites of' traditional conduct which the Stuidents Couincil askas all first year iteit to observe, tave beent priiitedl ont stiall cards aitd are bintg placed ill the hands of Mv1ichigatn's ltest arrivals. They arc as follows: i. Wkear the Freshmtati cap or toqen dutritng the eitlire year. 2. Netver stioke a pilpe ontthle catmpus. 3. Netver wrear Prep-schottl itisigitia. 4. Get all P'rett-schtol ints ouit of sight. 5. Netver sit oni the Settior bheis. 6. -Always alttsv a mititi of a higher class tit trecedle yttt through a tdoitr. 7. Attentd all tiass tieetitngs 8. I~eartt the "Yellow atic the Bloc" at ottce. IItot't forget the fact thast you tre I'ccshtttcti IFlI.\' RNITIIES. Wethate lies Ifor 5sttiontery of till raterities itt AuttAbor. Outr repire- settlive will call cnut iitsootn.tLante & Pteluer. 8. \V l'IKNOWV lHOW. We have done ite tyewisritig fist 'igliusIscentt of the lasts fur the past iur cears. I .attu & "itellier, 310 Sci. =fte Si. 8-9-tO. New Whitney Theatre t' THURSDAYo OCTOBER 27 CHARLES FROH MAN Presents The Musical Comedy DOLLAR PRINCESS Bask by WILLNER and GREENBAUM Muasic by LEO FALL As Presented one Year at the Knickerbocker Theatre, New York City TWENTY-ONE BIG MUSICAL ACTS Hear--"" A Boat Sails on Wednesday " Scale of Prices Announced Later [ TURKISH CIGARETTES We invite you to call a nd g t a. Souveniir for ),our room Full ine of College Z..lothes fo young chaps that want style Men's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Gym. Suits Laboratory Suits, Waiters Coats, and Bath Robes ~ood Freshman Caps at S0CI. Try us s i { c c c c 1. GtP r 7!ut, 211 S. Main St. or I BOARD $3.00 per week BURBANK P. STUART, 513 South Division CHAS. E. MISNER, Steward it I)1?NTAIW, CI~i NIC. Ihe tDental Clintic isunowivopentfoii ih reatmettoit paltietuts. Patienits ide- siritigpkitess'rownvuslbriudges,attd regtt- lationi if the teeth still lie served eveny day fromtt enliitotswelse o'clock ; tose uesiritng illitngs, trealtmets or extrac- ttins twill hfint' Clittic siteti every' of- isernoonifromtihal f past ont. o'e clcex- Iet 'Sitiuti is. 7-ff T MUtttlStLAT e SbTiu O stse. Mh oulSI t1at St ui o si ofein atgll thy Iatest sotng hits at I- ctlt Allt.eOtteratic muic it 27 ctisnts trollo tteusiaPt ppie s tofal itds tersrts lt eie. tatl tf.al CLIFTONWith each package of Fatima you get a popu- lar actress' photograph -lso apennarntcou- a handsome felt college pennant (12x32)-e- lection of 100. CLIFTON, 2f i. high BEDFORD, 2* in. high N'fotch COLLARS CHARLIES' BARBEL Sit snugy to the neck, the tops meet in front and there is ample space. Under Hluston Billard for the cravat. 4d7C HMSTRY Two atoms of Hydro- gen, combined with one o Oxygen, make water-just that proportiori--no other. So in Fatima Cigarettes, the same exactness in blend ing fine tobaccos has been : tmade a definite science, in torder that their good quail ties may never, never vary. A strong affinity exists . between Fatimas and Co1- lege men. No fancy box but an extra 10 cigarettes, making 20 for 15 cents THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. R SHOP THE OLD PLACE d Parlors !REINGER. 8t)aCO. We Is've a fresh stuck otf Prince ChartiesI) Albert and Touxedo itt i pound. and1 pound cans and jars. --THREE THINGS TO.O Join the Union Belong to the Athletic Association and SUBSCRIBE TO The Michigan Daily $3.00 A YEAR $2.50 IN ADVANCE I 15c.,2tfor25c. Cluet, Peabody & Co.,Makers Detroit Latittiry Bdranchl office. Call lItff, t247-, t-tf. Get lhe test guarattteed $i.oo Foun- taitt Pett at Citshittg's Phsarmtacy. i-tf. Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroi' United Lines hy officers of Varsity or- ganizations, the movement, beyonc the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or from Ann Arbor extra, cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Opposite Electric Waiting Room GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From 11Freddie's " {Flormuerly with Barry & C on 66-.MASSAGE ILadies' Hair Dressing, Shampooing, I Manicaring, Face Massage Wsoen 'atd ctild reniirtrtdfrnrvus IRain-Water ShampooseASpecialty nes, paralyissa and sootvousetsiy special- Al AT'oossad'oelsStrilied before ossot t'~ticcs ttso Mera. J. 3R.. Te-mte..m'mrkl< I 5 . Univereity MISS HARTMAN THE LINDA VISTA One-half block north of the Campus (216 S. Ingalls) Coffee and Rolls served till t0:30 a. m. Board, - $4.00 pct week C. J. SESSIONS - Majmestic- F R E E ! SPOO To all the Ladies attending the - MATINEE TODAY - 3 P. M. "Freckles" is coming Iheatoriuni Pictuplay 1 I ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STYLES MIL ARDI, TUE TAILOR' T11 F BEST OF EVERY T"INN IN TAILORING