'TlI%) MICHIGAN DAILY __________ : I THE MICHIGAN DAILY.1 p G. LI. WILD C. 311 SO. STATF SREET Opening dsplay of Spring and Su- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading MerchantI Tailors 311 S. STATE SEET lypcnw icS, LL PRICES The Sudest' Typewriter Supply Co Room 4 Pes BIdig Oposit aeti LEA Fotx ritairsx Pen Itled i t he all. barioio 10 Blue Books 2 for 5c 3 for S, 3 o' l Oc and Sc act Blue Books with Cross- Section Paper SHEEHAN CO. STUDE)NS'iOKTOREi0)0 Lawe Medical Dental Largest Stock in Mihiga Second-Haend Law Books Law aid Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and See- oiid-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326'S. TATE STREET Second Fleer Tel. 761 Managiiig Edior-Luo A WHIE. Business Manoager-NORsAN H. ILLt. tori RSo News EitMor......larold Titus Asosistantl...l... arry Z. Fobz ilclic Esditor...Walter K. Towers Asistoant .......J. Fred Lawton Munsic ad Drama...Earl V. Moore itcashuges aiid ils.... Dior I'S. Birney EDIToOALS. Airtlomr J.Abbott. G S. Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIGHTEDITaRcS. A. J. Wohigeinuth. Harold McGee. laity G. Mlyser. Maurice Toulme. f rank. Peninell Edward Robie. R14PORTOERS. 1,rcu bit -i l. Robert Gillett. .ltso1C. Cow. F. E. Shiaw, Jr. itrils BiIurtotn. C. Isl. Wakefield. Wiia. T . Daughterty. Oscar tBeckmtan. Jobs Ill.'Towoicy. Wallace Weber. Gerl ad J. 71 ay. Emmtt Taylor. C. Haiod IlIippier. J. Selig Yellen. BSUSINESS S'FAPP C. A. lBowman.i A. RDilley. .91) cc Rubin. Keuneli. Osborii. K' ay Jaocotsm. Elmer P. Griersaon. . IH. Klitlck. Joeph bFouchard. .lddiciss: iCIItcAN DAsIY, Press Bldg:., MSaynard Street. t iltcs hours:. Managing Editor, 1-2 p. In.ad Io:0ii :30 p. ii. Daily. lit lleso blaager, I-5, 7-8 ip. i., lx- c ' today.IBoth pbhoes c)ho. -11 1-1199j9\t":1121 .8,1911I. tWilh t ff o--.J. WOII,costU~T. [ "\1i\ 1? E59119CA IlJ"sII)AR. .'1111uasttar it,3 totl:30 l ~ 1:111, S ooo11. 111. ,nnt1 >1c0lJotito lt Itilrbegin. tit V(!)iiv 1 -J ior l lop, hrbhoiad \ aterii, 5 tiltli It. ill. F(-lmmrvI1 -T~w tittat,' Comedtoal l~c~l~rtrlr 1 t-J. tIusp tonc rtMuical Ic 1,11r11--- oll ltt~eIg tatte tos- $ "c)-'- 1 la ss tettt ltl ittal it It s c~f s~ilg o heuniverilthea FIiNlOF 1?,PN(INEERS hI1Al1s1I LIfIlIT OF IUt.11(1OK MA1.9 Aboto seetiy-ie seir etgieers wst- houtl hair ten ioringtovier t pages of IFrnklint adtl Est ad tthri interestigtbotks ttok tiight offan spentl it at Granger's iast-ileeitig."IkeC Fischer andtlhis torcesra witer alst there t helptemtiejtty tettseles. 'The tmost tdisgrcttble fettieoteii itccasioti toas the ctnstatt rctm iners 'it ctttitig troubiles it "S. atti 1R." atndt 'Thermoit"eery-were it tvilence. Fotr the programts soere mintituire bteboks andi its the coutrse ofth le eeing almost eerctbotlyhail resivediaptick o t leas a oi. A nl ea nture w0a115tried otil t till ihe sixteettn the -bdrttdaicc iy le uway -whenevceyotsetidancd tiarou11d Ihe hal itt-teowroge iireciont. The setiors hatseted btck tlitheisr tittiks about 1 :oo ti.o. .\lROtNACTS AltlOS'l'i-lEA1) FOR OCT-OFl-DOOR11 WORK The aerottautslofathle etgillccringdc partment are iearing te sage sohees atcual experimtents tmtatbeimadeu. 'lie ctomittee ill clitrge of tliiicnt1rtctin itf te glierreptretd iiatmet~ig f te societys't he U'titottlts nigt. T(1 chtassis is Ipracicallyt cmte and ill o le fitt t ishe tbythee nud oe-amintionut.. iTwouutg Ilietesiwereappited or enigine t iiw 1 i e tsiteding clt iltons .This tck1- tai woltis t isk cte i itiaflgthsnt\ be secide- csttosotn 111 "Typies of ILiter'ry- Cmitpsitint.'coii- dutedelby 1i. S9Mallury, wilompi1 a ntewocosrse tinte rhetric idermn for the settittisemteser. 'Te cure aill1belie T uetIiesays s itlTiursatys oitl bei titoti s Cottrs-,. l,iiitrt of stdyitug tetitwilllie' iisutsseilui crticised.T'his corse cn bt letec i io-yibi those stidettslo o haiteit ha tot less thatn three semtitesr. creiti retieoric. Mr. Gleit Plmler till ctnidtct thi course ini book reviews. Rheoric 12. istad of M'sr. F. 0G. Toins~ t, s ian- nouniiedin tttie bltlet. MIS55SIONAY TO'CitstAtN. D~r. A. L. Seltotit.wo lihassett several years as tmissioniairy ii Thietl will speaka Sunday' tornintg atd eveti mg at te Church f ChitoniiSthi Universiy- av-eiue. Tiubet itoeeo the mool remtoe atisionteCof thels'tt difficult tmissintfiels ittthe tortd5;tals one ofttfIe laest fielis t lipe to'tiI missionairy effort. SOPH 1;gOIlOOCS ittilt ei~t it isi i: Professor Bird audl wife, andttilMrs.a Schepler chaierotiedth le irsitiiiphomotre engiteere dance elast inigt. Abotttseeti ty-ive couples toerrIpreset. 'fie pit) grams were emtblossedh wit igtiurte:-°3. "Ike" Fiserue's orchtesrat ftriisethei i= . luh ftt-i 9 It Iti l I a~it It w I - i S l iti g< t i t i ii( is teII('til -- is- i- the- 1 Islr Ititte t. l 1ld lha to (Q rs r- iiih \- ct ) . - : i,-. Vall . -h r.11 - .. rt r , rsn I l as t big1 cr wd- of -it-i I cls.nIsc 99.. ; h~t 11i il -t siiiiii -i 1 c -er 1'ii C1 h\; . til ts t-li lalt i l d i11- 91f-. andi ia I\el-n t' enr)l to fl-,( - c ar~ lo-- it ti -liiiWill (1lit ra le t r oni it(, s pe toi c hlc'I ot llsl i sit tt"li t 1,Ii l ltti~,l irtheilt it to . has tis I Ott lit oil isil wiii11 iii l io, - orlis loika. fr t he Mleac iarmid's Foth r Si'afn mly \(; l at _ I I 101"S $1 FI IIC C ;.1r l IN\I iINORiI F 1)1-11 liltt 0O tve'ydecrptio iacluding CR OSS-SECTION BLUE BOOKS ley the I (,C t-doze thutdrei. lh laati r h h c. -t y Fountain Pens ltid 10101ve tt\ WAHR'S SPE "IAL 1 9 t1A t I R t WAHS University Bookstore OCmtNuBOis~al r I Milton McRae, t Kilt Im-11 III tic: (-1C )kc t( ) I'rof. Sc 4Ii2 t c'Stc ldal 1S Sll ltc '.outer a orld." the =acl 111112 for the tIC'Et; il2e\ St r(,I1!.'t i1 y rk'c11fo I-ce Ii riz e 11111) --a;ld tl': itne ofthle tost letoi- Id of jourltism ot, 0011o ot Clasbis in ornl ,ich ai repireseitlatiiof Wo rdls if aditec, of i-awtt Ifromit his kindi thump po tat lhe 1ist t' his tmltrtalfibier; ,,,iinellectually ; they :!Cs11wha1 ieeereally Ready For Your Orders Ortl S[i r ' uit- itifiti-ti iii Phdi' li '"-lus' t u c -i Ih < l i tte illilitit e 'it c -i tl to atid are Mo nt ho - Wttin0 ,,a. ob.ok'Dietoer or Vaei ~ ) (3)frsity a ir '' 117 E. Lib ta e rty IIe