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January 28, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-28

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ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, c hi I) h Y, J:\NUL.\f0 IY r. c

Vol. XXI.

Ncr. 87.

COM EDY CLU B C AST hi.d 8J2?) I\h {\')O
FULFILLS PROMISE t he rw f1iclsai d
f' lst i~ t. I w s it 'hicccic 1 cli t ill th
Individual Work logether WithCee ciiciies andcitii ciccchel(I III honor
t !of thie cieci lv ileeltel irelate i e hall,
Excellent Staging Conibi ne the sceeiofihurdatrnoon'sc lii11111 c --ii
i n N(Vaki ncgIHit cjo e iaut'lilt csel islediwcithicicc-
iifii leet. Or. Angell, IPres.Iliiicliii,
and(1 othiei'proinient niiei Conncedth i
PLAY IS BEST YET PRODUCED the univerityii were piesent s oe
of Lovii aiiii esteemii cliiijc ci lii
\'I S 1ic li eIiciiiiii ccliii c o u
\lir. l')i-kels ati sfciiiied. Slo arei al l e l chundreildlclars.c . liiececher iii
te that i: pehe ii ii ati on iioiiicitlie Icad lis ocietra furc i sh e d hei ii flii c

One Book is Nearly Completed
and Several Others are
Under Way

.ier a ic t 'dci sbi C olt\ liMP
Thusdac toi en]i isi c mn ctte onth
tili- ity t ii t' iiii t) i i
Wa ricner, cciic i charm nofte ciuniiiii ie, dw-

Prof. Thompson Bids Farewell
to Classes After Many Years
of Faithful Work

Ci~e iiii1 iili poitcrd , 'cnd sawii"aigioid
cii , in 'Th ie 'ciiie 'Mcrt"ccsccciscntii
at theii\\'i lii ctheateri clasti nicht.i. Anc
oth r uces h s ee <Icilil tloiitlii
li i f iii ii cii pridc ti ons'iici ocfii the licecl

Detroit All-Star Team Will Test

dramati ciic aiecti ci. Metal of rHandicapped Seven
Wheni W e ite Ilicricci lc cci the Diii oi t u
sc inic . iirtsIII c ii ci i i toimic cc li .l-Stcc'teamlii n c inc letroit toncighit they
will liii cci cgciccci aifarii betteri' ccc c
ne i aii tilicic cioflithilimanagement.cg' dccci liceSencecas cclm thei . c l liiicliibyc
Thei cc k fNl- etS.Jo n adhs Ileciie scoreiilasti Saturdiiy. The
inerst i ii ii ( icii'lic iascsoIr e- icece ci ie le ccli c Icii ci
been cii cliiiIccicicci lii ta t s Zaeieonterccs hertam p
remrkale orets bseci.TheAll
Stla rs onthe cociiercciincdcrethpiho
c~sil ton i' acc is.li)l cigt iiigicr ll c(cc(ii.
ccii \\'i\\1.(cli ticcice lccucileie'ovecin
lice se'tcter cci is coi cci I cii i c
in)pmi w i n her w irk ccThe trole ic
liithelii SlitCit gaci l i llsiccialt l .ie"Ii c icc 'c
\15 i( i 11Iic ccweclciasicihe st cieinuous
_Alw irIi grlisIlt~h or tt ee ing cilo in \\Wolveinecc teams beforeciici aytjihace
{)ornntestoadqatlyd 'cia hrTe s(ccciiill cii ave(iii the \Icccii l n
iced1 'cud-lltrillmiliiitrciit$1 servedit
lec g i. \ .krcc ccalio, circiicha iscii cciihadcc
las i ghtc cci clis il t i tl-i ccli ciii lie shill to take advcitric ciii tii i li
cl i n autho ityi i ch o icici ci ill
tim s c) e erfcty a cse:hi acin trill acciiare ito repocrt ci the hi. hi. depcit
ccciii, I iclc, XWhartonidci, klah ' pill '
cc ela ci i C ic ckinlilihi irsp c liii Not iti \\'haive\ 'S ilh --i
tiling ci11ii ccci illcol li'ee idramiticc. Fll-
is, ol l iii ccciiaidcaike cncicinse iof ithe IFulii thrice i hucccre'dlpeoplei' crowded '
(let Illc cogel exc'epiollycii iic ciire'ctiic ce iciie cic eacc Albet H.1iikr o
\ltiiiiighI\ i. G. 1 D cif eerferiihadilittle the Newci ork ari spea liitheccci Ir
toi dlo ii' i exe tiolish i s cc stcacr, ccciii ir- "Tie cite rmtaic : iiititu itILac.
lii int roud sciii c c levrc ii liim \lNr. X\W alce, i s thelii ciccii ect 'ccii illict
thaci brighteetipcciev'eralc"low"ccii scnes populari laseiO ciii tattei bokscliih
rstcrcctic' crce'nceandcciii clicicc ccbeai r- niedStte. ti nImmorta iiliaw
icig nccc cciihir. Joliii klackwielil cciqu itea- Itcisin c cIo m re ange ofheroire
ccli'. Donald Si i. lilclccIii 'csvgsc cs Ifori ~ liii tic ii i is e cilsiticicl c of i tle
ths olan n itakeic was' madec c lliii nctc icc Sti testc
."eleetingcici ci. Air. XXTalkerI tciii icinti oncto i sc i ii
(Conctinuced oicePage 3) arcisigi11cci cclaciii cccthlalii
--lycc i cccc ii liies ii ar, ic
SC'N 1)A Ci.\hliiTSXiTTiRACcciii atliii lice icrnmentlciii illccciiiiof ithe
hcXh(il CliiXX1 hiiCRO T NION, aecec cciii' cci iiaains hi e iii liTr'ustc
ccciithec Tobciccoii rhusiii Cliief Jusice
S1cpopularccch'cveiiliiiSundicyciacfiirccciin \\hictc andiiJustice I icciccic c fcitheii c-
cccericscp iiven tc he i U ionicic liii 11e cpreme Cocurt cci l iccintibucctiti i c ll
ccIclii ici itt ie chas ecured' a s'v'n' mice ccci(lifferieliii colictheli i lii rustii
piece'orcresticrai fcr t- o watic-iccnd itheTobccic"hTuct cciibecmc le
noo 's ntrtincciient. Lasct SumlIacc ithe ccciiliise c tirh lds c itetraso
Un'o wasi c'c tcaxiiitoti c apaciicccc ii lice thec Xcceri ccc iieoilc Fute crmcire,
iicgenccec i aniiiceicticcg 1a lcrgc thcce trustsc i lii ie ciciciic iiI* as il ls
crowinii sp i iefte impeningcCexciii he l Icitricali Trustcitliii teil ITrus, n
icciicc. theii IIrd Coalc TruI t.cc

ccc' VAN cciii icc cc INx ,cI'. iiil- c.
Dleanci C( oi has1c c i cc ccc c lii'thc I
tteccei ied iic'ci~ i iiiili1icc ad i ci cv- ,O.is-I~i s Ncc c c 1 1t c ii ii I cin cc cci.claW cdii'artmenti, hlcd lihidccatccls ve-
rl lcthrs cwere cripocedcil 'll ti - -. - Icri.Ic iiiiciiiili isinthiliee cccs ice
,it c thei'meein h l atllcclii atciaihort frevlspehMSI' ALF 'SETjS RECORD .i wan'c tchurl lccrc'cc' he clcisc ml ite
liii ' ilcici. £ci'i'icli ci asiinl(ig iiii'ic liiihe cihavedone chis c cciccierii ice
crc cc. ii cmpccersec del ,C1ic1irIci ii 'Koanz liand" Score Sales However cii."anIii feel roci icc lavie coniccitec
Trst lanth 11ttrlcc c ts cliii I Outt1fci3b ii "Crimison (Ces't" s icicc ii cc' cc 1cituccctr
ilci lircib ccks candi liii ci"1 i cccii cccii ci hcciccclice ccci .8 andcIiI
"1ici li diiCilil ciChest"iis otithecinaltic I tutu s i viit-h alo' ngii as.
sc ond c c ilciic act ()cliii ii us he in b\i liiiCk, ~ r .Ic c shal' ccl iii i'ys chei shcr 1cc \'
the icicic icicicf(-)lc111 a trccl-crccccccccc cmmcii wt eui vers ciandsl l
tc a p sa t hch b te shcsv r l I iy i c ci il( c ci i dca f its ii cclici tcpitil1tc c-ii]ii 'l a
ccciii ~ ~ii cihatiiicha\ Ici11ii1cc1l.i
icc cccma ihi )i shd 1 iit ccii ii lii dlii.,h it it
Xc'iicccn 1 cicicuci ' 'i I ciccec1 cil ' iist I li !n)f cra1' .11iil clii dcc, icic) ii ihe
ii tiih ccciyOr t e i ct)c c,cci'The ciiiil1;ili'heciiii.lciccitcI iih,' cciiiidit No. sisic ti rii tiic '
1)1:111 ii ~ i ied he (1:c allot s Vlmiitiitipcc.vlm s'(ccclaI, ic' Ililic' flsa
sicr c clc't r l'liaixes andi iii cc Ii ' te 1)1Mc ce ii ic cli havciuiclic c ll i cci I ls c losecc
dud ccciiof t e Cr11ioi i Ch s Rap :cicici ii ci lcd 11i cnliievecrIc I dci( hint' tooi bustic o'xccc'-
ii 1r ci O rc \(i1111ciii ii liiht 11 sluci(,f heit Iia iid"iliis ii' i
'he end ()f aiii p gicci astii ii i i u . 111111i ; I I iii lii h is t cit i c iii toisch of iithicir
cc11(1iii Ilii iccilil ii'' Illii titicll lie iiccctcctcc
Note (11diJournalist Poits ( t\(I:utIes cii ii icI cicepeIci
'lice 1' licO p '1aii 1 c iI. lrihi
that Xhc.Imuhcchas hlc iitleO1 , iitiie w cld tak e ccicheIca dci 'ri ha 'd
iccic',t dccc-'(1c i illl icii id 111oc theillira'y,111ii i'y Ii isdclittlei ii i
_ n(m cxcio tciisci thievsi pariti. spehst tem bfr cl s

Mrc XMR=i'i'ce as eenlii'neccl
cither iili atlilicdii lettciI riit cerecscscfci
Practical ccside of ccil Ic lcdMaing.
-S ccssii iccanyic i idc m I insplinidc icile'
Oce as ecrll amanfatill L planti

ldiccionry' I ol ien orge'o
copi mt wine.li is, worryingi overitcei dis-i 1
a p ac e ofl hi' dic tiHlry i ngiii 1
ccclii Icinlc i nii is M r.cc cii cc s feetc
upi oniitheI coun terccanidcstdyi urliii l
catedlii icicig ccig 1111ti noci, duringc''ex-
ai i is, iwhen' therel acc manyii i dlei

bill ccI

11 1 c Iii ,ii ci , ccl <t lilittttc li d lcc tt'ii
ollOM remeat~iiiic cl i e asceefulcw tcidifih
11cce-e No manciclc hasci ever dii' ccili' c iiicc d c!c c c
iii diiournca icil id'lc hri sh hiic ghc dli
ig tls.I l dllicc th dillthiec'iicciiiecIc d soccii cletcyuiindanexctc
bas di es wihih lit owlil t h e pubcc cl ic ant i' nta "" yu"" rai"" \ain we ak."""}?
thatilc' cih e m cstimpc t'a cniofcthese ac ' 1c- et cccc'c c's enIacC. id e sie' ic lii cli
cci' c iccict)1 edcilccil ancdcccc gcc' i ccl nciii' 'diiir' Xic' ll cci l i i i ci
publciiiicc die ha hAe' ican ncws-1cc' c'gccccc'iGicitucciClrIi dlioi Icccliii::cc1'xtheul
papii chas'cccc atiisd a cii'.'' 'iisu iiTh'ide'i'.iccc sotiicitrill B cciiisw ay

A. idi''lidiSidN'I>X 'l\I
XWilchur N'eilon. na'tionac Ilntravlincg
arv iii th cene'ciIc'gcce lProhiI-
,ic ci~i'll l, isihIrin allcciattemcptc
rt a iclocalucchat'ccidice orgaci-
udi'i'inc argemiii' verscintsucaie
ill) the mm-cei'iiieilI which equcips
e e o crccin ccdhe settlemenitc
liquo prob cclemic. Mi'. Nelsoni cwill
cct c h 'iliii iccll, iccccigluu ct 7
in ccc ,3 cuntil 6 ocloeck tictcc
X' Xi. C X. ice cciilcmet ccci-' wlho
NGlidici dcTO)SPINDI'
cr lr AhrIoa idctinciplly-itll cNer-i
Sy ci n adccii usiacceici ex ctsci
cc 'Ic' cci in lul Prf.andr. lie cdlce
ccc Iccic lire. ci lc. i')ci

Reserved Seat Sale S. L. A. Ticket Office, University Hal Friday, Feb. 10, 10 A. M. to 12 M., 4 to 6 P. M.
Saturday, Feb. 11, 10 A. M. to 12 M., 4 to 8:30 P. M. Admission 50c, $1.00

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