TEMTCIJq4A{DAILY- - NOT ICE WE HAVE A LARGE PORTION OF OUR SHAC KAMAXON FABRIC'S FOR SPRING IU tie h orse .nowitnd also Other lines. We. can get out fU wmore 1) ess Suit'c for he iI 1101) heis notquetion)uUt tithat w e efew equals' rid n olperorts when it DRESS SUITS S, W, Burchfield & Co, J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fatly Oaaree'e Watcho Rapa"Irecg Specialty THEL FARMERt~S AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capitali $50000 Surplus and Profiss$l00,009 cteoeeealiBarninU iBusiness. 3 percent paid oulimp anid 300100 iDeposits, Safety Den- post) lloxesi to zion) t tIU.00and upwards It. t(Oi'i. 'free,.11. tito'ooeeAN, Vtoe-Prs'. 1l i. WAA. ~dss.Ci'er-Fl. T. SoOWn.Asisn, The Ann arbor Savings Bank iCapcitlStitck I430U.00U Surpui $50,00 iic'sou"ci 0$2,1,0,000 A Oeneorai Banking Baainesos Transaceted UrricEns:Chasi . E. 1scock, Pres.; W. U. ilairrlman, Vice Pres.c M. J. Pritn. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK C ~ii l 0.000 Surplus7.00 Resourccesii,50.i00 WCm. J. Boot]),ii.Ples. Wme. A rnuilit Vice Pros. (,.,T. Waltztrashiler pj~an mee Singa4ank +Cors-~marcia..l sand se~vlaa~ Casr. Main .aned Libety Strectto FIRST NATIONAL B3ANS tic ANNutARBOR, MICsi. P. 1. KILNN E, IA Pe1ISON SOULR Pres. Vic-Prei. .. W. tiLAillolN, Casihier. icpital.o,OI$100 cii,00 ur sacid lrofits. $15000 The sile ocitlickesefolir the sencicorlit lunhsneieild dace' itomorrowic igiht ihas goneel d iig crowisexpectedi tic dispcel theibile-ibookL cemii. IeT acid Mrs. Reed, andciProfc. candi \irs. Scotuwll ch apercon. UNelNPeI;siNCitsNuO'Nt 5)2)111 i O ii Anitouncemiencts of cnext ultisemeter's coturies acidplaccocclacssificainccarei nos e iong cistribcitedi f01)11Secetn irid'sofice. The exam~cinatcion) schcd c- ale for bcloch emesters is icle in thec Pl'iiticail 1isciccicitc3A)1in crincilces ii aicciouninhg will ice givenc ac'accthree:11ho)1 scouri cs i eatiyearisdciico) as c', cc ntnldin t eclendarci. M.\ic.)liccci who ascharige ofithis course1hasc- tendedicci iheld iofferiedisotaitiuiiiis neess.a10)ccciiimakei iiiescange CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING -11lmiii lce)'. thu cciciccici mus),ice LOST. 1oui -Ou campus or ccSic.IUnciiersiy , a hatiin wiiihcli cccin formccofi al cc lli clego. Valued a ccsc ouveniri. Finderc please ccole.i94-J. Rieccic . iii-S,- FOR RENT. fcc) Rent-A large' frontroms I a licea cclibccr soicety,. is firrenini c lic essbii ng cn *\ llccc cucrcoei 1?Fuic in room ;;cic).. Irei. .244-1.. 8c. fMlISCELLIANEOU S Fuller & O'Contnor, Tailorsicid iCleani 'cis, 61c . Wihltis St. z-t. D~etroit Lautndry Brantch office Calf luff, 1247-J. i-tf. Fculter & O~'Conntor, Steamitacid Frenchc Icy cleaniers. Repaliring. 6tcg1E. Wit- hiats St. i-tf. shioes-tisickcci ccciii e-101c& tC'(., Sclaii sret.183184-85-86i. "'hoe"ccii this cccliii \V.'ceccc& C().. llclii itc hosh eaiedth" ak soItc2 . tt. S. \ii of tics iciest soncg licctsat0I15c : Fork 1pera its liat 22;'. Maniniii folios just ciiit 'cMusiscal .:rtcimcc- C 11)18) lcvi~g rOIr il ii ccc pti gill at'th cii' Cho-oi o f Mulisic' by pupils ofi the p llrCtc.', Iandcc io'in departmentsIcicc Iithis ofli 0c .prl a Tlei gcic't'. ii l is inv)itedi. XX ii Main .. ...i.... c oard Etelce iii ereni'ice.ii I8r