j-E MICHIGANfAlL Y GrossON Lbert A.G.PALDNG &BRO t The Saldig ~Ik~~S a A. SPAINDING . BROS.t sos i iSiisl at' s ~i n eortd 4 I Oi1 60 i n. dti pl /o sA~R K nta s houildihave icciopi o Q~a sIN y qu t e S. dig - t. 0UT>SDFIRS WILL LECTURE. (Contintted fromnteif0i. nmitc ail t Mr(ama regular summer school program, al-I lougit tot given in coinnectiontwith TI I51 ST. II I aoy course of study. 1Ier'~ r,'it i 1.c lrnci C opiii t,,ic eii by faculty tmen, and itis nw ec-is ied etediypa tnoon troil Iig te errr to bring in outside lei ctes Cs di.Sg~c oi fhi olo 'The first lecture swill Ibe followedi ihi!' L iond 1letL rlwolintheto ist a recepition in IBarbour ghouilM1n1 iti~'t eI~1o ieSil~e en hy the faculty fur tll :studes . 011 i iiit cc llt e oi shc~i; rp he evening of August 18i anotheie-i t s piilnt con traictinsfiitt i I ii - ceptiositfoe the stutients isill imariktthe i 0 iiusd lI1,SS ad v111Itittlsill 0 to close if the i titiumme'Cr 'ssiion. p rcs it 1 11 ity to itie i Clilt '1'1' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING frm h listfelnitutucim-eore i-: '30;; 7-t 'o I. 7t. m reiii -ith n 1cte f he ote cliiiiluoser iiofhis1 day. WANTED \i t'hatuthop lliimy1,a%-laecedin i Wanttited-Entginteers, youn i mai'ke alitot11 itt. ofihima ic eveomit' I lie atombilltes. See meiai onc a t oel i nto the ca1111tieso lh iati ll 1111 \Vtiitiiey. C. F. Robuertsi 8, ictil ls 111ii\-ne or th lne _________________________________shades_____of_ ii. iii i11 co1111r. T is lii o ,, oC FOR REN'T. itt' 0eec eie 'i trat meln111 t lltistie- iii 'illtot list til F ile R c p1log r t diis ituitabe M .i~cw ol s tn. ic°i('i fo F lb or s cetis f et.in -a lei t ilililic is liiidii tie ti t i nstantl thue ['uTess-.-uild . . ing e May ard t retiticl i b r ha tnt c tt1 -' c ss0 -illl . il sll t iii st ol til ike t i11c -ist 1f 11the u ito r.;ilt 787 tlui. inroom 3.t8 ltttle TiO~otitr, attis iti IIite doe0 a1l, w0ou sl l s et t i arz ti'mlt . Witl i elats St. nale d w he prctig aifaps li cetite. 4 sotvnad c-u eetiii iiiii It v vr tpa o e rpaig Tx 787-1- I 8,;1'1Much to s h t es i'uii ii I ills.t h thet. ScrertAeT Otus 1'fluss 'se left oth0Iiin e o e des111 Cireds r Irs lo oE, t . W iim s iCt. 1 'ii, l I c iii ttii' d lst iteeril'sofanek fly .ti °iit licbritlii', 0 r lst iatgli . S MartinleiGuitars0 11arei foecedeiedctoies' Detroit Laundtury Brattch office Call 'ct. Mr. iK. \\'. Siniiiiiesctttedugvea Futller TiO'Cottnor, Steani itundFretichi _________ ___ dry cleaiters. Repairingig E. FWi State street. 884-11381 . m i ngli t ooi c dutsk. itir. AItti iifl (lno srt i work by li'mtils o)if chatll n ryn of Men's Ilty 's and liildreios IISuits an SALE EIGilNS AT ONCE $10 Suitor Overcoat . I $S $15 Suit or Overcoat I I $12 $2() Suii or Overcoat I I $16i $25 Suit or Overcoat -,120 All Trouisers 201 o If - Situ n d Un- derwuar 2014 tiff Hats, Ctap=, (Mtves, Sweaters 20%i off-Trunks, B~ags, ansi Suit Cases 20% oif. 211 S. Main St. With Nuts The most delicious piece yet Calkins Pharmfacy 324 5. state st. A. G. SPA -DING Ecl.BRSn. 254 Woodward Ave. Dtetrait, Mich. T'U FARMU~S AND MECHANICS SANK MAIN AND HURON STRIEETS Capitai $50,000 Sarpias and Profis $00,000 cGenealtBit itg Bustness. 3 percent paid oni 'Pie adsi asinlis tieposits. Saety De- poi t kottto 5r 1 CciatsO 1.00 and upwards R iitv. sr 'it"11. G. int' sXAN, Vice-Pres. it. A. \V1i.A,ut, Csiter P.'.STOoWrAsst. The Ann trtor Savings Bank Capil ISitck :300,00 Sups$5 0000 Retouirces $'I 0ti,0 A it eres. ttnkin Btusi'esa Transanted iBAILEY & EDMUNDS toils YI I iti ailt di tI tisot j iberty St Ann Arbor, Michigan ST. JAMES HOTlEL BARBER SHOP GEO. V. S3'01,1. Propritor 4 Doors From " Freddie's " I E.13.Jolly's (irand Opening Lunches, Cigars Cigarettes, Tobacco a-nd Pipes. Agents 3-B Pipes triC ii' .11 ti Cha. E.tiscoet, Pres ;W. i. llii sian, Vice Priss.: 1t. Fritz.tastier STATF. SAVINIGS BANK Ca i iiti'i'i'oo S urplus 5.0 0 C. J. altl. Cashier Corexneraln. l nobnnsd s eyt.vltea s Car-. Ma.imrid UiO lbeorty Str-.ats FIRST NATIONAL BAND lii SA"NN tARBiOR,.MIeti E. I. ItNNFO. tiAtIttluN SVIILF tees. Vice-Pres. A. iW. OLA ittStiN, Cashier. Capitial, 3t00,1115 iisurplsiind Proitis. $65.0001 r i -A T 7T A 'T f"*NUC T TA 'T'C Mtate street. 134-8S dii. '" Iesitter's Grill. Cthar ",usl grilled porterhontse steak. t1t3 W. Huiroit St., tip-stairs, opp. Initeriurban statiton. Photie Dell z ts. 7-eod-tf. c(\li1 CI1lfR t;11.\ O IH. Sit or C liii foriOwiii stillnV A I ~ f ~ f P 1.11' ii'al :111!1 tititi 11 110 1.11I.t7 t iifito. P f. T. e. 'Iriiiiilo s classp iMl Men's, W omen's. P 1 ' I liihi SLOP- WXii ih ii tt i Or Itu- Shalzespare readn ;s «'11 pr1111t c; lnx il i lto:-rii 0 < 1' cni, $1.50 Stacotieecilug iu tee i and Children's Footwear iSta t t ' isize u . t i tuant 'tuiet fI.c-i "t ctcsiiStreet and Dresscow nn' Atihletic (foods 1SIABO LED i'(C p YPRHALL n1t I n'11eiiicti C asweit l .i eee hll I C E. R. Frost, 302 5- Sftato St., ~ O ~ ~ Pu- o' Night Robes---Pajamas - Bath sob -=- hoes UnaJama A Pajama Without its Discomforts An Excellent Sleeping Suit WAGNER& CO.Complete Protection WAGNER& CO.State Street Honey Lou Neath The Big White Honeymoon By Jack Yellen and Goarge L. Cabb Sung by Miss Coy Trickey at the Majestic This Nuiw Senstional Song Hit of the year has reached Ann Arbor sod is now on sate at University Msi Hus (COME IN AND HEAR. IT i Eighteenth Annual MAY FESTIVAL MJay 10-13 Four Days--Five Concerts Che folowing soloisuitsor, gpaleadty bc-uteinenagedcwilte ergotluiatsar prendituget w ituers i trieoii~uccIovi Bernic'eneIPasquali, Prinma Donna Soprano. Metropolitan Opera Cs. Clarence Whitrhill, Bass, Metro- politan Opera Csnmpany. Florence Malfoed, Mezza neratio Connell, Baritone Rfed Miler, 'l eor Sybil Sammois-MacDermid, Soprano The Chiiral Union, under Professor Stanley Ttte Tbeodore Thomas Orchestra, under Cr. Stock 'Cle saeoreserrved srattinkets Per tiCeioestialwitlbegintondciuay inoCO- icc, February so, sO the Univereity Sclo Mtuiand willt'onitiueip io adour~iiigttthetival. 41t o ar.- DIaC~rt4SNAR5ENS 41t pe ar. tm QUIZ 1BOO KS Irn Arnn Ar-bor' LEGAL MISCi:n LA NY Amers Arbon Aasno Ar-borS r-a ech, StateSs-set, ttprnosiso Lawne Bldgj Ooe-half block north of the Caimpiot{216 S. Ingalls} (-(,l,-< lllt h i i sodGCult hit3h0ta. in. 1300"rd, - $4.00 per wiek 4 weeks irv a dvamvce $3.50 C. Jn SESSIONS Portrait Studio- 3igEast Flu ron S$reet