_______THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - b4poli !I ev"Tw. - I Rf! , 1. - "I I ---- SHOE SALE Broken Lots at Cut Prices for this Week Only Extraordinary Opportunity WAGNER & CO. State Street Sin of the big wishite shoe Two lots of shoes to close at the price of the soles Oyter Bay CAFE op orl Everxnns Banquets and After Party Lunches Sofa iteil Club Sandwiches ' Fried Oysters Choice Steaks Chops, etc. SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM Dinners and Suppers $3.80 per week D, M.Willits, Prop. 315 South State CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Husnton Billiard Parlors Charlie Weigand, Prop. AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You cat find a fine line of Cotnfectionery Today 3P.M. Souvenirs to Ladies Have Yoa Seen The Aeroplane Girl? UNIVERSITY NOTICES The Ellen Teery seat sale will tat held oin WXednesdays andi Satrdcs in'ead at Friday's as anucd d \I, Michigantlacelt ''The openl me eting ofthde ILIlia cetytscshedutled forithis -eenings at 73) has been Ipostponied untitThsay, Jatnary 2's Meetin galof DMA tstaff at 12:4-;t lay. Eterynetamlst le tresent. 1'YX COULNCILI I~~ Ii COIAXSf1TIG II'llOX S T~Il'I '. betch, Thirid,tand1 I liseeat leN trcii havtee leniset aside for coiasing; bylie ity cauncitll. s IGetdes ill isousd of the city litiits, the couttcil hasi jti-isdicitioniioiee it. Tie atortitits tish, Ihowevi'ser, tot swiainieeslbiody let i etoastitg ithent ithhil teeiceedt;, iceand take ceyet's ti'itit t, NTTtatXlechigant studiits teillnets- ionsly feel the hss ofiI ltavi Gaalit fatalls' shot lititin lcast of iI s et issestablishtedI itstetaat tunvr sits' ilrary. of thilis"saied the leiaian111 in ce'< ~fth lirciuttltinltsk.Thefli lit iih; iti its sclves ilt lIIIloingioflMr.tPli' flits'boos:ititi ug, fit \a; Secod Gner till ittl 1one1oft t' its tt T re ," ha h c5 itl,,_ duIIIte Is f ll a Id ll Ir: ti nnineilesi.'geI lis'wi ~t i tto e I ut, m l rpi "Ohtiheills gtinglibstterisbutih ; :'-Five Plate fneti~P tttln F: :; ...- WINTER SALE OF MEN'S FUR IS I GS Red%&ctiorlis of from 251 p t 33 1 You t~eaphilosoph ical view off everything wh en enjoying a deliciously mild Fatinta Cigarette. t'er: oething unique '~' 'that exactly 'uits the c4l . le(yeboys. Blended of race tobaccos, Wdith each packae aet atini o g1a pe:- packed -n*P,--pensVe'ly, hence I'cscrea hand.. y nou tn addtioal ciga- src.ta t llee;cpcrt taniiitil ') 2) ies' c ot'15 ents, heft nf0 V r ,AMER-'-AN TOBACCO CO. dirst Arloor Ma~ck Q Co. First Floor : GAranger's :school ofDancing 'Learn stDncase.IJotn te et.scs any t ime 1e er i t edw nyottdn. Clasotts forLadiles and Ge.nt n estay ane ustde saytEvenintgs,7:00 to 8:00 o'clock for Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246-Office flours h o 10 a. a. 2 to 4 p. a Roule, COninI, liegel Comfpally Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings. I Knox [Hats Beacon Stetson Hats Hats ComeCnqt ading's For the Secnd Semester, Subscribe NOW and get January Issues Free FEATURES: "J" Hopy Numbers, May Festival Stories, Base Ball and Track Dope, Saturday Calendar Supplement, and all Campus(Niews. -Spalding Sweaters Manhatten Shirts Perrin andIDent's Gloves and all the latest styles in Neckwear n -_ ._ ALWAYS AHEAD IN M a1A D, TFIk: AIL(,, R TUlE BEST OF EVERY TIiNG IN TAILORING