ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, t\'I)ISOX., J.\ANY 25, 000 Vol, XXI. No. BRADLEY THOMPSON 1RI DFEA TO RESIGN IN JUNE 'ccToofeh () ils lthra Ro mococ icon, Moo> ccc aftrndotn 'this After Over Score of Years Civil is te'firt timico freshmaic c cothcs been crorcl'occi sinceo c . 'ii itheot War Veteran Will IStep From ear ;' jot tic ott toteocdhico' Ifast Law Chair Iro'cicc co-C ..0Cro, J S ctt, C S confeici B Stccotc Iite 1 ok Subtitutc Ics taricicto, CKingshun. WILL SEEK CARNEGIE PENSION SophocmosI hh.Itt.ccccct o Nocs \'I__ 0. O.rr I. Stoweic, R.N Iihw sc 'ITh ' jticcoc io gme, cwh icicwcc to the coccoco ito t'occ . i'tciicy Mi. Thocccmp- 'i'hcogic cc oicc thec enir-c cccto'm so, ice i S J c poccsoro cf olaw, r: i. 'iiaocc''ccind V $ cicctc c f cc wcil cc cicoco hisc h ircio totheiclcosc' of tic' iards:h, a i, O.D cc t o 'G. tocccc present'' collegedear 'totic itoc ci cointrsi'F I' \t'c andccI I. c ds at if cec, c candcc cttcc D.cco I iiciittcg ti tc tic ccccc cc it}c in ccc cc c c ccc Tccopscccc toa cii 11. Iciward.ciI ii ciocccc ccand enitd inten rhen am ,incc X\gicco foricrds;iii i sbeocoIcc .c he sercvcd ticcccc' iocct t ii l \'C re oIoe 3G Stwt,'c c enes: adt: ccoflw whc li ha beu beoe a no en u hlm rgr tri' qitit. ic cc i Ilc,, c. le a cap it oeturcroo make acicocpleto tccm tO totpito i. , in h, la e t etci cc i cc-- - - and. Ic itt<_i,, tt~ 0to OticPENN GAME IS ASSURED) fre. iom son i' appidtco the - C'uc;i 0 10 'ti' c iccoc icr ti cnccc c to Michigan Can Play Quakers as Long o cci '0ic i due otto 000000cicu000. 85She Wishes -'ctha i . ciic co cnthave to pcc Ii ottt lrv he Come iclub, timiti> cinc (u ig ti rieitt i tt ')0cc i ticlp tp r o m ictfte " ite \a'f n T eblcait e fi ia sa(1,o tc 1 to cc. ccecoogcc 'Illccar h v i- t tttir l ai fi ed h t er a hei ii f h s fthis(cr'> odc irtictiit'on -it t 5occ 00cAid ha. coot and allcc 0 ccu cci fit n o to g to ounaiy rl g ih ar' gct u ct, a 'd'f ct i ic c i th" Harva' dcai e.,acoot cutout tooh 00w ould c 0s uti i'ave tiatpla ct o i h g n ( c w tic ccriser than i t he1c, ccii cc i:;c, g t idi ttno ttmaintain its c ce it pac es r r e o ns. i i c ! ut ii4 ic cit c tciih eaird t i at ic h Noficcf he\ htn \ tet r gallfonict tir oi otl ist. Reharslscor tto pl ccciiii )nBtto' c is ~i oincthcict-f vrda.rl ircoStJhnsoe umedhtoeofisootpin oin invtt o'ing to thei 0 ii ]tonchc' g T he i t ot e lt elN br sa t co c sc av al c m'usdto icit.coc caiconoo stu rprieitt te' cit~ts~e. ,)t teipptotce of fi ish d troit s c tiul 0000As iusualcc'isitinerarytisii bei Il,,her( sekigiorihs heciciul cibed an 'te tirnge eis hr itan.cItcoccioreidicii'ultiilticomie wars ccii thth i co t r000 i ocilittfis'it' ttcit ''cit ic' FS A AI FQ 'FSIA ronpae 3A . Coon 'ccsit or'-'To iHiRRY \' III ' \G1.'c- cetoicspec0 v ih i a iffttto S vealneiia iztinsar t-h gett ac theccstrotoo'accent.'ir'i iepre inte iin tisicyear 's tciot co taen too the p otar i t an ih s ccorlcd ci ot 'ci'n IToe1printing 0contrcts il'l beiitoo ccciii too hato rivalscsomeo andc surpasses Thootditor crges -'lliseniors who to. toooas edt temte sso s oiil\\l t nitmillcttcinairehecsoasFiotc'itocdeytioorining.000c totto uisuallci act'tiheciarut ritihilittct(cdiffic0ulti 'totwhe aiol00000 ctudt , cciih a A bo uiecsasytibthihsi mo thy llwaceis c to tic roe0p0esiedthoswhc iiotoccitohv en othOut'ito ofi a clutocrao . to iscliablecotoo ioe hois sie cith hi iporirayalciof the coci. headi. i D o'aldiKisic ciceuci , ciiwci to o ne000 clwho s s-c-i tiec' ic sitc th i lio nati re fc t heoitiI c ii dooay ecccii tic ccciiha faiiiedto p o icoit 00 Oct0'to ir u ccciisinot il tichi iieb t ibeforeran S cii iicociscces foc ti' sc cccii ipiac, PR IIii 1111,i0_xi iis ur'101 1R iii ti-i Xi)y\1\' IItI T'. nHOSPITAL FER, \loat IOro'arsec'che00thelsitrt in cc AID TO STU NTS, Th'i'ic icicc tto ii te i'oocioitc cii 00cc Oc(t00- Action of Junior Laws Brings f ioccchtlo a elctc'iccg0 cooit ci llainocc halli l 0 0 t- o. ccot o 's( 4cccl Generous Response From to t. U\eils()n, a01i r'00 c cc 000:00c'ccct'tcc of tto' outsiders ocico ocatitc'delveredIthectre oothe'__ dirc 000 c ] (fte 'tol 1tteict iii cii p ci e Oftheasscctiatit o, vviticitjGRATUITOUS CARE GIVEN TO ALL tNE'\SLOOM IE1TS On IJEATE tloctittit>n Of hoighr -r1till thtititt 'ditesc ic too 0 ntte't, tck I h'0holog the oacticoc t i iijucocioi' hat iiilciq o tiit tl 0000 clIcI to to to cd i 000 cs in pcro 'ividing osick c'o'tctitiiee ho 'lDetroit Paper Criticizes Suboje( t of tn~~. Tef ciiioticofoc 0I ccctrotI to fcc ic ttisiiii oettei Recent Countestto o 0 00 c t r o ci c(c-11apo4stM Dl fe t n1soclrn>tt~rfo l tte0I*"Iic11t\cIciccceitttitocc"1i 0Scctitkcilicf i# SN' to t Ccoi 'ooit ci c0 r doar0nnt0f co0ttccndsoioo0Neso ,0 .)ci l tW it-rti h~e v0500cr0 litsctif 000000sho t] iin { t o 'cci 'i tt ci to itit 0 I cc 'dot-c tll( Oti(rc telic00t)"resdc toi a ' ii 0c icc 00000 to1Ott 'dcco 00cc' cooicioIIci o if 'roof 'Iii' to \h(1 Cn (tl \il t1e n su ls fsatst] i 0000 th in( ttinct'. 'citich asti 0\ , cllt cciis otpap otr t tccc ci ciof tpitil at- .!coni t cO c ( 1:, ~t Ocis 0000'c ontteitth l - OttO edccii 000000 ic tout, ct iii stoictecooc. the:-(c tOr~ eteyOtto 0ttoot 'ot too'- coo t 000;it cc00 0000 i tioc.'cciii 'cAibor Priv'ate 1Hucipat. ,a> 1c: ' ccii 0cc ociiiO atoococcc coo ocoelicat iui ticic' tol1 1cl_1iv siyo C ia~o tlsn ture In te v0001 otter cwnpticos depiartenits h've ire-, 11e1 i5 1 lai 4.f)h) S c uti ciccoco jue t extres' edcac i sh i u that ittid iV s ,i,1 ci 01 0 rcccot coo--fc cceIlsci eierWILL HONOR ANGELL'S SON cacttenaccc;'t te unoivecrcity iight hace 0 ottO tot l 0 k almi [ t o tOt -ciso ' u:caothroti h ianc that meotedcoac:iia o(}n it tico tt t 0 0 . . t rlllcit tj President Taft to Offer Alexis Angell tt lsus ieet otight h ink (-f c ~ i t t istooc Jo t 3..I cl f too (11to hi t 'c-hi' of ne'csity accteachigithicicilga e hicwth sc,<. vcsty o ician il e ap ia-"' .i i ot ctti i o 00 ' cci ' ' 0 ci ccitoccocia c lic T e c'citoriait p ara. ; i1 SP) oAc 1 t cso totdth ~vr )\ t'silit :I o 1cedJt' tot od t sc I icoc it biatoirtoicJaiuary -20' 0 ''00 00 '0 C cctt ci "00cc(Oct0t0)000000 i o pensic'uc the oct01 'ieslccit"f tot S 'colethttheedeal0oVic 10 ciii t not co ii~ o ki cN~ilt. obctcaiihocrspoitacof iotititin ai Wentotto' co-ticy a igra it 0 cC~l; i 0 cc - talletrcocoto 0a to to c 'c'Olc~ 'tut i ii ipartlyu~ tci0t ctlticof ith ticu iic ii 0 i~alt ')lcd(. ,«:rth ~th0000esidtthasic-ott l~d c 'itt ()fcui'c'Oopiitalse titta (ccc c°I otthi itt ti()tcitie 00 tic cooca did cyi(f Mro i1ii frii il] patytica's ttere cs t;I tttiic a alt4l .a t; a d i iscc 0 ' t i t hatiiii ctita0sc ii cO dotoctoouois it'ol ito Octkc 00.0v hel tat 000e :()t\icdit Oto toin ucall tiic iii cot stoc'1116~t too 0 0 tar t oe:; til t h i ll ccc ctcoc ut iuitc ico i cuc-iIo h Ito tt l?111 ut le' toxs11t C(i l '' \1lipr, ''0 ''.tp)~~,1t)hll ~( :ato tict}Iltetiki e '1I'Itlticti 1S 1 ldc )-co ilcv a, \ I(I ith t M14 ;%VIl e (CS rtrt ci K irdrhic f)cic ld ci i oot ytcet' 'ct it itct=}I i c ocooer \n cc cc iiesott too Etl]p. c 11 I (Int ( it tnvrst or te cae tfcit\ p -e occogoc'' icit W)c11tosiculcchictoato- Ci1Stiltt tlil' 1l i c ci cie, tit0.l to1.)]31 ( c 0 t:000000 it c 00000 000cc tiucot cc 000 tot t' Tice i a1ei \i ,00000I cciit -t it 1toaco lt cleft t i 'lt Ie eet 0 cci' 'c '\ 'cir tire ii 0000ar t'c ceco ut lce 050000 hici . 111 th t'che t Ocwth el, ((1 IN' t(itti '0 l t 'e tootash' citi tin a ?."ic .t( :t forco the-rlo per toot Go ,0 1w1: il) :'1h11 c it i Ott 0 itt ccciiurgecoot j i x' t- "t . , t_ e - Ei ,- -00000 tl. t.h ti g sci ctto10 i ;(I let att ii ii ' c t t ad0 ott t(" tociihec iiii Ors h t t n i i CIRit' ' .)o coch lik Si~t m n- ci tics iA . cc-c it lcxik f. Iliii r f rI f) iii -ii 0 ti r i tt'' '0' ;isc ther ite1 ets i n w stirs fo Wa jiO o crii toot th lnta iot1W 'nd ad tk o nit tt o)00PA00, cot tututot their oal cN~~escit cdrii-ic thecr itt'> 01 00 0000 cii cr Sudheicn t o ot aiie i. A i ahuti iof the i t hn n~tot c t ii tot i caitooti tiui ntuti'i ofthlie iticerity , th Mc. 'c--cit ro-occor of cicontruol oil the AtnArlbor Pri- tic' L'itOctO out cate o'pitouiccoi ihiectohof ctivoe a114 tor %yiclhento prccii ctcioclcise too the stidenit body. to oetartmenti. iteCiorcler thot this mcay, he possile.Bhe. coo thisi%-it'Oci b oarofoctcont roli ifthe Ann Arhor Pric _.-__ Vatc I lusptiai. cihec through the OWt- .out cite Of the tot place at' the di,- too 0ti 0 0000 w 00. ccitio civ coeroito studlentst-irrsct- WHITNE9Y FRIG, COMEDY CL. Thu o'classcciou Shakespcareant't tE ccitog 00 ' 4o deticr itit untder oshicho etiruil- 00o000 cci itin~rr w ight. The i 0 00 t oo') i tl. One ouf these hd ico to i 4C he a rc ei'ton wl .. einc ot (c-ilo 'rO 01-incc{cplccc-ut 'thlie dispoition ottuf thue iccte .'cc as el :,gcit cbitt. detc 0 bie use tic clher disc rotoico rite conl~i cci t oo >ttj yM - oulitrci 0c ot thbed to lbe-ltcociiduder the jtins- 0 ' i ttcr~ ciiti- ctcci to lltak00Cc tiot o f tii ho c' tinog prescident. cit the; 'AY itpal ' we th is tttcllo- t 'ci icn rosml000 000dcict 03 - #ii20 Nb, S-It i underctoodciii t hlie cttooentot - --- ogccpy ig theedsi, are enirely tree" 0} cII U 0- N I ' 0000 00 IJ UON OD AYi o eetthuecccir own cteicocchi i iclraici° J fI-ei c ll tcoin w i n fort 1 tm-w10000 Tte o spiucoutoal meroely oh5 ii irtci cit - c lln a or it rtituct'4 iii iii t nitt 0ouittil l ti>tsicnicthe \cci' f 00 nude..: 'cvrst o ioctuiiactAlu ni ttO ohar togg, ordinaory nucrcig, feed- Sure!1 iail7"Ift 00a000zOtito. (Ccone nPage4. Going? l0cc Keep Your File Complete lWe JANUARY GCA RG YLE, BELTS THEM ALL 10c VERY FEW LEFT 10c.