T'H4 MICHIOANiDAILY _____ . W______ .-. _. ._ ......_ - - r .._ ._,_._ i Trouser Sale Eare mrakin~g a re- diuction of $1.00(M on~ each win~ter - weight Trouser in our shop, re- gardless of the price. An early selection counts Our. Spr-lrag Llre ,Is Noar Ready JI Karl Malcolm, 118 E, Libery CALL. AND SEE THE Henry ah nd Cma.y 711 N. VUniversity Ave. Hotel' Cumberland S. W Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., Near 50th St. Subway and 53d St.. Eleatedl. NEW YORKI tI .. ( , UNIVERSITY NOTICES tuior lit classametincttg tis afteno at 4 o'clock int Tappant all. Eletintt of Student Councilmen. Regular metintg of the juntiorttte's ectiott of te eitscht r Verittited- nesda, Jatttary _55(51 Ip.i. Mitt (eirintg to tr iut for senor enlginteer rlay teamti ttet i ttropyroott tt 5 o'clock. Setitr law footalIpictritri khadalll & ftack', today, t 12 :45. Sietetrs ontly. Muttsical prograhmttat N'slewery tll, 5ocloick, today. Eectiotn tf J. lit Stutcecit Cutncil-i itet, 4 o'cloick, todiay i PTpantattlul. Metitig of execttive cutntcil of MNi sictl clutbs, 5 :30 todtsy at Ln itti. juititr engiieer css meeting tdyitti t 5 oclock, roomt 411. Electintiiof twto Stdlentt Cstcilntci. Al11 men wliiisswatt to orer itilitari rifles for ittiutr o tie dotiior use, ripot ":at ride range, Mc~uillan h all, tilty:he terelt tf:0 att I 2:1. PROP. WENLEY ON NOTEDU ,sRlTISl-t P1 fft.OS Ifl.R. Thie DAILY is itt receitl of the follow-' in~g comutnication froma Prof. Rbetrt M. Weley: EDITRcutMCHItAN DALY:ot I am asked often,swho are thchclif tinkters now livig in Britait, uteantiig tierebhy, piloophrs? The followitnit namtes wotld fall ittay cmpe~tcetit:i 1Berntard tBosant t. P. IB rdeyG ,owies Diickitsotn, IHere Jones, JS Mackenzie, J. r. hM. McTaggar, G .Moore, the Hton. Bertrantd RisselA.I, ttytcr, Jamties Wtard. Tetimeo Andhgw C. Bfradley tigt to rakbec sthaltt of his distingtuishteud ltrothr. ft is a striking fact that the greatis li- ing Lttglish philosopher-mnyiiwsoitld say the greatest living philosopthesr-andi the greatest living Englishi critic art brothters, atid that fotr oilhe embitles if the famtily (the late G.IG. tBrtdle, Dean of Westmnister, LCaly Grve,i ls. . 11. Woods, atd Arthur G. BIale).: tare attained little less distiction.i Thi critic tas a tplaceX tiltcu11it, 1 i i emtinetnce in criticism prespposes tut- osotphy, itf which he wts taniiflhutsntil teacher in erlier life. Severtil interestig remarks itigtle tittieid. First, Scotltattd has lost hr t ditionial supretmacy, event if foe retions that Wright tbe givetn easily : fr eximple, tee btrainis re edissiattedl tll isr te emtire. She cottnts ot a sitgle name teree. Eniglantdllits eight, Wvales andi Autstralia titnect . Scotd all 0are 1111- versity mn. But te distriultit is fare frotttimttartial. Cambhridge has fie ando a halt (a trw experiettce for ~ts uni- versity), Oxford four, Glasgos oiotl tti a half-for, Prof. Macketszie is a doitble personatlity academtically, eeti if te naek of Glasgost'be writent larg'iont all his work, Third, cofomsaly twith te s.ocial developmnt pectiar to Cinglandii especially, swhere so tmaty of the est tmetihttie ot eent attachecd to univie sities andthc leir ctisities, six..of iiie nttates are ttissintg fromt anty' tniversity staff, altough twto of tese six are fr ae Scotcht profesors. otirth, less tatn sue alt are Pellosws of the Britisht Academty. Tis mtay itmply ote Of to thitngs : ether tat the !acadlemyt ,tafte the tmanner of Academiies, itsves resect- ability overititch (let us hope not), or that, fise of the tteni eitg still youg we may lotsk for eveit greater titgs from, thet, (let us hope so). The alver- tige age i th le "eleen" is aout 5; tet extremtes tre 65 ad 37.} R.C. -St.;Wxte. CMSeisOr FRLgNCHPAN rTINtG1xHItttITI;I. An exhihit of todernt French ptit- iitgs front the tLontvre taoslseent pttcedillt the eases in thte lihrary corridors. Thee are prittlakett front a collectiontint the lihrary. The exhibuit covers the last two tundred years,. he pictures are tirrattged in ectronological order tind illustrate Prof. 'f'lieme's course its k' rettch art and his .lecture ott jattutry to to the Cerele Franceais. Shoe Sale this week-Wagnter & Co., State street. 83-84-83-86. Carriage and Baggage t'oreaetiiioupitle totew ititt, ic bteforte tiaciocit S$1.0,iiir jC 'itcc $2.00.w h+'oreaeeiTrank ot. o ctrifOoortitie pr'iceXwillie 25 Cent., i'arriti L, ii tie trottitilt-stairs. teIiX ~t'wiilibe 50 Crnts. Drivers are r'qiired io iii as foisctarriaci' tutu liogin' r 5ftie tie WA 1,1i. 1;' I i l , Ittitit I". 15 i.' KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special ferms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. CcatGtxr o 5.15 '1.XLx .cosem-rs moSt e.ted promeptly. N Td11esday, Jan. 25 E 1eniryW. savage 'ir.Ju~ t !'tcy ./ 1i 'sr: , If ( itz