T M IICHIGAN DAILY ____________________ GDross oN Liberty A. G.SPALDINU & BR~OS. The Spalding ,Ieftlela $Jtnu- Trade-M r c of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MENT,forllathletic PVI ports and pastimes. Q VIALI I If noon e i n icccnfed V inoa il letileSport You MARK XniooiotIicanocoray/of 9pE U P f AeiS id ioo ('eteo A IN yoc.F Iit. I11000000hte i5 kown hrouhout What's New in Sport Gza~-.tanof andl is nnt fr'ee onre- Qnsaliny qoest. A. G. SPA LDING e'ni. B3ROS. 254 Woodward Ave. D~etroilt, Mich. FTHE EARNEIRS AND MElCHlANICS BANK MtAIN AND) HURdON STR1OeITS Capitali$50,000 SurpIUS and Profits $100,000 Genneal ltanosfng OBuiness. 3 percent paid oil Time and :'vnoonco inposits. Safety De- posit. ficxtono i ismnoatS.00 aen pweards 1. Kknurc. Ion.. 1T. (. noon YMNn, Vice-Pres. 11. A. Wiot~tiA. Casiohier F. '0.S oywn. Asnt. The Ainn:arbor Savings Bank CapyitalfStockx'10003 Sur nyfpl yy500y Resnources f"', 03,000 A Oenennn, aning si aunssTransacteld llr'cnccoor: eflooo E,. ifsnook. Pres ;W. 1I). iis 'nrn nr 0 'i 0'c" ..I.= i'tz. (;ashle S TATIE SAVINGS BANK Ca ital 6"50001 Surplus 75,000 l .~ur 1,250,0(00 lVin.. lfyBooP. n n. Arnooldi, 5Vim Pres. C.'..1. Woilio. Ca'shier (jlii w 0 rn io 0 js SS sf l an m Co..20sIenAu% ad Liberty Strsat~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1()t onAi' ROn MIo'n E. 1D. KINNE. I111f ltIN SOIFE Pres. Viccelnnnu. ':V. .ILAIOI{5lN, (Cashlier. Capit al. $?100,000i coonp1 osnd Pnollnlits. $60000 ACACIAIS PLAN FOR' NEW l OUSE ON SAME SITE,. Temorryvqnartrsonhaovebenestoab- lishocciby lion Acacinfatnit ol ion 01 onf street. Theyoveomadoooelarraoone mntscnto histarthere fill fihn aluifO ais- socoiationo, 00n5oilatnwort:o iOlploats, dcideslc uIpon a permnannt plafoo fr lthemo, wh'ichl inn all probaioility will b in 11000'ouse1c unponot iten noccnopiediiy he ol one 11. R00000005 '00000000A'OINTnMEN'c. David G. McMillaon, '12 E, of Detroif, has been oappooo oittacher of oniiOOhfiOOai dranwing ioneCentral hi gh schooli of Graood Rapids. Ikin will assumec lisneini lotiens iohirst oif Fobruary. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Adlolni on l h!oiscolullonoonst Ich Paidfor0 11adv' t-e 00i - Ills WANTED on ntewaordi lonrnooominerofscool ea nandooor100nxt y000. \idiressnL. \I.,cnoeonfif i)aiiv-. 82-83. oeioo'snwofn to sitnifthlo in'ali layfo oertainoo ursoon, fterii 0110 1 or eC1;'. No1 00 MU-ig. 7000 S. Iniglls. 111.111( rn iernceos. 83. LOST. L fuoic anb D~rama 0010T]100 N 0001.01. 00'00ll iit.1" lin 'oWeudonnsday aotenooniioil this oo ink, klbeinol Likloi iviipla theo fiflth ofl lin seroes ofii ist~orical iano 4 1 n th10100iNgh1100dlooo'itin i il o'1 on1o miios fr om thui o ii ofoooioo' 100100 100r1011oisCoin 00' ioIIimakoi . hisio pogrlsm anniheo lne o oin0 0' Ch1oiin dein h009lis igreat 0gnoonos to ii 010001 01001 010001000roiiand :11many 1 ofiswok iilolilioo lo ezrn 0 omISo I11101 loali piia foe literature fo concentrate Mo. il15'i0of0c llll non.cbli ~ ii[i o ohs 110h1s0 00100000 the001o0l51w0 l'l~tiiul, F inoO.- Ilnoos'. 1) fatmo or (p.5 klaocaolle0, 1F sharo ino0000010 plii6o. balael'mnorO . i .n Oip. 6oo. Eionins fomon1. 25,0n os 0I,02.'3, N1I O\IA.TiIC ChEISS 'oNAYR. A5 Michigan moolan hasbeno noollinii in0 a 0000 field,-thaoo f ileaotioog oomachines. 'W. D. Lanen, '10, wakihno the Edeno hi osnen 01NewvYoroiohliotoher do1ayand bea ''fhio Ajeebo checker-polayev atisofnvo of Men's IBoy' iand Childruiis J $15 Suto Svnna $25 Suit orlOveat 1 22 All Trousers 2011. off ShirntIt r1 t1 dierwear 201'/intl Hots, Cnp4, ilnves, Sweaters 20/ oil 'trunknn hBagsltd Si ae 0oof 211 S. Main St.- /1L os--01O I l n' s Son 00 111dra 00ing il-g Ionn iooo i lie.iiii I heoolmao ine i s6 tnhoico rfOi goo ii~i ofo .srinali , foloin 15(0-3 o l o ne1 inlin n11 the1 100 ii ooi h~ wals010 wob dby 1a10m00l101onealedilliitheo MISCELLANEOIUS i1101000. Ii olsorlihan ginsof lien io Pouller & O'Cnnor, Taiosaind ileaon 0 l"ton "oroks,"lionfailoure of lion000m0 ers, 6EF. hWilliamsn St. rtf. chineo will010000000am0000aodithelon - __.______ '010ii 101presncinOO tieotlon uiofoithle in~ loest i i on nnooldl, nomin n d tr oooit 1no:7 01it~ l~utt1( :), il'ooo. Sclnoonionoin& Sons, 'hlosi aod nooannver seeno around-during all .'copse, 110 S. iPlain sree.00l ,olin frme th Isis Iof 1'oe's 67-tf 0'a0t000 000nt 00000lI on hegenion ns1 on'h Deit'oofLaundry Branchok ffine Call fathflloi onsyoun pleaseeven then. 'o- I~~~~~~~~ 011,,"4-3,t tfherel i' aref i so0mny iof tlion io attoor Flerino& O'Cnonnorn, Steamonannd Frenochli o 011111rk 1rol o Pilaiopy111 d1ry canersn. Repairinlg. 6n9 E.Wil- Md01 os l~c~e h 0100101101011 ti liiaios SI. Fotl. univnrsity Ifo111h00e00e00s, .Njnoi'n "ill1- Roins' Orchesira, nyo'J. 01chcker 5xl 00. tu-wend-tf.ll . a1 111 ne00e10 losta o uoorooaoooo 00 to a nuinivriy layer, thougholieioca'ptained1 kxtraord00ii0nary f oppotunoity t011 uyv ho1' lhii ii tclo'n 111 tioooav 1,11>1 ' shoes0-this woe 1011ek 'ogior & Coo., clubs. Ile0 bas 10pnladndilbhatnonoy Statn street. 83-54-83-86. faoooochlckerooplayerso. With Nuts The most delicious piece yet 5C TONIGHT The Aeroplane Girl and Those Singing Boys Pat. Wed, 3P, M. R. E. Jolly's (ind Opening S Lunches, Cigars l Ci parettes, Tobacco i and Pipes. Agents 3-B Pipes rc01 o r 1100 vi Yu:.l :'x :"Zlos101 n 1 ,and Cidlsrwear ;Ifnet tandtDress., A" nfelti fods E. R~. Frost, ;,G2 5.S'.tale st. 'Ulkill's PharmfacyI 324 S. -tate St. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Opposite hlooni'n vr l o iiofnrRoomn G IGO. V. ST3LIL, Proeprittoa- 4 Doors From "t Freddie's" Night Robes Pajamnas ath obe=-,'~i he UnaJama A Pajama Withou its Disomors An Excellent Sleeping Suit Complee Protection WAG N ER& CO. ' State Street Neath The Big White Honeymoon By Jack Yellen and George L. Cobb Sung by Miss Coy Trickey at the Majestic Thisn NewvSensational Song Hit of the year has reached Ant Arbnr ond in now on nate at COME IN AND HEAR. IT Eighteenth Annual MAY FESTIVAL May 1Q-13 Four Days- Five Concerto 'lien'fnoown'Oicngolosnts ane already boeeinenogngned, nwhiienoiaes~tioons are pendingowithin te~rns to b anune Berniceo Do Pasquali, Prima Donna Saprno. Metropolitan Opera Ca. Clarene Whitehill, Bass, Metro- politan Opera Company Flarenne Mutlferd, Mezzo Htoratio Conell, Baritone Reid oMniler, " e1o Sybil Sammis-MacDermid, Saprano The Choral Union, under Protester Stanley The Theedotre Thomas Orchrstra, uoder fOk. Stock The slenfrenseed seat tinkets fnn thnelFnstl oi 1 begnt eMnday men- ing, lFeboruery2on, on'the0Usivesity Schoolnf nOMnsin,ondl will cnne ti op tnonmndfdurnoong nton'Fnstivaol. 41st yeeae' IC'I'tONA.RIit 41stloyoer tra QUItZ BIe 9Ctas to ArmsAn-bon' LEGAL MSSE:"'LANV 'Aran A:-bear Ann Ae'bmon- Beeaancl-, ta~.ts" ni 0 :'pncmnl:e;Leans Bldj One-hall blacknrth nf ohe Campus 1216 S. Ingalts) 8 ar~.- $4.00- per week_ 4 'weeks its. ,.v'arsice $345O C. J, SESSIONS ,_._.._. Portrait Studio- V 319 East Huron -Street