TIE MICHIGAN DAILY _ __ _.. _ G. Hs WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S. STATE SEET lypcwritcrs ALL PRICES The Studets' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Bdding. Opposite Majestic LOOK IN OUR OUR $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 Sweater Vests Reduced as low as $1~.00 Made of the best all Wool Woresteds SHEEHAN & CO. STUDEiNTS' BOOKSTORE STATE STREET C. [. BARIH[LL Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law anad Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Coosplet line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books tken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Edior-LEE A WHITrE. Buiness Mngr-NoRAN 13. I. i News Editor ...l..larld Titus Assistantt.......... arry Z. Foz Athletic Editor.-Walter K. Towers Assistant..........J. Fred tLawtot Music and Drama.-Earl V. Moore Exchaitges aid Files.... Dior B.irey EITOIAL. Arthur J. Abbott. G S Lasher. Faul Leidy. NIGHT EITORS. A. J. Wohlgentuth. Harold McGee. larry G. Myser. Maurice Toulme. Frank Pennell. Edward Robie. REPORTES. Lorent Robsison. Robrt Gilltt. Johit L. Cox. F. E. Shw, Jr. Erncst Burton. E. M. Wakefield. William T. Daugherty. Oscar Beckmai. John I. Towtley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May. Ettmnet Taylor. C. Harold IRipper. J. Selig Yellet. BU~tNES STAFF C. A. Bowmnt. A. R Dilley. Mye Rubin. Kenti:l Osort. I. Ray Johtnson. Elmer . Griersot. C. I. Kleinstiuck. Josept Fouchard. .lddress: ~ICuHIGAN BDAIY, P ress Bldg., Maynard Street. Office IHours: Mbatagitg Editor, 1- p. it. aid tt:00-1:30 p. m. Daily. Bsitess Manager, 1-5, 7-8 p. III., Ex- cpt Sunday. Both 'phnes 96. l'I:-SII XYJANUARhY 24. 19tn. Nihtt Edior-EWnARDIH. Rnnt. UNIVERSITY C.LENDAR. Janttar 26-0s. t,.,."Comttdy o Errors," Saikcspar-class, Sarah Csell Anell1 sll Januatyci a oilioisr sogicr dance, I mI sr ayinan oin. Jouar 2-Sno enineetr dac at Janua-r 28-s-eior t-lit par),Ia lott sr gymn1 astnn 3:30 to 7:30. Alhough thefiso-altledsi tt1(r(nstcpa- peia tohe lsplight o a sllg ticsfIs- sor acompratiely-sad n, thr are sonc rightsots. i-itith ifelsIlso one Notw it-stiali theItsfatittariousts educationl 5istitutins ar 1gradultally coainim m 5 f0o0rmuotvauale tinit- structora 1ama byi-tmtpting ,offers, sac -ian still point itt trie to the tmci whoI ar-int conrolIhrtot ichiliga. Btb f tesetstatuirittsrstroed tIm tse ititoUinie ni tsttiasistr sni- itsty hss ignitlla mmorno red att t~oc, }o t esriiig otimut te dgre 1f Dotir of nisti sing. It isotvions Ihattniti ut l)sttt Cooly-cndttiteItUnii- avecr i\sit ihiganiaretics be iscongrt- lat.hitls ou tCthe a m rit of N- icasit lfinito:wellIhe prudatit hei dsitiictionit it tha s tiIfsrreid tpaithei reientOf llathislss dservesrecsga- Besiig lihumt an t-s-citthasrllsay- "never agait in, t we do promtis titt tgii costingti attil str sstixa is eoaer. STUltENala RI iS 1 STING Ghltsmsanostr ilfCUtoi Siclirs d- loutiatios ionitthelis tf lifeIlsiaeardl it last ititat isuelafithileasCsinopoftil- tit,.i etedilin anoti f theaustihor'srad- titisi to test tsIfastimg "hnich, atd o ini st sitill lstai i asieIside tbeta tvisi itisor ba r si. iit Xiib t-rfel iii tlacliiie,asi is c-i- decdIi atti cass iiartiular wvher iIinelhaslitfl sconssiectssof fasting, sior ai ffil for litvs days. Dutringthgei iihIolt tims, litsliveilonintheinig more nouisinug ithan list waster, cigarettes andtil sttsai Ititu. Its sante out oiltheb smug; enidlof si lit, siiidlclaiitas lasis cii- t icing ituchli better healtthifor Ilhc cx- periece.ss FeIsis inilias tristntitian td is wila n t oIswager thtat hticant do heter, aroided'd.ofcoutrs, cbhit thc staikcs are sweetened enough. DEIECTIVE CHLlDREN lAt MICi tIC XX .C MX.X dt XlS- GROWY UP TO IE CRIMINXAL.S. TiltI",hhVtltEOF)I IC,tLiCX lRE)V. lDr. Gosddard aniilSitI. Johniisoii if bissAI'vctic hhV'-. ittl, f Iis. scc Vintelatid Institute, Nesw-Jeseadd umres--rotarymof thi 3m', , Is-ti I N) o,'\Xi scd a receptiva-csasiecin iitheltecstire York cty, rcently'IS .i it.111-1i cIill roomunof the- abysics litiabortrysion thesantkssccitlis itsh l ss iv -siv "tackward aitilDefctiv-s Chilirn hrsii oInsi sits Ilr o) -i hIs h 1st, ii Isi M\oiidaya-fats-ritioit. Dr. Goddasrid,nwlutst-was t sctryois- hil local sitc-astt lecture iran illustratedl withlariitssde-year wiritesa so lloisi: scritiacof hriteasryndeicie 5Is. citedl healssrdl lhttsi 'T-rcy gist I cc hots inti-rcstiig tgatistiss gathiereidfromsitIsI,-tcoarse-wia-lillt srtive cils s-tni~h pesionaI luservationsm. -ast Catrneite c allt. l' t roigramttwais "It is aif the sitmiis t imiportaitnciethat iiesae itIasi-iand ssh sawa s itsatits. iefctiae childreii lteildistcredit a hepali s ia tisit. iiosit30it iStatsitiof nearly age," lie saii.l "hlthoghnossi yar. olgrl ae 5o e soi ritt- necssasrily daiigcroso thyareauicc-its ed hiss hi i strbrs uch atet siralls miembeirs of anycomaaimuniy.t misierr sh CSa boi tttpacsedito1 is apparint to those ithis haitsstuied-s tse choliorgin and tuhope iissi mi t tic iriblelm, that ]IarryaK.hT'hIits oit. feebile-indeds. It is Iiesotaibilisher fit Eeyheeis Treh s isn1lee that tromutweIsa-s tsahirty isrceiint Sakesearanrectastseisis is , slt crliinalsart- mecntally itsfective.c gretacst ~se.J itaeIt It lislItlIts 55i55 Siitt. Joihiision, mlioispoikeilltrthe inithisRetrd-mis l ala oa ctrts - -snclusionsiiifl Dr. Goddi~ila' sire, sa-Isce tolauii I c- wrk tlailisl te ssteatnd mehodsi o iiLstlSasrdsy's ncills ate\v;s sirs usc ini thecVinelandalInistitute-. sataisis isr I ~lllv!I t nC"-e Tahecgeiierailtln iistal fitdia-l l al l~ ct (,1ai I1-will si ecsu tatgciaat," saiid thr. Johsltonut . iitmeol1ectsasadF iasit proigress if seich childatis livigora tedsr ~hsLosoe spiail iesarsirl. Tihe iinelanIi ish- - tat tnte issite if tmthehiesct pla~ces iisiisismos ao sit hvYIlL lECTURFE ON SUIIJEhTCI It tyof0aisislitle, s ~ucts - II FINXTFEREST TI )IILNII 515 will teachli I stisRlaiinls" Ilisth Ait oaaeniameeitgiioIflahelciDent asscist iipriasticig ]in isliiaillcs tices g d atill tic held XWednetsdt a-sitening at swhic' iltsin. all stuidents atnd istructoirs ini ited-s_ partnttarc inv-i1t las beresent. Dr. H. sl s iiiofciiG'i INit i 51. E. 1'. Loeffler, protlessor salf timitri) l'resoFIB.Itli mm siCutgitseC la i e iicdlsiisadtheltrapitics inthe l dar ts alsits'wsitlton iii 1 ttndn deplartietc w till spieak onitheli Prix--Ii he s sisiio o ats st h sl sat still ist citplcs of Roenttgenoigraphy."s litectsI c i tI .IIsi deal wsith Ite stuject lin csry man- ie, tiiuchiing teiiunderlyinig fasito ~iaI sicr denicitist shldttilniowa. ThlcIsitrewil egticint iilltesrud 5 nI ais siatilithcatrc st 7:30 aitlnd -ill beIlls h n lbr f \ c n ll riat ~ited atimeasioflantutnslieh I'a sircvlt-s ii Iii ii ,i so5551etis i t sihar-ta. Ala rge tteindaniii of s ll sit - ite, isninls t s i. Aretla fI ilcits ini thiesdepartmttt tis adesireds, aiicaa uticA -is-- o~ed atnowledtge sal thesX-rsiy attilitswok tags is sittsiderc es sil t la toitl tia hses w ls;ttsllsti ia. .ta h tsaeciad initartinhss beentextensedst.)lstreet.s858its denitists siocatedl inih.i.XArbisi. w_%h L U E Of averydeeritpioninlding CR OSS-SECTION BLUE BOOKS ly te pice, ozen 6hudred' thosut orit byst- a cit e-i-- any, ista- to 5 isui o --si i- tutu etion- t itist. Fountain Pens lidYoutevsr !is a WAHR'S SPE" IAL IC. si3'uascsi aWod ia Frevser AtR'S University Bookstore 1 Whesther you bowl, play lil liiirdtsitor rect the papiers, mist illfiAttletyt of ltiobi . - . s 01t515S1ucts sliay tie tight. HUSTON BROS. INI)EFEXN)RNT "J."lt)FPEERS MAhE FtIA, A.RRXkNCEMICXTS. 'PTeindependentctts, in a meitt nhgsit tae Uion la tn ight, cotmpmsle tltns fist the lhmp. Chirmanat rimces 'umiimi n-ill b tast Ii theUion oninetroFriday afsi ternooinifrsomi 4 to 6 o'ctlcktim collet tilt feessandm tgimve limt ite invitatiohns andti tcskets Infor eComedan'MuhIsali clubs' entertatitnments. XCt tuis timsesic- dlera fiir cirriasiandtsflosia-cmtilst tic arrantgedt fur atstim firthaer messtigs sit the licindependentaswillIbehrebld. FEUCTItt00NSI CaU tgiccSOVlICsiSti.. Atte regutlartmieetinmg mlftire luss tionasl citclibtldinTappatiiu nstalllaIst cmeiitg, the Ifillown-mgfi bcssiorte secoimd semester n-crcelcted:ct5presaident, IR. K. thls-hlttitte; icel-presidentm, h. ft. Ericksno ; Isecretary, smini tresuremcr, J. R. Moeller. The clubta lss just receisved officiail rcogniitiontmas it campumms mrganii- zatioatifromtathe univesistyseartet. tuilNTstGtutDGiTS RSNgStIiaBt~iLIi . Gout. Chses S. Omsbornm lisssato it Frataks I. Shiarpe, '03 1), ta thelrstte hoard of deantal examnertsr. iIr. Shaurteus is one of the younugest mmnevr celcts- ccl for nit retponasiblatpo tsitionm. II- s sutly 27 a-ars old. Mac Deirmid's Candies Aristocrats of Confections 'Them e adetdlsmolungtotaChic gooda ecchtcoscnmiunarcofittteei- tsatanunht the shatiecr if the conduc iesaittmuiethen amae worth lhooouking tntr. Received fresh every Wednesday and Friday DIRECT FROM The MacDeirmid's of Detroit For Sale Only at The Drug Store of Quality Both Phones 117 S. Main Coeds Delvered to aey Port of the City i I We avise every man Wh~o enjii ot eling clollies to #pst futll enajoymta )v- m ordiering onae of ocur Bace to asoire flltdress wsas n-ilh uhditter coat ttotratell.- We tire slowiag the aalhuorizred fabrics 2ut styles for tlse wnthes 5o0 tgt0-t -s-Impyaiot insp eel thi i today? Win, B. Dieterle Varnity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street O ystcrBa CAFE openi Eveziirm.gs Baniquets aud After Fasty Luches Solicitied Club Sandwiches Fried Oysters Choice Steaks Chops, etc. aSRVEn AS YOU LIKE THEM it Dininers and Suppers $3.50 per week 0.M Willits, Prop, 315 South State See Our Win ,ow MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. Stationers, Printers, Binders Students' Supplies 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELL PHONE 1404 i _i I 121 '-Vasbin t i i t. RANDALL& PACK, Photographers Phone 598