THE ICHIGAN DAILY NOTICE WE HAVE A LARGE PORTION OF OUR SHAC KA MAXON FrABRICS FOR SPRING Tn the hense niow and also other' lines. We can tnt out low snore D ess Suits for the "Flop."Thesre is no question obut it iwe narefew equascend no supeirisc when it comsnnnto its k is5 DRESS SUITS S. W, Burchfietd & Co, J. L. CHAPMAN,, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fulliy Onaranen Watch RepeAirlnag Specalty THEFt ARMERS AND M[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND "URON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and rftst$100,00 General Itatnsiitno'lBusiness. 3 per cent paid on Tne andSiii emn, eiosits. Safety lDe- asinit oe-e'tc 1ientc'at 15;.00 and upwards R. K empir. Pres.. (. isncYMAN, Vice-Pres. i. A. OtVILAsno Casiiie1F. T. STOWn. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank CapitaliStock : 300,e00 Surplus $5'0000 Rtesoucesi2,3,000eii A lieneaiBanking Business Transacted sFIrite1:Chalsn. E. -Hisiock. Prse.; W. I). l rtetesn. tVicene.: Ni..1T. Peite.(asliler STATE SAVINGS BANK Capitlat0,0330 Surplus 75,000 Reoc s$i,250.ee0 Wits. J..Booths, Prees. Wn. Arntoild, VicecPres. C. J. ltzli, Casiee (jninanhican g~aji nla-ank Corstnmnercla.l 8atrid sao.vnega Ca-n.Menus, asnd Liberty Stn-*etms FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or. A.: N :ARBOcRMIcs. E. 0. KINNE, HIARRtISON SOUILE Prens. Vice- Pe. =t . i2LA ORStON, Cashier. Capital, $1i0,ono Ouplits aid erofts, $05.000 HOCKEY TEAM WINS FIRST ICE 'I01'RNEY iCotinuead frtom Page 1.1t Bna1t't.tkt i NT tNS WIno SMIsLINGs; not. WVith his accustomsedl smsile sostewhat broatder thanuuaol Director Ilarlelot retursnedlso Anno Arbor testerihie loot- tng te pars of te harlbiinger if gooid tiiigs,the rol elhchels ex npects ts play. Yen, I save eeo inth ie easti,' said lice directsor int resonse tos coseries. " wsan't at IHarvard tbst I oc3asamstt everywhere else,imatintg hutri'ietdvisits to manye of the eastert schotiols. All that I eats sac' astchis lime itstiat I amt very well satisfiedl oithite arransge- mcentstlhi an ae ibeesn ssadse." FromoDirector lBartelmesatliittde it msightl be gathseredi that the Wolverities are ts save somie woirthyo attagontttttoft the cdiamonms d tssnthe grisdierondutrintg thse cttmting seasoss. Nit tttttittieenti coill lie icasdeof the costests owhicht have bteens arraisged usntil tla tler carltiif te week. Wbet skean he'thler tic schedueles thaItiare its prospie tiare' goodtilnesthe staid, "Iawouild certainly cosidser thesi so anIsc 1believocthtuth iey eillblit's- 'nTHRjio , tIto 55 stOFsANiT MAitY." 'ITh' appietirtince if Mion Mlac Rbn~t t is te Neo n \hitsieo seter it Moitilsi1 Jtanuatry 23, tis bissilMarc" ints hesnw ftaiouis cocmisedy ''Tue Rejuvet'ionii o f Assist Masiy'' sill ctitsesiqus'itesniter- esititst amo st vesif igoodii1 tomtedyI 'sity presntedl. 'TheNets 'nirictress piredited te sccessis ihissRosn andi te press 5f Londontiendses1tiso vecrict. Origitilly booked ti T'errets tietater fis twissosweekbssh eald scarlysties's' th ls. -liss Robisons ctr- ties ta fuslsttiit'sl cmy n omplettlseat if sceitert. NElW Ci)f'RSI'iS tOF lfl) I N isitbrewc. Artabic, Asstyritan. Ns'e'l'est's msessntissi l eistiic Greek tutu sicei its the itetilt, lpp. 44-48.thscfolig courses tire siferedinhe ueSeiicheci ipartmenit byiProsfssorCraig,.ndsin'yci lies'lectedi its tll siidsie 'cs'istfresli- FOR MEN--The most complete assortment in various styles, and sizes to fit all feel. No slip or gap at the heel, $4.00 the Popular Price FOR WOMEN--Fancy Satin Pump in White, Pink, Blue and. (sold, Black Suede aud dull beaded A Fine New Line of Water=Proof B~oots for Men and Wonien at T'HE WALK r-OVE BOOT SHOP 115 MAIN STREET, SOUTH Ainul o u Sale factry." 1 'lie Stidyif tisdomt itcIe- atueoifltse OIdis 'esiaentii ssidsteildc i.ere are abosst 30,000 alsssssi if the 'hecsnesci Apocirypsial ILiteratureirs Uiversity of iMicieani scatteresd lie IHebicibootks sosticteres xclsuded itroutghot th e counsitry. lumTish''ioCano'nibyt i rtstasitsiiil in'titiitritugla treaitmet t i suitpo ce CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING aslat it i of theRok fJoits kinhi stiad oiristsotictht'e great in's ties-Ivi' i55t 'i ou stnteiset sitca iitcl isamsT'ePruiste ustoof it f i-c it555ic'"e. 5l )fi - it"5 4;siAeohsysusotisFastis,tasnd Sitakes- ansc',- ese 0 iiieaitt Itt i ttleti; AiVt. at 2 :003, 1. R. ____________________________ os02, I WANTED 2. 1Lecisses onstste 0Gcosthsitof ii iluaticfA neell-iktnownstudnttl toiiac t I Tetmeintuootu, eiO' iigitof asotenwarsi fist 'r'emaisnde r if shtoi t scoiss idtuhisan'int'siMantscrfipts. From which Isr o derstntsitsbiiles ihtav' ibetn tear tissilfors'eits'ccser builtress LI .i., ecire of Datily. hi-83 suder I ive teismssifundamsssenstal prop-i Iins In cstonnetionsithohlie studsy if tics MiISCELLAN EOUS ;5 i isis i'-liiriltis iretireatedisciettic-i __________________ __ . ally issinidsisricalily, tisd si course if Fuller & O'Connior, Taiors ndsigIlean-stsushysuchislisohersor iflerer sis- ern, 61g E. Wilianat St. I-tO. pusabsc5 sit e sitosic t ass intelligiet apiprecsis at i f tl ist btleal so ls ise 'r. Mlartini Guitarn are concceded io lit 1'.TIt2:0;, R. 102sot'b I]. Ice beet itsthe world, couei ntdttriy 3 1ietuisis ontheiisstriatreisft thsemt. Schaeberle & Sons, bMutts it 5 v 'etatit i Te Epistletolithue Housne,i110 5. iMainsstdreet.5Galaits, teI iiss iitoithi Itmits 6711 1 s I Fists ito tund2(Coinsithias.o Se - hulls issiofurterescrsoision.ts .SI\b DetroiltLautndry Brasnch office Call Ott,3:0,oRI10to bbIiI 11 tilf, uau-J. 4. tustis sit Iliii Iscistints NIasitsr picsfrssimts liioito im ofisitesisi- Nil if the Itlatssg htiso5 ets arandticaolst phiiloimisoialsisndre- Nest York (Operai hit 23 cssltMansush i sseire. I Th.It 3:osi K. 102, ist foslisnjustsiut. Muicalssrt SrI'teN'F. oni Staite street.. l Ctotistilitatiin liusts R.10, 'Vsi Nest Shiie Repair Sihoi-O.tG.ItASum \ f. ii 3 :o tiess.222 S. States. 82" J:;si . N Rtut Our Entire Stock D~ivided in Three Lots Lot 1 =3 off Lot 2 1=4 off Lot 3 1=5of NOTHING WILL BSE RESERVED All Odd Trousers tit 20%/ Discount 1WADH MS & GO)> / '--NY (21-123 Sooth Main Stret IUnusual Opportunity toe slimited time ossiy meofofer a hine rango of 5Fanoy HSitn,,sumn inter Nst e j i of i n stcluding IBlacks and Bluesi as 3 W agner & Co. Stale tSlatealr I I HeyNeath The Big White Honeymoon Bs- Jack dYellen and George L. Cobb Sung by Miss Coy Trickey at the Majestic Thfs New Sensational Song Hit of the year has reachled Ann Arbor and is now on sale at Universit y Music House COME IN AND HEAR. IT r I Eighteenth Annual MAY FESTIVAL May 10-13 Four Days-- Five Concerts. Time faollowing neleists hmeatre& eedy beent engaged, whileemigotuatis ate pennttg withaothernsto ite a-noaced later: BerniceDe Pasqnali, Primaonna Soprana. Metropeoltn Opsea Ca. Clarence Whitehlt~l, Bass, Mets- politan Opera Cnapany Flas-ence Mnlfos-d, Mazno Horatia Cannell, Baritone Retd Mille, 'leans- Sybil Sammis-Mac~ermind, Saps-ann The Choral Uioln, unodes- Profess-r Stanley The Theodore Thamas Orchestea, under- his. Slack Time sleofteserved seat tictets foe tht Festivalt will Stain Mondmaymo- sag, Ftebruary tt, as tteiversity ShoiofMunic, and wilt eontiasme tp ta5dauing teFestival. Open Everxias Fried Oysters Choice Steaks Chops, etc. SERVED Al YOU LIKE THEM Dinners and Suppers $3.50 per week 315 South Stale G Orand Opening Lunches, Cigars j Cigarettes, 'Tobacco and Pipes. Agents 3-B Pipes kCarriage and Baggage, (Foretacih Couple to and fle ar sties Solnee 12'lnet $1.50, aftes- 12 o'clock $2.00. Foeroe eahn oise Item does-, time prmce nill he 25 Cents. 1f cas-eied to. tielernmp-stales, the ps-lee will Sn,' 50 Canto. Drivers aee required to collect cask, lee carriage andtbaggage ser-vice. WArEKC IS LIVERY ROBINSON & C0. aW. H1. STARK IIOLMES LIVERsY I Portrait Studio- L aio liast Huron Str eet