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January 22, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-22

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Vol. XXI.

N (). 82.

F IR T IC OU N Y The tDcttsche Verein Cercle Fran-
clbetroms on the campus wiltlItetitioni
the Regents to reconsder their recent
Huron Club Meets and Defeats action in rdecicding to charge the societies
$so a month rent. Pres. I tatter of the
Senecas of Detroit by Score Verein is in tiarge of circntating ttsr
( petition" wtictswillthe tpresentedt at the
of 9 to 5 Regents' next mleeting. Ttleosinion
- ~albout tthe camtptus seems to tbe ttat tthe
governing tboard tooto ratther a hsty

'sit'S '5 ths ititI sls Betianrin s ti<Y
Association Has Had to Borrow 3:.3o "Ill]7:3o 1;s mr- 121ins 1, Seats for Comedy Club Play to
Money to Keep Up Carbartt Supspe chIsetsiil;.s(.vdi~tdil. be Placed on General Sale
Testimonials Tmro

f tlog atsme featturedt sore ty the
i si it \l ecellenice if the play eosthain
IY:l exibilitionitof toeamts oorrk, the
1tsronIhoceycl uts sefeatedl the strosig
ofithI letrout.itsAateure Iotevs
Ic"I lsightt bithe555coeteof g9to .
TI (cirssgigsapart if teecosntest
icsanossit t thouse iterestedl
I tes sit it.ositthe sliirt here tessthe
iitst tieleoscalt set i stiislasyed. It
"I gaistlietithroght n.seitlher
I'the peritsionuttf Ithe D etroit stin-
it' e\elchansges terre madiee its the
testis sitineilt'e sislisig if the
I ~ndhl. Thstisigli srger were550oi-
ttiiests issic iig rgtsic, caussig tanycsi
th iliyr ostopplains'g, itwsntecers-
itsy1i) use tis Ftrot gustsetos a certaitn
tesn a atisut fse the saiailsable sit-
t ladt its 'spat sccoussso fr the
Th lonc serstuabte tstopare their
t)" 1.; i( il it the le'asoits coingis
(MIIthst Irish stirheressitng romi
Dowl tii'tI saitfell sitsthe stovse
soszl)hrlug Ishisssandthaltthtewas
ln)Iiitohotld Iis hitcheystick. As iso
subsilutes sadstbtess troutghit tlonsg,
Dvk(fil(it in o stslayedl tir first
siffr it sie suitd Scsst irass-
icrrsitsritelscalseveonsesto the De-
tittsIfsr iii' secondii periodi. It is
(lou~tfi I i thi gretl iiresd the
S iics cr- sissitsi bsotth if these
Iti]l tpo siet etctrnatssitsie
of issc_ m Iabo itlyisspoecially as
iahon fstetia lts yed ts t igotodslin-
sltdiital 'ame T lestor isrdriolslowedt
the uck wttr thn atanytingr this
iessO sanitheiidefenclet imsse sfter tinge
p sste scoes.1hemn ca ilstipteedt
andtl, kn losge5otse stir but thter
mst iget o "th ida fcrryinig the
iobrthis'cittire'liingths is1 the tortsthrus-
sill s . itssister'tsoing-at tieright
title' teskilt ill s t upt eiaIgamie thti
isill isite th ilitfiitha t treosistest ty
113tilt llut Ini thsits sects sit
The a tt isa so, lile nslut suatally
lare,'swus not e siltsoisthe chits,stnd
silcresceipii lts teesiienttoti corer the
slxpsnse fiin sssssste Seslerasohere
sit1(1 still is 555 llllsu pls
'sln i r'tlcGa -..... tWtes i
IPattrstilt...Cstir I sit lioltio-1-leats'
\ Iso Iti...... cities t Reynoldts-WValsht
I cil5soll ... L. i> tug...Scott-IHstlls
karr-... .... .. C nter .. I'iller-Dloyle
1tliii) gSenecais 3 (Goass I Itotis;
Miller ts I ieynio lils 2,>Whartons 4, IHstlls
1,sDois 1.S esteraso; B3'sees3,Scott t,
I ,deis. Rieferee, Sisic stgatlsunpires,'
Wislson andissl Jitti;s ilisteketer, Btsere.
'lD ie ofii stl5, 30 itiltisties.
(Cntined on Page 8.)

Eastern Critic Chooses All-American
Track Team
Two of Michligan's prersest tract stars,
Jose IHoeter andilRaltph Craig', sire
inacest sitsthe All-Attiericas tetaitssohichs
tins beens ictkest ity'Jamsni E . Sullivasn.
secretarysasnittresusserr of tile ktmateur
Athletic Uions astd stie if Astirrica's
leainsg storstisic critics. Critic wss giveit
te plitter it the 220-t'ardsIclash, sthile the
Woslv'erinte lee wsisso itin sthtls'blst
tOf the foarsteessmesun amsied elscsi'
terse westetrners. Bersidles .\iehiga'i
teissisvlvattiisanssCornsell lhave5'wo rep1
reosni eso' th 'tem ts' selertissi
seroits uif tPelto syllii
220-y ant ruts-t. C. C raig,('tillerst
if i licttg its
440-0 nestrut-ss C. 'tItt 'islitrt.Uii
straits -f i Ctssit
t20'5 nt Isisee \\ .A. tdsltrtt s.
Usiverstv if Calitornsi.
220-0sectIssurdle-C. I?. Gasrdtner, lisle
COiie-sile sits-A. I.tBaleir. Otltrriss
Two-omitlern--t-T. S.tBerns. C'oritelit.
Runninsssg Iebroad stjumt-J. \\assson
Runingitihists jumsp-1.\'. 1, Itk
U'niv'ersity' of Pennsylv'aias.
'Pittvul-L i Sot, l,s'lanIStan
Puittingss16-pourd shoat-J. Itforiser, Jr..
Unticeirsite if Michtigasit
Threowinig the Ihsasiser--Lee T'lbttts
Crooessess-cnr is m--T.IP. Joiies. Cite
,AI.PIIANC' \\'IT, Ht0115)
'Tafs's sadmtiinistrtioni, Ma'iTwit
stnt CapsitlPsunishmssesstfitsnished itstilt
jects foe Alpsha Nt's pest'ssitslis silht.
A reastinig of sonme of theol isstit'sit,
te Alpha Sybil wasitesubljiet sit muche
discusssioun. The issues ded tas5fitritsck
its 1864.
After she regnulsr tprogramtte so
niets'ynminastred officesiterithe coit g
semeister. R. A. Collis an F.L
Stephanissuwerr the presidenttial I555151ices.
The electi itonwililibe heldInesi Satuntdis

Tilsh ess utric aiiassosciationt iss ill MiiVICHIGAN IS CHAMION
diii. For te pst till >c' rs itsIliss- -
cs's forcnedlt tto riiro sit.e 's 5 tin Counting (if .udges' Votes Puts De=
trriir istto wrd the Csarl.sartt cistits's.i' bating Team at Head of League
.I r. IIaLsssitsss Carhartt, of Oiitrm est - '
I allish t he i se' list i nis s s I 5 s' rea sa C's sisal l(:ait lsc I.u'c ''s'. (liii sf 51(
'ic''''Lastsear ihe st ecsld sietsi i l itte vts catb h I I jus illt
'nlla sitnd thi s soc iiion ool: 1isssu II sic tibtlis ihttn 01 fi
itselftheit s ponsibitlit ,ift Isi 5ii s tie c ) h ee n iiiL\ ,tr to
utusics . insi tsis sl's uir he -ts ieur us'
'susIIIs eitil tt11s''s's sstthel tiiursiosui'i s((
'lissesits di refual o f[liestelst siw iss i thi ttt tti Ialci h 4 f,, silt(
foit I stilles, isHilsA.I
nd~v) i ii tlst' rs t isieutO In's tit'
flansts. a ilast l'sotii the a sssoiautionisi sggs'utlt. uandil I. I?.. Ilal's C a. tit -ti'
V illiiitt''l t the'lBoardutof'tcsti'u's. . -i< n'' til t ,rssss''u'k i efrt.(
____,It__t_ s tils'i i g , bls tts ii inl1sI tt e iedthI
is. C'.. A. SN i' Al. SER\'C'lt flti 'Irut sens ughto talsepart
teami hni lesit sel. \5 'collt' . 1 (I
I~t I:ts Chr isian a socain. il e dbtt ich helentto thettuutl..
hhd its 1Crsuiu 1it llt ttuniht it eighlt Ibut tshifollows
o'l c .1,vaStlush 111.,ii a3 i us us 1 s ult
Il r sli .tuh S'tise stiltl os it's(suithe .ft it te n 1c 1c 11c tl\ Ins th
'''rue 1rteshi ittis .I . 'ene 'h ( 'cnta 1 iba in I~1 es haI i r
noneic blotistvhrtit u mmSIttter flittheipus'u~
its isetstissitseaIsis statile "sit ci stirat cii" stil
lutt hist t1iisiln i ng to 5l 55 stisls te 1 h 1btue Is i th \ rh etr a
immusui ttitn (jte sstin He Isasit stuieCt he clsetii 5 1.1'erha vih ll
thei smgrt i is ihomithe's5susIsea- ssus'' isituusIt \ av)mC ' Il~ l
thits e ssisti}.bitheh t 5.s'u1)s tane +
iss L stiuse Stietech sill sn "Iliii t sshecihstevr p( oltedinushI1rdlit
totd i s IMlindul of I h w . l 11ae ilih N~cll. F ri IWIY
lei oth Shoo iitl ofsut it I usts ssu "stilltha1i l\pa1k.1;e1 ~5a4~
ill oi heSi ate sh stetct ttritiul rll uSust sit ibet~te s' '1 ; If c'' ur. Al't
tustte Ints itseruliestce. t ital lists lusht11).Il vr li ls

''s till' he aisupertsilttint suit is's' ni t t'
Lus throtlpu that tnight,.said irecto
A J(Ji. t asts tnights 's'hes al'sutof slut
"' e hrt"Nvum lar Plust', as
X3 It Mc 11,Cae sut is'; n thu
hot lies ifthe. 1plasn sin swhict sits
thank lus ven hat or dmlnisres l
is nnhed to ttle so l y cnstil t
Wt hr. t i anunw ittrslhrof
pro item uv A lu e he lustline us
slit " Ite (d o tutu IrstI e~

1"c teltighl tols ii esI aretiter
ills .s'WIkC(1 iio u ' u' u c ls sF(1tu' ee
t li' cst' (I I this \ oliugt he ttttitI
(M thiii " o te \VT tt'ttstheatii,
th u ist s''i tu~ i t(IT I c prst s i s ll
usI usiss is 5.st 11 th t rIIan
''> cut's' foe rilai it . '1t
us e ars' ea 'st'a ti tfs tbituiil> andhi
us\ is'sc Isis rll r sh uira1ti'll' I -
us sits\Is. '''' uslaI~I~a1He
fa1is\ . I ~ e w lIi is us itau-
iii :\5 r 1' i. r. Ius ish s atns's
'usivc t he le'i'-uull 'crtlt sh
si s , its c svS h\ heiicesc
c u-s sitC sati lt'onets I ivc r ont s''I. I
w~u pofss llt t bl~vo il alutist-t
lteit iii' Dee.;c',5V he sstituli itW
luts ts oe1 a ~ilits)tt rmi
the vdgar masss, a som f a att ii 1
t s sitti ;r Etle ' ' i;t ish 1'
s ussusss uh a'sl I ies s o
huv 'vhs It i iii t> i t teIll s
Is us is s , - (1, i s no to h
u~rs e c 1 i o I auhis t s t s ii this' il
lutist I l ltilt this t ill is lusts'
his 1()thu5s M s hu)lak el ntistsug
itat o"the bo eth i ts yIotle tlt>d ii
I'm,1c O e la s he 11itscIs ie os
cue lo sioftu ol e, i she Cnd te'sre'al
out this t>hI Wi C'suo5tissue
1,10 potis o g o~. ad sl ursls'I
iili, tat ~ ircto St J'ruIst.ailat
sIt ltro"Ita1 upie ha h ly
suI. t it 1 u s ' bs ito ( i t itiusits lie'o
h-ute CIlists chs"ws illiushe> uh
gets fo >th tuthle ueformace ar

It'roluss' I'. N. Scoutv s-l i ttus.Io
trd ndlast sf tislt h toosus' s W)o'
"Rleligiont antush teu'stture f lonn evc nt es'' us )tes' is
today-us.'lhs llit'wsill istitconeits-ut l
Ilsuf"cs't .1, l) sts tu so ,VinIter.
Siundaty Schosshoul tt russ os. mi.
i stotiszss l on5e'stalists. t sisss it I:.

tizc e' 1 all hr~a . II1dc
tis slut i s the m st ' t1 itd cs
s)Iss0!:1i ush Issl M() it thcis 11;1"1111 truss .
]-tstush W i-slots I i 1i i us tel I'n 1<
his s it: it st ituseuus CIIII sus35 outhI
Nitelhissi sue1 us h suito soisisthei lit tutu sit
s ti c O "1tus u 1 -o'111 M l
itk) hiw h s w s atc i hu t itu(m us si .sss's
itsm hindissise Ite eaun1clto

rutIAVo. Nes HOsURnSu :NPD enrsireowiths preaoching otig j1.a. li.
A chansuge int hse hours if tilseicus n st Subject: 'Ctunistiass \ststechisiut.'
Landscapse Design. frotmsilMolusy,5Wed-_____
tesday, ac 4:00, so Tusesday=, Thsursdas, Sitter tie annii ul saddress5to the Stu-
at us :oo is contemplated. Studtuesoplait dentCs' Churissit.issstciattiontisutohue she-
nimigto elect thur course shuosuleuuonsultliseenu st hitoop. in., ott CUsiersils' Hsll,
Mrt. Tealdhi at oce at the reistrarus sthu-nt-wiill hwen11evn'ssing'sees-ice tushNMe.
sfiter, Tesrday' anud 'V'erhessh'sI froits I:I. Eiersiti's addrless isstptiioed
It :oo to in:00, util tee nuing of Jauaryute211.

Fifty=third Anniiiversary Service
University Of the Students' Christian AssociationToih
UnierstyPROF. EDW. A. STEINE Tongh
Hall SUBJECT: "The True Fraternity."-8:00 P. M.
Special Music by P!-of. A. A. Stanley and Cuss Louise Stretch

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