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January 21, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-01-21

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GrFoss ON Liberty
The Spaldn rthlretau
iuigfacores the world
T,-~d-M~ek MENT,forallathletic
P ING sports and pastimes.
Jr SPn :t thletic(( Sportyonu
MAR Soudoav acopy of
RF 'ooPs"o4bgt. It,(0a(01mplete
e lllop isaof
is now thougoutWhat's NeinSport
Gi.arate0 o anis sent free on re-
Q-1e..ity quest.

(Continued fromt Page 1.)
the chorus is taking hold of them.
Negotiations ate sti pendling fee 000-
eral artists, ((ut thte following can( le
able list : AMe.tBernice lie Pascluali, lone
of the leading sopranos of te letro-
politant Opteta ;Cla~r~ee \\itehilt, has-
00, 0110 tas beeninn51t~intglatrels for
himtsetf at Coovent G trdett, Lonono, this
season; Sy bttlSan(im15 isNaelermid, 5so-
prano, wh0Itoo wil l sn-thlbsgrea~t 01110ill
te 'l'seh'okoo skyopItea: Ftorence Mutl-
loiartone; antlReed Miller, tenor;1who01(
are atilowe11 known, though tis is their
first appe'ar'nintoAnn Arbolr.
The sale of reservelI sealt ticekets will
Ieginl Monttay0 morn in~lgFebrtary 20,
at the School (If :Musc,1and will col
titloe uittilte Festsitl.PTe same( plan1
as to grt ionttof prles whIichlhas 1(0e(
fount oel poptlain pllalt001ars wil1be

m icanuZ) Iranma f nventcr "
..The Ptrince of Pilset." the familiair -
muslica 0ley 11y Frank Pixley a1(1 of 'Meito Boy's and Chikdrlrs
ow1s1w Ludcrs, will fbe playedi* at thte
Ness W'hitney theater, Wedes dayJan
1lanllagcr 1Henlry \,V.Savains d S ual '
meto t ihhsao' rvlhsliited Iits prlentatI~lionltl on1 comany
Jeso Dandy1,r10tai115his vcrcoas rn s
personatlinllof thlas WagnerCi-.
ill Nice, is miista1kenlfor teinceofAt / F>' '
Pilsen, and has (IllI lllarrlssiflood11 _________________
(If honors si ((((((-tpoin him. Frances
Calie 0111 is plaiying Airs. Madison SALE BEGtINS AT ONCE
Croclecr, 11he0(lll'1011 (ihiow, (1(1(1iti 0s utoOerat 1
nol~td that( s1e hadl this01characler(inIthe $10 Suit or Overcoat l $12
LondonI((l produlction((((f t1110ay ee e(1 $55Suior_ Oercot $

Iedwarrl Moral haitthe 11art1 (f the real

followedI. Prinea111Isee Andecrson ploy the prtr
oftileAmericne aa ofce.1e
JUNIOR LITS NOM INATEI F Sta(((iy b rint t a vice of 0 (~I~lics11:
Fl ()R COUFNC ItELEIC TION. d1u1lilty iandl 1ersolty that s'itIls 0
mirab___l ytt i to ((11(1 11(1 11( ia01 ~ aw
'The following 0six11011 lore noii ol ad RlberIt 0 1.. (((((1(1idlagillyi
id for the StutdenttCil tillrday t the (il hri I I ( o teIlttI((0
afternoonlt aim(tling (It thui or ltl manc11l~e \Miss Olive1 Northits tihe ie-
it class:1 Frank Fennell, Herbri Wat-\tiitcI(lhing FIlltil 1(1(1Mt. hA II itt Itert
ki-t_ RdwardItems. 1 Drank 1Mumliv, ite SergeattBrie.

nUSutarvercoat. 15
$25 Suit or Overcoat /0
All Trousers 200/o , tft bb11 to0 U11 - iii...
derwear 20 11ff Hats, C'ap-, iloes
Sweaters 20/. off-"Trunk.s,-as, n
Suit Cases 20oj/ o1f.
211 S. Main St.

Capitol V
ou Tim
ft. T(mmi
ii. A. (W
K. D. C

john L. Cox n d 1((11IarotvtttIStetrtevalnt. Thteltlnefttl fanoliars of "The Prince FR ESADMCAISBN w fths e ilh lce-tao ile, T eNdsg fteVoe,
'fAiN AND fHURON STREETS "tei ftt mstt t el t i Thte TaleIofte Sea Sitel" ''Ie;St-itt -
150,000 Surplus and Profifs$l00,000 Tttetnao f ten cla s soteI ldno tesx t o' Iitesi oSttte"an al
-al laenhisg iBusiness. 3percet paid -ttiigitt ati g ~ e
)anil 3aetn;s n eposits. Safety Do- tioeering owill ite alloweedttttter hn thi(5(1o pain ogshs~ iEXTRA
oxe 00 t est at$5100 and upweards tl f ttelill's I ((n ec tre Itlarttitt ha11011(t ila s lom,(1if (101,IbeI'
rFPi 'es . t, .PRceoTYocAs, Vce-Pres. ftecnddt' -a dcae
't~~att'oIe- i' .So s i. neligile. given tItote ttetttbers o tmu ial
Ann- ror avigs ank CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1coelct'.o ve i -
itol Stoclt ;, nn ootSuplus $5,000 ________________________ Naric one tiousand memibes oft eWih ut
Rlesourese 2,0,000 l1 Istudent'liit litottt ,tatt1ended5(1 ( tihe11((iI i Nla1(55 Wih ut
neraf Booting tBusiness Transancted 1loon tefet+'i - O I11itt 110 n~ mu tbyierStdn lnetr ttie ATI
:rq Cit. E. Ili eoch. Pren; W. t. "'(((It .f 3( xeIseb no th ((105 iltti IT e o td lcou
-as. 'ho te.:Of. J. f''ttCashfer r( an; 5 ~- !rfwek and tl suc-essofthbit Eovtio n h o txeiiu
in lcalthetrials as uchas orwr TOAY F1t-,4 fpiece yet
1T SA IG AKLS.tutor souveits(rnItI titetoda.C - ther "M" stink pins tree ufotalUieorsityme j
api(1$5t0 0 Srlst5.000 foti-To smttallifit keys tieeltogether n-trtls 0eac11 ltit~ersitc tmant nho atted - - --
Rttl urtes $1,250,0t00ItOwith ibtack cortd. Finder tal bliss teAlajesticmainhe totday will receve BEST S EATS c 4 71,56
B tePes. Wfi.Arnold, Vice Pres. IBishop a 074-I.. ll51(a n " scaref pint with tte eottti tit
C. I.((altz.Cashiter - of te mainager. Thtese 1(i1(0are d - ___________________
MISCELLANEOUJS citiotlitwtrth itwhile tand are the pr Th : eatslw ( I sfthemtne o ml lilesft he k11(0
(11(1 csB ule 0Cnor utof tttettf thteleading Cuti-ago man- jt~~t I
lll'AeiilS I s~n Fle &Oottr aiosat fiat-oflturing jewselry cotcernthatmast oheil I C n TODAY ONL . j[IPharmacy
CoomemerctB1Ba 0.6i .WlitnS. it.Ia sitecialty of Gree letter jte, lr .
poreass ioiltgt'itta tiit', te I324 S. State St.
5ea~vten s AarinG itroarictteeelipurcasingtitelargeis ntiitIie h ' Conming Moeday-"AEROPLANE CI ?L°
Mealo sen Llba'tv ~n-a t ieheoet ittthe worldl, comte itt and try)I pats iaway t m Mteoess (If _______________ 50 __________________________
ltem~. Schaelberle & Sotts, Ai11510- .\(t ,arsri r 1111i cu . - -
RST NATIONAL BANN I iottse, Ifo S. Naint strcet. fSee(ort 1011111orthe(101ltesttint BAILEY & EDMUJNDS
1' A N4 ABOR.tM \IoCH,67tf. I I rse 0. INS (1,(1 n .10 Y: Men's, Women's, 1I'DALER0 0N
.Nb, P I ftISON tIIfLF.'bTe 'ton'o 1f agnue tiii old i a nd Chlre ' Fote r 0ni', I1511(15 TasktandAmotutolc
0 I II~it~f5)Nfl~ttee c. Detroit Laufidlry Braffch office Call ftudge partylxl-i t rltotr Iy (tnl 1 Stret faed Dc ~res hos AftIite - (ittndo nptttil at
1100,000 'Of tus ns d Pro. $65,000 1 luff, f247-J. z-tf. frtottt4:0o11( to en otolac. E. R. Frost, 302 , .'tute 5.-ttIfl t1 lfia

Night Robes Pajamas ath Robes -" l oes.
A Pajma.'jWithout its Discomforts
An Excellent Sleeping Suit
Complete Protection
WAG N ER & CO. State Street
Eighteenth 'Annual L B O S
®MAY FESTIVAL C 16' s n4a ar ~. ITONAIOIE > O41t years
C r r i o i-May 1013 ta j QUIZ BoOCKzS I
An rxr LEGAL MISCtCR,1-Af'4'fi Aaon Abhcor-
Four Days-Five Concerts __
e s t T tr t o tt o w i n s o o ts h a v e a re a y
C h e s tag d w i e r pen dig w ith o fthr s- c to-h1,r n o n e
Bernice D Paqai, Prima Donna
Soptan. Metropolitan Opera Co. Arn Arboraa. n-n, tain t 'c 01, ((goc'csitm Law eBldg.
" Clarence Whitehill, Bas, Mtr- -
plinOpera Company
FlorencMlord, Mezo
u s I C Horatio Conell, Baritone
Rod Miti lnr
Sybli Sam s-MacDermld, Soprano_
_________________________________________________ Th Chorat Union, under Proiesor
Stanley ' On-half block not of lbe C~ps 1{16 S.Igall)
The Theodore Thomas Orcestora, C ff(i dll l ,tt i i ill 10i3 s.o n
_undrlnr. Soct 0BZd
fi Mrd, r $4.010 per week
Univcrsity 1Milsic ROUSe inheisle gio~cke s for - 4 weeks iia.- vasre$3.50
Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of ui - to tMuiatIolfenio ~S S I N
P o r t rui gth eti a.C.0- a i t t u d i o-0 3 1 9 E a s t H u r o n o t r e e it

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