THlE MICHIGAN DAILY NOTICE WE HAVE A LARGE PORTION OF OUR SAKAMAO FABRICS FOR SPRING Idie se nowuteand also other lines. Wecan get out few iore. D es 'Suits fol~ w "i 11 :") '1'her e is uo uss5(tionlt tlhat wins~vL few equals x id l sprs 5 when it 9DRESS SUITS S., W Burchfileld & Co, REGENTS TURN DOWN ELECTION PETITION. (CoanneditreemPage i., $9-'10iwith which to smake possilble the ituhiication sif a volumeinteritled "Latin anid Greek in AsmericaniEducaietion." Notice of this was giveiithe board l s teruiav i\- Prof. F. \V. Kelsev. The folloinig appintmietsisswses-re iiiades: IK. Ws.'Trace, issistantiniipiharmiacy io suceedsiF.IL.ISitannoni~, resiginedi:S. hi. \\,iggins.s, ,itutor in, matiieis- tics, tos succeed IGsorge signe; . eil51slie Frentuh, intucstor is Greek: IharlesXiI er, instrueior in ihilosoiuhyito fllaivacan0cy ini the siaff ofl that depairtment ic hsh llseth ecreaied ishles Prof.L losdtaises his leasesof abh seiieexst yeir. iisiiit >i 5 isl i Jttlc) i NA 1 1 ST S. 'The Gaimasscehaptesi-sf the ism Delta Clii siill give aniniifosriii innuter in hioiioro f Govsernosr Chase S. OIsboirii sit the resisdenieifliruof. F. N. Scot itis essiiig. t'osv. Oslbors, 1I". Antgell, andi Ptrosf. Seotitswill lie presni, togetlher wsith the aetissvess1msers if Ihe jornal stic fraternitiy. The esveinigsiwill lie entisrelyin 5 formal. Onue thuisasndl fouir ihuidied ail eighity-twos periodiical ipuiblicatiosss arets regutlarly receised liy the libr-aries sit lie ls iviersiie of Miehigant. L EIIATORS WAR TONIGHT. es< sit tlhispoliey is 5-ut.-it Change Program Every Monday Coming All Nenxt Week The Aeroplane Girl aned Moore's SingingBoys Men's, Women', and Children's Footwear Street and Dreas shes Athletic (oaods Ei. R. Frost, 302.5. State St. I I I , I I i _I Portrait Studio- ' 31Q EaSt Huron Street