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January 20, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-20

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e _ _ _ _ _ _
NXI~I~~N IITA X.. XI\'X I i.f

ELECTION PETITION Nw otpinsweit po:d rrr,
setines of the lxx ladoftheSpidnl ast
Besides Killing Associations xeig th xxix >,'vi "t'~e"'"
Rosolution, Board Plans Kt(>m of Presox> vlr c>r;
Improvement pxxiixxi xxxxxlxherxrx xxxicrt~rs
GOtteof the sorx ad h tv %i
- " F_ irancis M.iBacoui,of lc iulS %1
WILL ASK FOR $575,000 EXTRA togetiher wih Pviifi> w xie t u:'
miembilesxoftile ie ctl
Iheotliers wxvii th raxvtii
reeul. re oiihix sexxsin vseerixv de- '..(puis" Wilus, a"I"A" lxin
an he rlolxxi prseted by the \After the i itiationuitxfeastx> x xxIwdi
\xli Hx (xxi x ix xxlxxIMi if atedtex ip- tlx i ixo uxxx
(xix 'el, xxx h te meatx hatth Spiniro ms
(II xx xxxbeilected by(xiulxaixxxr eie- DEBATERS 'WAR TONIGHT
(el i isteadi xof ib% lthe lihoa ir i of ieeitor.
lx x xxho tea, wxtxixxg tile i tox-Chicago Men Hope to Win Third
Lin fromx xiimparilxiewoint xwere xxix Straight Victory
sxxie that thxrege xx wo li txke
hils acilx beciause,(x i rvidig fixr the The ULixirsei o=lxl hxilx its (itx(lxii
-r boar i inxx controlx ix prss f herxbestx enxiaxgxixxsoxCLiclexoxixer-
p ide thatxeor theii xxdiectrs lectxxi xxxix-S"to tie iltphe i I (xixill. Ilix debatx
n-i yis eolvedithiatx ihe lell-il l i cr.
Tlxx'rigx'ix ao lx d xexie o ktexlx xi Ilx xxi xxi shouxli lx xleeii r xi lxiiicom
ate ix x slauui forl approri at i o s x foxri taxx x'iixtitih uxxxlix n(xi i' 'Th
$Foiii ito ctxiiihe Ipx' x' of\(i ewx Chxixxxi icagimeniiie ialIl~ tt
xv l .hea ting, ighinugx and x (xx xxirelxixx-lndha e xenviaxleix-rev xiii,+sx xliii xix
xixiiiin, S2oiol iiflxix he(lonixxgtalixd-i M eril 1. Sx-lxxlxx -thexl v xxi x - ixCr
xx xiix xxx xii oil ehal ad $0,00oxoxx bx itixixi xwas grxduatelfloxxiii lxli'xI'm xicl
Ili, lregisatrsat Lanigties ewitrx nt he radle y iiixtixiitx ix (xxxi
The 1(11 1 'xsession budixget, amoxunt-x Coll. II ixilxt'fItt,' ll,
Ilad th xxrp i x xx t xx lxst ixSomie' ixxte xf the' Unxies ixity of \l i xirti i
Itlt ldeidd xo exit xcxmpusixx oovmx ins titutionxixx i in h > l ttsortrc
to xixren lxxi xix xx. ai((iist x1$txo ilmo int. conxtet xxxim iii'(fitt placi, I I Ii i~
Thnlims r n w ocu ie y the -Miiii or tri alx contestii (( i ii xiii'
ixxxtiso t i ilrn tre Chicago lxxx xri cn.tlu
Tile muxxxix" author (xxit(iesx repoxiielii iix "Scoxt, lxxe txir LCicaexgron tgad
ii, xxith'iing t h ako luoxrispacexxoiiislatxdlfrom i ncxi )-on i lxx ie~t\it C:.
tdixxx"dspa ehbis xsv rali col- Duxring hisi course'xtherlxxix appe((redi in
grtattisc ndtonftiNs xnbli o setlxxi xi i o e is(tiP liii i lt he hxl xxii ii d,-i
xiitv(1 xxx i ll prove a ufi c x ienltit xxxixhi (Cotiuexd ox" Pag 3
lxiii XX W lerto Dri xt lxsxiv iexi
$2 xMIMIii adx I tixdx to x i t simiiilxr (alixnxiii.(I
thecliel"' \ixeixx'x
l ires lx x ' xopted by Xth e xii'''xS
h ltcxi tuxl t lla d I)Cxxxxu
lxxxii xi lix(xxxix xelxx'xxx Sixte Iifoixi' J.Cxi

MICHIGAN., FE:iDAV, .j.0,\l'AN jt?. [f)if. No. So.

lxi OF l-LixiS .l

I llrr~ - 11xi ii s
'ix~f .\cir lixix

t 1 i 1 O 1 ' ""
i. lii' 3T i S 1x l

Cooley Receives Rare Degree at
Dedication of Mechanical


Kraenzlein Hopes to Find a Few
Able Mden in Wealth of
III spitc of the fai'll-i tlxx i ii I '.'x
()f il 'i i -xii lilix I- i ii i itor l- i to
xI lx xx ';iv xis -> 11ii lxx away,11 xxi x
xmx()s iv t 1- tack xix- x lx
N c~lry I~o 1m11 lii ]i'll 1\' -1 1 '
11a c11t Itcl xx i x o t i ,. Ii-. I ''x
1,11 11.11m; tc !)(). )\cr '\ r\ x i, 'C o

ixc xi x . Ii. \ xlii!h i'111 . clti.
1CIii ii 1 I \ 1
('a 5, t 11"xi 1 5 j' 'ixix'i'' xxx
First Outside tiame Will lBeIPlxayed'

-I li xxic l l
lxiii ci m.
S ' lxxvi

I l

li C xlix . o.-ip:Mortimier I:. Coolxey,
dean xxifiithx cp1n(n ((ingp xrxtxlxieixof
xlhe Lxxirix r of xl .liig, xx Wxs gienx
1lxxit iil lxxy(the Lxix iiitx if Nebrvxxx
lxxx hn ix XXWebstlx.x'o; I, xxi livini xx
Clsii xxi \xbraska scxlarsiplxwith
xoli. i xtetxrilway xx prtxx of Ciciago
vm c iistrucingpeninxeexrvof the New
.11 xxiii ayandJoxhnti1,X'xxddell, xof
Ciix \' P lo lrceied helegee.
The istrexogitxi xioanenginxeer
carsrecevisxtlxhex d egee f iDoctor of
s C,-imii M. It tixxas bxeunxxcinfxerexxix
I xxxii:an , sxice- liie (foxxxdinxg xxitile
1xlin ii' -vii f' xx'ixxx (xxixxxi x i hxxigax it
fix)cani Lxxlxx is xexetedxitoi reltxurn to-
c i xi il. l '. Xl' ; ;1?~rSU'CCEiSS.
XWi i ith"I ixtsii' Caudiienicethe
Cvvl Faashldits "Siree, Mxxix'
SCletIii lxxii xin'xSaxxah Cxxsxell
Xxix IIlx hl astevesio uxTextetixxi-
1liii xl vaxitIexirsut xxxii p xi'lxviihe tlixx
MISS 'xxiiil li i to xxxthe a xi xhaxxiplxt
fxxhave1 hexxxv pioxxesinaxlacxiedilastx
p ilest soireesx everlgivenibxthCxxx'xltle.
Tragedy alII xx lx' }' inteese
xvts uic xand xaiixxxxlixixiue, madi e xui

t lx
liv XX7 t
ben< xiii

't1 1C i ' I lt ' 1
_.. .A >rrlu yea
tt ~ I 'i '! i 111c

'' i 1,) Wi xx''ixo xalx iithe' ti
'x s id 1lx tlixi I ix '"X hixtll
'lvi 1imi i x is xiii 'xi)m . \X:p xxdillx
'clsl Isi ic litlxxxix w' Ixxtix
t~oxtinxxxexxxx onPge 4.1

'lix jlxi-x ( ) xii11
xviiilxve hlii i

ilM I P1"'1 1:iIP' 1,

ix N lxxi

Lxi.- hi- tragedxy liby L'Cornexille'. iwex
presentediilxx XXWilliamxx 1auxghlertxy. joxix
mvi xx- andxiii xxx i llett.ix lvxixxlli
- i )litlipbiity <i 11 a to . T wn
xx iii .1 lxxxiii xxi lxii1?tten'
- P xxxv ll( li humox u s s x i vi -I
a 1o11 1( i cilxi1( ithe xhand xxf his
%1111,alld a (ill t'ls xxitet xe 'x've tie
..' t :,rule to xx pa t aIx a-
ii ij'xxii xxi t
I.1 d l xxx xi x xi)ilexfthei n li

ii \.x ix'. ii. IPx xxx

Seat Sale ForTr y c " a
Wahr's State Street Store, Saturday, January 21, 8 A. M.
Wednesday and Saturday thereafter until Performance, February 9th

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