. . ....- . , ABue Serge Suit conies in mighty handy for an occasional.change of attire. Excellent value to your mteasure $ 25 F. W. GROSS I i-irtytreotet, c01.lE'amth Ave. 11A. G.SPALDING & BROS. The (t~ t aestmana- me p adig fastaureec iathewol TradeMark of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MENTisorallathleti P 'pING sports and pastimes. {fl f youare itrse V il, letic po ert aau MAeRK s eould ma e pa of 9-IN o ' t1CSpatlng Cta i-sUsvt"f oaru. I's ia peee tho o twyop sp oaf the worldtasea What's News in Sport Ou~asS..K r f Otdis seat free(oa re- Qsaasity quest. A. 0. SPALDING fem.BROS. 254 Woodadurd Ave. Detroit, Mich. [Nt lFARMEtRS AND M~EHANICS BANK- MlAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Prifiis$lOO.OO0 Geneael iatigBinesns. 3 percent paid onTimea ndst avinga; itepasits. Safety De- peoitiRoe' t entalt S-1.00and apwards R.IIF.li. IT-i. G. Pt'-T5MAN. Vice--Pres. H. A. Wota. I. ahler P. T.STOWei. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stockh.300,0011 surptas $50,100 tRosoarcea$2,00,00 A teneal Ranking BusinessaTrnsnacted t WI~t« C000 h a1E. titacach. Fees.; W. 1), a +~t - at n. Viea oIs, .: A . . ritz.(,Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK. Capit at$50.000 Sarptaa 75,000 Res~a ocs ,250,000 Wma. J. iBooth, Pte-. Wan. Arnld~a, Vic Pros. C. J. Walt. Castltar Cos-. MeAle, grad Liberty Stn-.eta FIRST NATIONAL BA1LK O1ANN ARBOaR. MICHi. Et. Di. KINNE, HIARIStON SOULE Paes. Vice-Pres. -S. .'LA iRisToN, Cashier. Ca-pitaat. 100.000 ;srlutssad Prailts, $65.000 TRIANGtSISNiriAtX TWa MEN. Jervia B. Webb and Wallace S. Healdl were itnitiated into Triangles, thea jauaiotr eniginteering aaciety, on Monday night. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ),aid fr 1iit1 d"tYolt . ff!": -u lC 10 WANTED Wantted-Studcent dish-washetrot fra- terntity house; easy hou~trs;cctll Bell 366. 78-79. LOST. L~ost-Leatiher card case cotntaintintg cards, duic tills ati chelsck (untantos- ed). Reward will be paid forieit- formnatiota leaditig to its recorery. Call 825-L or leavce at 317 E. Jeffer- Solt. 79" foal-A diatmontd 3-4 carat1 Saturday morning. Fitnder please retairti to A. Cohni, iop East Anti St. aitdrecceive reward. 77-78-79. FOR GALE. For Sale-At goad discoounts for each, doebills ott folloawin~g:Kollatuf (TFail- or), Wagnter & Ctt (Tailors),. (tier (Tailor), Bettiitg (Jewalry),- (cii- schler (Photos), Staebier & Soti (Bi- cycles), Skitater & CoI.(Jewelry attd Ottrtislitgs) , Latte & Illeliler (Steog- raphter). Write or phon~tte A. R. IDille}. 62a E. Universiy, Bellt pho10t82-J- 2R. 79-830. MISCELLANEOUS Puller & OCannor, Tailors atnd Clean- era, 61q E. Williams St. s-tf. "Martin Collars are conceded to bte tihe heat ittthe swold, cotase itt 11111rl toe. Schaeberle & Sotas, Music l oose, Ito S. Mai street. 67-tf . THE MICHIGAN DAILY (tlusic anb Mamna Inventory :. rid tL~tEO.XOII OFSIe 5 IY. of Men's Boy's and Childrens -The1 Rejuventtioi1()foTAltMary'" a give- t ttthe Neta Whitntleatrois -lnatllo -Jantttory 23. ,'Tis'lo y Swatsi ircettttatsiv sutccessaftil inLno t u t 111e 'Ferrytteater. BMiss.) 1Kobon golers, 1505s11animehdiote sates."h Mory'wastsaccetesi ibyte Ilhes 0 VC as it sort 011Dickensachoiratetrwith stilt icallproc'ilit-eadalfor 1e,111 At floViin sseeks the tteater owls crowdsdcigty 211011ount autioeite se s n~a ot apprlteiate Aittricatti cosniesl. SALE lBINS AT ONCE Thtere ia, how5ever, aItouchof a 1111) sa 1 uto vrot$ here antithiere as a rilie) to tielea111g1- $15 Suit or Overcoat I $12 tcr. Tile lone is pure-'o illa 7- W.$20 Suit r Overcoat 1 1 $15 oscuolrescomlicatonas, nostiniglust 1011. $25 Suii or tivercoat .1 . 1 0 lisa Robsossnsgivea s s aodlhttsl char-All Trousers 20'% coiff-'Shrir ty a Lidi- acterizsationi os)the 11111 tmaid. saloays a-0' ederweanr 201,1, sff-Hats.n ,. Cse it lie's. east',osalaswitinstthtespisrtit of) i( 11coledy-, ithioutt osetplayolt 'or ,eratesisiiltuatioussoar aaswrto oIs 1)01 lt o sta a sesitise. In a wstit 1is tiso rute spiritlof ecentsricoessisithaottMitss Robistsninteirprets. as irt ctrawr; Ats-osON ocrocaIs , ii 12111111\. --ioEasowrs atndi Defectivo Chtilsdrest" 1oh Iso-ublject uponi wishielDr. Gossidarsd o Visnelatnds, N. J., wsill sieak M01 olla afternona . 'isalecture, tot iti theI public i inviteds, still hlieldsoisiiolt-e slitsit-a nlsstshsg tt 4:15 sicisOl.,ad sssousli e ofsp iecialiteilreal to a ll Ilit, i-sedcatison. 1III10K tY M-1K105 1'hI'S 11(1BlT. 'Cotied rd omintPage 1Li (1°e Iso-rislsaionlican11 eisecured as ;;ates sil b esedultedl will somesIio- I t roit. temoot (sr Saturayi. stil sinow o ispratietis woil)lit-eitheit Sweatera 20/i off-Trunks, B-ag, ,1nd Suit Cases 20% off. 211 S. Main St. Carriage and Baggage Fo he ahoup'ioiletoIi ittiitfr om ates befote i2ootti$t.50, fe 2W~ol $2.00. For' eaih'TruoiiorssfrolmsOdooirot *petee i t libe25 Crate if sariedioltoo or fro to pt-stal'ir.teicelswill'h AVIATORS HATS "He ri~ji~iland ear n upto-dote h 5'a 1.00. Wthlateror nu fff I s- (isisrii r- di osnt front $1.50. Si ' Size. '-Xiii i- ost starantted UIAROLD W. ABR='l HALL East Mn-iches. Na-s York. I PPORTUNITIES. pet-eossthe sevetn is 51111if a Ibeter Unsiversity stoodensts a-Ioodesirc to pre- m'sasows uot. sire for tse techiaowsork of the IU'.icTh elp 11andsoreo) lat) gh' S. Govertniet, shotulid write for booik- oil- follow s.a LI 68o to the Washintigon Civil Scrvicec itoveol sa'. scosetsa. Schaol, Washiagton, D. C. Courses 0 -- ..... ol......I [r prcisared hy a " ." m1n01.1Estat\........iP it .. ..... eagh 64-70-76-82-88-94l.ilt .. I s Cve oiltScIttl .11apt - 1-0 sio lola pt..11 e r.. .. ... Ityl CHIROPODY. 0 10.... etr .....Srn MISS E. J. FOLEY. 011lst 10 O isig 00 5thii stuter Everythintg absolutely antiseptic. 1 st1lts..1 00 Aing.lsssssieo IitFletoher 921 E. Huraon. End af N. 12th. Score:t eyis st'l 13. stl t Is .4 ols Phone 989-).- 381-ead. 00 Isis2, MillertI,1 1 is2, 1 0111tilli4. K esissilli4,1. Spraing I' Fetcher 1t. Tate Detroit Laundry Branch office Call ofl peris, 20 moits.Os (ffeicilsJ(tles l Iuff, i247-J. I i-If. and\V) erg D lrivers are reoquiredo tot ttletcal - far carriage atndi baggage 5t1'Otl'e. Af ttli~~iIiN& (1TONIGHT The Bu e om HERRJANSEN CO. Magicians Extraordinary 3(toti. ?tr. one of the most start- Sunday from 3 to 7:31) P. M.r ling performances partes aF on11ear ths.Brsd Orders taken for special iiII iIetti falvn ri t', Ii l Oi o-lpe ra i altrilli- nile 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. II iv 0 gs a eat ii coa~hing in How is it done? iIAILEY o& EDTVUNDSa , tour Window oraisatherlatestin~ DEt'. a ,~S NMen's, Women's, Gun' isllitsgi'lellran (I A solo olitto and Children's Footwear Roy it' itg aotpilly Librt St AinArbsr Mihian Sireetianded s 'hoes Athletic Goods tibers at Sti Shoeltso E?',. R. FErost, 31)2 5. Stale St. Night Robes. aPamas-=Bath Robes=Soe UnaJama A Pajamai JWithout its Discomforts An Excellent Sleeping S5uit Complete Protetion,. WAGNER & CO. State Street 'I Crimsonf Chest- flusic -CHORAL nIO May Festival Flonzaley Quartet January 18 Admission, - - $1.00 Course Tickets, $3.00 41t tyear- DIC7iONARiECS 41xt Yer Ins QVIZ 1BOOKS lra Aau Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Arn aAch' AnaArbor Br-aeon ,tn ' -tnoeet. (tpnsose Law.eMBd. One-half block earth at the Gamp~us(216 S. Ingalls) Coffee anti biolls sarrlod till l0o:l0 a. mi. Boo.xrd. - $4.00 per week 4 weeks itm %dva ce $ 3.50 1C. J. SESSIONS UniversityMusic os Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music 1 1 Portrait JIF S~tidi- C4 Alb io East Huron Stre~i ALop 46olL SAL.41L, '. . :,., - - I , . .. AP 4F -.AmoP Awr - I . '. . . I " -30P --dommoommoll