THE V :il IGAN DAILY i l' 'r , S ,,, r d /,;: ,r"' / . J, j' t . ~ k' ' j This style is short in vamp, full in toe, high in arch, and high heel Buttons are Neat enddtenssy asndstill naterproof WAGNER & CO. r ttf S el f11w.lai" heeIlo ix -ed.nae, .-trrss fa.-~ Teas ad Chafing Dishes -i and all y Accessories $3.00 to $4.50$21() ric1[xtza.rte^ t,'s for 3 .- $3.50 tea y $28.00 I I UJNIV~t. -iY NonCES i the cv(eit g r re ngstel riesetf ert tteseoe £e el, b-ha r I e let sl Imptaesnt ee ,oi r torissca sees Th sesenr selit s ee ta wl m laeeiricrriture ts cc fr tie Mchi- sgre-I iim.Tr-s te sket irc e amIs sciltie sees]thtre a t 12:31o llT'u ea I l tes It r c eeelets123Tee rsdaytics et i Gil ihn o eter stteeelsurstit nI da icserttcnes tietlsee tieri arpplyr soere see te l sslo Flitimmes-ratlgase seectasseeus e Vrrhoen before th opeig fties s se er i e see ter- ir Nlro 11.5 Paetlesote, Sen itrlen's seinSees ly esDelesse -tci is l ls meet Tetltss reeninat errs rp.e_ ineVertellooleel The Y.iM.Ill A.Nll ssitnSal tissetel seet peec eg nthe i st lee \o\ex min tio s el e ~ i F st else. patylStuseraysts 5 sc1i 55555555555 t tI es- stle lse prmplts alc Is sthikthatreetest ii ta C elis 11dtou es Ma ;ot heett ietes ocuped by1 st i1 ndel 1ch eeffi of te Ahleic s ee i l seeaeeg sees e" ies- lnt e asl whnesseintevew d ocen sgt e est i slesat spetre leIt w ut ests sees te etls t rale an p reels- seesitletlee . eres e r et I de - clo afer a m tnels reelecsions ter Sihsectee ansnals w ul eda itlesies bItter bcaIts re f te tiro s, I ees se r se lok f t mousl l d Itelextitesicone sth ee esre sellstoesN erois faveree tsite sit' v trade mthts-ee rel elecd i. L, t i lle e tfproeeceeJ gveth Ops s ae. spein gseer al p I t T nt~ Friday. livening, Nwew Witnei~y iiiaiic JANUARY 20 Curtain 8 p. in. Carriage Call 11:15 p. mn. ENGAGEMIENT EXTRA-ORDINARY MRS. FISKE IN ~Becky Sharp" A Dramatization of-"Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" THE FOLLOWING SCALE OF PRICES WILL PREVAIL Box Seats -........$2.00 1 st 4 Rows Balcony... $1.50 1 st 13 Rows Parquet...82.00 Next 4 Rows.......$1.00 Last 9 Rows 6 ..$1.50 Next 6 Rows- --.....75e Gallery (Unreserved)...................... 50c MAt IL ODEtRSi fittesti tataieetsrecessieledadsthoueld be arccompaniedl iby rlierk or Meeney Ordlerreqestsing tleao of sealtanioostdesiredt, for re- teran eel ticketse ly mait a sell adderesr steeveloepe se lets sap sthoutldte BOX OFFICE SALE OPENS TO THE PUBLIC WED., JAN. 18, 9 A. M. ~ CIARETES SCHUMACHER IARECO. 1'318-310-312 N. asim tt. AT TUTTL E & co. .. CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Lunch Room Under Iloafson iltliard Parlors You can find a fine line if Caifectiahery Charl ie W ia d rp WINTER SAE O Reduzctionxs of from 25/" to 33 , 1 FI rst Ma Firat Floor Granger's School of Dancing Claies tar Ladieus and Oettexase-lTuesday and - sareslay El'senings, 7:00t Fir Pariculars call at Academy ar fistic 246-Offliactitans 8 ta 10 a. im., 2 io 4 par. Reule, 6011111, iegelCornpally Come and let us surprise you with' the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings. owl i Wif~t eah prcltssye o naf t:prelie3pree osact(12e32)-aelae- lion of 100. --- In the Universe of ciga rettes, Fatimas are stars o - -first magnitude, brightening the horizon of the college se boys' life. They're differ- en.t from others- widely different in taste and flavor. And the fellows appre irate their individuality. Lt-e a meteor they've 7 movcd rapidly into favor an' like the sun they shine above all others. I ex persively packed in order to 'give you ten additional ciga rettes--20 for 1 5 cents. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO Btanqutetesteed Alter Parly Lunsshees Selicitrd Club Sandwiches Fried Oysters Choice Steaks Chops, etc.. SERVED AS YOUJ LIKE THEM Dinners and Suppers $3.50 per week. 0.lM.Willits, Prop. 315 South State DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Anna Arbor and Jackson Limited Cas East Ba-rund-8:20eea. n., 10e:20 a. n1, 1le20ee . .e, te:2 1).1ass- 4:20p. se., 6:e20 Limitied Cars West Bound-ie5et a. rn.. 1:41:4pm.354.m,554.m,754.nitS Local Cars EasiBouned-taoItetroit, 5et5 a u., It1t45 a . w.and every two tenures aode04. p._as. To Ypsilanti; 5ed45 a. m. ansd haltftsaae- iv lots1:5p5. o.. alto 12:t5, 12:30 a. us., st2 seea. us. To aSeline, ethange at Ypsitlanti. Loceal Cars West, Bontad-5 ;45 a. u., lets a. u., andevey twoleusatoa11:15p en. Knox Hats Beacon Stetson Hats Hats Come on in the Reading's Fine!l The ichigan Daily For 'the Second Semester $1.50 Subscribe NOW and get January Issues Free FEATURES: "J" Hop Numbers, May Festival Stories, Base Ball and Track Dope, Saturday Calendar Supplement, and all Campus News. Spalding Sweaters Manhatten Shirts Perrin and Dent's Gloves and all, the latest styles in Neckwear i ALWAYS AHEAD INT T4L R TlBSTFEVY ARP AIL TTIlFNO IN TAILORING