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January 18, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-18

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The Michiga __

Vol. XXI.

Michigan Will Encounter Team
of Stars at Evanston Next
Friday Night
Michilsgan sdelaing enthusiasts are
«nnlerissg jst hows strong a ean
Northwse stern will pit on the patf om
,is isthe lig esontest ones cff Fiay
lgi. WordlfroimsEvanston ays tsat
thec three sen, s.iF,. Wiitesise, J. N.
Phielpss, sosd J. \\. lBunchel, sue sit wn
ratosrscl honsss sIsfoec,. S . I.White-
sde heist pcs ae osnste Nssrtwsesterns
ses san sdeaingteasmss J. M. tPhepss
wa sss'mssber ofIe eisssspisnsshipintsser-
schlatcsti ebsatinsg teamssof Cookie sounsty,
ssnssssoteirz'eeiss the Brsgssss Prie
Ieat inl 1910; alo nd'iss J. W5. ttsssehs essn
te Raycsn'ssssPrizesdeate iss the smcse
'sr. Alltsree ssens sre sdessts isstle
Libeersl Arts essllege,se fiss ssassese-
in asopshomsssssre anssd the soler tswo
1.".Csschrans, 'oi, tie ifEasnstnscch,
wscsacsssembler osf sssessof the FMIiigans
th e tise sssu' se t ecsches here. ()s
thsisacseesunts Prosf. Trsueblsodsssss put
fot seisIis bset efosrts, acssuslssess there
is ssssse ssssduse advantsaicge ssss te sffirma~-
ivesise,tse-Miciehigansstealsnsshousns tsms.
C. J. Csrrys, te isesbiersfrie Mis-
gssssteamswhos assslbs eess esssfisest with
file mumtps fsr siver ai'we, is ow wel
and isractecing dsisseiseslsihsistecm-
m s.is
I. IE.Bisck, isisesssber sf te Miheti-
gcssstsessssgisst Chlicgo,hiscssalso re-
cssvered f rssss thessmumpsts.
Thse jsssges fsr te Easstoss desate
wiltibeIPlsss. IR. D. Matsrsssil, jusdge sit
tse ssspresse cosurt sf Wiseonsinssprof.
-L. Lymassss, of te Isiersity 5f Wi-
cossssland rsf.'Jsshsss.IHalse, of
Lak~e sre si slege.
The U. f IM. rifle cests is sssow welt
unessstwaiyc'ssiths caissemblec'shiiof 'abisst
silty. IAssssssber f fsests'sess have
aslreassy joises. A fourc target r uge
hssbieessbulsit i tie bacsessesst f'm-
Xlitcss issl iwhere sossoting witt e go-
sssson tir rest sf thisse etc fros 3:00
ins '0 iansdit7 :00 ito 9:00 p. i., aidsetci
lesst three isses ci wekirsisisg terest
sif the year.
Upiioinowss helrustshssbhens atla
sligiss disadsstascge ii isishsvig rifles
iso fuisrntish emb le sso t preset tavs'
snse. The lect is purcrhasing twoi .22
eclibreeDracg rifles fromcsthe gvernmc'et
wih sisw i ibe acithue ranige fr teuse ss
of thoise nout hvinsg' rifles of their siwn.
Tier execsutirei'cmitee is nowsmakccl-
ing isrepasratiosssfr anitesrrclass mnichit
o li e ld sssme te ii Ferucary.
Thouse iwising toi try st frte dif-
ferentl teccmssmsacy get alli iforisictiocsat
he range. ech nmene of he winfi-
ing tecicswill Ie gives a spea. Later
isi ini te year anicniter-departmient macs
mcacy bte carrcnged. Ictineisig tir
rlushwnlt go isct to the outdoor ranige
betweenesreerasset Ypiianti for long
rcinge sootisng.
The idea that te rifle club to ass or-
ganiztionis onlisy for expert sits is a
mistiackess suse. Ass's tuentlc or facuelty
'san isteresteit in the sort iscrgectoI'
joiuinurhtuer ecan'sshoot or sot. A

raese officer wilt always he 'sresntmico
ciillie only Iso glcai to give instrc-
iuniliclihe Iuse of lice rifle.-

Tess shen friom New Mexesicoiset liii RECEIVE BEQUES~T: \\'itis ian eclet o' l f l(l
weekte ivthe Unsioncsandilforedicthesewscsit iii-a cever buisnh ()fiwarbliers ;m i
est iof Michsigani'sisectisnalscilubcs. The esissalesissffiinsteralin '~oii
sibject is to p'rocoite lice insterestsoif tinell of Mss' Octavia W.Bates ii cirslbhaes'sguis led el s- o
staite inc this part siflice middle writ, asset D the jiuissr sup ccr.Tew'to
alsi to miake knsownc tieserits oif this Provides for $20,000 Gift fur acine p' erfosrmansi' ce s'i's iisI
uiviersity isltce Souctswest. There sire t awcbr he Itrip repertirewhcs la nt a r1
manliigassaltuiscinisNew SMexicos, t a Lbayspirunig isiAissi iirsirriaisieunces lits
asid it mitt he once of the tisrisses sof the ____finishnedl ter fectsin aduhsisi iii icti's
cclb to help organcize anibadtoissi sgethser ofspfniecialtiesiiof Y ile iand I srncigsi l
these gradueates ciioanasslemisassciaur~- MAY GET AN ADDITIONAL SUM he clubs piroiseanreaet pr gIc's. 'ii
NAilsonis\'. illsti ias electedl tresisdecit sisaisee ti ereIlrcDasan a

cci J.S. tBowmnusc. secretarys. Tine
sltcer, charter imemblers sire : Johss R.
McFie, Ira IL. Gricvisl'aw, Laweeesse .r
Taimmsc'e, Robnert F. Mcistsry, Esdgair .
Jacffac, Waldotv C. Tivitceli aisd I,. L

$1,000,000 Clubhouse Plan Seems
Bound to Succeed
'Tie secosisd campaccigus ismeetig if
blichigansic aisccsc'wais unit Mondsays'ati
ice Unions. Six oust-ouf-towns's in
.erre presenti, mitts the repsreseuntaitions
isit soi scttered is at the terst mieetinig
osuthascridCuinisg', frosms Posrtlaindi, Ore..
'stue use lougest distancee. O~th'ers were
iresenut froimscCanandasiticgua. N. Y.. To-
eido, Ohio', IDetroit, Sagisiawi, aisdlfort
Th'lc ni oi f she cmeetings is lvi get imein
ismsdsfferecciisesticons if tlicountisr's
oigethere so acquinst thes mith the pisis
'ind spiist' if tli ii n cio, 'ansdin this
usasnner Isto v reac stlltihe' alumissis ossiie
lirectix No fixneid subjecet issroghtsvii
'sr diisscssionbt itiis leftito use visit-
ng aluiiss tos iask queissions.
Tine tptasofovies acsionscfur slersire
'scs admnisstratiiis of lice funss wsi
isisughstvii'sat 'stisisuliismseetinig'. 'lii
slaniprssedsrlis that if a hinsg cr-
nratiiis, nith use gov eelisrrof lice staste
)f Michiigcsn is ex-officios iresidessi. Thse
)ressidenti iflice suivrsiti is 10 lie
isaircicicsof th' eioard Iof tiustres.
ciliciswilllie scadie tipi of imembcleri of
ice Boiicrd of Regentis, senisers ofi the
'aessl's , use presildent of tie neI'iissansd
suivs frso'Inusthe sdifferentss taisses. Tis
'isiardviluthaveercirge {Ifsthe blintig
Icni funsds.
Thecalumn'si cvhoi saveat-tesndeditheii
seeticigs are alliieynidisentsini'sregesef
vihue raisinsg of sine moni eys.Wileus the
)lcansfor c naiissm iio do 'areampsiaignswss
terst brosached,. evens thoise swhoirs-
dousedl it were scot overlysconfivdesnt of
he pirosets for comcplete success, ist
'it doublts have ibeesn brussheid sa'Ii's
'he spirit shownsby the clsniscsithesi-
Somce oibjectionc was raised toi the vise
if "clubhiotuse" as the ncam'e of the heuild--
sig, ons the groundii that it mwosld sing-
gest lice city cluscithmllsciconssequienst
prejudsice. This obijectionisus slt Is's
iiointiing 01st the clausse ill lie iproposeid
'ocsstitsctioc fiirbiddvincg cligambslinug andv
thue presece of liquosnc the rluh
After a yeasr of secret weded life,
George F. Mucehlig, 'II medic, acid Miss
Alta M. treccac'shave annuosuceesthats
thsey were scarried vdurinug the Chsristmsuci
vacations of spoq-co. Mr. lueisiig
whosise hiomne is in Anun Arbour, is a gradi-
sate of lice literary eiartisonni anti is
sus inicislhing iccthemuesdiccal depcarmnut.
Mrs. Msiehlig is i gravduicte of thue
School of Music.
Eighty-two mcenc mere presenut at lice
junior enginceer.hiosuer last nights, Pruit.
J. F. Bird maste tile hit of licevceninig
wills his locast, 'flee Faculty."' E. F.
Wilgus and F. NC. Fischer cleverly re-
spiondedstoInthe ivissts, 'Lel tMe Thinck,"
and "The 'J.' Hog,"


Thce lcawslibrary of tie uieritilcii
receiive a gift of $0,ooo0 sud thineui-
vcrsitys a further sutillsof monueye'b' s's i
sitlO set Iiu illiamuss litesr, '77, '96
untis siest last ueek iusBlutimocure,
bit. The wivi ta ctes thasct thurels's of
20,o0 0shltbhe givesn lu'stue lam lirar's
If tie unuiersit's sndsialsfter alii he-
tuesis haeiehens settled, ue resmacidere
if thur estate eshllgui to theUnCivesit's
it Michi ganu. Puolsfuns aissre ts er
usw s slu'e'f"Ocavia Williamusustses
'ss s is."
ust howumachssistier'unui'ersit i l es-
'eise c'anus suot hes'stissucuiuTh teer'in
tut si$5,000 usnibeueuss thant musteni
;ttldbefore theunuiversity wiiire-
niv' arvsun cose' and a s lie size of thy'
statr'is ins'et sUkn'ownsu , isisfigures ccii
e gvr. Iowenver, the'lawciiibtlrar's
nit receive its ibeusest osu et sulits
unitinuieosfittieresaste i cse thee
fundus sreinsiffcintustics's'he he
luests i tul.
us additlioinutohe gifts irs tie ui'er
ily,M'set Btses tbequethedt $5,00 ice
sits scholarsshitp fundssofsthue hDeoit
enturalt high shooluu. This css cdiiret
earing uspisisthi'euiv'ersity'fine it is
sect ussendsing ainumbsuter of studets sue
issunier sty.
New York Banquet Io be Largest of
its Kind et Held
"\\ ellnittier'afair iscuss usfulcig's'jhu
sit cmenit havue ue largest resuge tissu-
snee'sthactses v'ser heenshlinehthuselc'reue-
rys," saidi far ID. fast lst ight re-
sesiug ue na~tional cht'tiigans dinner io
be hedistn Ness York, Fbruascry 4.
Arrivinig iii the te:50 train, Mr. ticuhst
c s's set cci the sations is'sPres. 1titu-
'hisuwith's whomuihe diede. t'r'of. Stan-s
ly andulb's. BShieswi iere'prsenesasue
sClansforurhtinusationasi linisses' formedss' thur
usljet fordiiscssionu.
Maniy'osuitglee cubissese ciltsr ct te
anuet iii lead t he singing ads Prf.
Stnlcce's is use arranuge thee musi. Net
suy it'slnaiccspcies traesincie senti fromuc
Deroit, ut fasclt's'mcesndsuostiers
who d sesre' ciii returns on0 a5secia.
A prty rute sit $3 has turnsecre.
'setroit is his sendu a deegationu of 150,
'suit Ann Arbior abosuut .so. Chiag, St.
,osis, IDenver asuithsuir'sesteren tis
wilhle're'presente,isw'itespeial rt es
irevai fromu'aliiieserns cities betnct-
tendnuice set athouusand seemss assurd.
Tine vacating of IHurons street'etieen
4111 street ansd lie eohervauory, ihich
has been tie occasin .ot considcrabhle
disussion durnig lte list year, ai-
earsh inafs'ir isway to ie acscomplcished'.lI
The city ounci 'loneiy evening, toosk
tavorablen actions 055 lie proposasl ofthey
suiversity regents, assdt apuoitedliMo-
day, Febsruar's 6, as the sate isi which
lie trojec wilthe inalys'cosiderev.
The proposa to close Hfurons street ic
order tic form a suitahle parkway to tic"
hoalevard, has beets hanging fire sine
Septembher 29, 99, when lie regents
offeredthlie city $,ooo to vcaute. The
actions of Mondusay evening mares lie
first, step i' ic e finalsisuutionuositthe

tireciuusc sissin their ''fr5ims u (e st"5 ' it's.
Scsiturs's, Fc iis-e itis. th (1:1
chsen s fuss'tie' 's 5 atiii ses's es. 5
ureter(noitueo em. seein WI15'.°. '
ties it swilt _)i i orc sl! t
Hockey Club Will Open Sieason on
Local Rink
irn e 1 ssues' i l ( their hil n :11n 1):14 t
7:te0 ct Vbbs te 's r5 5. '' V"
.enabuilevo 1),'1 lll-e's se s nidt t5 ll
hoascrdl haces io ice cid si I 'tlw
us granst ibel th ts i sil c.
Neertheess e this h( is '(,'ciii
tlcen is usateri.lca a i f r t est ul
teasusss fii se'arl' e q(sul i i tyisi add1i-
tiinall ilghtsn i bel sriti So that
tir' risk wilt se le a vtia~c lm i
chasuneltatth suet bdyI ii Ih'll
co see' thn sieselilato . 1 h'(!o
:it bims Abs arei to ne I t
(1t1 use'the'nsupport ()i 5 >5 s 1 i1ls
NO si extr'a eli17e w lli 14(1' 11
ee'rimeig, tir'regsi.'r'adissonn o ii
tien ie esfi s is~all l terwii u .si'
'IRtOliLFS ''T111,i' hRfifSi i 1I'S.
Ceusnes'scaisuu hai ts's elt I . -pasuns ill-i
is hcistoer's, Isui us lesuer in arc's 5 iot's
uivie rsit's, setleast, it stiilr'e 'is
vitlsubjtufo retin'ts sis
finer cut 's'sest 1I 11, 111i. cli iiI
grundsus tfor Nvlicsi hissn of tic >5iem
wsithi 'litosinc tbletn, it is 55 555 's il
sOf tiedy
Twii) lasese eues' i isis sii i ll
m otshr'entirer'icla sse s just t 'nste 5~
l's agigusnst it.v
'Theee. e s sin Of et s iitm ii sesii, the
girls. usgasthee'dshfrosem c estlis'i~ a
peso.is sagasisstth oisc il.
uiAe'uisunOR([.Tsutts 5 's T'cuses.
At ai meeting o h .oIclasn
ciesti iesuoardlatst ' e eit , (:s( ecde
ins poshtponei' tiredtc. 555 wusich ora
tionss foer the in iv t% C' 5i555wllh
slie. fromss Febury0rs i 5 ',v 1 r y 's 3.
Ait oractiosmusnitib. tee 5 i 5' i 11
m555555 hue stibmiitted t ')u "t- n
DidsV ess's', 4it( Thom;,sis , i
tiso p. iit.osethatda . tie-r'. o
echlioratio s imi e t 5 14: 1 his's
dredslasuitift's'wcc s.

0"1 THE 1911 OPERA
Union is Already Formulating
Plans and Appointing the
Two menof extv s's operaee
. .m-5, l . i e teeol diss tee
ni tic , n nd~l o av idshe
!t~tlcr chici il( o 'usc suiet-ti
llrcT i aciss1: p i est get's
apoi n sted, i th
'r i . 'N. Ot , "I li set ,an
'sicni ii, , Sirm Pr f. W'sillimt
TI r ile' iss '
Ivr 'cis ,' ' semth i ns i
u i .';_7 i. ist cii twad
,t i in-t d al of r ''s i
se i'i. C ar5 t Trg il tar
tetc , 5 of imeof terold
'cisc 1, ..fo sh ins'cior,
\it cI s ill s. smaee to c -'I'
t 5.\ st hn ii:in
S If will he C ll s ) l
i s ceit'm t it c ai
istfr o er tti
ei:^f-o n hs i i dctell S etaersinl
" iii I. 'tfc te pinis' f th
itbids. i ' er
n at'is eecl rue 's ae is hae sic's
- 5s siii l 5 to ic;; lfte oi era l'read 'y'fou
vv'rlise usls uto sstste te 1 c i nsue r i
s vwt h idca o teiop'ert i:hs
i i I ill utansr r cf rc
cc ftr fiht gaist nhis' si
,r vsites he s suvilc, It tis
care man patetlt' hae bco ie it
he i :t i ssu t t le s i let i i, testn'u''isrc-
c sttl e arse as e' ise i n r a
i c .:h and i possrsion .'f's'lwo ui
5 ent~ sopfer thissue hrg. h ra

'l' IIfl~li NZbh~f'' 'sC'stfi'hT.
F~ausssOrgcinizsstio s s ibuiurser us Cheered IusiusitSeries -Ti'uuht.

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