THE _MICHITGAN .DAILY - T:.he pret-isc fabrics you'd observe on N ew York's smartest men these Asutain (lays when Fifth Avenue's promenadle resounds with the swish of silk anti the chug of motors, are -on parade here to-day. We hace laid theim out isi be- -witching array fotr your critical in- pcin ern hsmds materials, fashtionced faulitlessly in 7 . a style anid fit, you'll Ie a factor in iasin(,-- and social cealmns. Slittdi-s anti ,a' tcrns ace varied enouitgh to vel the mtost eutacting. will suit yoiur pirei Wi'll let nit' fabics-,diiill -ho 'e r1 uf trging iflyoiu'll drii in tin ittir vay ^ _ - . J. KARL MALCOLM 118 E. Liberty I Granger's School of Dancing OlpenOtober 14tth ton 13th -Classes for Ladies and Oentleam.n Tuesday and Thursday Evenings, 7:00 tn 8:001oaclock for Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246 Office Holsn15-12 a. 24 p. m I -1 Hentry and Company Te..lors aDedd I Furnishers to Men 711 N. VUniversity Ave. Anne Arbor, Mich. pai A NEW RATE The Huron Cor. William and Maynard Streets One Block from Campus No Better Meals in Ann Arbor at Any Price EASE UP ON THlE PROF'S mahiesatal pics,$2500an p %owestPrici-siini ypeNa ,iili s tftitie The Students' Typewitee Supply Co. Raom 4 PresasBuilding. Oppoasite Majestic Carriage and Baggage tar etteitouilettiso tatd frost farties befoire i2io'clock $1.50, afier 12eo'clock $2.00. For eaiii.1ruitltto rtirotdioe, tie pricer wiltltie 25 Cents, If carrid to or tromt pice will be 50 Cents. Driverstire requairedtoiscoletcash fee carriage tand taggage service. OVA A it M'S fLVERIY ROIttNtiN a Cit. W. 11. TAilK titit1IOfS fVttfY UNIVERSITY NOTICES Tryouts for the Girls' Glee club, Wed- nrsday at 2 o'clock, Barour gymna- siut. Accompanist watted. Deuttsclir Verein tmetitg this after- ntoont at 4:00. Ktoct. Metitig of Plisht Literary stciety, 7i2 Arch sret, Stntiay at 3:on p. m. 'll Ptolish stdetts requstctd to attild. J. F. Kroidlowski. Thec Cotmttrce club will old a te- ittl mtecitg ott Tusday vctning at 7:30 ini Rooiot4, Ecotnonmics biuilding. Forestry dlitmcetig in 'West all, Wecidnesdatat 7 :0 P. i. All foresters coettatctitigel acquaitted. TRYOUTS TONIGHT FOR UNION OPERA. (C'ontitiued frtot pagti)- lPtblicity Mtan-Harold iTits Ftance Committteeitc-H otttr Heath. llug tGmbtlil, Ralph Crtig attilRibetr 'ssistanttolitStagc viitttager-L. J. Craig, Hu igh McVickr, atd Br Wat- kits. Assistatnts t'tMastr of Properties- litit i iila it Fallo ttndElwardil as. 'ssistantiltto 'Master iii Costuites- W.t C. RetickrttandiEarl Good. Aissistantts to Putbliciy Mta-Jo ButrgeIFrtnkIPcetnell adt IHoward Pun. Milol Stiff-Dirctr, Earl V. leyi Riolertt I. 'MrlcadiladitArtur I'lctirician-Ratlph Pardee. LAST IDAY. The Stlefoutitipieit-isalc at al rices cltss ttnightf at 6. It will pay you toropin iand teatiiite or large assoirtmeticoft]ieci. $2 icts offerd lto- ay- t tue t$3 valtis t $.0; $6 ticns for $2.20 tatd $8 Jutmbo,' the largst pen ever displaedl t Michigant at $3.5. Io' ftot trget the fact ltiatatler toilti yo titato full prices for Stl pels. Si- DENTAL CLINIC. ITe Dentittl Clitic is ow opeti for lie treatmtentt of ptietis. Pttietistd- siritigplalttes, crowns, bridges, tatd regi- lationti of the teeth will te seex eve-ry day- fromtiteti to twelve iticloc;Ilihose tesiritig fillings, tretimiets o tie ct- tions sill fhnt the Clitictpeti eer af- tern frct om tii half past ote o'clock, ex- ctept Sturdauys. 7-t. Gel your eletiott cards pritted at Stinnte rstot short notice. New tye LEST YOU FORGET. Wie wish toi retititctyout that the Sale temonistrationt sale of fontitnt pes loses ttiuir. All who havie ot idote sit soulidactaitettselves of the oppor- tullty to purchase a stadtard, giara- teed 14-It. goli pent for ataut half price at Skinnteris. $3 Stantiarid size stuieti tes for $t.5o; $8 "Sudett Special, MUSICAL ART STORE. The popular State St. Music House is toffering0 all the laest sg hits at 15 cedits. All the Oteraic omusi at 25 centts per copy. Muttsical supplies of all kitits at strictly o-price. -tf Fuller & OCotntor, Tailors andl Cleat- ers, 619 E. Wiilliatms St. -t-f. Deroi Lautnidr- Branch office. Call Huftf, 1247-. i-f. Get the hest guarantteed $.oo Fout- tin Peti at Cushitg's Phartmacy. -tf. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limited Cars East Bonad-8t20 a. mo., toils P. to. Limited Cars West Bond-9:54O a. to.. 1t:51 -1:54 p. m., 3:54p.t..:4 p.m ,t7:54p. Local Cars East Bound-lo Detroit, 5:45 m t., 6:4t a. mo., aod every two hours t 10:C5 p. n. To Ypsilanti, 5:4 a. mo. and hatt hour- lv ttt:15p. m.. atso 12:15 a. to., 12:30 a. ., -11-5 a. am. Ts Saline, chango at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5;t45 a. mo., 7:15 a m., and every twohours Ito 115p. New Whitney Theat-re THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 CHARLES FROH MAN Presents The Musical Comedy DOLLAR PRINCESS Book by WILLNER anod GREENBAUM Music by LEO FALL As Presented one Year at the Knickerbocker Theatre, New York City TWENTY-ONE BIG BUSICAL ACTS Hear--" A Boat Sails on Wednesday " Scale of Prices Announced Later Hotel Cumberland S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK Near 20th St. Subsay and xiii St. Eevaed ,~ . -, KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN t College Men AlwaysWecm 1 Special JPerms for College Teams gi .I-UI 1 deal Loction. Near Theatres, Shops aI alland Central Park ' New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Buth, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. UNDER THlE MANAGEMENT OF Hiarry P. Stimanorn, formierly with Hotel Imtperial. R. J. Bingheh.rx., formerlty wihbHoctel xWoovardt 1 I Thcadnriuni Picture y I ii 5 'A BOARD $3.00 per week BURBANK P. STUART, 513 South Division CHlAS. E. MISNER, Stewtard I A. G. SPALDING & BROS. The Spaldinlg aete r:sta T.'e..da-Mark ofMFICfoaIAiEQUIP- PypING s portsanad pantimen. (Qhp. LPD ftiou are i terestedi Jr y iti Athletic Snort siiu iAR tuloudhare is copy of liii P heSpalintgCata- titup .