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January 17, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-17

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Vol. 'N :

Athletic _Director Goes Forth
Into Parts Unknown On
Secret Mission
Director Ittrtine is missing Nc
race sf imti cold lbe found in his ac-
custoimeit haiits al1u)t1 the office of the
Athletic asociaion 3esteriay and with
flie Coitilttei disinclination (f his assis-
tts to aiitiit eveiitat there is ai Grad-
nlc liiDircted-i, the coisictioi gowse that1
_h>iI5 again sleuthing in search of ath-
letic attrictionis. HIis assistaiits wheii
IieLAY -crsauacicd tatle hail goie
linteid that l ie. a iin tic inort. it is
thirrefori'difficltlo sate whetherle tis
ge ast, iwst, r siiitt.
''edietrslipipieiasay foii'a tys-1
tios int iitiihe ast idriig De-
cembieri fiii a little- calion his li frieiid
Keienie titziiaticksat Priicetoii aiiia
vuisiwi the htaI garieiir at Cirnet.
\! liat resltd friiiii"tiiseevsits tias
nerr bien divliged. Whten the sea-
Siinis trailk tian wretieritteid to es-
cap intoi the-hig~t}ights of 'piliitiy
it wias idiscoiserit that tte Cornett run-
oeresiire tii visit Aiii Aror butl as no
aiinoiincii(ct lhs yet beei made of the
basrblland iii-fiotal tplaniswhat lae
been, or miayt'le, accoiplished in ither
dietosis iiit kiiiwn. Mhichigan wants
somie ni-ic aliaices lto coitlete her 191[
scceliis. It nay le tresomed that
IDiretor iartetnic is eeavoring to se-
cure therui. ic may le eatig wars
adiceuithi the Esinos near Huditson
ia s his assistants iesire the iuiso
tphisticacud to beliee;te may le in
N rlrasl e li ugtle atVaieerlit
hut thire is "a coterie (f apittlists %ith
sporting inclinaticns that is arraiging
a ot sitw is(n te roosition that
lie is at Prescnt in juixtaposition to one
Of the eastcrnu cetes f learning. Di-
rc tr Iartlune is swise (especially in
arranlging athletic ciiteste), aid the
snuposition attaches that te is not stney-
ing Sansrit. 'Thoe nWho are really
ctrioiis to asertain whom(i Michiganu
will meuet oni the grieironu next fall aiid
eho lWiillsapptear oii the Ferry iel
diamnod this spriiig ill hae to sail
iiitil the('Gradnate' IDirectir returns anu
lcs itlto pulisthe lctg f his erei-
jet' cii 'oss s Ci 55ci e Otii.
R'umnorisautority fr the stteiet
thatutthe lei iveiiirsity nin e is toi le
one f the atractions oi iichiganu's
omie sceiile this srig. The Jas
sre'41Mititiig ainiAmeriecanutrii oii wich
they wiliieet cillege hball players
tihronghouttheticcoutr aiiilthere semte
to be n reasonu to bluiee that they wilt
niit coiie to IFerry fiCld for st lesistiiie
ganie. Althougino electricsl sigit has
heeit-erected io froitif te Athletic
asissiaiinit fice li t"nees ffiia lio-
ice that'the lttle frown heouthers"-are
slsteid to apiesr, it is tossible tat the
miatterhisisbeit sireatdy srriigei.
The Keiocinde is the biet in Japan.
hitviiig eateit cvciithe lest trofessiotal'
teamis, aiiii will coiie to America with
aiiienieisih eird. The'Keo players
iiade tiigs vry interesting'for the
LT nieersity-of Cicago nie duiring its
recent trilp through Japan. They on-
ceededin idrubinig the Maroois ott one
occasiiiiniendtll:of Athe gmes were
close. The Jstiasre reported to e ex-
cellent blsllaIlyeresiitil spleiidi sorts-

mn anid their appieairaince oii Ferry
field wouali, ondouhledly adilmiuch gto
the silracliveitess of the hatti schedule.

"What kiiid of ai soieeiir wilt the
ladies prefer:"Snch sas the qestioii
whlich coifronteid the hotindceeiieneits
at thir meetiig at the MichiganUniioi
last iightt.A alot oe decidedupoeinai
at gold locket aiidlcaiii viwi tirisee
lock '"I"'or sea, tie preferreid,ipoi
the ohverse, taed the giest'e iiitisls tpiit
the reverse side. It wase also ritee tisat
te guests if the iidepaedeitssieili
iiot wear flowers at thelop. Titl mets-
tre sas passeel uioii the caii tti
fdosers wotli soil the dresses.
The et meetinig of te iiiieeitieit
wilt e held at the Uiinio hodelsuJsii-
tary 23, at 7:001. InI. t tattiiiisthes
ni are reqetefeelopay all hup fees
Director St. John Pronounces Ma-
terial Best Ever
Folloin tg yesterdlsiy'srehearsif tii
2inue'utechtluth iiiniitgi'iic(t siiiioiiti-
edthIle folowiniig tentative cast fr th
rtiilteti a oif "The Title.Xlrt."
'lie Marquis if,'Ireutluuiy....
.I... . .. . .. iiiiiS. ii 'ii's
teguiiIlctarking, 1. PF.............
................ Artunr IG. tChen
'[r. Johii Blackwsel. . Doiiiali Kisssddue
vfr. Lswreice eps...... E;. G. Keptt
toy Clarlnot ........... ],ee P. Etilusut
liram Peters. ..hdturitndil Diefeiiierfer
(ezra Seesiy............ C. NA'. Witter
fildetu .............G. ). NMattewss
(dilttiBlalsckwell .......... ttiltc Stousi
Irs. Blachiwell ......... ...tsure tialmie
ay' lsrorie Ticniir...... CBe lublet
totir ................. . iuMuho'nt
The wirk liss bien riio~gressiig fsster
hlliihail bien'iiatiici,,uts'u. at rglai
'ehsearsals wiltle egaiiithis eeek. 'T'hi
rdultiout promises to eclipse aiiy pre-
oiii-undieriakingof -s kutil-bth ii-the
urrlrsio f the piarts andiiinI the stag-
ag. A greatidea f care listsbheeit le-
toiwedl ipiiii thie stter sideleof the lieo-
iicii ad the'-:second act,ii partic-
ir, proiies toibriig(ntsi setting whlici
vouaeld o cdit 10otny Irofessiiia ter-
'The cas of this sioiw is the best tist
MIiciganthlineveer ropecel siiiil no,
good as any that I have ever seetinf iany
autmtetr proiiucitioi," salIRert St.
loihnt, who iieow oiidtcting the re-
I ersashanitulmho -ha hisiilchasrg, ifthe
theatricatfs here tlri~g the jiat threi
retir. "It conainstesthaii onehsif
the ntuer of(peolecsid in "heI-
stecter"std iiusnuchi s gnodliaterial
wasamiore hletihiful this )esirthu astIit
ire hisil t greter chiice inticiig the
Prof. Ilenry CUAuaisn, ilIl le the
guest ofi hoior at the secn iii n hner toi
l.Uioni tetbers to le tel iext Thrs-
iday. An attericive musiclal programt lis
beeti-ariiged, coisisitiig uf the fiil-
loiwinig numbhers:
Soo-Rohert hailey.
Mndsiloinnch giitr-J. tDavis adisliI
"Crissia"- I. Daesiiiid Frani
Pianio atid imadoli-Roscoe Gage.
The affair will e given at the cl-
=house, lasting fran 6:to floo. Tic -
et, thirty-five g ehs eh, masty e e-
cured froma the folowiig: Mh.Blih,
B. Tippey, F. Ingramt, . Rerioi,I
Wiley, atid B. Frenkel.
f: neo rits ussceso

Owitng to ai severe cold, Pirof. Ff. I,.
,-Wilgus oh-thie lain deparhitch, haste ui
Inet i la g~sses situ'; lat h ridsty.Ilie
still resume w'orh: ewarul the eliiilof
'thu week.

COMES WEDNESDAY r \I[- i. Si'uisenoi D [ ton, si
I latit ii h ls iaught, oa T hle Life'
anld 0 ust us of the u I hLa ds.'iI'' h
Critics Highly Praise Foreign livecdtiiia.u nitaid si1 rIthe uuuuIe tutit
lii cuuli tout yes of tugs'.u e san s w sualr
Musical Artists Who VWtiI l ii clll, o r sen anttphases of theicli'fies
Appear Herentimatll acquaintancer
t pp a H r ''If eey e rcu (il ie'as goodat tet'
It-iuhk d,,u e,'saidulhes, ''therei wuuld t e I
nue'ed for' poliuc'me'n.''
tCLASSICAL PROGRAM ARRANGED 'lheeSociolhogicaul cltubimeels 'every
______otlier Modyinuiu ilthe econlomc ildn
? ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Thuere'is awv nadeso ,m

'he Fhusuiesiey Quiarte't wil illiake its
:hied uauperaiuce herreuuo i fedhiesdhsu
erenitg of lis weeka. This orgaizaes-
tiln is every where recoigntizedhasie uof
hue leainug stinuglquartetsi'llthue us'ri'd;
Is twvo forirser Auiericuuutours hanic
Welli sliceressfinfl, hilt theu' rseult *ironi--
ses to lbe thtcuuuuenusl. Critics 'every-
.iherresire' exhreceilug the highest turasie
if this'trchniicsil perfectiodu, the ine
.51 uituthyand ututhe srtistic des ltioul thse
lonzualey c sbouw il thaeir usork. (Oil
huir twoel icesius is-ite to AulnArlior.
Deactu s utics-timers live eujoyeuhstich a
rsarely udeightful eeenuing, thast tiiia-
sngeiruunt of the Chtorsil humollcoacerts
hits seceuredh them fair 'the fotirtl recit'al
if the series.
'Teorganuizationulhlssas moistinte're'st-
sag' histoiry'. Fondedl priva.tely inii 9 u
buy .de Copitco f the "IFhuiuzalsi "vil-
iai, lake Getneva, its fatoe sitsiuspshread
thast ptillie conucerts were 'demnditeud. It
is lowiondiuepeindent, and d Ievotes ite
whlaue timie to ensembhle playing.T'hic
per'sonnue el citmitises AdlfoIl hetti, Al-
fireed PuchonUsi, 'o Ara, anduh I wtt
Tile program t o her lireni here til
XWediiesday isastiefoullits':
Q turtet in G(inolilur, t(ll. 74, N s. 3.-
Allegro .
Lairgo sassai.
Allegro ciunubrine
"Adaigioa" frona (itartet -iii A maujour.
:Italienischue Seretiaide" . .. .1 Hnu hhhf
Quaisrtet iiIttmajoir, Opi. 5E, Noii ...
.... .... ... ... hteehtovilu
Allegretto virace e seimphre sehuece.
Adasgioi mitoue e estit.
Allhegrou (Th'eumeic Chse).
County Jail Is Closed to Good and
Bad Alike
Ytoui ean't geltintoijail--uti iiX'sishi-
uin'Il nulCoity;uioiio. 'outeiCohunt evell
bireta in lion' withut Be asing taklent getly
buy' the hand b hy' officers of rhue time. Nheli
sire watchlig tile eunity jailiih uuw'ehs'
hut to aee thttnoune gu in
Smastllpox-thati's the ressnt.
Eel. IHenduersotu, whou sy's hse callsc
Jaicksontlhomre, wassDticketh tip its lie
streets ilthIetnighat of Jauary to. cvi-
dently' -intouxicatuedh. 'The otuiceecjuduged
tieauose lEu. cualdnit inure hand or i
foott antdlineisted, itt'calltig'fur Pasioy,'
his trainied eras. 'After Eel. haiaIst-
guiesedt it the busstihe four a lay sir so, lie
wsei takeul sicats, ilthy'esterdayisthe ecise
was -pronounced_..smallpox. _Now'_tionie
cant eniter;itonte cant leave, sandulSheriff
Stsirk iti slt the gloiry ouf is inew biadge
is lookiing for ailatce toi atire his true-
piectiv'e prisneurs.

hiertirutlt suuljrec. Stiudu'nts if sueciig
are turgedl tosttetiulthiese miuctil ssand(
juli1 the soiuety.
With Three Days Remaining Tetams
Work Hard
hittrecas remausinutil tthec'V'asit
sity dcebstcies 'itu h ic'gou;111(1i-Niirtli-
ee'iuuoiniths' liiiesilu 5''htusoli'cd, thust
tc' hs'hc'''u ''Ii't'i'ii t i'i5 sho iou huh ecii a
auattedt (ncomeu"utausconusltit uiousalily
lustem hch will deiftn h
suitatve s ioftheii huest ilin ii 0i-
erithall onIi citi u'idr vuii'''1ignut
tic.1uy illusII uulsist of iRobcrtIJ. Curry,
Zcct, aIiti iii iopiponienuta suhwi b 'Ieri-
till I."mchiiehhi Xlberit F. XIeeIuhusi-
.'tuuanu'u thiurtcPI Scott.
as uuuuhm Xr:.illh II RinatldAsmith
stitutec the teamiwic iih will aiii tis'
.!ea '' l; iii vI Nuuithu (stel i a.t
itiwstlil I.
tic hbhites haebn rlig
fial ihiy ndconisishitntluduer mvi-
self itiofessor I huitli cr Ir h'.
Irerle .ini . lst a miiibir iof
woiiu vclet tlis Mis Iii in hieaisi saiud
1'cif. 'h'ruelood u 1 sst rutav utaid me feel
onIdelof hitttill"(; ill a sleiducolt-
'homau s 1E. Black , anit Rohe rt J.Cur-
ryruerteeniithy tIken ill ith thes'
ucaogreasstiic'st rcoeyu nlit is
huuiedutthsut boithwithlhue tile I ts'ehurt.
Me'hctwlile ths' ilsernative ava euee
husrdl a sttesrk iutdii ill blie parihiled lto
tsuke'their tilesini cisc of iaicmli-
'Tti' jeudgesswlt tic ex-Attorneuy Geti-
'csuh htrsanuksS . *MNhuuuctt if Ci iuusui,
IthiolIion. Chlies 1. UCoh'lluinofIdin
sipiihs, hhd.,suauhd luii. Jue' IsoutXX".St.'-
r'owm, if Clininnauti, Othio.
11 EAPING; It.XXI' iPLAXS '1.0
111KPIT' lhFhOIKE hKGxh(ITiX'S.
PhtdIiiiltiy tlans for theneus'tn
huat tutduswarcehtuuse toi he cerectedt by
the lUnimeraity willh he iresenuteud by thic
butildiig comitutttee sit thc'uleu' hg of thus'
haurut if Rcgentts liiT'hursdayt At ths
Deceetun'ctiug, si e uuuuuiuutcu' ii ap--
uuuiuleduItoi presetliic'tiate of thie
cust if thesc' unilie's te' thel ila
tutre si iIi.itiisu itpp'oprtu'eths' ucs''ssii
funtues. 'This comiitiuttcc' iiill slbitauilits
cepolrt 'aind it is liii huslls'It st thue1151-
Icr wiltlhue befoureths'trleh~aure ;lext
'The sutimler schlsu ud iugeetsmith aso
he placed before thuenostril satud scteud
up~oni. Accoirdhing to Rrlt dehalsi it is
lacge'r thaittluist yeaur.
'he questionttof Clue suditourium is
still tuisettledu. Thccmmuiutteeiin chasrge'
luss tuceutiloking overiirscevccra mlils
mif a sitmilir Huit intrcer tis, .1m
idecas abotutthue style 'tutd cost ,f suchI
astrctue' Itwilrpruonts ok

Faculty Man Criticises Ideas
Recently Expressed in
10 ut'uuuu T'irI HIGtuADotty:
If it be termitited aelihcrthaer D clii1
atientiontoI flutwss in yortrze~itori- ~
toley, I hug leave to mtake theomntttt-
csutiontof air. H:f.°I.HBaskitasad' btmees
I Set1uy theurtetaifr a brief sermtaon.
'tuu will obsree thatsit Ii e rcnt
discuission a s iti the pro rcuihc uttr of
elccling thle stuentul uuc.lers of ile
BoardiinConttrolt (f Atthetics the' _fut~
lt uha unopart. It did nt ut oncernr-
thitl, stntuthey were oil'y tohISfipp f
he utle for otce lie stunh atiof adnh-
tow the studentshseale,fir then-
seschra qhltues t einvlitg'aln r
~~rncituhe rsatherchanitiuu si suiuger ,rjtiie
tutul css-purpoiss. X0ehiy',1tie1, susifl'
tis'f I-sucty, uter the Itnst"a" "
eubuavoe, the fairues-of shichi"
Ihs not 1been ihhisi uuueu, hae iggeul
intoi thehuos-moremlti isctiseiuiuto ,hie
grsututuslinee sultetd'7 s i it vt .t
cienut tinithe mtsters i wicha the
fsu'ily mshowh tss eertunwillinmgy, obt-
trudethemir views iputathait r,. li
tieir mivicisclihudhe imuige ath
their 1honor acsusild:is utne cesary'
thtliu themyshiiutticbecotise [he tock-ilus-
trsatu uion h dcaunpussitmtsouhtte for all that
I spicablue uh i wrd ltiice? I he-'
liss hslie i thue'ultyhalss eemt uter-
conien oiluif this'priivile'ge itfipublic uti-
lersaic e of stdent semat n:e. Jd
I)%uv canest cify to their forbearatte.
Is it not ltie fr thi'euditrs lixaserci
themislves for public, decetcy y ju4i-
iotte sapplicationitoifit le cigrs if esuci
It ie the fact thiat M~r. hinokits is a
tiuruiter of te Stuenut Counmtcil atutpre
cisuably, there fire, expuressee the besi
(Save'rthe itark!), stuet, sntimaett
wyhichl imakes it difficult to pasow r his
Itars. I scarcely teieve teevoicee
stuent senitimeit; I even doubtb whether
lic is fully sware of--tlie eal ' ~tf
thus offetisivepasssge itt ilecommuica-
t i. Thast is prccisely ,the'woxcV of it.
'Theu tonii' xof swaggering iusoheuuu' u--
ployd is oue that is -tabital with a
usalltiut by iomenas too-retiring, ee-
meucut it the stuent body; it dae'he'-
toi certaina differeticee of opinion-ne to-
str athletic hlicy'regardng 'hih"ss"
stiuettshistd their way, and nshould be
satisfie. T'he fight is lotg past; t~
this siullein persitence dof artillery? n'tth
cry tu melwho adopt this toine are tie
samemwhoa.ftr.grsutitiaus speatk tiet
uncuusliey if "Alma M,'ater" ani"thJe
stpirihtuulift of conactnt with t11i 'e-
loivedh trofescsrs."' That itt the tne
ushitch tey beieve the alumni ike, "-
thue fsceihte" goes bst with the uider-
graduteis. " 5xes'to-riait " Shade of
'tut Frnkini
This comuntitication, Mr. Edior, is
adsued iteo youua'nxdlyouir associate ma
the hulef thast you are hnstely tryitg
to 1chit1tte DAi,v inithe tiet interests at
teuxnivesill. It is 111t1imtdedi to cltt
focth a genieralt tisalisii nu4 I pis oid
rsatherchave i1tiuilishedthtian aswered.
'there stihulheroomtin tsyour ecodl'tnts
Foc manfully expressed difference of
oiionli etwtreeen estuette'ant e th r
teacers:5 theceesoultdh e utoroomisfor '
blackguardismi on the one side that the
self-cesectc of the lther cal ts uif tid
iso xuotice omchasstie. If there tre stu-T

eneutcs whoanotiutkeep the gate os x in-
solenuce out of their retmtrke' niaut - Tie
facolty, _at..least .it~.Should he kept ant of
official uunieereity hir its.', 9
Lowss A. ~STRAUSS.

. -I ;V A.''"''"''''' C I.up itisl7ttu'iK
The selecltinuof the cast fur "Djer t er, thme -boisrut tbeing still uneiuucidec'utas
Dhumimkopt," tihe I~eutscher Vereintoiaisu ite forcIhte itew biuildin..
pilty, hae been delayed omi accounut of Regent tutiiscul~la will t stirtli is finst
lime uncertaini ussigi-t ofte95sevecal I meetinug. itt Friday', itusing thus' mltes' if
minor1) arts. Cdr. iC. hi'. Thurnti, the g Coy.Osbot ta. 13oth Rgenit Sauwyer aiud
director, whio lissselecteud thue.tither Cl'emtns with lot bhu e ntu'u, ter mitu-
parts with choose these also, tee keepitag theni tront attetiditag.

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