FHeltMIIHIOAN DAILY NOTICE WE HAVE A LARGE PORTION OF OUR SHAC KAMAXON FABRICS FOR SPRING In the hease now and aiso othe r lines. We can get net few more 0 ess Suits for theI"lop." rTheire is no qluestion but that wi nave few equs i. d noclipsierirswhen it conies toin ikin. DRESS SUITS S. W, Burchfield & Co, J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Waath sR0 pa..lrltnj aSpecilIty THlE FARMERS AND MECH1ANICS BAth MAIN AND HURION STREIETS Capital $50,000 Surpus and Prfis$00000 (innerati Battisinie Businein. 3tpereeiiipaid en Timnd aviiieine' ""posits. safety te- poeieti xie- tt, tnI at ;-3.00and upwtards Ii. A. 5VIiiIAMS. CasihieF. T. STnW F. Anal. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Sit oott300000Surplus $50,0R Onnenal Banking Busaines ansan~ncted t rintetis:Chas. E. lisecc. Presn;W. It. ;1s ir-tnan. Veice o.: M..1 i.tti.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK Capial :050,000 'Surplus 75,00 Win, . Booteth. Pre. Wni. Arinotl,Vice Pr-en. C. Jt. Waitz. Cashiler Commnirarle*3 .t nd FIRST, NATIONAL BANK Or ANN Antien. MICA. it. I).KIiNNE,. [IAiIRRISON SOULE Presa. Vine-Pt-en. -. W. Ci.A iRKSON, Cashiet-. Capital. $100,t00 Sutrplus and 'relies. $65.00t iiISCOVttti'On!s'Cti Ne T R U IORIST. College humor! Never sawanaty? Well, try any old hook in ltce lihrary and look for marginal remarks. One of the heel hits follows at the end of an exhauetive treatmenit of the question, "Can Mind Wanderitng Be Cured'?" The anther concludes with the helief that it can. So do sonte of the stndents. It mite like this: a. I hope so. h. I ant with yon, old mtati. That is my only hope. c. Here too, Pete. d. (left for the test reader.) COOK HOUSt WILtECMPtM By the first of May the teen Cook Hlouee will prohabily he ready for use. Work has already hegun atidevil1lite rushed as qtiickly as possihle. In aiddi- tiotn to improvemtetnts in all parts of the builditng, a tnew grill rosin will he ini- stalled. IlASIKINS ATTlACIKS NE\ RESOLCUTIOfNS. (Cottinted.fromitpane 0. iwill hose ito kniowledge of hisi tilnioilt olhichlto tase a lini ltlli. i,tt tfhis sameit tati go to a mtembifer of lie fatculty fior atdvice. Stippiose that his factufty itittitassfee s cruples ndiif iflso, an axt- to grindi. lie icant inflittec tintgs iiill gocwelf for fim itllclfasses. WVhat will tiettersuclff Tfe stuident swill voe inia smannertnthtfitseill tpleise his aifviisr. I wond ter whio stairtedl this fits..Is lftc jest tinmeddler'Is htee ccly doingit i to seciloihers foltlowe like csheepi Ii lie sttidecits ldo not truisitfheIoarif of firectorn-the lien cwhomtiheline-est at ai populftr efectiioiibecauitse thenytie- iv thlei to ib eeprflesettieimet-1 suggest thee olowing remtedy L~et thedifrectiors noinatiiste tt itumbeir if mni, thircc ii whml a1sre tol ticelecteid e' heIid nC trol:maets ele ectioni-- WLXalk Over Puffp FOR MEN--The most complete assortment In various styles and sizes to fit all leet. No slip or gap at thle heel, $4.00 the Popular Price FOR WOMEN--Fancy Satin Pump in While, Pink, Blue and Gold, Black Suede and dull beaded A Fine New Line of Water- Proof Boots for Men and $4.00, THE WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP, 115 MAIN STREET, SOUTH OUR Annual C tikSl Our Entire Stock D)ivided inl Three Lots U11eDJrtII _III11,,:CLASSIFIED ADV'ERIISI NG ci hg impoiissiible anth enc fet thtec1tie- lilt Ifs at it iniftsSifalleetions. void f'%r ii i ad aiili, (ff i i.1i1-1-c ",(); - in Ct'ir+,Seen GIRLS AS GUESTS I5l iGNltIMS. fThesior irlstintc5 iertinedl Ifthe girls LOST. ioi the csophomoiilre class st a1prkin i Sostf-Rilihot Soft; gioldmiongram 11.ff ,arborhnitnneit scitt este-rdfay after- L.. I P.hfoniet88, rcwatrdf. 76-77, noon.1Rthla fsses titi-neif iut inllatrge ntiitbitrs and titer a fight fitnceheiinithe FOR SALE.-altenoonwasmitt ncoiver Ito daitng l. Foe Stfe.-At a bargain otte eehi ofithet-. cc-i' c HA Ece ne)1CORATtoO. foffowitng tmaisc of typeiteruns: Vaiuilassli Ietures 11oill thei Oliner, Tndiierweoodi atitiL. C. Smithl umttii roomi and a numher of works of & tires., silt brantdtineen, latest mtdeltittis rmcMeial ha tll wtill hit !sr I> itachities seceired cliiadnertisitig conti eoete the i miaii iit coridorlitnof Ulcer- tracts. Write or phonie A. R. D~illey, itu ha ll. 1 Tiese wiffllie instlleif as 620Eo Uiv. 7ytf. .1111as1he initotes inishi teir workel. MISCELLANEOUS ________ itile '1:11, omIit liC OOES-liiv Pt t-Cit2. Fuller & O'Connor, Tailors atidClean- The \iVefister ssite l cctedf chicfoli ers, 61g E. Williams St. I-ti. toin g offihers at t itieetitg onii riditt - - ~~luigti : firsesidctt, hGe-orge 1'.. Brand;ticce-- Keep out of the hospital. Qutarrysrs c idenii, Arthuric1i,.Gott; secretary, IG. bat brushes andti iew battowedc wiff T,1Grhamlti: treascrer, Arthur ittrkces hel ef Ciet~itcitEwr . M~ewier; sergeatt- 67-tf. .fiiims, A. J. hi etefhc. Quarry's imported tooth hrushtes, with Princetontitundergraduates are admit- chiselled tufts at 25, 35 atndi40c, mteant,,d t to secret fooltball practice upon pre- prsperly cleatned teeth for enery user. sentatittitof a pass issued hy the athletic 67-tf. associationt Ciitese studets at Columhia Univer- 'Alarti Guitars are coticeded is he sits-tire tetiehtingig lgishto iithineir ciitii- thin hest ini the wo-rld, comniiiatnd try trymninii New Forek City. thecit. Schaeherle & Sotis, Music Eight years ags at Iliis there were h lose, i io S. Mai street. tot more thtaitioo5stidetnts. At present 67-tf. it has 5,000 tutdergraduates and 700 in- struetors land prsfessors. Fuller & OConntor, Steam atid Fretichl Reserves oldest graduate died re- dry cleainers. Repairing. 61g E. Wit- ceittly at the age ocf 96. He graduated hiams St. I-tf. 'in the class of 1835. 1=3 off Lot 2 r=4 off Lot 3 1=5 Off NOTHING WILL..1BE RESERVED All Odd Trousers at 20e(,% Discount WADHAMS & COMPANY t21-123 Sooth Main Street jUnusual Opportunity Fo a limitd Owetil ty can oifer a fine range f Fany 'uting- in winte weights (ot inludig Blak *and Blues)at -- -- - Wagner & Oo. uStatStateaiosC i Crimson. Cest flusic U tniversity usic fbs Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. Schoof of Music i CHORAL -UNION and May Festival Flonzaley Quartet January 18 ยข, Carriage and Baggage Part-aclhCiiaple itt tid itsillpartles hefore 1tWttoCet$1.50). afIt-e r12et'cc $2.00. precenwill he 25 Cents. Iftcarried to ot- ft-Cattp- stairs.,tte price waltbte 50 cents.. Dti-erssairet-tquiri-ittol eollect each far carriage antdbaggtagteservice. W. 11. STARKi iIOLMSIPALtIIY R. En Jolly's OCrand Opening Lunches, Cigars Cigarettes, Tobacco and Pipes. Agents 3-B Pipes I. I INK IAdmission, .. $1.00 hICourse Tickets, $3.00 1 1 LAW BOOKS 41st year DICTIONARIES 41st year to aQViz BOOKSlIn Asan Arbor' LEGAL MISCELLANY Amasa Arbor Callaghan CA Co. CHIC AGO Arim Arbor Bwrsls hStatsc ot, tOpposite Law Bldjg. Portrait Studio- OMMMMMUMN 1 I m mr - _31q East Uuron Street