'T"11E I JTOAN DAILY. 4{oT s: ,, t '; r ; . : ;. ICIaN _ DAILY M llanaaing lsiitar 1l xiiA Wxixi (I. 1v , l j)')aii .6-a.itie a laszapuxcl iiva.' t1N I. III~, -v',sIc O ur.. . .. I arciri Titis xia . ... .. . 1 .l airy L. 13 I i v igix i hI .'clditor. . . ..4Waltero K. 'towers of I liii 44 -r iwhoi isaroi in ithr .....i . J. IF redL awton l itilclv ita play, lD-es-rtxrs,'' is laer- ' atIdlDraia...... Earl xV. hlooertv rc I e.lnl on1the 'talcjust ican id IFles....Dhour hB 13rixcy t ic 11mo1thsl hellhier irsti coat L D1 rliii,,. 4 -0cme ie. a nem O iar rJ. Ahhoii. 1 S5 Eashcr HlicliceIHaes".(i iiy iiilndelxxw Ii laislcishe wa Willd loll lici ght :.xIcHr xIci'xiix. toii . ixxc r her :Ii rip 11 role of hiiarl' 4. J.\vip. ii I laroald Mrcee t' )CLlcoftl, ta' 11s. ily .'1 4(_ yser. Maarice 'loaliam li li iiiiii Irai cciio~l Edward Rihic 1111 i iiforiit: 111110ercxpeicitil Irat 3 axicai~nsn. Robert iiiilette. i rs 11 1 xWholexx p1-1511 51dlaye IhCox. F. .ihaw,Jr. tepr htngtwt trliiip xiii iii iiiiii Ic.l. 4 ahelicicl: ep I . a D Iaugryi. hscar hiichixai . \llxxss .V xec ix 44t th N w liii- hcic , Twnle 44 allace cbe I thate ldl vlio r f,'ia. i ELviil tTaylor. . -________l ____ l _____________________ J. Selig. i nil lii LiuSatliSS 'I AFF'alc' 1s heMaeic i theatier ic Il C. AV h,,va. IR A le tl. interst iiiali 111to1tilix xliii iii'o hi rKcaiictU Oxbrte ". 1 sad lo s h irst xi 1 ".";ay .;.1 ii., llcr Ii. Iiiciiicxii wo ich %vill m kiax li fr xur r Mix. c i ctre It. i'm\i'illSthe gpastxx c Ii iiiil xtolcomei helb ri orc : hlaiiahixg "Editiir, I-z Pi-fo olyiithree dhis wxill nilixheIi il- 1 d II :oII :ii p.Ii l. lDai . alxc~i thelproise(xfiai wxcc's 111ag1 - A', 5s xlvi .eci 1-3 ,7-8 P.xIsl., l.-Iv l -il Indtis lvact xwill h l ilxix 'lixi l t: iltSu da . Movil hli cx vo. iI)1thesilar tn1 lio thei Coiix aiii3 xci l [err Jan'sen anir ix clxix 111 of1ex- ll,"- IlNNI'l'T FAVOiR DIlRINC'l'EiEh'TfQNSE. Blanxic (IxI axd, Januxary Tx;, Footbll.......$2,,, l 4"..z 1 llielll...... 1,377.761 'Tlrach ...... ;18.5 Ccoal..... 6, i,i.55 32,'h3.50 -Sweater Bargains SPECIAL, SALE For the next 10 days on ,,,;,3,6o4.( .~r)btl ' $10,437-70 Track I iiicltiiliix ixillil, Erclu ant (7't ixic ii i r }.il 3.;x .3s 6ri 1 {le c r~tl ...... .. ()" 0 -$24 758.1) xlanv ..... $285,x45.60x 'Thie ii c l litemiiicludesiofihce-ex- liienses~ ii' iilxi a~ nFryhldi, anixxtheixhat- 1,1c1' oni xi'ilcixix cixI ilaimixx i id 011 iaccountliof th blecailxchier ixcciC.IiionNo t ixlxcorltx, >11115. (I)Ifilthe'blanice ov hadlt,Oooi iv i Ivxsted in xeciiesi iil thel- llic f i 841 5.,6 i s(1 ix t( ni I i-al xi i L h it 1115.1iiic ix lixiiiiilcifi'iliall- Spi: an scax~rlecc r ixi-.has .i Ixiciliftedl fillinieverc elxii thei l Iiirl'siiiho p111 ita c cithteecelilioxf thichcxlidreni's ix wiril. 'Theci11rses iwhoi Wiciafllictedx 'lav' l-ocx cii cov l. No ii 11111 casxsxhve beenci repocrtedl anion thIliochlilxlendu". ii I Sweater and Jersey Vests Come early while your size is still to be had. W A HR'S University Bookstore '5' lini 11 1'alleys are HUSTON BROS. I- . . :: ; . :P ! t :: ;; .. 1. ' , r,. ! t ,, { r' ; ,, 4, ;'; ; - ; ; UI NVIIRSITY EAI,1NLAR. l x i,. Ixriii17; -Jl 1o 3,' LiiMI101I1. V i, I) ii Ii.[- 1 -*W xl r, i5 1() uh Ju th t i( 11Of111 St p it,}c as til clII- iii nal I Ii t I -ii 1;1 1 1 1 10 ii t -l - 1-() iO saf;(. ANi, i xxre' toxhe in chairci- a1r-io1u1 Schuool, M'ashington .L). C. ECoirses f t xviii, -1111di cxlxollci.1- 111hercixill prep11r1d11bPs-i'U. XIU" mai. l 111-11n 01100n1terta int 61.70-76-8a-8'i-s.9: C I I V f l Scrap Book Special No. 7 A Beautiful Night Winter View of University Hall Nix oie sxol xiinil-Itheir Scxag) Booxxkx Spiacls at the txrice 200, each 1Oc extra with any 50c purchase FREE WITH A SCRAP BOOK L YNDON I W inter Clohig al A S Famow Cassieimere arnd Worsted Suits asid Oveircoats at Great Reduction 4 All 10.00 Suits - - $8.00 All $10.00 Overcoats -$80 All $12.0 5i - - 9.00 All $12.00 " ---9.00 * * Al 1.OG - " 12.00 All $15.00 " - 12.00 Al 200 " - - 600 All $20.00 " --15.00 Al.00 " - 20.00 All $25.00 is - - 20.00y. ALL WINTER TROUSERS AT SAME REDUCTIONma. %Aood Clothes. Sto fe ManSre L S O Wins . ARNO LD The Blue lea Room WE BOTH LOSE 220 south Main St. COLLIOGCE JEWELERL O 7n;3f a-. m. - It you don't let x;, Press pyor Cixtxes anid do all yox Cleaing Setls Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. MI. ^ atd Repalring. LET'S GET TOGETHER. Weuxill l'ir^ fl..Aner _ do yoe Ixr okcheaperxle. hetra, axif xare pr-nA; h lan-itwa 0. i, Dpt "THE BIG BEN"i rdr taken frspecial dnbeo. Aloes Cloak yo see Advertised 4I~i o os oebfr None J055 as Good. $2.50 _ parties. r,, " ^OTHER ALARM CLOCKS SL.00 UP HAL ) Michigan ..100 Patterns 1221 e 1b. UNVRST'AE University Sit Pressing CO. Pins 25c. to $5.40Poe19 709 N. University Aee. BohPoe 6 PADA UK Ph1D oorapffers Phn 598