The Michigan ~y,
DIE T E E TO S Should a class banquet be eld{ at the ThRSO UTINS niiate debate tryuts .hl last ELECTION RESULTS
furnishinig the repas? Thsis tilelies- broullgt forihI (((le x ellnt ilmaterial
ion that is agiatinig tie junlior 1haws. Tile Alha No Leanil (lii he oposied o f
Athletic Association AdoptsAfter a hor of heaed discussion ltel Board of Control Member Sas 11I. nShuehill, . 1111111 , ilLeronhadnanadi
Resolutions at Annual :ing held Frida afternoon. - Present Plan is the pXXeI'A(li wsil .l '>peoc dibc Oti ihtfrAhei
Th ncmittlee in harge1of (le mt 11.1(11ad . b Shoer n
MetngAer had lnddplans for a anqtet to etI Better P.1. liliiisiwithXX X lalIIIlmeeOffices
_____held in Deroi on NMarh 3 lnd re-1-as ,lernaili
sentedl theea to the lass for aproval.lXlphiNuiii0111aintainitheiiii (lie
FINANCIAL REPORT GIVEN OUT "Opposiio developetd aimong a section SUGGESTS A POSSIBLE REMEDY (le iaIsmuchi asil (le debateiI iilile eli SMITH CHOSEN UNANIMOUSLY
of the class mwhih iisistedl that1 (le scia ill her CroomlIs. 'Ie conest is chedledli
event shotituld e held in AiiiiArboriC(111(1fr Saurday, Fellrury 7.
XWih prcicll~y 111o lositioni what- Ill the City . MX. C. A. Tile poion of i~ The first gtiiiof whatliriis(~liies o ible At______.51t(le eletii oof(le Athletic asse
ci r, reoluionslllcacing folr direct ele- (le asseimblage halidesired ani (lit-of-:t'i hg figtl agains tha facion(1 (f leeaio. hl ystr y af rn n
tion b (lte studlentl bloly ciiits represen- ltowiifuntioiiiifearing hat le . N. C. .ttletie associaio~in w ich is seeig to l'I;scot[iii .1 iicu aS~i; 0 I(11 crn:CI Po.A.Y.Sevn'dr d t ei Uiversityhel a5l eri.J.La afroont
tative~s 11(1tle IiIIlri in Coiirlrciof Ath- A. ceniniigeiilwouidi wilsvi l e day 1stcIe- iiit e sonie f the worlkigs ofl lif . t.1a. Ici > IIIC 5i 111t'1~ ashs e n fotball X' aJnIagr forl
l(lics, wIee ipascedl t te annullll (ee- ceecid in holdinliou p he matel er a 1117od lOwa (ied laditiln i ls en I. I. 1Precottll eiiiii lrci even (it,((>e: 111ie '2 ' l ii foil aae o
(liee(flef1D1 lit 'Cl ttl, forieIlillil i t 'c _ 7,cx ICea (ler '. J. ID orn, '2I, anti
ra o heAhltc(loaio e ld inilong deae 111511111, iieinier of ithe Board in Con-yHan ,
Unierstyallyeteray aftrnon._____setteollwinco muncaton gilzi is named . J.C. IBeli L.,C. X. IHa na,' I.
'lie reolutill~lion ere itroducedI 1 iyNoi- II (ItCTite ( attsc~t DMN a v rooe bue I?. Lang'('1 1,
1uau( hfill, (andIiaf(er a 11(1111 iisciussiiiiiDOUGLASS IS TAKEN ILL Inot'ltiae X (Cii lofX 1mpoIt.nIti coniricution, Ito1-11-.1-IgII 11111 (L,
assciaeetion 1(10111111 ('111(rIIwas Th 1'c iriluii(' 1' 15wa s xceedingy close i
were assedalmos u1 i icii l'e Thee -Ittelmlig a m eigo hehadoC c uidn w s ti(i srmeld i
wIeel addresedi toI (le hoard of Regents IAll-_Fresh Coach Threatened with recto(rs of t(le ?Michigion. [1111 helunihiip ((1h~e pIarmac(dl e liari~cntifel1I.c XaonSi~,'2E
whchiwill ae (he miater 0t ipiatheir Bright's Disease Toth le Edito:elillIunigCmufrfnaca eceay
a s( ceelig, cchieh onics cciJantii's , i . i. ' N ' nn huruchhivedd le ((Iniilliioirs v te of tle as-
11o. 1111111111ingar te sl utiXonsl:15 tii ecisi lli w S I 5'tin 1(1 p
relv(iIl iie Tenii., Ito the effect: I that Coacth i eterday's eelin of tie 'Xhlc 'I dxl 1 5(115 III 5 S (ll '11 .1
XXI cI' 15 It is 1>( l (cief (f Che Stu- -
-Dle * . iogass of the All-Fresh footll teami i ssciainil wa scdionelyc "nap h ch he11( X (CII l nIill illishld111 ts(
II llI illll l~C> ii ~ helic a50 1 s coni(inedinitheCuSt. 'Thom(ils hospita l Wen pcsed by a groul fi ii u Wit(s con d lii h 1111111lhi i C rnet IIIl hlllc ciIurs lll Jl~ S ei
ti0 tha tlshey are entiiedh to uid (~h ta chireatrii-ihossnitlinor-'t h1111 01 le 5itution, an1 dio ly tic 6 o'cloek.lihe Alhemists andtPliiiLamhbda p-
Cl slnai h ou the 1 1 h ' hoard is Control (ftIIiece h tahraasissl~iIn ilroadlledih ( roulghi a11(1 IsuIc 'which illkets 11may I 'e ICprocrIll .1the(lu-11 >111, tit' twoIho1111a111 c hIi'emllical socie-
.Xthletic, (1(1erefor1 e e it i Ci (il01(Ci llrehvcele''l y111 1 cr tnowo ( (pai n, house,1 and( from((Ill I i d 1101 ils1 l: \Il es1c, held a.1joi ll11danc hFriay iight in
hesolved, that it is this' s'ntimiientlof i a nytoo -rewesaota
thilIis assctonhat lllth studCn rcIrif tars'versus Ilarvardh an School foot-il ,e hardll (f sredtos1 f te ss ci
I hive n th or t otrlo ar gien heir (ofic 11cau(1e1 (ticy
Atliecs o acliatini1chohlse[ by Ia idirect i -GEO R GE_______ IS_ 'iDIiSCsOhN SO(eLA TEhie T'
i111u(he Is liihCOliliiierSTS ieIFf55OVER A MILhItON 1(O he(Cproblem iii ch allirise anaGEOR act i
I Islehiled ' Rh.N (UNIVtERSTY O(N I LXER iie miiihlr. ]Thesmn le ct' thos
R liid, that~ it is the sentiiment of___h___ariestoIIserveote 1 1 11' iI( iC on ((
tiscssoiation(11h1teeaichicdiate Te Iurr addr siubitted hs anod il. Nowh it semIls, their abinlty toAi r~reSne uke Ci~~F~1T~,
I not (less (lhin i fty' active sndent report at t(elIst meting of leBhired 5selel ((ninll as been (Cell h~'stoned.11 s th
- (f Regnts for therispeton Duiiimembiher, these direcors lIre i csel the Unsynm'pathetic Ban of teLAW
memeris (f Ills' assoc'iiatin, 11111 le it ill0'the -iscaliyear of iqog 050 (lhe 51(1um e chill thic'ahlitic siuaion; (11 know(
Ifar oee e, h at(( it 1ic (lhe e (est ds i f $5'8 '75 wai s rallzedt front11tis It bIter (11,11a111(o'hler studhens (li h,
I (leciilies I s Shlte stateItax lof (line-eihhs (f 1a(1mill. ie iwithi the pohssibleheixceetioin(1 (f n0ws- ('p this'ari ow ICC i c a (II o.n111 11(11girt any, as in ('g Ia rispectalhccitzen in
hal (1.1 (i't ~llale hcnI(f R- neresh on this Uniiersty fu d onuh lllcllI ihe'i'o111e1. 'They lids'represen'tlati' (I '11C~l II i ive re1.11(11 dl'( l (ie hils ills' s. re 1ban(1meant
electioIl, anlb ie t furte r iaio sbyt e eisaurrotld o- 'i op lr lci ''11hey' nowh e .. . 1111sts01withnvoluminholl teistimonials
000I hlllXia ha ohn litet peoeo ratdfriallding (puatposs' nd$7 h ftis fctn resklndd hupedC 1(1,I I podto ioi' 1wods:(ow 1111riwnIi Ilinoi is ndfrmem1(1-
ii, (1(11om miscellanegusnsluecfs,'egn]
us'93 rn michlsu'olCs -lrc 11( s eel menuber'd>forthe Boric n ilCn (li d e t- e, 1lent ((1tizens I'd've ring his sttem~et
Tir 'iihs t uruieehue rt]eceps.diitutti il o e upiiad h(dd know iwha sthellAp ie ttill G orc ho usar nd hi e e."f it
eisr tu t d a d i rlift! wal$1 ,0u~96,354.7, 'and($301, (Ill ld'-''( (hll Ileilindihi ti'iil ime(( e . (I'll, a s efore (disgcled C ((((Cts h is
0110 5155 iseod friom thei' buil ig (hild.T Ihe''doII(lit gal (in u'heir lknowl idge Iif 0(1 llltea!l(I ll c i II hat hoynd sedluwatciig.
h hisruceditoipri'scciiithis reo- ___faffa_________ iirs IfromI ((le imani; i llSIit om s t l'(i'th"en'llls 11101 etogt h
geats Iat its nxlilucehihi. FRNW ETNG PLANT.(11Ilsgh 01(a l 11 tlog, Milchiganlni~5 ohiti i hc
bl~ll h(i aciaulsei cretaryadointamo 01 Y'125h 5 ihil~.I l (Il itf o '(is(( hI n 'tcc a hpy h a - ie Id (Is f roperty lIe in-
this assocliationitoIbloin Ce' 'folowin" AftennspShintlg ai i whoh'l fts'r'noonhl fai judgmentilondi n hlaeu 511IC IIso1( lvesyi I am . tu og s w(hiue!ihhn, nd te equll ti' (lehhss sore-
11151 i o diio :l sv ek 1in consultation id'thu lgs Ill these' problem('(s. Ile' knowhd'> 11(1o lls 511 tewIl atBaktIaii o -o m here , ulke malily a kitchen ila
s'lhilhiiilll I FC'menhts and(1 P ofessr XAll'en inl re- 'ihou i 1151 (le '((I'l and(, lagilCinh Ilmaii ilh i n polic1111 1cir cs 'iy cudidhe menined'l, e 'erythig is cv-
(Conltnna on Page .1 ard dto th (ew iheatingg ((hu, IDi'n athletic shiltai rrhh. 11 11(' isl ~ (is ~lhrpofsreswne m
- - FmuCooey seemeds'vesinsoptimistic hier the'1iDiretor krhnm elloe (ls n1t01oinllaeI ferei n s amodel1China smlillhi 1'Eviiithis'chl room is cean-
''Ci:I11SIIN C IiiSTi"' ('3O 1POSE11 prosecs (f securnhg i in he (lner u l te diretors; nueihe(r1111thc fohsmnfcul- ((na1ii. lsktni s kn((1111a oh 1 l ioulkl eInIl '11 iithin a foot f t ur
FORICEDiS'iIIKLAVIK SCHOOL(S. (ure. (Cieresetatilides on tec Loardin Coo ('(1- killsh111(1 is si -oh1uccs oas I 'h' ill anhracllite (le floor is as white
"XWe wseit((der the suibjeet hohrough- trll. Per'haps((thiey couldii, miiithyneel abr ingIlIl' (with lord;liS s sll shill ot s adIllil w man's stes.
Owin lg IIo ilnes,Arthulr Fournier, 'iIi h"s' a ~i i t , 'an consideredh the tleta tl .Iemp(t it. Siiiiiese 11(1(1iiiiueiiei was O lyh he andIJoe is((lasstn, Gogeto ght lhe was eyond critic-
1, eft dcollge 5esenrdair for Ha- lise hplais. There' 1s 11(1o liloiec' lt tie broiugt In elm on t ceudiretlosrs: ouldh know( the( re(hu e . I re ais frl0',ismK lwhiiin hi os' ((keery 1oor off is
per' hosp5(ialh Deroit. He' des' (Iot e - disposa f theim e r15 siy fon hat ipu-- Xl '. Bhitlmd or(( hellC(l'facult' ((I'llhvel (poltics (1111a1tit, and "s l msin; (11(11 1(11 s s hat an11 ni nte1Ccretedl survey
(eel Illreurn ill schol.((Iipose so that it withl (0 b eeessarCyto gel (ile geater inflimene? 'T'he lliter, (f 'glul.'"11mull 1 111(1had io e ntire esiablishmeimt.
Furir isi theeom puosernof "Xi a specit lilppropriationiifrouum disc hegi I'is- s' ieelhuse (e'y lre iin 'a position(i bXXIheni the' slg'esl'inireell (cld utle'11. lmtleueesttlherall
IDear'frontll"This'Ciilso h est"Cue d minutiuie him view' (f he urgnt cd i'. ( (5 1m h r 11 li~eidm l',rt (eeicings' e11ow5favos1onIII Iks lihlil.(,pp(s ihat:l liii'facutm eac'( n1t11.
das beiing'cuedl upo~hn itliowrite somuie feetht we, io'witll id've o troubleil ( l ihee the athleid~lc irecti n ot. S'caegoael't. The faculty asked t hie won]il- Sowlyhrthe ll I rwd is udriftiig ack,
(f mie score for the next opiera. Ie (055 "ettinhi"this, aniul ainess' hetig planlit Supo sewee ii hillse Ia populr cec cmln(f (le iunivesiy (to silly liday1,lthough Nowh adshuthe'll(wom1enu s dents ar es-
liu~~ en f (Griffins, XX's'andmu l'nge (1(10 seemms assurci." cLi . XXe'might fihd1in he fieldt aican- (luy sles'(u(icku o Ia te t(11tm George cthIChi le toI Ithe old1 lacethey oice
andii Vulcans. - ______________ didate hle011or sensill tie limeigt 'nd1 hils no(imarkl for 1t15ir riiism li 't'iisdiit'disI freueiniliy lfter the da ces.
:A'llBOOKS e.'eog lBANQUET'0. iS s ell-iedt fello. Supose that he simply(hb' lievei it to I e h isel~ (1hiiicy t o lnd ereeis 'hpleftl. iBut te wats
AtctuNAUtN e N I . T e anua~mlitbanqutet sf the . W. C. is eectemd. If le is hjus te averge lik tilwen not to ((I ge(l0to1'hil l ce(hue cl y to s1 a Sy te word.
(IOa Xvi iiamms llts, '91 1,udied A was held iii Newerry hatt on TFri- ' goodsellol lie wisiliknoss'butiilittle' sf while the uelme wsmon. Ihe (sedl ways 1'5titell tiemenmcithe
in13a hlihimiore, 51(. XThursdaymc Miss cay svenimg, Jautary 13. The udinnuer he athetie siuatminl, .LetIhintigo toithe A dX ci 11(dorg' s iunhappy,(11( fori Iwals bst' t imu ti hrig the w~me, wheiithe
Baltes, Sihose insline asainil Deroit, was was foloweod livanminifriatlrigail. Iatheie direcor fsraincie. Thalminidisi- the o f' i s life o I let (ew e rlliwlsh n'tlcioni, 1(101tCe eokiig was the
wl ksiown( a mng Ce liii'ses of the XMiiatuhreblutte ooks were udisibiuthedi sidial cais tell himiay l dhy 1hthiiig,(us any 'o(f t(live sityn hei r e crs bes. 11(1no-wel, te just sigs:I
coulintry an(m l 511llue miuchi touotaliiinsonigsthe ghests. Miss Grace Locktossn, lrgleit (1(111he sichoo1ses, a1(d1 (leunel'ys'throulghl (le kitci tcsII c h111 Jss e sssn-"'filmt-le,
eecoIgnitionm fr ir sex iniIhe tprofes- as chief exaiminer, presided. Abousm l ehctedt uicuier f theIlosard Cot Cunt ctiii misIhces. le (IIIslI I((lqit e s'.5A1t1tume 1011
si11(1 one hun~dred ov ers iwere luie. (Cntiued on Page 3) 11(111thue tiliic Iacceitedi 1(1 I (hiltdthe Chom 'gain"
Newberr PfHnry WILL SPEAK ON P.DTonight
Hall Business and Morals 6:30.