THE MICHIG..N DAILY I I -- . - . - . . I -, - , - I MUSIC AND DRAMA MAJESTIC THEAUER. Among the interesting announcements in connsections with the Majestic theater is that pertaining to the cengagemecnt of an eminent Chinese celebrity known as Lee Tong Fon, a higtsty talented native of the celestial empiree whose chief fame eests on the fact that he has a magnifi- cent highly trained baritonse voice. Lee Tnng Foo sings grand otera ins French, Italian, German asnd English and Ihis munsicat ablity has attracted at- tention everywhere that ihc has appiear- ed whctlher in concert, otpera or vaudc- ville. Aside from stihe"high lbrow" at-, trihutcs of Ihis act he sings familiar coon songs in Chinese annd is imsita- ion of Harry Launder, the fastuons Scotcih entertaisner, in a treat ins itself. Lee Tong will he ttne big attraction at -the Majestic Ttheater fnnr tthe weekn opening Monday night and added inter- est is attached to this ons accousntotnf ttne fact that next neck ttse sew poicy of retaisninsg thne vaudeville binits for ttnecn- tire week wilhe inaugnrated. This afterinoon echs Universtyonain wino attesnds -the mnatisnee mittlinc present- ed with ass"1M' stick pin swith ttne cnoms- plimcnnts of Massager Artthur Danse, wvtho retires fross the active nnasgemesnt of the Majestic to take up tine smore rcc sponsible daties sattachsed to the gensernal officesof theentireMt,'55,ncircuint of a vensial one. Sine finds ins and f alto in love, but helievnsg that he shsould re- turn asndsnake a new heginsing, she sic- livers hiso up to tine authsorities. It is thens that she learnss of tine real charge, and ins her efforts to save hsimnshie be- comsnes invcolsved inn a plot of munhi inter- est ansdnmany thrillo. Suspponrting Miss 'nare are Dense Cal- dara, Howvard Hll, Lotta Linthicumu, W. R. Rasndanll, tEleansor Stuart, Isabeti Gnarrisn, Jsamses J. Ryan, Johsn Charleo, Lawrensce Shseehan and Edward C. Htoward. "snMISS NORODYT PROM OTnsR5AN." "Miss Nohody f rosm Starland," the hig Msusicsal Comedy Revue that will Inc seen ins this city nt tine New Whitney Thea- tre this afternnon asse eveninsg is a nix- tusre nsf musical cosuesdy and revue and it is nip in the usual highn standard set by othler I[loug-Adamss-loward produc- tins. 'Pie new offering is oaid to he as rightly capianrisonsed as ansyIprodunctions yet stagesd by any prodiucer. Olive Vail is the leading prinma dosnna asnd sine is assistedl by ass admuirablieill- star cast and choruss of sixty peole. 'There sre twenty genus of melody instine plasy, all of which arc richnly costumsedt ssndn gsaudiliy arrsayediasnd stsiged by Jos. C. ESmithn, whos is respnssible for thec "Vsanmpire" ansi "Atpachse" dlances in Thin'isrtsng FPrincess. SENIOR LAWS WORK LATE This Departmsent in Conducted by ThneStnndennt'Christnaian ncssoinnion. 1 Bdutterfield ntheaters. Practice Court Necessitates Midnight _________________Sessions "T555t AE:ORUBRS." Beholdsitine overworked laws!l Helens Wasre will present "Tine De- 'I'his is no joke story Inst really serters" at the New Whnitnsey Thneatre straighst dome. next Mondiay, January n16. Miss 'Ware tFrom t imse inmmemorialthtie laws have has sad a lonsg nppirenticesipm inn sage never beens accusedt of havisng to 'stay work, and nr rise has not beens neteor- up alter ninse thirty-tlnat is, over their ic ins any' sense of tine word. Two sean- ooks, nof course. Far Inc it fromsnanyosne sonns ago sine was givens the part of An- to say thsat inc hasn't seen laws up later ic Jeffries in "The Third Degree," thans that-yea, even unto the wee hours which portrayal won for her tine recog- of tins mnorsninsg. nition she had been strivisng to attains. lBnntnowadasys thsey arc really obliged This seasons she is for the first timse to swork-Inn really arbeitens, or travailler presentied as a star by IHenry B. tHarris. as they wosuld say ins Irelaisnd. "The Deserters," -which was writtens For esensing practice counrt is brinsginng my Robert Peyton Carter and Ansna Alice fnorthisosnme stresnous cases. It is not Chapin, concerns soldiers and nmilitary at all unusual for tine clock to strikne life, but is sot a war play. The prinsci- elevensanasslmnost twvelve before tine pal character is Msndge tSunsnners, the stento~rin tosses nsf tine sheriff bellosv daughter of ass arnmy officer, wino longsou01t: for the service, but is barred by her "Hense ye, Htear ye, Hlear ye. Tine sex. Being endowed with a nsatnural dc-f IhosnorsabletPrsactice Court of the Uni- tective instinct, she becomses a secret versity of Michigans is nose adjourned.' service agent, and is emnployed in irsick- Each nf tine senior laws is supposes1 log recreant soldiers and bringinsg Ihemn to serve four timses durisng tine semester. hack to pay thne penaty and make a slew Mansy f tine eases last only a couple of beginning. In thne play she follows a soars sand those wino hasve been obliged young soldier who has desertedi Iis Insst, to remasisn ons tiene orthwsest cornser of He is in reality wanted for sup~posed the casis us nntil tn :3o feel thnat they murder, hut in takinig the case sine is shsounld hasve sunch eases count as tsso led to believe that tine offennse is nuerely towardis thse required four.' SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS MICHIGAN FIRST IN SIZE Local Y. M. C. A. Leads All Others With 1400 Members T'he. IM. C. A. of tie University of Michigan leads alt sissilsr organi- zationls in tie neLsitedI States in point of nmers. It hias smnucstin learns fromu nanny' of its kindered organiaions, but it is profoundly grateful to the large nusmber of Michigans mens whose loyalty has made it possible to ami a nemn- bership of n,~o. All who are interest-I ed in this work will Inc glad to know that tie Students' Christiasn Associa- tion was conuctisg, just prine to tie hoiday season, 57 rgusr weekly acti- ties, 34 of wvhich arcent by sunenessinm 32 different centers Its activities ave ans average weely attendnce of 823 stusents, 350nf woms hie hbeens serving 0i5 cnssnittes. There arcsany ines of service wich the Associatiosn Ins nt been ale to undrsk owing to tie lack of wor- ers. If there sre sisy ues, therefore, whio arc sufficienty isterested in tie variouss tyles of sncissl, and religious service, and who have ass our or twin a week to devote to sus winc, tie co- oplerations will be grestly wecomsed. IOIDtJAY ENTERTANMENTS FLEASE HOMEStCK STIDES. MMitillans Ihaltcentertaisnets iroven a iponpular drswing cail iduring tie Christmsas vacation. Fre aples, free op corn, an evens free ponol andilbil- liards nere at tiesdisposal of tie "eft- osers." Impnirompnitun prgfrmss were panned for ecah successive evening and 00 Cristmas Eve the evergreeinnre a gift for every man presen. Tie read- isg roomn, brightenedl y tinoesns grte irean sise ietrsue holidasy satmosphsnere, was liberaly patronized. "GUtLD BAND" ORGANZED ON DEFINITE PRtNCtPLES. Tie Bsaptist "Geile Basse" inedistissct- ly a stusdesnt orgaizmatns.tFiteen mess isn attensdascee st tie University of Mih- igasn, haetunited ten sake tie venure most snccessfui l'e swork was not tsn- dertakesn for tie iperise of epoiing any special type o theological toght, nor to 'propagate aydensomnintiosal tenets. ts oe sissmln supsirese imn is to bear steigtorward, manaly tes- nmony to the need o a reverest, help- ful life; asd to sow ow this type of lifeca en sncutisated. Trips ave beens mane by groupis of four, eight and tens nessbiers to os- tiac, tDexter, Eatons taiids, Dswosso, De- troit, and Gran Rapids n each oc- casioss they ave sinlged with tie youg peoiple of tie townssiss social ad reli- gious gatherings, ave met tie yonng mess and older bsisess nens at sup- pers and banquets, aniIae adressei steatre mseeigs of usnconentionalicar- acter. "College sudnsest" toiuary meanss sport, booe, softness, asd irresponsibil- my ins the minds of manasy outside people. To find ai dozens studests really issan- ct about matters religious, and to knonns that tey istendc to represent honor ansd integrity in thseir variousnpirofessions is too oftess an "y-opener." -Michigas stock goes tp several sdegrees accord- ungly. It is needless to say that tie youg nmen who hep ins this practical work gain a ew interest is humanasity and a saner conceptions of reigiosn. A deeper pur- pose masers tie worker; law, engineer- ing, medicine, teaching, and busisess alt take osn new mneaning; and the univer- sity course becones what it sosld be, a period of preparations for a life of broad service. PROFESSDR I. C. ADAMS TO ADDRe,,.,s SUNDAY ASSEMBLY. Frof. Denry Crtr Adanms, head of tie econonic departmnent of tie univer- sity, wilt address tie evening assemnbly at McMillans Ialal, Sunday, Jasn. . ils- ssubject, "Bussiness and Moras," wilt be adapted to tie particular eeds of tie college studnts. As a natonal authority is the field of econsomics, Prof . Adamsss will present thennes nf ussnusual interest to tie pros- pective business man. n'LAYsGnOUNDs ISTITUTE AT Dsnsi'nsI. Tine Censtra h'laygrousndl tnsttste will inc held under tie auspices of the Ply gronnd Associatiosn ansd the Centasl tConu'nci of Casritis ins Detroit, Jan. ng, '0, 21 Isa cosnnecions wills local agta- tion and tie recesnt acion. of tie An Arbor Fark Conmsission ins setig aside lie fair grounds Ifr paygrounndnpsr- oses, tie mnovemsent is of iartcunlar i- terest. COLDn so ETHER N Y. a. C. A. sssidRAT. Frozesn ilies aniass elsess bniler slunsgedI tie ais readisg roos nsd tie buinssess office of Mceillans tshl in arc tic atnmosph~ere Tuesay, Jnn. . As sosme difficenlty has beenseenuntere is restorinng tie ndsamagedt steamsplints, Y. M. C. A.'activitis ave been cnsgested in tie lousnging roomsn sd the formner cabinet offices. "BOB" SPEER WILL LECTURE Popular New Yorker to Speak From Presbyterian Pulpit tRobert E. Speer nf Newv Y'ork City will render live a isresses esecsiay it- traicive inn studsepts at tie Presyer- ins Churchs todasysan Itomrrosw, Ja. 14 ain 15. Mr. Seer ws formnery secretary nf the World's Sude~cnt Vent usnter Movesmes nsetnd ihas rbialy set sressed andl influencedI monre college st- dessts thans any' other livisngmsnai. Althnousghn sslaymasn, tiesdegree nf D. wsnsrecenlyconisferre)tusinsMr. Sipeer by'the University of Cmnsbrige, Essglande. 'T'his is he first -tisme tht ais Amsericans has ever ibeensso hononredi by tie Esnglish isstitutiosn. "Bob" Seer, asi hie is popularly known, is a fo riner Frincetons assetYale tstnss. 'T'hesdesnds for iis services as ai speker by col- leges asse reigious orgaizeations is sn great that it was necessary- to arrnnge Iis date for Ann Arbor a year ad a half ahead. Today Mr. Speer speaks to tieso mens of Wtestinster Gsuild and teir friensds at 3 :30 ocock. A sumer asd cabinet nmeeting of tie Cristians En- deavor Society at whics ie wiii be is attendance, will lie givens t si. te will inc guest of honoor at assisforssai reeceptions to be gien by Dr. and Mrs. Ftrencehsat iesalof tie St- dest Volunster Basn of Ele university. line ounseday mnornig serices at lie Fresbnyeriass Church wil be conducted by' hims, after wich linc withlsadress tie cass of usniversity mns. Tie C. E. meeting, to swhiichn all are invitd, is inn charge of tie Presbyterian Counteers asne Mr. Speer. 'Pie nain address of tie series will be given is the auditor- iumu of tie Presbyterians Chrh at 7:30 o'clock. Thss is one of the rrst opporiuni- ties 'that tie Presbyerians Guild has ever placed before the stsdnst body. No college nan casn afford to msiss "o" Speer. At a metiing of Syricse assnisi is was decided to adopt the gradsuate coach- ing systemn for football. oward and "T'ad" Jones, former Yale stars, ave beesn the recent professional coaches. CERGLE FRANCAIS WILL GIVE SOIREE Annual Mid-Year Entertainment Will Offer Dramatic and Musical Features DANCING WILL FOLLOW PROGRAM Isn accordance nuts its ansnual dcustomn, tine Cercle Frassgais will give a "Soiree, Mnusicalie et titteraire," swhichinmssitates ins its maksie-ups tine ni-year entertainsment thnat wvas givds last year. Sarah Cas- neil Anigelt lHall hans beens engaged for thic evesninig of Thursday, Jasnuary ig, for tine pe rformsansce. M. Talamsonas, tine directnr of this year's Cercle isis beens hardI at ssork for somse tisme corrallisng dine Frenchstsalent isntine univniersity asid msouldng it isnto present- absie fonrmnforIthe iusblic. A neumnser of featlures isnsmusicsasnd edramsa save been selected, anid tine rehearsals sire pro- gressinig lamsously. Ftrasnce is to save its owndd at this od- casieni; evenstee sswoill be Frencdh, annd tine namses of Dcettesset ansd Jeasn Bendiel inicatle as munchs. Miss I resne Lorimser will lead the prongramnn ins a piano seleetin, asnd Arthursn r t insanns Josephs IHnoener svill melts to suisolethtie munisic. A. selectiosn frosistine Cied, the chic of Frasnce my'CoreileillssibeIncgir- ens ins costunmne by a cast chsosens fromsstine Cercle draingails. 'lie scesne is laidi ins tine court of Spasins, sandetine plst interest is cente resdaronsd assisselt to ass agent father, whiose reveguse fails to tineInst of Iis son who loves tine daisghster of tine insultcr. A recitaitions sill be gires by A1. 'Talamns,mni tine programsswill csnd wish line mprsntations of misc featusrc -a cnmsdc y hlie immonnnrtal tLas Bichne entitled L 'a Masin Lesic," swhichsinoms- ises to amusise. Is sccne is suet istParis, mnt its time isnsnoderss. "LssMnit Lenic," (tine light mhsse), is thast nsf 5 ty-picali nmother-isn-lasv clans of wnossan nhno distinguiisheis herself fonr tine implrus- dnst isse sinetputs it 5o inn slsppntng thne nero, wino saftersnmany trialis asse oreas gainsis justtserts,-line sand of line girt lincloses. hdollowing line entertasiss- msent, thosne won oiishwnlt adijosirsito the parlors of Basrbousr gymnnanisim 1o dassncc to tine mslic of Frasnce andi its floswisigpunch bawlv. 'This in s nunmber onseeCercle tFrans- gsis course ansd in opens to sill wnho save line Cercle Frasngssis ticket. Those wino havse nt bousght osne yet cans do so at tine edoor. To studnits tineplicde is 50 ceits; to others, $s.oo. Tine greater numiber of lectures asnd enstertaissnents offered my the Cercle Fraistais are yet to follosv. TIME .OP EXIgucISo Monday of Wednesday at....8 Moinday or Wednsesday at....9 Moinday' or 'Wiedsnesday as.....o Monday or Wednesday at...... Monday of Wsednesday at....2 Monday or Wednesday at...... Monday at .......i Wednesday at ....... 5i Tuesday or Thursday at.....8 Tuesday or Thursday at....... Tuesday or Thursday at...t o Tuesday or Thsursday at......i Tuesday or Thursday at....... Tuesday or Thursday at.....a Tuesday or Thursday at....... Friday .... .anyhour Saturday ..........any hour Any Day at ..........4- Drawinsg............4, 4a, 5, 6 Irregular................ Irregular................ Secoind Mondeay.......... 9-12 Secosnd 'Wedinesday........ 2- 5 First Moinday'........... 9-12 First Thsursdsay........2- 5 Iiest Tunesday'........2-5 Sedonsd Tuesday-.......... 9-12 Seconid Tunesay........2- 5 First Tuesday'........91a First Satureday .......9-na First Wednsesdasy.......9-t2 First Friday ..............9-I2 First Moinday .........2-5 tFirst W~enesday .......2- 5 Secoind Thursday .......2- 5 Sednsd Weednesday........ 9-I2 Sedosid Thsrsday .......2- 5 Seconid Thussdssay ........9-12 First Wiedinesday. . .2- 5 First Friday ..............2- 5 First Saturday .......... 2-5 Seeond Msondayv........2- 5 TRYOUTS FOR INITIATE S DEBATE COME TONIGHT. The Alpsha Neu tryouts for the Initiate edebate betwseesn Alpha Nu asnd Adelhii, take pliace tonight. The question is tine fsamse an that chosen for she cup debnate, "Resolved, Thast tine United States should fortify tine Pasnama Casnal." Tine newv inesmbers, onsly, of tine two societies, asse therefore freshmsen, who arc isseligi- rble for tine cup debnate, will save the op- portunsity to wiss hosnors upon the sub- ject. Seventeens senubers of Alpha N u have already siginified their intlentions to enster tine tryouts, hint as a few alovays tdrop out, there will probnabnly not be -more thans ten. Tine judges ovill be C. SS. Boucher, C. H. Conlecy, aind W. B. e Sone. The cosntest will start promnptly l am 7:30 O)YSTERA___ ArE Open Evenings After Party Lunches And Social Catherings Our Specialty 315i S. STATE- -- D. M. WILLITS, Prop.