TOTE MICHIGAN. DAIL FALL 191 0 Outfitting for Men W~e announce our readiness to fur- nishsour trade with the Best Clothes, Headwear and Haberdashery ttiesvurldl produces and we re- spectfslly solicit your favors. Fo W. GROSS Mbrthoro sci icor.Fourth Ave. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LOST. Lost-The -fellose-swho look tGurdo's blue serge coat about 7:30 Satordays ight should please return samie to 433 Maynsard St. 7 Lost-Golud watch, openi face, wovsecu gold fob, mist goldtltntk cbain, camio charms. Resvard if returncil to 1312 Geddtes Asve. 7 Loot-.0nocrtts-swest crne r of caisit, sotid goldI etff suttoss wits initiat S. Phone 707-J. Reward. 7-8. Loot-Parkertlucy cu rv'e fosntain tpen. Initiats IL. W. V. onisgotld band.j Phsonse Bell to66-J. Reweard. 7. MISCELLA1NLOUS LAST DAY. Todas is the last dosyisf the Sitz fosistaini scsisate at Skisssers. Allitpes sold dutrinsg this sate uuse just si-lls psricee. Sale elosses at 6Is 1. Tiutoriing' ini rencts anstGermsani. M\aemosiselle G. treimosnt, 8t6 S. State. 5, 7,1,t A FINA.L'RIt ~ltNi)I7 R. Thsat after tosday cyiouswill hase to pay the fuiltlpricefiorthatisiswarsated $3t Satz ents i lii l'seltiig tsr $1 .;o at Sininoer's. Sate etoses at 6 MUSIC AND DRAMA ga siofthli ~eicutyeoertee series. newulntasIsss'ei inaiucguateud this sason5. Frontsimelotslim ule s'sriiiiout sisde artists wiil te irisightthere, U) a s- sist liii ftyoitthe li'SAtW otsif.\Music. For the 11stcotcer.,wsiciets ilt ib' givens snext IThurisity ei i's'151''in ighl Scthsilt all, h",iar Anatstl Issiistcil, 'cisofthliiiNiw is rk Sit mphonytliss rsi in ths Choral iti 11111seie ssio illsr Igo, Air. lsssssssti icriatedssisost fis isbl s ists ts silm.Il e s ira u to LipsicsCoservastoryi sni a fvor i tinnl p trogra ism Iwiltlse ith Arnskytiin 1)l min r fr issnoli ttio\Isin a d illo, in I which Mr. Bronstisihssis tess bl 2disst 'screIti Wadsi anisiasuit I'. .\iss tiiisssiIs iesi, sit Sissisis' twis. playlla grouplof soto num1ers.1 iii'sre- is Albtiiliotkwood1iisisd\Wiliam Hows laniisi lan iDuiley sis tos illtile ic- 1.om1 l ti.t Sesisiirsllticets ftihefoiri'acisity o 11 iiandthsi twoisorcheis'tra'coine'ts tre n sae attheSchioiof iii titsss' tI I. o". Sin lr ad issio s are 2, esel PIA.NO S 1F'lCl ' ttiiiits Msiiu hisi11se, 122 Fast tilirl St. iSeral iiakss fii heice i siI'l rnens ist lowiira'tes. iFlle'eitnlins fIs l 5 'l'. tt . Biliasrds is a fite game, ask tsssoseiho ilay.Youinieed slm e cetionusasnitwhat is hctrtic han Ibis? N usrciy l31tos. TILE[FARME4RS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN ANtD HURON STREFETS taitial $11,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 Gen'er'allBaning usisnssi. 3percenst paid isis 'l'ime uands Savins D epsosits. Safety De- po1it Boxsio irenl t d$.00 and upwards IR. II 'si'. Prs. II. IG. lases' rsV.iec-Pres. The AnnD Arbor Savings Bank ('a1ii Slossses 55i55000 Surplus $50,00 Itsucs .,40,000 A Gleneral Banking tBusiness Transacted ()r 'ic ritssCuas. E. IlilseseS.iPres.;sW. 0. 1isrrliii. 52vce. Ices.: 51. J.3itli.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK CisIasl :500 'l~ii srplss5,00 R((isissisvs 3,0lti.000 \8m, . Bootlsihls.res. 'sii. Arnioll. Vii's'Pres. C'. .1. Waltz. t'a'liesr La..rger and Bete Than Ever My business has grown constantly every year andr it grew last year. To meet this growth® I have again; increased my facilities and this year you may come to me for Bettter Pictures, Better Amateur Finishing. I use ALL the most improved modern methods for best possible results. Better enlargements, A much larger and complete line of Photographic Supplies. Better Lantern Slider, the most complete and accurate Lantern Slide Apparatus used anywhere. And PENNANTS. Several times the Largest in Ann Arbor, and prices lowest. Just 4a Word About Micli an ScrapBok Experience Fas brought out that you want to keep the many little things which come to you in Colege days, Clippings, Programs, Pictures, etc., etc., and although last years' book was entirely satisfactory this years' is jusst alIittle better. (Same price). Start one now - 1910-11 will be the best year Michigan ever saw. Now about pictures of things that happen in College Days. I want pictures of everything-whenever anything- is doing (night or day.) Call 458. Tell me when and where, I'll get the picture---you buy them if you want them---but remember if you wan, a real picture---not an excuse---call Lyndon at 458. My slogan for every year is " Larger aad Better " LYND JlqPhotographer 719 N. University Avenue Eastmwsan's Kodaks anad suppliesarebest, arid I cssey Oh. tolarest tture..I.'. S M ia cs. FIN IS. Dons'ltfailtolii sis'hit $2 Sate for toe. Ssale it satlItrices ciosc dlay sit 6 p. in. Sksinnier's. liil Lii its ssell5o'r riit5151u.a goodist ii - Vie carry the (Geiniinse \s'Wselsc tGss icu rscodhnayn~ Manstels. Alltpries. State Street Morsrillie 'ii. ices iii. IHasrdwsare. 5-t. 2 tf. 70lo N. I'i~sit Buy your Gas asdit Eteitrie tiii'Sttdent itt I Sll( N PittlowssuitndPcIuist Lampsls at tie Stsite Street Haisrdwiare . diss ' tesisists si thewssircchools. Sweatli B. A. Killinis.5tf. irs cut i ac st ''The' alsits's .i. Zoo Fitlicr & O'Connossr, Stisims antdlFrisset leIrvississers. Repasirinsg. (rte? 1?.\Wil- tias S t. 1 tt. i'sw G* . oostp~lc el' at i. CFnueveria' n- mj millerne~nSA-11944-A try ir cis ofsfee'. Vi" i-ler's l,ssise i,38 Conrxmarci....l a.,d M\lartid Stircet. I-tt. Sa.virs aTHlE KEMIF SuIPSI 'STEDIOS. Cor'. M~ktr% and Liberty Stru.ts Pianso, litpe Organs, ViieCul'stusre, Comositioni. 332 SisuthtsIltiisiss Si , FIRST NATIONAL BANK stoice1576-J IBell. Lesse sits irsrtees OSo iepaotnn. T tfrANABR IH . Di. INNKis. I 1111SON SOULE Largest stuck if uiscketksisters, saftety Pres.'iee-i'ees. S. se. CiA It loiN, CasmIer. razocrs andi resists 5ini townes st Statie 'spital. 4i1t0,0l i 'iiSurlous t'rofits, $65,000 Street IHarsdware. t. A.Kilitss. 5-tt. itnissit csicss is wantd ''' sel cert ltits. bI isis r~sicn ,I- Se'tisuit s caliliat'soff ice sifut'iiv i . isis's sit C lsisi 25Misis''t. 2_-, i t : vo r l t tD l ad it sil s i-, ples aisst 'sis;'ssPhrmay. tif a.chc'le ciScani'stsi lrittictts' S. MinsissSineet.Ittf. Freshmen Caps - - - -- _ Slickers and Raincoats G ym. Shoes, Suits, Towels, Etc. Meisterschat Shoes Laboratory Suits and Aprons WAGNER ry. CO. Bar&kM. Soelas * Engineering Overalls and suI sts sntttes Redman Collars Jackets, Interwoven Hose Rate ''s. sillsfthhi. eiti sthoe -Stetson Hats Operating Coats and Aprons Ha_______________wetHt ShirtsI Holeproof Hose -Sweaters - - -- - - - -Cut -THRE TINGSTO O--FVRNITVRE AT FACTORY COST TRETIGTOD - Faculty Coflcert UNTIL SATURDAY, 0 NL Join the Union OCTOBER 15th _______ Belong to the Athletic Assoiation Thursday Eening You 'wt ii a ear opporturnity to bs and 8 O'clock HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE at FACTORY COST * Our Showroom at 12 E. LIBERTY (next dor to Root's Music Storesnwttl SUBSCRIBE TOH LShoUI be closed on that date HighicholNall Comae-Packt Furniture Company isesin y Schoolsit Susic, assistdl by Elihas Aatoleroirsutin, -eetlist. i Nsw Yori oru iSt y nctsis ius'rsiti Sysuwillb 'sss M ~ichigan D aily sue r telnjrsesll mirted theNdMrs.stLA W DICTIORIES iuuii'ti'i' t is i !i'5 l'islthaut Viiis. ]itirlardi l T. re'cut, r ss w Y oi c~l- sValeBOOKSits AnasArbo LEGAL MISCELLANY AnreAbor' $3.00 A YEAR School of MUSIC - C la ha- o $2.50 IN ADVANCE $1,0 Cala HIAGOt O Ana sArbor Srn.hStat, Streaet. OppsttaLawElcd. Portrait Studio- s I w . ,.,..r '"A". 319 East Huron Street