THdE MICHIGAN DAILY STICKSt A Fall Assortment of the Best Line We Can boy 215 Cents ts $1.00 latch. Sweeter Vests and .Auxtormobile Swee~ters Complete Stock of the Spalding Mlake at WAH K'S University Book Stores Jo A. TRUWBEY FOR High-G rade Confections Pure Ice Creame c -1 S. C. A.==DAILY SUPPLEFIIENT SATUR~DAY, JANUARY 14, 1911 COMING EVENTS Saturday, January I4-t Membership Social, Mc illats I all at 6 :30 P. AM. Suntdav, Tanusary t 5-Decpartmentt mectiii for 1 ngincers os', 1lci-1 I ilan IHall, 4 P. A4. Stsolay, January s5-I itisiurss and 1l-crals," IProf. I1. (C. ,tdanss, It\ch hlatsIJall, 6s:o P. Ml. 2lotolay, January t:6-niversity Symphony OJrchcstra, IYligh1 School Atuditoritum, 8 P. AM. 'usiday, January 1 7-Regular mteeltu of the Y. WT. C. A., at 5 o'clock. N\euinessiac, January :t8-Flonzaley String Quartette on the Choral Union Coturse, Univ. SHall. 'fTimrmsdst, Jasnaryi()--Cercle [Pirangais, "Soirec _filisicaic ct I itcraire," Sarah Caswell Angell 1-1all, 8S P. Xl. ' ridax. j annareanoA lichligan-Chicago lDchate, Unixversity IB all, 8 1P. A1. I ondlai', innat 2-. 'nieesity Symtphony IOrchestra, HIig~h Scho(ol Auditoritum, S P. AM. \V(Itnexilay .1Jatuarye 2--.Piano recital, I l igh School .- Ntidl torinn, 4.: t55 P. Al. PridavJanouary 27-oicy Clith in "'he Title-Alart," New Whitney Theatre. r a. 116 So. Main Phones 166 FULLER & O'CONNOR TAILORS Suits, tiesend - 25c Trousers - - - 10c Farench ]Dry Cleek rin j nd Kepa~aing Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital 300.000 Surpluni50,00 Resoarces$2,900.000 0'1initerest paid on Sainsg D~eposits. 'Saftiy Deposit Boxes to Rent. Foreign Fxcciang-betters of Credt- itanuiT 'ravelers' Cheqtues Sotd. A General Banking Business Transacted YOUR BSINES SOLICIT ED UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of MUSIC Coming Events Mondtay, Jan. I6, S P. At. Symphony Orcesetra Concer Wednesday, January s8, Is P. Alt. Floneraley Qaartette (University Halt) WednesdayJan. 25, 4:15 P. H. Piano Recital NOTE- -Unless othecrise stat ed the concerto are given in High School Hall. i d MYOTHER SEEKS A TITLED SUITER Experiences of Pauper Noble- man Portrayed in Comedy Club Production VETERAN AMATEURS HAVE ROLES Ssnicl newcsp apes's hase i'cseled ins te eodusiof ome ricani usaielto the palaces of ioreign n obleimen; theycihasve' esimsatedit hr anioeuitl if 'go oieri- can eash that ha~s been swscappiet forti- tes, ci hae Ito l ii the hapy asduitnhlap- sp' uionisssofthties coilt;iinlac's, they Ihise tackledI the subljeccitIfromsisevery ant- 'nust lisenalong coesi \r. 61isslssss Churchill, tile smitsiles wre Ri chard CXrsl.' 'Thse Crisis." andsithler Amerc- eicas bosok s, a(islet eiv ers "'T'he'Title _Alil5,"' aysi woenes ilsolus heenesaicvi- ors of a tite-seekcs i c uotes to msarry ihse lsecee r jihialssbeens knocskedt gal- 11y weit, sssd tlesssomse. .Aelce of msistkens iiesntily figusres largely is the worsick utiisof tse sto~ry '111d1thlesop- potuiies for levireasctiigalimiiitesd o111y by' s thlenigth of teebo~ok. Thsis is tic' slay thalt tue Ccomedty Clubi s silreasdy seli undier 5w'iy. Thie tilis- ag5em5c511 feels tiltsit lhis keessCecels Iutinlity fo~rtunate ill securin~gtiesple fir tile east. iSeveral stuo saielapptelaredt ini uiv esuty' dramtic'ptroducltionithIe past iwilt liae'psrts, ansom111e less' strt biers of use disliui itl aetheir first stbile hose whess "The Title lAtari" cc- ceiv e its first poliercfortsattc, Jasts 2, ill use Witniey Opierai Ho use. MICHIGAN "NVILtttLl'T.3Tk, CHICAGO NEXT' WEE-1 K. Tue Chsiia'o-Mtichliganddeeieiwillibe helot inivrsieiity hlul sext iridtay, Jats. 20. The sublject is "Resolvedt,Thti ste fedtersal gosvernmitettshudi levy ia graduailtedinitcatte taxs, constituitionaliitp contce'ded'u" 'The' Michtigant teamis is hsardt at wsork, anid there is mucheti isipe for tier viicy. DR1. liixS'Ibita : 'e'YI S CtO cI'N't'si'. tDr.AWilbert 1B. Ii isilueivesn t ts a- slug, W~edntesdasy, to attende a meetig of ste Staite 'T'uiberultosis Boiossticheicht he is secretairy. tie relsirnted Thursday. IOTA TAP'S itt0i,) FIR.ST INITIATION At' SORORITY. Eccesticsidiviuals, weainsg usee sgn ofi this peli'lchreyliststccs'iionlly ellis- insg op5enttpahnis l'he'tillwsri, sattraicit camsscis titetiosnsWednitesdayc. Tie cii- 1ri555s otes shite at lengitsdisc'er'e'ia lets'constellation thsie Iota Taui, tisopulasr- ly rechtristensedtIT. Desitie tile ineecty sf use n'eaith- cc, solemit ies Ill organtizaltiosnitwere tier- fssrmses t high51oont benteaith ste Iir'- tectionitositthe univiertsiti'band ssslt. 11115losinsglice ceremionyc, ste neopities soughttile seclussisissof issmere soliority, wee'llt 1.5asialedisver te bublintg chainig lists. Place citsdisaste ''eatet ,is-elilt-elitt'' ansutet relishastfollowts: Chasrter imemibers : Firedterickae Lwtonist Wville ierr Reene I t's'i issiieit i A1tguss Atcstc' Intiates:i EdnalliUsampjbell iii 1r .'iiiifrIlt t'hs:I Wi'atins Latrry N\ssiesst 'he festiv'e feature seas eclosedithil te uniantimous srissolttiiions:, c tus shice aniititionlslbianquiteltiozy lay.'' The ceremonystieof tie loiss'ng clii, the toss aso toliok la 11cecbeindisticioscedtles. Thirsiughthtie heavy tiortieres a hresi- denstislinqut~iiry reaceinquiseiisitive cies. "Sister .'lariy, thaveyosits ach?"tsP "Yes, IOisiMtost sMagsifieet-" "'Thten yisoullay lee hise amistss." DEAN COOIEY NW'LLtSPEA.N1 Ar J. ENGINIEERS' ISINNFuR. The juisoriencginseers wiltliBslitthce sescndsif their series sif dinners'ciatl sit \tieisigsits UiisottonJanssury 17. Gseorg5e Bsancroift wilt lid as lisasi- maslster asdethue fiollowiing hriltrisihas beets arranuged: "Clsiss Athsletics," S. S. Laiviene; Remsarkes by hDeasiCooley;'".iiwin Mlu- ile," hi. J. Chcamssinis;:'Jsiy IHilt,'' t. SW. Fischer; asse "Let _kte Thistl," F.. P. Wilguss. 'T'heshitter xiltbegins trompstlty at 6 o'clock.' 'Sihe lililitO ists a raithercroids-blosssdi citwa s oif stinsg' islts. After sil thsie ,mt'rospsslitasn'pspers wenst swildt sith frsonltipage'scare Ihealisses, itics1155 asse chsroisiles the sa'lste ccntcisCwth three lites onipase t9i: HawIley ilarey Crustiest, h'82-'83, d. in aged 1148. "'Twsbtter thus! s 1 r I r" . t Filbert Milk Chocolate Bar A Special Halt-Pound Bar Full of Nuts For Only 25 Cents Saturday Special 19c a Bar CALKINS 324 So. State Street First National Barber Shop- The only second class shop in town lot W. Huron St. F. P. Baker Prop. The Ann Arbor Press Printers to the Stdent Body we Wgiepouanly the bsin sancendi Baqe Progr ecaim UIn our own biding MAYNARD ST Bt Plines s27 MRS. T. L. STODDARD Hair Parlor haie Dressinog,Scalp and FaIcesTreatI 55111, Shamtpooing, OM elcsrin g 51H ei Weavinlg,anufacreHaic(lleoonds Telephone 29e-i 707 N University FOR SPACE In This SATURDAY MORNING Supplcmuct Phone 960 hetween 3 and 5 2500 Sheets Like This One are Distributed Free (One to Each House in the University- sec- tion of the City), each Saturday Morning I _I ACTRESS IS NOT PARTICULAR Ellen Terry Wants Stage Cool and Footlights Dim -Nothing More ! Slisess siceliebrity glees Isis, or tier sir- tiilar' sttnt isefsore lian audiencee, the manaslgren ssousually smtihere ithli ttiitiierie'si stiruioss a5s tIssu e' s plastfoim'shalclvibte irrang'.ed, thuexrat ( positioni fsr ths tir esr pitcher, 1and1 imsiny stter tiflres. ikitetsferry, tesar of stas in tile'drat i fisldrs, sindwsi is sit presesst scsiring success iis a leciurer, hss smasde lull twoiesi estsl of the manailge- usd51 sfor tier ltetureinUsnsiv'ersity Ball1 sext msonths. Slur ssks thalt lice stone lie kep5t is cio sis iptossible asiu tshsiatirh fotlights hbe dimmedlci. It sutghut tsu te iii casy iatster toscosts sty citill Miss Terry's wise s, fsoriseair- ly el-cry persunht 111assappesredt outthur stauge of ~Uis'ersity Ffllhs 11a1(1 ifti- rutty ini keeiing warmssanduttresventinig the wusrdts friumsfreezeing ho his ips. 'Ther seisdush sistes sirundsutthe platiformisasue it woultd rcqtuire uinlimuitedt wasrius air 10 raise te tempteratcure. WhnissLuuraidoi Tsift, lice ecultoisr swhosuappuearedtonuutie S. I,.. A. csuurse laist yeasr, wsmosduellinug foe thesaudiiencer, tie ssuWa tss melledtoI u-i-un iIssapronet aisud iisk Ihis swsalluow- tilt becsiuse te studtie rusers insisted siuousbloinuseg the aptron icc his faie. Its fsict there seems little piroshecti foc u cumpulutintsnthe grsunsshouf ewarmitho. Anud as fsur foostights. NWhat sire thtu sIhings' UCniversityi IHal sever 5saw ai realitlusiighst. Onue ini aiwhite, wens there is some d sramatsuic centertinmsssenst, thue uiversity electriciancs strisn' a fiw lassu aloniiusg the fruint If Ike csage uuu saddu realismi, hut as foir uheir tight-giv- tug sbitilies, --I uirruirs ! AMiss Terry nseedi sot fesarthsat the glare of lice ''fools" witlhavlse aiibsidteffectsuonm ter mnaieeiu r thsat she willthuible sible iu see tier siudiience becautse uo1 thems. Its stesiu, it is thue sauienuce ewho shoulud wurry'et thur tights be insusifficieunt fuur thesistCi get si good took at thue greats actress. 6 Mr. T. E. Brennan, late with CUTTING CAFE, announces his new restaurant open now at 612 E. Liberty street, formerly THE VARSITY CAFE. Private Dining Room for Ladies Regular Board $4.00 per week TRY BREN NANS RESTAU RANT Single Meals 30 ant d 4c] rA 1