The Mchga ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAT URL)AY, JANUA,\RY 14, 191.. NO, 75. Vol. XXI. nxRACK rliviu ILL FOR ESTE'RS AHR FOR SUCCESSFUL. SMOKER. HA E ! US S A ON Ove0on hunsdred foresters gatlsere Ii A rJ B SY Uik1U~iat ter'Michigan Union last ev ening for - their mo115 successful smoker. lollo1w- Sig' refreshments, Prof. ilibsert Rotls, Every Saturday Will Be Filled swhos acted astosmtecldfr With Interclass Veet Forced . ltlfortl and C. L. lilt, Dr. F. U. Ness Into Widweek .cobanDrR.W Heerfth facuslty, and mssesstbsrs of thsesvarioss classes. Professosr Nlulfordl, whos is gos- intg to Cornell as senior tprofesso~r of THREE EASTERN JOGS PLANNED forestry sent year, toosk teoc casions -to ________ express Ihis regret at leasisng X.\lilgass, say'ing thsat it was thse harsdest 51hisn;ss t' THREE OFFICES TO 1.-IIS)AHAVEPINI I TO C__.)il BAR. MEMBERS TO H V - ss~~f leis a pii t1IsoIst f 1t e s enaos te to______ ThreesCanddatesaOutuoraJob+of ssixsell.sIssslesraI Question of Choice of Board of Football Manager and Two gtroundls'xxsnsoss Control Members will Come for Treasurer N W.N N 0 55 50110 5B1 . I). Up at Meeting }Refsgssta -tls I s ays tat In n l Ian MEETING PRECEDES ELECTION semster sssll bse issue tiss)tle. sI'lssse SENTIMENT. FAVORS ELECTION _________ IslpublshedinIllSIeptembsi trill ho11fld goa , ansdsadd(t(11 al) or1 changeit o rs es x Iwill 'Ihe campl~aignl for thse offices (If foots- bl s ted ons t he Il illlllel llboar1ds.1 isclxisso 15a s o lse msethodst by swhich hll msanagsler, secretarsy1and(ltrea.sulrer o II __ till stud ssent se es of te oarsd i .911111111cenllelltI llsasbeess smasde sf the scedlew ichhso issossarrassgesdfssr thle sarsisIIst..tack nsesmtsursssg tse com-ss ing season.T wo dual11111trascksssets will be1 held11Ill9Ann1Xtrbtor, xrttell connsintg for an 111111511e11t11nd1Svra'esse fosr a tutssle' IlnIberrx'fileldl duingttile oustdoor sesonxl. Jill teamtsssill 11akexthsrex' ens- 1tern5't1rills, onlxx 111 csllor5an5'ndo11 toI Phsi~ldelphiators tits 1e15n1relxsy 9glames inthe11 thirto tile Easternt Istercol- SlelI' xof thirsltentmts5fllowts: I'l. 2 Plre'litix f l Xeet. .Xlxclc t .l-"r-esit Solps Meset. M1a11111 11Varsity Meet. \[irlell i--Svraleuse '1t Svt sse. .larexll 5 IxrelliatsAn.\ttt rltsr. tell I f I-Frsltsx'tn IItetit Censtrasl. Ap 1i101Relay 1C.11's as Phlaks lay11't3-S, aus t AnArbsor. \I xo 20, 20 1 lttxi'sxclxti tic 911e't. M,12" IsIxnexxllx'xrt'llx Th itt[).or sxts.e'ltts ipupiils swill Ise lllsy alost1 very iltudayfromsssthe opeing Ifthex s Slt on1thxe lass Satsr- 11119 sf IF 11111 11111tilxxh, lstot(f lay. Ali911 15511 nthescesdsle is thse itecame t.i s her ts no 1111 Satnr1ry19ti s 1,11iat] l e giventasT'Is- 11119ixxlestit xsill Ite lulliedloff tssless futersd1iff1 icutixes dlp .1111 Plrovisions is alsoottatlx'fosr tise freshsssess. They' w i e iven'I anIisoppor' tntiy tos x5115 peefagains11t all outsideta ntlc1lxs les 1pe'at1tile IDItroit UCsntral 1lfkregsliossits XX EATI I Elf MA\NPlAYS SPIJL, SP(19119' 1')lfRFUITK UI 1.91119. Ietexse 1xf lilt' cond1111011otf siteice at thse rintod11111y'xslame swit the Sesnecas oft DetrssitIhasx 1beess casncelletd. It seas lildpto511tile lastnsitsitse thssatlshere sssigishtoexs chansge intshie kissd of sweaths- e that tile foreecaste'r -tas sexn andng out11fssr tile rist fx 1 o ss a s bt h e refsssetd 151 sup1p1l9 111y11f ithe zeros brassd. Ilossssesr, it tassi'mtosr e thatxsussch set- bsscks t is1 ou111aege thse stickwselers. Ths e ld111a Imes't11119Fridlay ight at Itse Afthletic offilce 11n1 1mongtothgsierstitsgs secixdesl 'ss names anc sd electesd a cap-t 111111fertehiis seasss. As theteamiss has sso assshority' tssrepsresetthse unsisersity it ws ndsiffcislit tselect 'asssne tht wsxouil not11 esss y a false impslressiosn Thse nam51e finlly Ipixkedl was15thle IHursstn Ilockiey- clssb. R. feytnoldisssf Ualssmset, M1ichl., wIs unanimou115sly sx '1tes capta11in1. Is' xswill nsot11annountce the111makeup o sf tse teamssusnsil thsere is, a11 op1po0rsstunityfor smssre practicse. A9 gaite swill hse scee- sileslforssexscsweeks if thse abssse smess- tisssetd we athte man stusrssnskisso. dss thsat ex'o'r cosmse hs i tl. CAMPAIGN CHAIRMEN MEET illsekAtletic asssciati111o ill clsssetIs morrowIIIssafternoons 1at111 :3stss'icls lsisx'sst thse' stlls osilliss'esixeedits .Unive'sity Million Dollar Fund Committee to sil l.Tihe smesetinsg ssflt'e \thlestic s'sn-x Start with Educational Work 9-na111ossill1ss'caslledl st 1 :30osclssck ssss A messetintg ssf itse st-clhss'ss'sairmn fthse te 'otintg sliseginssimmeds'siastely ' sfss CnsissII camsspaign costssisttx'x' s hldltIll' mees'tittg. I exter'slsx afterssoosns, st Iichxithsts'rlx's's' iatstises iltlte'fildsIfoi-ssx'soffix's tori'5es sw'ere assigse'd. l E iach i ltsuhir' 1 sfsstballmanera r fs e'XX. J. l,s'xs- .iol.still chooses'a comitsss' t'es' si lssss 1 '1251,I '. . C.eliy, '12I-ad iso'rto Isselvsexstsdents, whse' hmesx 1 .11" an 1 2's?. iMsshLs ls','tssss ltasd sere iss Iis 5tserr'tsory ,tosassist ihisss Isssswsrestn1 Ix'ess fthess oba n wsrkinsg tap st'ri t sslg andsisssltmitla sst xye. 'slscatissg thls ini sss'ansdlitsgx'ttinsg CansidssslforIstrseasosue''ar's' F. Blie' irst-hsansdreporets ssfx'sonditiontss intshelI,.111an1 C. " XX ma 'saissusssectionss. Nos tsss 11sr f12 1'ltn stitisis alone in the thex's'sosk wsill conttsist its xedux'atissg Ilshe isi 1 forssscretarI. studsenst bosds'itself itstes'valuse sf thse - Unionssang in sssss t Iraisots tsssxIIsst wss :PROTESTS AGAINST CHECKS Th'le follsswingsarsetesus-chimtens asssx thsoererritssris: Prof. Smalley will Publish Essay on 1lohgansssC. . IQssstsssRitWX.litke-x Work oh Supreme C, urt msa, 1-1. 13 Tri' . . RIiscs,1 111aniJ ts A sll ssso Jsssic'ial Intetxrpretastions~' CraigIHerbsert I. XX 'stiss Ie's1gIestIi's'tsasio s s 11111 M (.s ssxllNsss9 ssix sts ssProf.ll 1t. . lSllyix s o aersoo Ifissosss Ohssss VscorsR.IfJsto se, Indian'; ssos.s is ss't'ssclss i oemet GorsdossSisrIllinssss Robftert Tispping,1' siltso f s I tstste . I'sexsdiss ssss thse sosthst; Rlph1111J.Ilisock, ntItssIloI iusd s of hi 1 sx'ek. nest, westsef Misssissppifitsers S.I R. ,1 s I tl''il . ss, 5 it It i ' 15' I ssx'ssrslSmsiths, fsneign I cou11111 ics in orsric'ts'sbiytheidx'isaxsof p110es tfs' e 'easterns hemsisphees. lssss 1f initiastisve, a sotasinsesdIints e :1s s'sons ssas'e ommssittxe's see chssosn, xItitsslissss. lix'Sugge'stste aspoinst- a m5etinsg sill Is' selsd anssltheso'tssso'ss i 11.11 sf a'sssx ecutis'e commssitte' osss- sstrusctedsill tesw'srk. : sss'l s matisIo'eosnssmioxsissldssse or tw 'ssl'as'ess tass'sste ft'Ition ofs }.t xcs~z5Ts URN11 OUTeIN0 UM551111t. I nf ttss'5retatitgsneits'asac'sssthssavo idl- Th~e novi1c tssnamsssentl sf thse'Fest' ttg thse swste' IftimIse 'aus5ed by1sa 'l'ssclsubs helsd Frisdxsy sfts'rnstsss swaxs sts. 'T'ssessablishs ts' le'gality ssfsscs osse of tilsemost sccessfssl intshie hsistoryt cosmmssitee xs'sosild rx'sfire 11 ibsoadser sf tesorgaitions. 5Not sssly t 'ie ttx'ret'il lo f te conistitionis th1111 11isssler of entlries was10it remarkabx Ile, l~iarserextofore bssen cusstomaslry. iut alsss frosithle fssmstha11t1Iix th1e con-- - _____ testant~s sdispslayesd. Soi mansy9enitersed the cssstests thsat Ilt'heiissercou o tis slisS 111I N I XI P.9 I I 119 I .9J1 lR bse sdeidlesdasssit wsll b is'ecessrs'to GEl'S IllIISlI IIN TKO(UI.'l . conusisse thsebosssnisext weop.. 'The -___ finsals aill behe ldsIillthe sclubsesissms in 'lex'fllosswing ~csssstiicaslio nwasre thse gymnssasiumss Mossdsassafterssoonssandl xcewedsIat te I9.s ,1 stfilees' eda wli startl as 4:19. I1511as pCicts hesrx' IJacssois1lastnih _ orping oust ills ds'cs'ilinsgthsltsr' 'sIsts s;iexslso I' si:t'esc OeSTP'sO'NED0. IPassing melritsoyoois11'ilti. Xiiostl is No gesseral mieetinsg of sloe Uninsuispenedel sesslenceensssingsgo9o1111bes- snembsers wsas Iseldl yesterdaly is schses-haisoisrt.'tis lulls ise isn thlesxmeclax' slesd isthe ielielsigait hasss-lhsllsk and on as your11'friessslIissisnifGoldman~st. thse Unsiont prspsiietus. Thsefiess generasl 'TsOM MA.xss mieetinig will bese ls'sdusrissg'te sexonds seisester swhens all bsinsess for theo yx'ar $9011 ltll~l.Ootvill' III'S~n wsill lie trasssaceds.'T'ie Blstim isre .Xxssocixationsfurste __________________ l1'soisuslnxio1fUnsisivesity Edusicationsssf 'iS 55HI:05' .5i'iItc.5''15N5 Sic~r;:i .sWoXmlsenis sffers s felloswshslsip f$9110 fos Dusrinsg vacatioss, aboiust fifleets appl1ica1- Steyear 1911' 11)2. It is asailabsle fosr tionss for teachersto fissishi oulstse 9'ear, studyl at ass Assericxsssrise linesslltsssi- sterereceisedl by tile appinstmset corn- v"esity'. 'Those xwhos lre insterestedl sins isitlee of tlse educteaiosn depsartmsent. 'The cosuilt DleasnJssrdanl. Allappllicaiosss applicatios sfor isext yearsdos let genser- smou s e itste hansofslthe commisitse ally cosme untithe latter spsrt if larcs. Isefosre 9larelt 2o,111I. WEST HALL SITE FAVORED' 5 it fsithetissis should he selectedl Ills 511 sists el Is semsis certain thnt tine 11 its tc ill eberousighst so thse attention Real Estate Man Points Out Adtan= sifthSie .isso'iaionssaststosay's meeting. tages for'Audisorium Nosque sltonIhas seess raised as to tho st'h i-sit 'isit X sf s11 sis i ndtell' ix li159'sof ltx'tsmethodis byl wis h hie stus - I X.lsIs'stix' sss~ts' uie issiIuissg. n'dss tile prop'tiyl'Sirit'lilw'st of iiit sili1 0 c . 1rtehar 1tcze'5 1 I i he Isi t e -WhtXefec oldth'e ss erecsi st isn 1111 rimton thast sits' isve' it>iss rel's esat i s ", he sss ii 'ask sd i $O msoss ismI is1it sille Is slliesbc~ t $?o~oa oud lilite api bly ra'i10s1 issi isresil L's ts li it b t ''XX l illn s is' iissssi ipurpo ss t'a the 5lii itansSis'wier, i' and' Nori i t s, itisssit strlets'~i'Il S sssspincpaly lwcatlisit isi mare con 1151'. siuaed5 '11 rspctto ii XXr lis Si1ts e a~il rb ad Xakn tiwithnso f Slokc lie s( iit S esi y c oi issi ss I i l th r its ll al-ithei c m u ,b Is l e1 s o itales str o itSohe i ti d e i c«n o a 'loll IIte tit Not i c~situs Iwtw e I ng lx11 lsiand I Selfth in ac whieireversither's c- irpla cxllg t he iii Xii lt 111 ' t "Do1 s it wi te t12151hedel tio ,xs es' epl. cIii's I I ssssiti ng olil 9snbtn~lesl' 1f there51150'' is mthils' itu 1wpttil'. suNess' si i, sth lrteen. 9nr. I Stillndsperis ps teeniss tu's ntsls hoi att'endi d tfits' XI x Mas Y if heisi tes1b1 lens it'i'ilesl! i 1)10 .1 Fr'\s 1.\v r m 1o lCtV (testS ies lix s ix se elstesl. seeof thesu s eI 1tSh adstin f I f t tlilt mtod. Tie abilite asid isstegrity Oi te presenst mtru ees is alsso ackowl- 'ii sitndisosdesire is respresseil to de- pose thei. 'Tie fey issg is everywhere appren thaiItilIpoielir seectionsits the hest i riir ethod 11111anid axslshe Irceet s- sit i does list priel'fosrthis an is iii S t estmadse lto secnre a chsange. ste()ttii ill lie placedl before the asscia~tioni addrlessedl to the Regents askisiglhstpolars.'celectionisbhethe asie- 'it isi tllmemers ble austhorsized. If the ills ste' Iossgfilthroussghs 510effoirt will be. madeu toIput it into seffectusti the g -1i is1 oflte siext schlselyear. "XXhile ise aseenitsirely satisfied with tile threxeprseniothessmemes if the hoard, iha sat'ssure' sc aIie''wst'that the isext isis wsill Islrcepiresentst sudent sesi timent.'' sidlphliBloch ini discssig the' l~eiont. '"XXe shsousldlsave lpopular slctills s. Thle sdirectossalre list in a j'(sitiiii 511 ochuruatlygauige studlent 1111111' 1 ix5as'he sillden'ts are tlsesa- SCIvexs.-' sih suet reprsenta51 tises shousld 119 aiilIxix, liiit119byiandrepresent the sisdeits," sid 5Cap1ti ill of tilelbase- lust1 teossims"fteyae saedl by the stuenets lihisyisill felxxihiltsthey' rehire- scttile studexnts, itsI xlatill lbe quickly eespisssivseo Sthe sishlos cif, and directle repnibleIto thoe iiostituensts." "Wh'iie I ifeel tat Itse present method ieslroe r it 5se51s to seStsat tile elec- tio byi itte asciaion iiwiold osn She whoile blie maix stssatisfactory method," s sdFrdIt iwtoni, isne of the student inenibiees 'if Sue boardl."This would cetili e tileif te associatiosi asa w~i sh canbeliee nted uponto s50 no. isestiiscont ionsis as 10 chooise wisely. "1ihaeIsherd so validob ojections rais- to tlie spriposed titan and do not see 11111 and,-'sscoulli e raised," said IWaite .Mrit. "I mys9self 1111iseirtily itn favor ofi it." "IDirect repsresentaltioni is always found t bei' more trssly repiresenitative thans in- (Contisued on Pagre 4.) titRIIi 11 isfi cii FIHT GStai. lo h eeit iof the local anti-toiler- callisisorsel, a series if nmoving tirture films lice lto le rnin llAnssArbosr fy a Ialsithowmanst. 'The filmis are miadle ex- prssly fruse tilubelsrculossis fighters by liii Naional R Iedl Cros Society of :Ae icasaIdIthey take the form of, pie- Slice stories sdevised to illustrate in a 11119wa, thlesdasngers andi the nieans of icesvenionstsoftir disease. The date is. ntills s et e. TAPPAN LECTURE SU N DAY Also at 10:30 73P..RobertE.Speer A. M. and 7:30P. E 0 r pee C.E. at 6:30 Presbyterian Church