Go H. WILD CO. 311 $0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S0. STATE S BEET lypc wrV"itcr S ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room. 4 Press Buildiog. Oppossite Majestic Spalding's Auto grath ;ARE VICHIGAN DAILY jT1,1 MICHIGAN DAILY. INEWSPA, ER WOMAN WEDS -- ureessatLee. Hockey Sticks Managing Edior-ILEE A WIE. Buinss Alnagr-NoRMAN IH. HILL. Ewrrous. News Editor.......Harold Titus Alssistant ........Harry Z. Fol Athletic Editor...Walte K. Towers Assistant.....J. Fred Lawon Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exclanges and Files... Dior S. Birney EDITORIAL.. Arthur J. Abbott. G S asher aul Leidy. NIGTnEDITRoS. A. J. Wohlgensutl. Harold McGee. h arry G. Myser. Maurice Toulme. Frank PFennel. Edward Robie. SREOTERS. L~orcn Robinson. Robert Gillette. John 1L. Cox F. E. Shaw, Jr. Ernest urton. E. M. Wakefield. William T. Daugherty. scar eckman. Johii 11. townley. \Wallace Weber. GereldtJ--May. Emmett Taylor. C. hlarold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. owmni A. R Dilley. .iiyr Robin. Kenneth Osborn. L,. Ray Johnson. Elmer . Grierson. C. I. Kleinstuck Josphs Fouchard. A-ddess: MItsCGN DAILY, Press Bldg., M\aynard Street. (A1ice [ours: Maiaging Editor, 1- p. . and it1:00-1:30 P. I. Daily. loincss Matager, 1-5, 7-8 p. m~., x- cipt Sunday. Doth 'phones 96o. I IllilS) SY. JA\\tAIl 12, t19t1. itl ldit-iHAntLDG.MCGE. U NIVERSITY CALNDAR Janutary t2.-Faiculty Recital. Hi gh School auditoriimi i 8oenp. i. January 12i.-Stubrlit smoker 7:45. \Iigau Union.1 JiaiuarI 13-AniiialitBHnituet of Y. V. C. A.,Nsberry Itall. 6:30 p. m. Jaur ti 4.-i: Icellii of tlieiic officers. .1 ii iii i7. Junioi I ngiiccc Dinier at 'to it 3 i9.-tch I rncais, "Soiree Muicale ti i Iliir, Sarah asisel .1u c11 Ha ll N p. n1. Sineak thiivl e lng" t the most con- teibl cas f fenties atdtheir acts scait iitli conemnatoory when practced aainsttl isi ownfriends and 11: std Sts lTe icigan Union, t' 'in soi it::a, 1itnaesan association 1f studiets wiithi aclbhlose provided for th tlltueotixt adcemitfort of its tcrb,:ight . e pectel to e exept ro ith loerat~in: Iof Such I isitpsibletokeihcI lp astric eiter- c in o th vaiou- elntgings otf the Uionan heue f telublilhose are titlstqutly la dces upon ilieir tilt.Ye,) hoghthe rticles are plainly1st1mpedit lbsslgaii "Pnp- ert io f theichdigan Union," decks of ard, tpees f o;at, nmagazines and pritls r o:ttly being stolen. Nilv tca rn i reusetly aplr- pr iated; 1111oue oft .lierticiats atiCa rc: 'nt banqullet1 1 rs t iff it silver dish- A,,a irisut iof the Ireeaedloffeices, it I iatee ii ieesiryto Indiscontinue the tpurchi~ae oi ews mlisic for the Unin," a thieves Ihise tiate asatl siti the coisa soonllas they were placed ott the piano. It is ailmost impioisible to lee, eailmagazciies onistle, because they are stolen or mutilated shortly af- Wh~ethier tese lts tre the reslt of a1 deptraed itItsire for suenirs or de- '1 e1:1c tieeriti, itakdes ndifferetce. iti pliseainig inlethtere would be little or tn clemency justifiable if onr of thle thlievecs soulbe eautght. lifati btssNfIrTe RS tLL nANeg. Ttte treSh erlgitisers will open their sicital seaisotn withttdiceat Granger's Janualtry --0. New features in the way oif td'aices, decoratins, etc., are prom- isedt bytsetihirmuatiof the social-corm- tilitte, Alvaht trederickc. the .P escttt b () I-dI < e1i1 a Former D.t v Editor and womens occki c) f1-o League NWorker Becomes Bride lbttilitIl ie fil 11 iii'1'. A quiet Nste tug at h rtic lcrs fDr r ect" hs w ll) i'( 11111 blite ont h'I. isolii street, sester .11o: ere f etlr° ,)l erc 111101, mtarkedl1 e tiassitn fromittlipubllit lerthatpcso h ~1) to private life if onisof S NIichtli Tw thrspeae' trs I 'its been:set forentost unews , r 5iieti, Miss 'as: i- urelfIrcit he tilt : I~- J. I. santiati H. l tiarssit, -cltss oitt ofd. aclttcr11 liti s le ild t itlk l. i Edgar J. Kimig l,tfor eight ears pt "et io11in o aal rln" n registrar of ds-Irts of Mistitee cstil C W kImtiita titW i lt p(r wa~s thte groo.ltitit) ca ain"." T e tesf .\liss Iticharsa iiwasthi' firsl t tilil ii thsl ctltli a veMI llls-t C tc to the attassocitite esdior Ifthe DALY , n111111 [t f tel a I itt 11 he iniuc- attd alttost the tillty' one whtoItevsr didti at ier. I h l 111 s11 lli i s t hat Is1all M_ regular tesss wiork. Durittg the rsaciter tutattiItenltheeiiai « site wals ott the staff, '0,-'06, il - -__ W~otnt's Leagste was tatkitng strenuloss VC ollFv o ~_I efirts ito raise tiltlr yitoibildtIBarbor Thioltlanul afrnc.o gyntuaniitti: taidtie'dasritthe 111 ar c. htire'tlitorkers nsae i~li~ill ott Mtarchi seeontl an'1 AprilSt it [rst, tihe e titld Jua 1,111Fe~lal 1 , soelttt t t 1 tsl t 11 DILY"its rStir e1115111111 theUll esiy f 111111t rlala it oif the funtd. NIH ies Richalrd~sonl 5wa ill. S A t ''I til ofI :1r1: aai a il ell editor- it:-chie f for d-it wo Il itsues, Sataaalti t a 15 s is lnn dr I }ic P e.I,.' AnttiRichiars, titew NIrs. IlereColt- mni, of Potiac, is i hter mngigl eitoir. Thte first issute gives tillaccoutit oS thte leati-yetirparivtytteLetaglte gels itt NV'aterutuauugymnaltsittum;it tdescribet the goitng If " te trace anitlreasolute coi-eds after their fuir1young::men;the tnilettes ofte gitestesitt 1111101 sere dletailed, froimtProuf. lit ole's lttle: Itriatle tblackltie" to HItin Smailles ptlentt leaither shos "e iistlc struttotrs tttilofflicitls woret ttullsutlls hanttdsome ties attdwoIre flowss.Amongti theum wsas Presidlent (tngetlt elo Ippe roses tied witblue." SitsainlI>. Anuthony woo "atmong thtne tresenit." 't'he twotetditions, ofsix an tit w selse sages. tad a plteuuseiutal site, echcttav-1 itg tiatty tintes tte ustal circutlationl. Tit fill mit the paper inltitose layss i te tints that Miss RichatrdlsontIhad11 to write a "Vox Popatli" or "Contsetnt. Reader" comnitticationttattheIllseeetlt laour. With thus tratinting, nets it ri- muarkable Itat,swhtettniseenteredl reglart nesa per work, shes scitredthell greatesti scoop itt Michiganttewspsaiper Ihistoiry te Glazier resigttatiotn tstrs intthle l(e troil Nesws? Btefore teir gymnttasiuttm swea stit tte wonmetntere givettIte use nofSWeter mn tgyttttasiumtt mornintgs;t StissRich- tirdsotitttd tsr otte titms "M. E.," Miss Richiareds, were the first tweo Michtitati womntwsho ever otwnteid gyaium1 tickets. Mr. and Mrs. Kingscott will tuake Iteir tome at Beair Late, MnItistee couty. eNtICE esisceiS steve ntRIDss'. The Fencers clttb will 110l1 a Itl ire touramettFriday afternontlmthlet club roomus ittnWatermnt gytltntielt' Thte mteet is opetn to alt whto are Ileil- hers of te club tow or who joinl befog, Ite toutrnuamentt. A jewnelled chub plt will be given to the winner; atte, in Ill' case of a largenumnber of11 nrines.r prize will be givett for secondlt lplae. The first bout wvill be calledl at 4:15 ti. Il. GtLO~VR mATENs etS I secc uItv11'IINI. Professor Jantes W. Clover, actig Is the official representative of the 'ttiver- sity of Mbichtiganu, attenedel the fouthl atttual mteetintg of the AXssociatio111 of Life Insurance Presidettts, htelsd recetly at Hotel I~a Salts, Chicago. Thte priticipl toIpic uttater idiscstssioni was the "Educational Forces ill Life Insurance." The untusutal advattiages offered to eductaed yountgtmettn t inte selling end of the life insurattce businies were trought 0o1t. I I. I. SNIlt, P'ea )(l a it N.ii.Ia is t( :151 ii i' r t call I: fit ':1:1:1 way;I I '1 tu Futil ln11.1fore the . liiiiSc teritaustu::he heat ~is I ic- tir itt situ: hat tladi ll 1lutt itul. ctsmed[ eli: I ii i:"tu' a whenathe liesstt lihe tettiuned hi tthle it of5 Pebteii i ii 11.1 ; 1. patieuilair ab0ut t .h v Io del s ;e5 light l ittas Stu: lAgi:ultural Cothlege his ' STaOueNunRS. a fGirt>s Ito:tie:' iu hch atedll:1 'ThusSetsage uclubtiof5 Corniell is pre- larhing fSte iis 'sio . the shb con55slats ofstwou ntt ec tutedies, atiu a ivtudeve ilt. I111 Thus 'itn:uail:peatnt bhitut o f .1h. Ilioitus' Agric'uultiural hub andI altyit:R wsas hiel eccentis ' . 1qip Yurii:: ufot the New N: ar itthis Desk Calendar, an Excelsior or National Miary lo(xIi ltui i I'sh .eu~ si Prices right at University Bookstore You wilt ind Chin a nde uS thiS beet oelet white ab., peefect in genuint el hitliled aod offiil sh ice. 50c aildi75c Sheehan&Co STUDENTS' IBOOKSTORIE C. [. DARI [IL Law Medical Dental Largest Stock ini Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law avid Medical Dictiottaries Quiz Books. etc. Complete line New and Sec. ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BAR THELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get Your Cat Gilbert's Johnston's Allegretti Mac~iarnhlds 6tiletut.00~u We5 illvetotsit packeud ant ti lts'- psd it ct i' tft tt e Chit' oryuu if ynn uwish. Al fCittuiy (Tii b, (~~utItFfsll Q..oality Druog Store Both Phones 118 S. ?Main1 We vs every man XX ho ettj ,yseveling clothies to pet 'Lfull enjoylmattttbhysirderimngonte of oute mtade toit i utre futll dress suts ,xith utetiuciermot to: Initch. WeX'eccsloit:ug thue iuthorized fabhricsa tu tul IsIsefairthe u hts r of tell- I- u-t1vt utntt imsectl hmitt toda)y? Win, E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street See Our Widow MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER. Q. Stationers, Printers, Binders Studeots', Supplies 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELL PHONE 14014 t : r Cold S)da Water Tastes Good NOW AT . B.GALKISDruggist 324 S. State St. IN Wssrlo hi E. RAi t. Phone.. .. 598 h tgr ph r Phone 598