ANN ARBOR, IMICHIGAN, 'Ii ISi)\\, JAN.\Y 10111. No. 73. Vol XXI. POPULAR ELECTION WIDELY PREFERRED Private Appointment Principle Disliked by Members of Association MAY BE DISCUSSED SATURDAY There seems to e a eal plossiility that the matter of the selection of stt- dent tmeners of the Boarti in Control of Athletics will e hrough efoe the Athletic asociation wh en i t mees on Saurday. Tie agitation which was e- gnn with tiecotmttutication ill Wednes- da's isste of te HAlts, was followed hy a general discussiot aouit the can- ptus cltritg the (ay. Aceptitg the statetmets of te com- tmtnicationt as5facts, te geerll opinio seetneidti e that, ott pritciple the method b hsich the stttetnt entlers ss're selected was imrollper. There semtn o douth as tt the hoests' of tts motives hat atated te actiol but it is felt that the stdent tembers sould e as tly representative of tie stdett ody as ipossile. That a direct eleciol of tie represetatives by the assocato woutld est accomlpishl this seetts to e thte general settimntt. Te aility atod integrity 1)f the iresentnemttbers of lilt -ioartd is lttquestinledl; tt the feeling is tapparent tat te estalisttnent of1 stcta precetettis tdttgertts antata te printcitle f Idirect rpresetatio shttltlIe manitaited. 'I prefer tot tat make aty satemet at tis tre,' said Director artett twhen askedl cntlcertig his attitude "Persontally, it nakes nolt te sligtes differenlce to teoss te tett are se lected. The qestiotingtf te'le thttt tf selectitot cane 1s a cmltee srplris tot me. The sttttenttlmnemb~ers of th boardi hare alwastys beell ctose t hetl directors inl the past 1ad they wco( picked tat nay tis timle a1s a Imatte of clurse. I will ilvetigtete fact and111so1 le iIinllpsitnto11(111 ian acl clrate statement later. David Alerdice will preside at Sat urday's meetig of te assocatinli- stead of RaymlodDykem~a twhoIis 1un1 able to serve. Maerice Myvters swill tae Gordoll Sice's pla(c tolltie elecinI boardel. M. A. C. MAN TO SPEAK ON HIGH SCHOOL AGRICULTURE A secial meeting of te Edncatiola cluh is called for Friday evetig, Jal ary 13, at seven o'clock ill roomoq Tappan hal. 'The atractionl is tI e at atdress y Mr. W. 11. French of Las igMchigan on11te topic, "1lig School Agriculture." Mr. Frenclt in a memer of the M. A C. Faculty, beig at te head of tie De Iarmnt of Agrictullral Eucaiot' This address will e of special vaie I. all students wo are interested 'ill an phase of higlshool work. The 'Edo cational clu also extents a cordial in itation to the general student ody. "MSS NOBOY FRM SerALAND." Olive Vail's role in Wm. A. Singer' revue at the New Whitney theatre o Saturday matinee atd night, Janar 14, "Miss Noody front Starland," wil e that of a Miss Noody of the chors who makes people believe that she i really a very important little perso when away fromn the footligtfs. Sti tan eauty a1111 a manner that conpe all the men to fall in love with het The play is excellently mounted an( gorgeously costumed with 4 chorus o pretty girls. IIANUS'I.RIP'IS DUI;'H MOiNDAiY FOR JL'\NIOR' GIRLS' PlOY. MAallttcriltt for tile n'lt Junio girls'l lly, Il totbeipesen((t'llnet 1semte'- ter, tlast ite illtilt'posse'ssion(1of1 \I vs. Jordanlbyill' 111101evenc~inlg. Severa lave alreadiy ilentsubilttedi illspitie of thle fessteiays tf gracesil' eaii ttf thte clttssat''re teeted I ttt av lilt solicitetd. 'lieycomm11 ittee (lih ilSl gridertie nork is compolltsediIf: IProf. T.I. 11 Ian erett, a11111 cile'Stowte maeIpll h comitte llch11111ilsyer'.po '10 ENGINEER IS HONORED F. S. Upham of Columbus Made Dean at Imperial University Ilelt Itt s'hltt i ltia II lI- l' I kS .l ilpatsl (I f ctg t'l' i,riti fle ihi gniveaildat pesntlo. it'll ithth :vlerii1111whaft ilesai ob ) h 1100g1evt ofsrivelad il iIes atte II\ttI 11i- Ic (sikthe 'Oriittha('('1111 ofth t scholcofs il ile lillii h prr 1 J.)Rie, l-XI r. Tph 11111111 \-e I~~ Itupersioint oflth irll ~tr e(nuser of riiroal iliesadohrph Itlworksitsn 111tirle 11111.1 IttfIserer1 An11 intresinghenlmpirsInlldI 111(1i ltst)f(til reent et 'a s .dtts i t i ett e ll 11 nber of ae'acdlles aIfulted' foitttt\ liig a: ilTe g15'I (1Ilte 51'l 1Bl1( STUDENT CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE FORMED Eighteen Sections Will Spread Union Propaganda All nlir n ldv 115 C'i\i'R00'FORi AXiI, Z Z t j l l 11101, j tcr(Liv a teri1c) the cmitract it llasc bck ll CMI: i no saI s act() r. Ill IIli tl co I "it ill f11s11d Ip ii .1' (Is s cI IS ORGANIZATION OF 145 MEN plv11or toe ind lod iitls;i'. 0. II ~~W ih lilt'd''.mlilI'iil(It'l I ll it ''SthiiI'll1 It'llo' IIot 1(1l11 iliiltila1tiii I'and 'l'kc'sl tielllanotherlins s is il lit \111111 1 :1\ of ; HkS1P1 Lr l Y r{r cmMietl"-itTEE 1) h s10 tl t } a "S 1(i1 A l'flic Ill tilt'~l:fo ':c oil Imll setions into; w ich tet ' Iill .erl-toryfromthe titic to thePc1111it 111"Ill 1(11(colvtr0d. ITio st I (i' 1.,. couIttlrt' 1 1p111mar'ilyICIolar111s1'thinlt'r'st of alum-11 I liint I tlt'rojec1t h il illrgetic'ti t i 1 Mug the spring and 11 s11mer1 11 '1tus lainovali n Ansounced at Meeting of Senior L~it Clays "Ill ,.ca il11 'IiPr 11111t(1'~, '11t ('11 is' 1-(11 l' l I Il mil, 1 1' )o~r\ C, il' 1 .Itcs ii c er tit 1worl.1 ( )iII F l il ji th111111111111 ills pub lih ais 11- h com ie. iis shls ti; Isr i c thi 1s i ll' I i ti2 ll. T,('- raclu 1 th clt , ay -miillt 11111111 11 irm1 of11thei ;tld . I' ;.i I l i iIp i Illc h imlIleof hi >11let' Il. 11111. I I x:> ITd i III II( sill1) FRESHMAN OBJECTS TO TOQUE DECREE Confiscation Order Vigorously Denounced as Unwarranted and Deplorable CAN'T AFFORD OFFICIAL CAP itorI ofItill, Islvrl Ii si toI Iolfer sm~te suggrstions1 1(1 tillrnng the llaill'Ilof toues by cciigtheiation1111s Iof tie sef-su- por'tinlg stitlt inll egite koltw nothing im i i id (s Iof stdent(ts, largely ofstdnt er aeno erig te Many a tstetli s existig 011 insolfi- ((Itfod nd wo dein(Ig I'll, if byt such 1c(n1l i ll Ie Iiwill tl t initst tile yea1r. ThtIifty 1111tls teprice of a1 toqueI, 55oli tuy (illtwt g~odmeas trtinmtl ll o ti f sswii e it'is coo- iclle ii t 1o miss. Illtie face of this, the 1(11 livhi i st 1perm}1 1o1satisfs' a swhitis frolc tadition1 or cu Isom~l. lilt StutnillCulncii(hs ibeetitgreat iil ''ene foll' 11g(-d ittretand hasip(tS 111a s t t l t ile rba o tpiicihesb 111 of he amps astut itet mthtti liklytoco e ee r Ili t aliy thn n '(1n(uledsff t teL.Iof tvM.tsinttalls _istti so.iAlitheI iL ssishefoor I~I ,ths ill 11e ((ic til of t e f ontha tt I, foro 11,w ll rt tib a toqettt ett H n rdarie i itm. ia if-us aeslt. 11110il 11'sidlhal i fty cI ep ty feoi tte toste tai illtite little. ensI votttI y il e a ltt a11 e1n(1 Tetr' itte nor tgie ittot comes; ortI ll 11 ve1 aI alt C.f- . 11(t11 111111otf111yshoes attee myaft outofk the 1wte hlf tetie. Aoytty. eni sold horn1" 15utlliag, I wyilly, ine sal 1111hing 1msrl loyafel till/e l. of thaber any tne 'hotneesttie i wortki s 'll hard itis ev alegenyth t Iester, and ttlIleei itorsge tg ifcltierSn in town ani'ntichi wors11111hasittre tatt 1(1105blnve 1(111 ollege111 l aist is A r spit g ofsi co t llge tloyaltyI( ha te see - 11e1cco tly sm1111fetw itdozeso i zyof er~i~- ltfl t lisecotlege, t he spbev, 1ha1'-woris ntudentlwthou1atil oqul eastt ((It ll ito irti sasoodrtigi t he.Sth dentig((te (aliimae vast igat tt ttoso suelt Ilaof tovityav wuled.m mn une1xp 1ctliiti townl T ~~is ito w arnt from a1(statement ofthelesS fsthatNa nI1(is1smli .cllota isnoftohoeeto s Itt's Motines, whtere more clinical ma- Ic trial in obtaitnable. ciss.1s '12, 1111r 1, C' i~lm- Tipi Ei lii ('I G e.%: I I C. . ' 'T I, ii 1 , t;;, 111 01r I m I - 12 1, I MUMPS SILENCES DEBATERS cROntessot sySTA:vv 51.GAI51(115111111)_____ I Professor Allbtet A. Stmnk, ithIs b itt eil isaeMaeiIrasin hlonored lay beittg re-eleetedto ttte tres i vn ).es MksIraso dency of thte Americant sectiont 'f th1 Varsity Team ils 11011 is 10 futeiterest in tt1tes Sof t e ittitydbtintg tils, ti .it h 'll spce12 tttsical researcht . \lttsic'ittts antttisehl Io I t i "to h.heIl iteredl amlontg til e mClbe' . 01-1t i rr '))l it itms. C'l r- 151 t Thse next meetintg otthle Interna~ttinl( I lasbensidi e ttv (lelIytso111craft11 Society is 10 be held1 1in11(1111111this w'ks 111111 ' ofth Cic.agoI'tailt. tt'ecam oecitletlat tistisml whe1 the nt h11111,Iis I)flilt No tittssterniteam.1 1111e last year its tVlictega, ite was(5tite oitnly1 ifntingt"Sfturter htppe'ns, thev 1,5,1 Itis1 Amertcatt mtusicito reda ti ,, iltlstevI g ttd shapeilt. ItiIs alisoIta cre fore the Society. bletdththakwlliiieit el(1111yitt I ti 0-- --1111111n d11a1' li -ire IIII "H and~lin~g of Ilitateil" i etesatd, It ts hard tellittg svheter thelmntl Ghv e subject of tt lecte I RIt tesol, i he W1 iit t ll (I hltitun o til dc~t' i'1.1, 1an1dIthe trttck eonomlsics expere tof te Sa(1110whitt istillyiIto eks atoy, bit tt 111111ap lFe railroatd, befort' Ilrtf.Xti Ias' laIss 1hope notIto iltse 010(1 illany((ItsC. row, Mr. Entersotttls' ea'lni"Wge iso quite il 1115 11thetlntlllits andtI a-t hltt hee System and Railway Latbor." piteatton(loll.. Iilt ii. IO ISi, 'II tx 1I :S 1edford, Ilid.