Tl M I GIA N DA I fY LET KAEIT ."S ANI) TUXEDO YF LBERTY \N FTHE jUNIVERSINTYICES Juntior enineelr caito t 1; \Vtittt-otiy it 7 P.In, .11 Episcoplligirl- invOited. iri girl eiton()1DIil ier V day 4 P. it. ini \irittro-. v1 ew 'hitney ,, e tatre Par~is .1 5 1. Laa c rn rs 5 t eted PDoeemptIy. ia t rati celi t 1il '. if ( ml. sharp. N1 tr ilt it it 111111 itlil ftrttsilpi k(thalltcattmtirpitrttt nigt a.8Wokfr '< t r SatudayJ far y 14 IVORT H1. SINUER P 1-I; ,:NTS Thest.MUical CosySurprise Ils OLINVE-VALL <-;d 1=us-ty- H vc trho Prics stslinee: 25-50-75-$1.00 PiIces Night: 35t--5-$1-$1.50 Mlonday, January 16 HEiNRY B. HARRIS P1I-ISFt 'S MISS HELEN Th Desres of 5Ith t.,NEW YORK _i.>= i2tti . ieitrt iia d 3dS. fl e titi.Cd I BY A COLLEGE MAN Ca, o Men Always Welcome jpcial ferms for College Teams Ideti Losation. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park V0w Modern, Absolutely Fireproof issist Rates, $250, with Bat, and Up. Aa tside Rooms. Send for Booklet. L-7'1i'1P.ANAG.EMENT 0OF )n l w it IIHoelImIsperial. fotesrm, formerly willh Hotel Wootwarl ".1 rs, Rockers, Rugs, 5. 11n Draperies, Suitable )s in Large Var iety at -(>TE OLD PLACE Ia..EINEK (a co. We- havtte rosstock of rin.. ane N l ii. -i 'sil Iuotdo it r pund stdj ii il tas 15n11ja5s. 01 ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP y t O poite 5EltricWts i tsg Susom GEO2. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From i°Freddie's " -P SHOP'College Laundry ar.Parlors FINE HAND WORK nd, Prop. Bell 16333J 606 B Liberty St. Ic p, niita C'i 11111 I :oc t'111111 r Juio ngncrclstmil Ia t Fthi l., rom l 1 S ll it cas n it 11, 7 p. Ill. Ia 1p II hail itillei-- in t of t tiel t - I I - -, in F~vcrvx d I it 1, ~arim e li fIi * jt ill oo, 'ol IiiN :30 It lii it I i~tlii' 1 ii- tlc b it o siro 1departmetit - < I di lit ii I tii t fi ces ofi thei 1 Adsocssntnto tis m lecri ai-il conllitit )thec tle° n Itit itt i r, T; , i, treaottiseti afthrnoon toth 10 aiical I on1tllii llb ScctiiiRole li-i ttn'1t Pitl eitTi lIi at- fI t ii ill cit-to 35-5O-75t~f5~ 1 1 1 1 0 I it ' irl-it. ( HsNew O rn tN Ili i-eh v- fs2 IE. liii's St. Rgar Board, $4.00 per week 'Sngle M~els, Ii0-40c 9ensWomen'Is, and G'.hild-ren's .Foo lear 05troot o it 1r,'. toot Athle5tc(foosus Ii.R.Irusot, 302 5 State St. Old E t ,ss,6 S.L ot S f rap ei h Bell Phone 1078 by 1t1e TI -y (> '1 I 1 ti1f o :o a it. t Sunday fronm 3 to 7:30 P. 1Al. Orders taken for special parties 1221 S. UNIVFIZSITY AVE. Pots1696 $ 2.01 5 0 1a111 Dt -re sa cr. ,fc for11-it 11101 1)5 iN C 4' (-\ Io ce t I It hei it - stiti - II 1 1 1 nmun gymi. The floor anid simitiave1:i elsnctd w t il ititititi 11ii e CLIFTOl.1thBORN 5i.hg fo se raat Detfroit Lansdthry iDrslso~e sall Hluff, oI247-J. I-tI. For the Second Semester Subscribe NOW and get January Issues Free FEATURES: -ill Hop Numbers, May Festival Stories, Bose Ball and Track Dope, Saturday Calendar Supplement, and all Campus Nlews. us Ms-s d 7 Under I-lu too Charlie WUl 3sLWYS I AI) N TI;:BESTOF VER F Vt 1015 TI-HN IN TAIEOR IN Ti i o-_. BEST OF EVERY THING N TAILORING