" H1 MICHIGAN DAILY '°HE MICHGAN DAILY. Opcri i D~layof P 1 c Winer S le V7l1 T Managing Edditor-Loat A WHITE. Business Manager--NORMAN H. HILL.. EDITORS. News Editor...........Harold Titus Assistant ............ Harry Z. Fotz Athletic Editor...Watter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawtos Msusic and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dine. S. Birney EDITRILSs. Arthur J. Ahhott. G S Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Harry G. Myser. Maurice Toulme. Prank Pennell. Edward Rohie. REPORTERS. Lorens Rohinson. Rohert Gillette. Jolts L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. Wi lliam T. Daugherty. Oscar Beckman. John"If. Townley. Wallace Wehcr. Gerald J. May. Enmmett 'Taylor. C. 1hiarold IHippler. J. Selig Yellens. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman. A. R Dilley. flycr Ruhin. Kenneth Oshorns. 1.. Ray Johsnson. Elmner P. Grierson. C..It. Klcinstuck. Joseph Fouchard. Address. MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Offce Hlours: Mansaginsg Editor, I-2 p. is. and i i :on-It e:o p. m. Daily. Business Manager, 1-5, 7-8 p. mn., Ex- cr1p1 Sunday. Both 'phones 960. PRESIDENT L(' W ELI, .SCONE.S (t'tORGI' OSI-tCRN '07, VISIS THlE HARVARD) 3 (t ILCIItE'N itRI (V1tTI k Ii.ALtURATION. Mlay college yelis and IraCgirni h (.iort " ) -en o otocro anathemta!The genttle insinuation ithati Osboirtsto 'p~di oelStrdtayt on the college tattle cry nu tetnd it ete a hl- rmthis fthee's iM- gtsrdytwostt-stepI, tmuiiccally atnt poeticallyt .lii st it (isbots raaell from arc list utp tos omit, vis irecelly rit ltihe literary et'alitmen llct Iitit1)i7, titter lip President Losrell, of lIt artd. lit tich he ai tt teed th e iot iti-on Cl- Lotseli signs his nie ieA. Listri-tier. IiIe legetofAline.Ilei owlctedrini also is scepticalcteoncernintg the avn-Sul t.tsreas e)ltllge ci- sage of a pre-emiittetfoItbllet amrn. -lTicegite cI li erai s aI Du fth lcts idtols if Geo. M. Gotistit-tittiLessoc- ti I)m tilaffur foutieasts. sttatte,asui]thesltaCtssic' iailts Ofold lti ar----- cacti felt itsntasusccetsin. tite1itiiANsI I1'5DENT;5COND'Ti RVtiti ret. Its tiresditorial columtns of steBIii-i Vester sct-ices of the Young t sore . Stin" taindttie ''Naio ll}t" ie se'sum Christtitn AstocuitionitifiGreisi gaunstlet list setetiret rievedi. RiCtdstiesre cointducteditSitndatsy isysin ''Lves ties-csisaii m tan iiiwith ol sdeadMichigait students of the Basstistgiidt shut he fides no sisiin ithe tell ofihis tthottteteitlstatcity IfcoiiiFriday util ownt cosllege: Is thters- -tmii i il ii e ondasholig reluiiousservices It the pilays ratimsie?" iBapti si rdle OFFICE 0 SUPPLIES Eui sit roisits' oIi'r te Nets 'Y'criit ih a Desk Calendar, an Excelsior or National Diary Dcav lustsantieder. t'dac.d Caite, P'int of Ink i(wo' a Prices right at University Bookstore 31 IL lET 5 w .f 4 > T, c e , 5 isu ly Co. l'11GM) (N, JA\NUARICso.t19ti. N ightihditor-HARRYitvG. MYgsC. UNIVERSITY CALFNDAR. Ws Januarty 55.-e-Csomierce cinubnmeetissg, room 2o 04 econsomics hbsildisig, cit f s 7 t'clock. Jainuary io.-tProf. Guthe's lecture on I A "Pttitosptty inth ie Etier" Taitian hcall r P-ad S lecture romtat 8 o'clock. Jaitiuary so-Cercle Franscaislicctssec by Pirosf. 'Tieme, nest lecture rocosm, Phyitsirs biilng, 5 Pi. mi. 1= '1 Jatsutry ss.-lioricai Recial. tigit SSchiool uauditoriusms, 42153i. It. Januairy 1s.-Fauty Recital. IIhighj 0School auiditorieums, 8200 t. m O a S (ec sOT! 'Thisiscisitddresseditsithrie long, skinniy ) gg ois-the fits gistycsa n ut'ny ether V.' shts tlthitsasbec nisitce d for years 1 " 5tht he issno abtility is a track tttan Oil g at'l it's for the fellows wit, its prep - es ~~sethtill raniftourttto a sitecrtmesd iicas in tile1hurdilessaditihosisoultnis'tslifs a f ..I i tut1)u shtito ltte ginkiwhtrwessa -~~~'~~ sicar etsidcathtif tic jsumpedsifossr feet its is U J~NIOI'C tile-teair rcutvcrc-titissre thtait his owni wngth iitsherjum p isi~. _________________)__ N m ntuu teter su iii caile e ee in lie uivertcsity. N'ttumasytntiveresvess lnoit soisr ciciss teamtutit issthere's a ihg'chcie trtit uilscciiitsase ssoehbody _' (.extenhimr sielsf tot grahbstsoesuitor _______ - iscil itereby' sake ciclass-or iserhasc- tarstiy tecmtis eter, si- 'PThe atlete wio t iscumpoinsssfor his slitsertiit'iisn'staltsxit he otis sho ioes ee hbickcesdlit-aigrects srep schlci repttilon. Alayety ou'veeheess tworksiigasong te wroing lutes. NWiy', U ~~ ''Sleepyt" itslilissought iceina ssriniter whenteittcentecresi te universitt. tie Ld~~ca1cuildntitdes te sonyardl duss iniless, ,, thanta clzentsecons tsa echissousl, liii lesdeveloited ittiiottne of the hes ristantrutees inth ie country. Yost sit'ytnt b leti to equsal his record, hot isc ix its Aielsigan oumisatsy babile iii itssosmethitig. Thsere and La, Books is ontly onethin lsg for you to do- GET'''OUT ! 11 li Dilictiossaries \'s' wntitsoise goodtinliter-class track acciitien thisswintier. (Vs seed somoe- O ek' etc. tilsitg to stir one spirit when it's colil see Ness'ansd See- tutd sloppy atid eeryhody htatigs arossndi telan hssd outsettidwotiders whsy itsblazes he sidnt stick its the Old Tons and sell Caienits Exchange sisses tse rest of Iis life. tHelp this alisit.N'ous cats eo i. Don't leave tse ' FRE. T LtT scorkc for the mie'tthstunksow they are h" a.L~....., ctletes. Try to he ationg thsose pre-' ATE STREE'I' soct 1in skinnty togs tin the gym fisior Tel. 761 yourself. To do it youi must it is ftratkly-.tt eititissithat his' li- cat-tiyell is tmonoit tnits if nstltiti-ielti ioiuts. lists atmongtte ifee-sliteir col- leges of the west atlhis suit seen fur- gottni. Few critics couiscantethe 1it;c'li if te fioloinguiiacndstillmsitit he51ir ftRckety, Raceteic nkitte afis, Riki. I Noolicit' Rosobedyt Kickedy, isititlty (Or this: lse, \Atc. Mac -l-ester' Greaut, (Great, Greet Nitrthst cer' Site, Site, Site's a.1)itsre ! S EE 4,! ni'RststT INGs MACHs. ItNtE' IStiss- Afte'r msany mottntsofharstwsit: th sice c ine scis readyitfor te b ut it is probatbtle-tht: iitwill itnotibe s-~ir miented tith stintiiext semstier. 'itc stiaciiticcouitlinhaebscensuscd is ue elii ie eccpti thtthic fumisis oft minonitiitit risisng ifiiom te appat~ssis itee i throsughtistte buiitliig tnt renderd' it sitilshaitatble. .A partitions sill i1,c hisilt arosutidte re frig'eratlisig plth ii fo reit is usedt. Ani-tautomaisiit tilt'inli- hing systemti sill tta li e insitlledoii te tisachiite so tut itscase the etti- sts breaks i-ittise flooiedandit1t i amoia fumsiesleepitsf rimstircapinigi. sLc vii cTi sAssV sict e L;ii ICEs . Robiert E. Siteer, furriiicrty ksit n isi easte'rntuettbouches is 'iiBob"' Sticr. silt bse t(iit Arbotr this treek-htoi give ai speciatl series if tervs foc th Presh)ytcriati Guildi. CITY WATER NONW SAID '1( BE PURE Ott BAD GERAI\1S. Stusdetsof she uniiversity an-tuhsie in- hiahitansts of AAtii.rborcni towssdui iK the ct-yn-tter ss itistitt featr thaet the hodics wiltltic illed swithi Colontierst. Deets Vasighsant,if the tmieical depait- tientthlst disciosedi list thess tter 'cans niw hue sdrutnk w ii itt incljury , aitSee- retarty Smith list trdieredl teitotires takcen suts-i. RAILROAD MAN TO ADDRESS TilE ENGINEERING SOCIETY. "Raeiroadt Alaisitaiti cie" seillute tis- cusseed hy- (illardl Bettiet, chicf cii gitteer of tse Lutes Shosreretilroatisu eeninsg hefore the ensgitnserinig sotcicty. Its pass years, Air. Beahatn'stlecetres hays heess amnsg temsto ulaitr if assy givess hy te society.Ihitsttlekito- sight still he publsic, andthe ticComsuiercee rink ian heenuseuciallyinv itiedi touit- tend. Mr.Beaisatiwillt seak inithic nest pit)sics lectureromist us8o'clock. 'Thu address swill he illusturatedl. tutuasetall-teani-t thestuss. titiheld laust u \vecC(ehiaCartrittl.sits I ottain us- th.ilt.,il Elc itrical I'luminion to 110,70\ i-i~( tehi 30 i 'clhh cku insrc o ohis hIl lu-u-litrelie usihhlthisc'ss mttheris ofin-i luerust toth hi itt-cuas ccshhIS t, the- en~netutue stiudent. iThuicheis in- itd71-o(tte1nd. 751h'Ni th~ 7i' l's fissui' lath F'. P(ithe wuildivit at hesltre-til ''Thue 7their' this evuetiute ati8i'ciiock, inu'i'Tappanu till.'Thisisito the us- tsptiies ohths Ni' timhis. Ot I prlilnc't Beu ill ve ddrsseC-e Get Your tuar s h redthe Ic ii itoh HIUSTON -neS. Candy Gilbert's Johnston's Allegretti Macdiarrnids Otte tofuse pouiid btoes tite to ,5.0Oi AWe us thlauve it pac'ke'd and slip- pe'd direct fromi this fuactr if you wish.t Quaity Drug~ Store Bothi Phones 118 S. Main Sc We advise every man Who enjsjttesventiig rlsu' ticsitgei fusll esijoysmenitbycurd'etrtugtotue' of ossr sadie to mteasursesfull stress suiis wihi n hat tmas tcs-u. We tire shisrsisEtile atshitorust fabrics a-us o5 is ftor te cus ii r of ipso-1ut-sui ts' ste piielttti today? Win. E,. D"ieterle Vacuity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street Cold. Sod'a Water Tastes Good NOW AT E, E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. Mtate $t. R~s D cc:,t-'t Oilll Old books t .E 326 5aV Second 1ioo See Our Window MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. Stationers, Printers, Binders Students' Supplies 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELL PHONE 1404 121 ash;1,; , RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Phone 598