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January 10, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-10

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Vol. XXI.

Eligibility Rules of Interclass
Basketball Series to be

)1 S lit11 y ll
11 . r i isa d aslie w Iil hre
l ic tii-Ci c<,>d b t
Mt iti beivt hathe
11c"d tap a r 1 est

XX ould Replace Spring m, et by Initer-
class contests
C it C .1 lit
} ' iI l . 1 l i 3i l 1 i't < f' 't~ l i 1131-t

Anti-Tuberculosis Society Nets
Large Sums From Sale of
Xmas Stamps
XAlit-i lb rul> I it iiiiil te
11tem u (> 1t ii i It 1st211 t'_ii
I l icti Th icl Y i'li isl~ t o1g, tt
the ic~thes ar prtld cif he iesutis
i ha ared criliht ;d Iilt.
the sae(fR dC (s hi ti Lllas rl l ps
Snc ~ lt \ ll-'l e fotii te ol cci
It Xl t. ill t\ll \r
oilheIi 'L (wll , H thi' 11hia at
thitt is c steh~t ~clii ldtiii )n. l
Ci Il i Lt i 1( c it 1 C I t i 'ittili li tt-
thelfacit lI It i'00 St lj ii it L 0 l 1)
()j~ ~l-nl" 11a'lit 1 t tt ta C Il1 l it
ici m) ;Inltll t)c re ch m-( ilt Al '
Aeficrnati caelcS defthewill Vest a
rc~ta v stII Iw~ds lllctt)It
I'le ig la ci t e s ci4\its t i
M'C ilt('r'Sl(d In 1he 1p i ll i ii it
arc arnstl tired Io j i i i liii it,

'Its ,hllIUT
j XX lii ii ti c rtItilra s tipend tieir
ittle " d h w i i d iiivi u' wil
Clbeilili 2114b Ir R. l li olt o-
uilht I'ltl(, 'Ill - -v Ic eiv r d e
fo111 '111 lii s iof lt .i I iii Itl
Lt8 oclc , i iiilii ii4 oitIe'ni
I Ilm c t i hll . l"Ii lei tii LIII1 pit
Fir.t Practic Solhows I p ol-n Fas Wt
Mh ~ h aeralodislofl
l )e t 1f ' llc i i itt I c.lIl e vI I I
11) cs cll Y I thet'i '- . I l'tiitit ii it lit
*tr s ti- I s ta sp lr ic t ' . I'.fW
lOC~llo l\"s, ;11( 11011 I ial ot I lii '
eb0il(es anisaiolio epoti '°s
1)Iins ti l ii tillt ft I hetit I tiiii o

Sld lt'C

I itItti

Ii> wit i 110, P- I~ r
tat at'i I onte 1w
Ca it Lii ;ireprtical il

Council [decrees Confiscation
of All First Year Bats
Except Toques

11c1al irnn- vit-pr i-, )b
orte 'el ii %ls il- till iter-
r~nc her ,(m)lt t a dIwiIn sti eir
di 't 1 ir I ibraiccsl i I I e 1 % i l?
ivalg ar Im te 1-lAM t=), ly- I
NO v. m m a i'iesti 1 1 1if li t ma rs
tilL maitakeit i hhI c i 1 -tk
)tsc 11irIL ofaly1 ap ht or I illthat
Sr tofIt ' tlat,)i i c I LIU T
C ) iri 17C i ti t "i ll I)C' -i1{i at a i
i Loints I nIt Ic i ll ipl 1 ~is nd fty r ia
i ish~li ha dri Lit IdI ti -
)ic bet i I bI c i t'i , lc'o h
; cIt of h ad 14 1 at '. I t
on oi h tC i t t i 5 1' r cyvtiv1
O n s1 hir sareit he iins 1111
dai- ~ i i anr I. s'-titlith
Io In i pat Ilk - Ib~t
tru cil lls 1 1t <i 3C1K ii -t is M I
of ipre sin tip 1 fl it, m id f Il,
'n~~- I ' X 1 IIli, t it r ti r.
it I ' It Coun til l II XXI XX I' i l
-' t c le hit Lt arc' ito r ai
tht inust li u to & tttiandtha
. II c 1 a i IhC to I e n i,_ I of 1 'r1
VA. i ip titi i -lueyhll, Itt e

t it l{ ii
i t I p I I 1: (}f
it d11I1 rII I(v1


'11 li

it t

I-i t-i Ill I.t)i 1



fit t'fl
!e(I hY

I'l h

IL ' 1 < c) it r %illiit la e C t e
lalmrat rv. It s c 1 1tcd i t tc
li i t' itt ted fr h e o tital
in~tn diatly. t wil he t i ltoil itiith -
ly "Ah regard to its it iii iti fo
it by t e liit to r Co.it oift Detoitt i
il g hut mo el ctInc IL th I ranklI
.blottrC r CI o (i. '' lLiL istetiird Im1to1r
in g outii i rtiC e iC.

-- i l-i t
i( rtt 1'
illt iii:

I tc T i'. IL iii I c
it t i ii'L t ~lt the
ILt OwIC21 repit i I
m ti titt s I ' I LL It s
itra~aelt it tl i

f{ ] it

t ,t .4 is I -i 't 1 t r~
eIctc I. IC' I rCc
Ite ttti (r ce-"tr
c. ltlc r . 'I> X II
C I'_ St AT I Ikl_'IIT

ii in I)} l iI - clac CI<re
Is;1 '° r. Ioli a i ) i ,I _;
t li 4 t ttt p ci ol o '1iii1cT
tilCa lLs f 1 a1 ll" W "AkeC r
' 1 lis o iet i ll 1 1111 9 w t t1 I
L ilt s I I a ii Illcc It i rxl
Forest Browni, 01fliStonyCu-t,('.<"
1'I na li i ' It t l ui f r s y .It Cleilt ii
- Is Iakl it o ieIt Ct I I Mtlit I tti
1rc a iti lio f oILrsiLly Ii IIt lL
rccittlltaniiiistanil t ofProit. 1'IhlIt
I1 ctilt

-;t ill,;tha sucL edL
ris Bi. 1 t aIii' -
1S th l ttu itil l i-iii '

of iti lth c . 1ciii' eecL't'i IlL i r

i( ilbilt.

'it; C' 1' 1

ii2 1IX

la I iii and willL i iit iE: ii I' hu'as ; t I Lull Ill-ireseteitseIlfII ns re - -HAI
i wc asetof D s it h ii' L ri'i't'''il t- - - 1 i tlii lii i Lof1
Sun ay a~mtt etenyiii iii stilts ill
w: ILs scure forlecit es f th BapiLL Lituets's Gildtc~dsi a i r Ii
th i gh I il 11111 hi ch w s a dd es b ro .1IO s-1n m d thihsi l ci A i -
iiher itsh uld ieliter on "Jo111b's JLID Itifence."'i' l littitiof t iiit iittit it hut K err,
('ae hs lit yt iveittiiailn li iitiL iii itilin fthe ag'ti . litdte bLaILSrtifl iedIt iap-

Ala idin inedwr Cf 1e911 s lit
l v t "it t tll I i U i'mit lt i
iLL 11111 almu- the ,,irXX tILL, estil
Q wi ch il lt il ie I - caLrtlt I --
and ctiti ittuntl Ilhiser d, ftt.
whelihsevealt t itit IL ,naeoat


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