s.. r. W L E TUNIVEIRSITY i) I IY r iA IhallIT all, 1c' IIt N , cbaltcml 'ar imdyJanary 16 - HLNRYi. HARRIS rTS 11L3 r A v NEW YORK ' -7 A COLLEGE MAN cvMnAlways Welcome "a erms for College Teams I iation. Near Theatres, ;Shops asnd Central Park rModern, Absolutely Fireproof rI ates, $250, with Bath, and up. Oat:':cde Rooms. Send tor Booklet. is I1 N 1 Iior. a c Ii ' I Th Nic t111111 rfI t A E 7: (5- 111 th a L1 11 , 1i' It Chadie r NOAH/5.G OFM5NT;O ii I 1th 1Imperial. aa lt sra , formirly withi Iotetl W7oodtwardt Detroit ,atiodry I to ofice Hufnf, 1247-J.1-f Cha rs, Rockers, Rugs,1 rdDraperies, Suitable Jo 111in arge Variety at 1 r CLiFTON, Zi.di SC KEN E ea. Co. 11" ii a firesi stock of tPrince. it iixt1 C pt.y17 ianjd Tuxiedo in 1 pound ana j in from. an -'At__._ l J, ____ cans and ja1rs101. for the crast SjT. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP 110rose1a . c t i Wait0nI I~g IRnno l iht rhh, i ii l iot ic, - 1 lia Ckaei ii '.on the i'I 1 . fi Z..V. STOLL, Propritetorale12No7111> Ia 1 4 Doors From" Freddie's " _____________ --- - ee. ur in dow fori l the 111 Ii. 11 in Collee L_,a~u id r Men's, Women's, = SHO C llee aun ry and Children's Footwei ar an !alr FINE HAND WORK Street and Dress Shoes Ath!l-e t ) 1,1 iProp. Bell 16333. 606 B. Liberty St, E. R. Frost, 302 ..StaD. St.. c ,i o ot -rcsaid ha ve us A LWAYS AijAD IN MII1WARIL T- THING IN TAILORING