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January 07, 1911 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-07

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A Fail Assortment of the
Best Line We Can boy
25 Cents to $1.00 Each.
Sweater 'Vests
A xtomnobile
Complete Stock of the
Spalding Mlake at
I University Book Store


Satiirulay, January 7-Junior Lit loverly Party. i'arbouir Gymnasitum.
Sundasy, January 8-"The Passion Play," P'rofessor Trueblood, Newbery Hall at 6 :30 P. 11.
Tuesdlay, Jan. io-Cerclc lFranU is, Lecture by Prof. Thicine. Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, 8 P. 11.
Tuesday. January bo-Regular meeting of thie Y. WV. C. A., Ne\-wberry h~all at -1P. AI.
Vcslnsd'is' Januarys se Historical Recital, h1gh School Auiditorium, 4 :15 P. A.
TIhuiisdais Jainuairy 12-Faciilty Concert, High School Auditoriumi at S I'. 1I.
S nuts' IJanusre 13-'anunal 1>anquet of the Y. NVr. C. A., XNwberre hall, 6 :30 P. 'A.
1 oisy Jann uy 13-'ling" of the Stiudcnt Volujiteer Band, Neseherry H~all, 7 '. '\f.
SatuirdoJanuariiy14-'dembhership Social, Mc \'illan 1I[all at 6:30 P. Al.
id oiid is Jainsarii id f urisits Symphony f)rchcstra, TIighSchiousl Atuditoriun, S P. AI.
SN tdissday, January i8-I' lonzaley String QJuartette on the Choral Union Couerse, Univ. Hall.


Ice Cream
116 So. Main
Phones 166
Suits 1ressed 25c
Trousers - 10l0
French Dry Cleaningei nd
First National Barber Shop
The only second class
shop in town
lO7 W. Huron St. F. P. Baker Prop
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Cptal 300000 snpls 50000
;/> interesi p.id on Savig
iDeposits. Safety Deposit
Boxes to Rent. oreig
Each. ge-Letters of Cred-
it and Travelers' Ceqes
A General Banking Business
n:SOiZrou ss' i93.
Firsiiti rise echcl morig as late 5s
Second, to sed .i mosi byveminuiiiies
ai ite breakfasi able.
Third, is arre iv eeiiiiiiies laie at
alt class exercises.
Fouri, Is avoid all seruustikinkig.
Fith, inopracice diligesly itie art of
billiards, pol nd iibowuliig.
Sixth, is sped all eieiiiigs aiI Iss-
ton's, the Maesiic or tle Vhiney.
Seventhtoisstudy onily 0on Siiday.
Eighiih, in keels n egageiieit that
caii be broketi coiien~iently.
Ninth, to swrie hiie oice a iiont-
for loitey
NOI:-To assist i carrying ot
these resolutiois t agree to use all nec-
essry siimulans
Cost c1,'N-Tlis snphliocr is not, of
corse, a resident of Ann Arbo, ht
these excellent re outions are pritei
for the sae of Iis I ieds, swho in'y be

This Department Is Gon
The Stutde
It eonud ilt sibookuof itsiie paes
ee iti aieiipt asuiiiiiar isf all
ite exra outside workc iat suiseiits
are unidraking ini s siigle great nis-
versity like the Uiniversiy of Michigan.
As fri as e lusoy no acueeiiestais
ics areis il le issndsyeitiiis iprobsal
triie itsatihe great bullyiof this w orkc is
lone isysite-fssirih of ile siiseit boy,
lie rest either lokin"iiiior else en
grosssedl comipetely in ir oiniss ri-i
culuswr. I Ihat sonse meniiare do ig
too muchsofIhis ossuiisiiie ssorsis iiiues
tioniued; thiasiay're nosingbsesnu Is
is eiuially truelist hosw Isoiadjust the
disributiions fails is ii our jadgeneut
sue cit the ret Iproblleims f collee 'and
uiovei'siss esucsion.u
\\e hldsinosislbiiefI for Itihe Iimantois i
uegleclis" his sudies iisliidiesire is
naiipae'iniie thilevsriouissicolleeactiv
ies. IIsat le is cr ipliig his futiie
usefuliess issoappaen t li ouri jidg
me stissoesisite meisis reat
ira's iis ihe'"ranstandiui sr isho are fr
eer iocciupid ishhiri b'iookius slose aie
in isusielimiisisseriossidiatger. Sci
men arev init sonly misisgs''ivaluale op-
portuiiies fr e'ceuive autdl culural
levelopmtiuib u lst ssha t is far wrse,
froims testan1iss ntisiIof he coutre cii
large tsey i eaeiipaitiniig temseles
fr effi'ienvt seviieeafter griduaiaion.
TheIesr ssecttor wil1 becismse so i-
liliess 5aisdlthe iiire griisdltIsisselfish.
If we re right55i this aalysis it is
surels' itie thatsom sis esible. iiake
to sdisibutsie ithe oiotit siiies for osit-
siielctseivities ssioreevsevily siiioig the
stsisesits of the ivi5ersity.
An iierest ig" suy is beig imade of
the insimbler sol.3Michigasnualumi iwhslo
are saituslly dosiig smiethiniig free of
chasrge forite ciies or tosis ii shicih
sler live.
'l'le chisrge is beiig madec andvl 505
ansd itiei sslssisubtn iedl iilocal coisins-
ties, ithsi college men are iot doisg
their sisre towasrdl the solsitiosi of the
iiainy ansvl difisl lroleics thiat coi-
irnit the citizess of our grest cities.
We do ot believe ihis this charge is
geunerally triecfor sehe msi u chile vi-
seisce to the econtrsrIts. iwil 1cc sorhc
whiile, ithoug, iskiow isst hose Mih-i-
iganiisaisds iithis regard. The Su-
seists' Cristiisii Associationi is seciriig
the iiforimaions for the purpose of us-
inig it t iniiduce the miore receit alumi
io takse somce active par,,io maier Io'
sisall, i somie deftnite forii of weefare
service. The ivestigastioii is eng ase
ini a very fesw cities at 11cc start.
It is si sad coiiiientary spoic 11c re-
sults of university edcaioss if college
aiidsluniversity graidluaes have is e
urged to devote a piart of their tiime asd
thought to lte serice of their fellosws.
I a recenit article publishedlby te
Cet'iusry, it sas stated that there were
sold last year iore copies of the Bible
thsan of any other onie csdred books
ini the world combined. The Bible so-
ciei's of the various naioialitiesptb-
lished 11,378,94 epies. More than 33,-

du cted by
nts' Christian Association
ono colleges siidl uiersiy ssdessts in
this coisntry aoieswere essrolled in Bi-
Ile study classes this last year, nor sas
te wiork coiiiiisd toi ile pious aloseasi
she followinig igsres sosw:
Price sod shiolsrshiiissieii......... 85i
Evdiiors of college piapers.........69
Class presideeiss .................. 75
Memcbers of college glee lsbs..... 38
Membclers of Varsity stlei eaes.428
No belier courses for the itelligent
studly(f the Bible re offerevdis any
of the lire vsiateieviersiies than
thsose listed us tte lesflet esstitledl "Ani
Arbior Studis Ic Peligioni." These leaf-
lets ats te lhaidlatsay (f le Gilds or
at thsehStvudents'sCrisian. Associatiosn
'fle CliiistianI Associatioss is ofering
aspecvilcourise cititledl"The Social
Sigitiiistnce ofithe T eis soiiiJesusie
'fhe couisrse hasibleein aigedl ly Prof.
Jeremiashi N. Jenks of Corell Univer-i
sity. There sre st lpreseit abot 30
clssses orgsiiizeds. Itsis ntt ioIae to
Iis otie.
The exteisions commitittee of the Ysovtng
WNoimei's Cristiain Associatioti is
beest visitingthe 1chlostusals drnn" he
pasitstiicm isnths, stisiassstg ithie
eductsioinssl depatmerlnti of tecity asso
ciationu. A clsb comptosed of syoug irs
has recently bentirgvii azedad al
itsotight a tucer of suideits have svol
unteeredl their Ieltito l ths workithere
is a sdemtand fr college girls who cn
give suithour of thei timcseach week
Portlier informuationu ay 1ccobinised
from Miss Grace Srvbet or frost the
geineral secretary as Newberry all
Thsere is a plaitott foot to holda
state or erritorial Settors counil to
wichs college sniuor girls shall be it-
viteid, and at whichs phasses of work oth-
er thanthu lat of teaclhig sill be ipre-
scuted. The possibiliies atd opporunu-
ties for college womein in Social St-
tleimein, Missiounary andvlY. N. C. A.
twork will be disussed. The prospects
of wsorkc i houe andvlforeigiijuveiile
cosrs atd in the Assoiciaed Chariies
will also Ie brought up for cosidera-
Suich conventioins ave been held in
othser colleges and will doubtless be wcl-
coimedltoInnui Arbior. The exact tim~e
aind place of the coiieetioinn will be au-
souncted later.
Wiliard Beahan, chief consrsictions
ensgiueer of te Lake Sore R. R., will
give a public lecure next Tuesday ev-
ening iitnder the auspices of the Eci
Eni-eeriisg Sociey. Peswill speak upoiithe
"Maintenaiuce of Way of Railroads."
This lecture is the third int hree years
that Mr. Beahsain has delivered before
thse society. It will be ilisraed by
stereopticonu views. The lecure will be
held its the West Lecture Hall of the
Physics builditig aid ill begin at 7:00

'IROF'. THUIllt.O() 0 351C
Priufessor Trutebluoouu wxill sheakupostunu
11cc 1PassionuPl1yhof01Ble r'imuer"'u" uoiu
Sudy' 'eututg"'Jiuan Sus snliewbrv
Ha llIThu eiietuun"silllbe"uuu'at16:30
adwltaete pI've f the reu'i"asr
Sunuuday eve'ninug seet is a 1 'c ilsiu
Hall, aiudhsill he opienu to menus uand uume-
l)uuruuu Iis vst i u rop ute lavstums-
muer 1Prot.ITruebluooduu'aituessedl a le-
fiirumantce uof the relugiousudr'mauiu' Ic
uwill idescribeue lotharactli eruvis uttud l-
soi themin inte urstng" feuhres f the
IThe Passueons Ilyi's sic"geu anuulayh~e
b he BavarIianuupuesnuts at the little
vil'ge of Obercuiergsu ies-ry teis-c-rs.
Thue ply thes uupia uuhole duylbiini5i-
uninu"aus & o'cloce1iusthemuttirganu d
contuuinunt uil 6 o'culckiensthi vevinguuuu
uuithuutonueitesumussion. Vsirs fls
fr ll pirssofithe usorld huhitessui
this grest drasiusui cuhlsis evi ueulse-
ersi timses.
There is nouumisse uifficult piolmu
for soutcuensutslvise tanu the q5es-
tiou to shissuereteiiisnutendutlocahute
sfter grasuatsuionu. Mnyiuuoftthe hisrofes-
siouns, puarticulairly iniilss countryvare
so oser-c rowd uei thuat tun iucresing
numibsler uof mueunare conusuderuug seriouus-
1' thue opipor'tunitues of thirusrotessiouss
iin China, Soutls AmercaInd tuiohercifor-
eigut cotutries.
Tou uset theneis of su enuuvsthe
Y. M3. C. A. is loaingsiu oohs1ofi receut
daste uponusuuchicounsutris s Chiniutaout
Sosuths Amserica. Osvr sixty utueu readl
boohs of this sort the fist uscrt of hst
seuceser aniutheAssociatoun ss'llh"glals
lace use books ath the dsposl of ohetr
Alishia Nut sill hold ass impuortanst tus-
ness mseeting Saurdsay ight after the
regolar program. The regular programu
nill be cut short to alosw plenty of tiime
for the business.
M~iss Alice R. MaIrs, state erar~'
of ItheY. N. C. A., will presie over
lie regular mceetig of lie local brauncu
to ie leld Tuesidsy afternon at s:o
oclock. A special program of mtusic
hs beens arrnuged for.
. W. C. A. N7iL IhT'NuSXT'e situ.
The astuiual Y. N. C. A. baquet swill
bec -lrd at Newbherry all, Friday, Jau.
13th, at 6:00 P. M. Mliss Grace Lock-
tout as toasistsress wiii preside over
the programciof muscieausnd it. Tickets
cats be pusrchacsedh fr 5 cets, either st
the associationsoffice or of the girls onc
the comm~citee.
The Uiversity of Orgoin is etdea-
orinug In abolish the- paid coachig iy-
te1m ons tbe North coast.

Milk Chocolate
A Special
Halt-Pound Bar
Full of Nuts
For Only 25 Cents
19c a Bar
324 So. State Street
Coming Events
We3'ditrsiti, Jai. II, 415 P itt
Thuirsday, Jan. 12, ii'i M1
Fauluuty tosscert
Mo-nndayJan. 15, 8I. M.
Symphony Orchestra Concert
Weineday, Janury u, S P. Al.
Ponaey Oiusrtee
(Univeniy Halhh)
Wedinesdasy, Jan. 25, 4:15 P. M.
Piano Recial
NOTE--CUnless ohesise stat-
ed the conicers are given in High
Sehool Hah.
(IIusic 'ibouse
Press Building, May-
nard Street
Next Door to School
ot Music
Talki _7g

Classic, I
and Popular

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