THlE M~ICIAN :s f '+ - i ''i l i Al . . , -f Y i . N, .. This style is short in vamp, full in toe, high in arch, and high heel. Buttons are. tedressy shoes. Neat and dressy and still waterproof UNIVERSITY NoTrICIIS \le i (al I aI ll S c f sce (riua all t ha a apP i t itt"'al . CA - :3: a aatttht li (>tt R ifl d lla I tat ', -cila a ll.tA ll ow rit ddpeanty. ~T~~y, January 16 wHERY B. HARRIS MISHELEN hc Deserters" N t ltt at 'ama, liot,. frotat Lta a- t ,reS'HOES 'WAGNtER & CO. sire c it t{rclrk_. __ Cairs, Rockers, Rugs, ndDraperies, Suitable 'Ooms in Large Variety at ~ c TH OD PLACE THEINGER. (a CO. We h aveta fre-stack of Pritnce ry llit aid lTaxedoi naitound and Hom andq;as.fa NN cBOWMAN Lsand uodall Accessories - Cl $3.50 to $28.00 Itnlconnciol-S ill Sf J.I it ' r soil . t bNhldin ISI )0.- VI I tt liatat a tat ttt i I li -tatt callsatatn tm t h e a cs, 11;1 the ida tawketII .j] s i~ tvryn ist Stbor adli t1 im s i e t It) t atal a S te 11ottal ta st~ll t l a i atr o ho s o i)~ s - 1 \I a L call and47-J. ad r.;m Saritanuglinthe i ermck t t~ I on d eye anct ans a c sp feorta nnd c achaficaClt H f15 247-J.Pa seb t& a it-f ---'7 S-a S(~~S~EI~HADWARE CO. 5_. -_1O-32ZS. Mj;r St. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP - Op tpostit etit atitingtRooma S. aGEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor' ti~a i 4 Doors From" Freddie's" t I duD liegel Collpally Come; and a le u surprise you with the amount of quaty wokmba" nship, and style we can give you in on ,of.or Fall Suits or Overcoats.. No Stor ecarea more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishigs Tno HtsStetson Ht BeSaco n Hats SpldngSweaters Ma.4haten Shirts- Perrna D Ient's Gloves and J3x All he atest styles in Neckwear f .® CHIROPODY. M15ISSE .3- oILFY. Evecrythintg alaaolitctp at tiaattta 921 t Paluhi. Enat IN. at. Studetsare-alt Iaiys ,Il statecat our atorat.ReI the itapars, sat tatot a g tittoelne itaty oturr iitci W~letry to trat yout ri, it HISTON BanS. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor anal Jackson Limited Cars East i wad-3:20 a. i., a0:2 antm.,12:atipait., Stlt..3t.j., 4:a0 . Stat'? p. Limiated Cars Wet Bound-9:a in.a. 1 ,) 1 ,54pdtm.,Si3:34at. m-,5a54p. at, 7:S.74at. Local 5ar* Fot Blound- l>at ittitat. 74at ni.,6a.)a, .,a..ntd e(rty itiat Itoito1,0:4.da p at- To Ypaiatii,.,:adta. iatd tait i lIv 411 pati. ni-,a nlaist::15a. a ia-t4t a. Itl.. 1250l a. m. Ta Satiate, citange at lYj?,ati Local Cara West Bound 5;45 a. itt-a 5a.aa am., atdaivery twahaiasitrili5 t ie,. a COmplex stt-a any ma iir-hence do 'att -hikof their -tlte naster thought a-tSu hadirag such rate .;.- elthey appeal a tto at rasn SS sc at aaisying and a1tasaytyhdyire la-p;noata. - a pa in package a ltalnal, .1TBCCO co. (aPIvaaHosery First 01 -da vning : ol' Laundry FIN"4E HAND WORK Belt '6133J "60'6 E.-Liberty-Stw TiI. BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORINQ j t .. m..: ._.m .. SLW YSHAI MILW.ARD THE