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January 06, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-06

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Vol. XXI.

lnterclass Practice Scheduled
to Commence on 16th of
Mthogh tecclas batset bll em
peitipit ti61 ot actal}lc lictinj
Watrma gg ii asiii unt-icil te g
ranged fior rcice tistarit Janiuaryci6.
Beining 1 ths tinc the tis \01 ii
prctic ciOn Ittitla ii s\ tlt d
Frda igtst froImtlt;7till o"cld. )
M1oday ndThu lirday iii" lt h r
'feit forll7:45 tll cct ii i nigi-lltI:,
trophy rtoiws cs Ifthgyaium.:\
The folloinTgSf41 41teams hileSIen
cce h ietld; tilt, opi'Juiioritit tandi
ilit .l itssis r sotic l ainild tifcr tsh n
inctii siFrshci d junii iirmeic futut id
ciSTlg,RI hT IN IVfic cRSc
cussl, tu y e i hr ast-ui- scool
if t re t-nt ailic iiit e -it--itformu-
ip tto thepesnltteitiism e
ticingig ti-c inendteachetics-fromi cii
ii liiaddt ingttlpetigte o te nic
sity inhe pubishciino e ulsif in-i
Pricdedofthe jniici-c-itppoitiosit
isfiigs 1the rtofiithtes cursesSilt
be giivcnyiPrthe 5.c J.iiiil s i -cof t
meciti car l iii irtet c -t t ctiltittntcil
flita curise either- il c e tttvit i-il ft
lessithanfb e ciiish it ttkciithe. ccc
ccimireilar, w ith encf.iI.the secondiise.
meslir oiffthijuor eycearotihetilmeicio
coititcc.eTioole ih" adR a
poedtioiitpeimstioiithetafteron iis of
reuaitsenior y ttear. -llltilItj
Thegineerisiling- dieatmeteilcino:
lnger beI runoniase cacpiiartf i-ietltoar
Teliimtt hduring th smmer.cciA

trotwic th text will it followed.
Professors Ihirslcy tindilEllis if thit ci-
g iieeriiig facilly will be present.

N"N 'I 51 4111GtIN l)INXER
;NHSII-'III-) 1I-tif 1FANI Y OlRK.
to prese'-t l c tiiS tispecil caris isill lic
adde tothe t1 O~ve -t tlDti t to
vic 1inititi o er raloairt pt
tilt rc 1>t.i s itha ,Nh) i n c ag
Tof t i liittrig)se t e t aty il et oiti'
ietrot it ad .n t A -ior t)) attenSis.
England's (Greatest Actress comes
under Women's League Auspices

Stanford and Cornell Secure
Professors Smalley and
Wfiththe eii xotc-littiifo ' er 1 ' i l -

a INI- 1(46lIOF T l1O~jI1~
'Isotil if is't saywetli t is(
t)r()o l lici ic si t e brntoria-i s it i
Stisiila-tigttt ntbu i sermoi
Gvoiictoisc"it.Nlcm -c-i-Li;LSExecutive Board Writes Coin-
ii t~g ssil il when he tit I lit il I
frm n-- ndIeased c n 'o municaition Justifying
Jeru-ittm ciii of. heiie 'crdit
ti-tlls Wr di-i -i-li h ilt Organizations

Iii I,o% > ins

-1k t a- catut 'I -iO-ill1
iii'' , id 't z ak
el ' is i 1 11 t1c 1 1


t e tl v r it i n tcei- lte fall if butt i-i

ish acrs Nixi - ii lii
leita Mici vrst
tilrt hes ipc~
4'a.1, h W 1 r
lctzri sice Il'i

of te c liilit
at I utuess ias ua
app11 rlii i i lli
tI ctiii iiiii

Ile sptc-a year c tii CioIrnettll i-i rec-ipiet
elt ' it-it- a f P hi-iloo phi n -i iiIg o i
the nex tol t'eashe sevd s ii-
ii stur ini hedpatm n o I
om my 111 i lioo I he wasi oraciie ali-
assfstantilisli cit
a chlo i fsltieninti gi cuturei ther
i tn liAV) il and itthe cree io I-rst ci ii
:;']eel" 111 go1 lUpo iw 1 n s I dsi
gent t itnnti c ut sl freser (w th
stte I gicI ttt \ \\lnctSittio
a d i '0 -0 - ai-i;h ttiYali-i, (I
I t i ntdt heliti d Mates tilt
est slit ciiem inin tr iutilii he i
came bacl k to il ii li lieh n i-inc-Scit'
c o ii I it M 11ic i till h 1 hs ta tlthlii
itstil it si b r tsol:tt ii iio


MI O t11i li-it s-ti 'iiS- lilat o
th l I t 11111 t I >Lllll} 1 rl~
it ii tilt- i i I g i e li i f
i-h-tv , I i lit c I~t cll cai i-

1 a o >i as l -l

<111 l 1'

First Practise D~ate is Set for Sat=
urday Afterncon

- piyrm. (I-cit-itt t' a
aidth lat i hetit ti-it
u'c'l(ck, S~icoiteiii it
liii but it is1 hopcd itht asit

IF, t

The - ill mi -c'
(c-cc # r1 i- itlii
- is 1Wt li t il
itt1tlc cac
kl tilt a Ita
11mv I is Icl c

caion recc

iii-CC i 1
Icil il ar
areite 1 u
1eti I i h)
-epeset I
wls Wel
r(, ; Iislitai
illi t te
(Iy' 1 AI11-
illN fWIl

.(1'i t 111 I t t-ih 'tilt--c
-i i: () li- lic' o r e
it . I I is ctilt i l--llC0 1-
c',cttitti to ih b lli
(0,1 i 1 r ro i- tt 1 -
i is itu it I , -ti i l t llcĀ°'
i-or ti ' t 1 i ctli ' rI
(I til it(llpi(til t h ei
Ir ald Ii '.c I-fc lf i
ti r t 1' 41 iiaiol - alo
4 1111 - \ 'huc11i1tt. I
I m a d I \. -I lli i
11 -tc-S. itL11C'
\ o{Clrc: i-' 1>1'"lt

she has touredi' thecu - N ii it aiii
atte1Ifnlst hea N tresN'tc- YoSlit-hci
fuh )last i N I i I- tit-u Sht hen

ilit for tlet eam. vvu
Sttitt- li- a ft limi ii
sill liet-made1M1the
Stlda ic- Ic t
wil hc 1 - Cd

ilt' oilk

I41 too 'I ci s I tli tI -

usav rcsicuii
il iai c hu

Miss 'T'ery rcei s o ttue cnl us i
peopleI n fat fiis sit ts te t t
'I'-i- it auik tuu is
l'robtbh iss lutiv s reteIstre
cisiriteas tuiliherscit Nhey 4rsc tts
tot-s his os ite arsoutisl sdrma
'be usyshts slit-ttn a its ol h
Iccin ois cstuc 0f iS i- I cs- tis I i sli
I-i s ol t hausis rIcelt' en pbliict d
1I-s'ferryI-' IL(1iltIl) StourhIs.
bee cr ic s f leisth seths bcsge
acctsl ity th h-ercNc csii ork-I iman-
use Ito r asl todit inl sleissweeks of this
cft lstin svituIitst afccs'suus itt 400 'lSt -
CiicttFtit u ei c t~urecscB ti-re. aiut
couc IIs teCe :.CIc o ii'
Aa forgcginnersit sit been Iar-
who"islto aatheamislsrof this
iiiOcliugiswic' cits o ied ube tirsivcioncu
li-i hav f rist-cii inld w i l sed hiatiho fe
'Inc"lrc tutip Ic'sM s. .Ia}

te ypilrto Chrilstmas fl ai l -
! It paItos lare 100 1 "i- iciiiu- t -
let ildac lsi ilof t :u flt i>li - It 1
Poiun I oo o 1 ' i c i t I i (ii o s
"lcuts tto; t 1 -'tio i i
1 sih l ii itt!. tils gI deIl l ai u
' lt ( iiut l-tftltl- 'I M-
1)ratinug thue Gopher cvicuory.-
A psri if Its. (thi-ellsci-dress till
tic ti-citntiedicatin iftte jtuit flay
Memotusriaill Iihrtirt- uti t I. taV ii it
cric-i ic csiti is tut ti"tot ltcount if tie
I-Uions Siuiar in the -g-irn..

i ("

lite-ntappintted-il tilt

stacff(if lt'e Ni-i
l1 'sits ist wsitj

(, i

lorsscr} c 1 stuu it r iof t- hi Dit' stiff.
Ice tictistu lsoprominetnt ii t-he Dentsce
('iits I-i-cli I.traittit andtuStush-s'
Icrut -iuusoittitI

prc cIt,

I ir -t Il s-l--Is ill

Ii i-'4'tc in"-tt - Itt

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