THE MIC'HIGAR blkii LET LCOLM MAKE IT YOUR FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO $35 up 118 EST LIBERTY CALL ANI) SEE THE 71 NVredversity Ave. o lCumberland UNIVERSITY NOTICES Senior engineerotpleae get tickehto for 1F11(1ay'sodinreat Atietga Unio00 before Froiday oo romhthe foloiosg. Wablker KisikenlBeedit, Gagan AiTl junior fits ideirig t olitste Rusttic. band1(1caitt146. Aliot. I lecti ot of firehmen trelrecniltic for girls' atllet i soiatio fr 4 t to this afterntooit Barorytt nsiumO11 Ciricl 1 Fiotias miiirntto night at 7:0 tOuktto tstanig tickets caletin. i tLECTURI0S ON BIttBLICAL, MASTERXifISCHiStLANN \ ) Th icBaptist Studctnts' Guild iwit gi asrics of lctrs tis itwee 01 "Masterptteces of Bibhhcal tLiteratite." lie serieswilltte iil iiiar tottiveirt at yca.Pr of.t otisterwilittdetive the ist oni"Jth's Defence," at tte noo iourJanurty . Tic rmtaidr of tetcourc to as folows: Jan 1i t he cStormtiSeeocii.Joh, lErs Jams PjBicd. Jai. 221 TiceTDott ofto Ntio. Ttitcitat A. W.'Smsoahey. Jan. 29 Tie Utratory of tt thBilel. Professir Trublt d Teb do. Tc Saottw hof Jttgc'iioii a A AtAiken. F'ehb. c9 iTe .5 teriig Srianti T.S Ligord. irk. 26Thti lotre of tt r ilc to "er it'' eblood. tot .it. Tic itray Value oithitt It oess or hSiott. Ma. it .To he TDraofitthit lii tlii IProiiecsorTrftetbliood. Mar.iig heInTcTtcaratiiiiioitLtie. Mlto Jamtes 1PT Bic. Mar.26. he Rdempin f ittn.i P rosor olitets PRO.tIt uticcbitt isct ieVs HOitR. Trf sit1etdctck C. Newomtbe, of the itctrary tactttwas circted Tpriet itt thtcotaitical sctiot of the 'sitei cait Assoct itotiot the Avanemnt u f Scicnce at its coventtioni at the Ui-i vertity of Minttsota durigtheli-to daoys Te tollointtg faculty mtinetuert also Tircscnti t tecasemblytt, s'eal oft whomitt' racT Tiaters: Ttr. FrTick Novy, Prot, A. Ziwt, Prof. Xautl tuithe, Po.Ieo, Prif. W, J. ITle tr P O kkelerg, ro. 'rtitttt hTlIT atiTPro. Georgrn I litity MotieriSeteter '95, '7, ot it th tcgrcatstensits cheligntitas eve hiadT viste Asinn sArbors otly hcefore school opecned.T.'irt Seeter itas hiecn itettrestedT inithtc imah~ogaty ltutter bosis- itsss itd inicofcclatttitationsin iifSut Ameicacfosita isitiberocitears. I wascauhtithe iicCoolsIHosc ire, ut esocae tisafty. Vt1,,ttEATcrONitB0inITtsCt. This yars cp etba~rte liitweeni the tittr campustitratr ry sceties owill tic itt thtc sthject "Rsoledc, taitte Pais amtia Caittl solto bte tiortifiecd. The peiminaries swiTT he eiT curig tec lattr sart of Marich. Bite's Satrday Catdy-ot fttltpouotdc iox of good chticottes fr 2ic, oiSoAt-- sitay dryt yrub othtcr daT o's4eastl thart to qu'al at that.iT 'o le hadT olat Brtownt's Drg store. 55-eodT-t. Beriters trill Ctar 'aT grilld Torterhousie stak t13 W. THuroi St., tip-stairsop.Inihtetrurbantstatoi. Poec Bell iio 7-sd-t. New 1iT ey. Theatre TH R }AY JN.5 ONE NIGHT 25 an epe 25 DirectfromtheCuban Islands Inra CmeyofSong Entitled MALE QUA'.hT FEMAE QUARTETTE Theotly otusatyof its kind in America New -how Tonight -BI itELCME IAE" SHOW- Sf) I1111 N AAn Egyptian Fantasy MrAC d( The Smoke Queen Sffisovel Playlet IN A Jerni JI~fICFROG POND . sett : tottt tr~m1~,eu 5551 xI Z sssotesDu 0 S. W Gre troa .way, at 54th St., Ar, ciiSt.. Sbwats ndot53d iSt. tElevatetd, NEW YORK ; KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Perms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops - and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. rNlE 2 THE MANIAGEMENiT OF Harry P. Stiroisoet, tortmerly totiithiotel Imperial. K.J. t1rx9 .arx, formerly with Hotel Woodward AT FUTTL E & CO. TH E OLD PLACE a REINGcrw CA.).Co. L iznch fR'oo2 We hare a tiesh stock of Prince You can fNlo a fint line of tonfetctionecry Albert asTu xedot in i pound rod __________________________ jound cans and jats Mexican : Indian : Blankets Ti T TiSe o re yorrCottee R,'thum, lien, Detroit United Lines li) siy r Msaic tRom; tee Catnres, tbugs, l tonhCorrstttetieresiandWalltI)ec'orations On n l ,1, biltoit ivii on uerin tGORGEOUS tOtLREFFETS BEAUTIFUL DIESIGNS!1 Ott ititi t~ is ts11 ianit-maI i ati s ;ato wil,e feasti'olors ectidentt. i tn, ; jA' tii, iof rteTDetroift , The MisttAcceptablte aolltdayGift! tisnitdLi:(e,- otti) c e> ittf V'utftor St trt 't' youir It'AViiITE b ackground Coitit: C ritmson,Blute. lRed, Green, White,Blacit ratoteati;r., the s istiuitte Ttn t i y nt. 71t. Ste. x 3ff.1ift.. .................$ 5.00 tim C i'aI~,'ity i)f the )0us servees, ot 61t. Stn. x 3ft. 41n.........4.00 of trllets o r fomAn Of5t. 41n. x 2ff. Ste .......... 3.00 aty gop itoitnotth rtoAiset ofthree (oaeaofeach size) 10.10 Atrttr extra oars and extra service rt Atvytte Carriage Prepaitd,ono receipt will b suppled.ttfprice. itbepromptly sppio. iete 'i'tsln. .toeytbackif you rust it MEXICAN BLANKET CO. Aguascaieates, Mexico LNadiesJ'MateHOTEL BARBER SHO Ladic~s'ST. JAMESeHOTEL BARBERpoSHOP I Maniaiu.Fs assagu I Opposite ~etrir Waitint Rose I Rain- eate tutasass A Specialty Al it Neat aenIse i o ; t :zedtbusurer I GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor Mr. . r + ni .risi rt t _toyso ry; tiy 4 Doors From 1"Freddie's" ICola1 rlct1' vi! 1. 1 T1F ajtiiiee P.M. c1'd.~ ~ Lnary 25, theshw i.tC.11te entire week. SIcAO i.y Monday R 1lti ,yatinee Today but I"'SiiugiocBoy S; iui-~songs 7A an AN f1 tlk.d and Besimter's Grill. Charcoal trilled porterhtotise steals. 113 W. Hduronu si., -V E< lack W* 'e tip-stairs, opp. hnterurbani stationt. tPbonue V E , Becliimt. 7-cod-tf. --Superior Photot hbATIlHE FAMILYSCOPE Liggettsu chocolates, the nmost originaol ____________ - -.. _________________ packatge out the martoeu'-Brown u's Dlrug store, 122 So. MaiSt. f;;3-eoil-tf. 10C -' st ~. xaO Take houme a Souvetuir Score of thureusotf u~dt Matinee 'Crisrotn Chest. Now ottnosale at r ' " Schaeberle & Son'r Musicilotuse, 11 M C oanL113 NET S. Maiti St. 64-if. _________________________________ Detroit Laundry Bratnch office Call MtneDiy- 2.30 and 3.30 Fluff, 1247-J. t-tf. TI BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILOR ING IL CHARLIE S' BAR{BER SHOP College Laundry Under Huston Billiard Parlors FINE HAND WORK Charlie Weigand, Prop. BelH 1633 de . 606 B. Liberty St. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLE MILWA