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January 05, 1911 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-05

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311~~~ SO [F TREE'
Openin Dispay of

Managing Editor-LEE A WHITE. Will Again Try to interest Students
BusiessManucr-onss~ 1. ht.. in Anarchistic Movement
EDITORS. I~tlia (;iil 11111 is t iilin ii c so
News Editor ..........Harold Titus womniai tirchist awill Iheii hoe i b i t
Assistant ............Harry Z. FOte within teext lewl days0Iandi wil t. K jc~)
Athletic Editor...Watter K. Towers aotiher attempyt 1t()11ifaI IfrC I t }ig
Assistant ............J.Fred tLawton tproagansdat in heievsi ()fI Xl-i n ai
ltissie and Drama...Earl V. Moore llllltCgrallilat~as. 7 t'l
Excthanges and Fites .. ..Dion i1. Birntey D1(11IlRelitman1, 11r11151 1111ciO .1 0l~k
EDITRIoALS. vance agenllt,15is ~~in eri 1ai~ ,
Arthar 3. Ahhott. G S Lasher, prepara~tilonsforill iso ecir, 1_ I
Paul Leidy. tee thllse 9K iii 11CC'11et r 1)to
NIGHT EDITORS. competed he (1 1s II m. )I t Xni I's
A. J. Wohigemuth. lHarotd McGee. :arbolr 111ndIplit o a eattw)le t.tc
Harry G. Myser. Maurice Toulme. tures inlthis. city.I.Pis i li II1)alvIi ctt,
Diranh Pennetl. Edward Rohie. ill some C ~timICnet Illek. t ti
RtEPORTERS. 9 ke11115tihose studets tta1111i h Th
L~orenlRohinson. Rohert Giltette. Ioan," heltma si.l "Thylrllv rtCi
Jothnl L. Cox. F. E. Shawe, Jr. votin men" adIt f te1w111let1u, I;,n
ErwcinlKoch. Oscar Beckmanl..111amI 1,11tatha eciicet heir; 1." 'sl
Ernlest Burton. E. M. Wakefietd. - -- xi
J01111fl. 'Towisley. iWallace Weher. iUR 911 1NhittIii i l vLK c if.
Gerald J. May. Emnmett Taytor. C) tutt'. u \,l~ i:Xi 111391->. T
BUSINESS STAFF IniebyPsietW U. lwpsmo h
C.. A. Bowtnt. A. R Dilley.titttii titthh tiili 1
flyer Ruhitn. Kenneth Oshortt. ofCio1111State'tsIivtsttodleral),!i
f;. Ray Johtttott. Ettmer P. Griertott. Ialitris st tie Iemialcx it iCl
C..1-I. Kliitttach. Joseph Foochard. fesori Eeiu~st SilmaiWi )lIl
Address: litcaGAN DAtLY, tress Bldg., 1111otsruringtieletter pa11CCof1this month1 112<
Mayttard Street. Aftet its grauato mt he Ii ( 1
Odfice Iflours : Mhanaging Editor, I-a P. vity lt I IRiiiii 5 11111 iappinted ;ii
t tt. attd It:00-I1:30 p. m1. Daily. astalt i theL bkiSrvvaidi K>w
Bttsittss Manager, 1-5, 7-8$p. nm., Ex- ltr11 lcnn IItI1 111 1 t tI I)
ceptt Stttday. Both 'phaotes 960. gOtCCC 111 iCepar1tilt. 1 as xIlc)
prto111otedto 1111silln poesoan I
IilU Sli.KY, J.'INLT'shY 5, is)1 115 testitstof I ltlino 0is. ol l i I t; ht;i
Nightl Edior-FttANK PENNELL,. State LUhiCerti IItya ni97 Itasii IeS~t
UNIVERSITY CALEFNDAR. in1f.ColumbushonScII touer13i J101
- - IIlcculated a t cons ittribieIfor-it I i
)oticiiiait Utiot. m i ner fo th tatfattnc 1111 1 ti

11 hill I.it E;

3 t,

C° S upply Co.
Itosl alentil

-e Cledar, an
cI'or ~ rNational
Prices right at
Uni t- fy Bookstore
"t' i 'lc i ar-
I l r lC:
113 .ION 01O00

M1c w
1 IC tf si tt H hiat
Sec~odtlnd awBooks
basI . Icial Dictionaries
Q i Btks, etc.
Ctottplete lttte A ew tnd Sec-
Oldboos eleti ttExchange
Second IPtnne Tel. 76t


7)~e .-f nitiliC litIpoverty tiocial at
tarbur gymntiasiumii, 2100 lto 9:1(et p.
Theitittsicai clubsihtlouldl notibe 11CC
niii -d to tta~ke ouii-of-townt tripsi for at
period of at Ceast fivC years. Thecy dio
theiivesity11111CChitrmi, in lteolinht
in of lonig .sufferinig attotni, ttangitoid,
for tteytttrattno iterest so fatr as thoe
-1 llt: rIptticis conicernedIIantI only
sce et otsxhlist thte kinttly sptirit of thte
_C raiiati-. s who are annualstly itmtposed
II oi tomaketiheir OIIpeaIc 11C 0possi-
Iiie musuicatl cituis 11Ce 11111self-stup-
prinii.IThey. tlotte of the organiza-
ti is wichesappear pubttthicly for enter-
11a1111eCt are fioredt to suihsist throught
ibeggary-.Teir bCinitess mecthotds fits-
Ce niegligenuuci and itiefficiettee 1111011tue
ii.r if stuitie s etigatgedl in their mtait-
.9o51-Culet, fir they refuse, ini most ini-
stances, litttIt0t illy na t iwn iohre the
aluiouiifatils tofguarat iele themthe ex-
jwn ses inosedf.
hi iiiiigatiilil.ei, hit ines offeredlan11auth-
tuethis yeasr suffihciet to Cdefray the
sepese if tile iappearanceI , andi there
th e surCplus5115tia s idollars5.
If thc university is to seitd a' stdet
irgatiiatioin ontthie roadl for Ihe sake
if lie legiititate advsertisinig that resuts
it o: toiie Itie llera. Mhorally Ihe
iroem ~is are noiigCCeatCCr,1and1certatiniy
the alumni would iie gratefunltid the
imiieat leaist1interestedl.
"For Heaven's sake call off youtr
miscatl clubis," 1wa1 the ery of otie eon-
spicuous aloumuts. Wtill the facuilty ido
FoC safets 5salve wthy sot iorganliz'e
a Stuts'l Voluitteer Bcket Btrigade ?
CuThe gsentiors should have ito difficulty
Thle scripitural ohservation tht "tte,
iceed stanini t slippery places" may
tie sitmsecontsolatiott to those wvho fall
idownisthecse days,
Here's a worthy resolution for sever-
al faeculty taci, "Never again will I
assgns aicd-semiester or a writteis cuiie
sdirectly bsefore or after a holiday
pieriod." The fault omay he sdue -to paure
thoiusghlessnaess hut it wtould he hart
10 cosivince ttae afflieted oties ttaat it
's 11o1 110CCcussedness.

ifteeu me rsi of te ti. iit
pestle fur the cause ofiiforeiniill,
Satuirtday ight, folliowtii inn ti
teirIsonior at thieKhWeistinterissics
litetrian church, a wthnih"sr
vice wst-tsIelid,1andilSiundayevein thk- i
embilrso msissionas ha chri ofii
yiounlg Ipeople' CO tlgsofs I
D~r. Anigell, sihit slippted-andii fellsot
the: its- last its-k-hspiingall muscleti it
hslt-g is:agatins artoundu. AXithoui 17
sil limsa sittlests isllihCii iii -t a1
holieday soii l tic plor~is of h1-1,s
Baptltist churicCh, ietweeinis iis ion MUi
Ste streets ilsEast lilitlilistree~t, 1,I-


Allegreli a

tday ev-ening. K Program111:of games 5 amli
othelrtd~iersionis ltha iilstboon ciiie. WXVwill m,,i
- __________________ i. I I t, I
The "A-enican Univesiitie s Coh'
oat opcnetd i Lmndlons, ingitii, sill
Marech 31.,llti. The cluhhiouoe atsjoiis A/ .1! 9 C.G
St. Janmes's IPalace atnd MarIlibIroiigi
I tosise.
T'he womenvisof the Uniiversits- of N'stiii
nesota sate startedl atCamiiii1 totise- Q atf
cure lie right of voting ill the AKtihlvtic- Both Phocftt
association electiotis. ~. .. C

4 v~eeeyman
XX 7c-l sill e1 C fhi 13 clwt If s tol get
o r1 11 i Ito ne19111 C fitll care sits
?t 5 s 1t:y! . 1 tis ililel -
l'i IC 55 1 tiv e l tlic rot id
1 h i- :Ilsi tvl(S forthel oilstcr ioi
l I)1- us lint itsp elt hubi
Vrn.t Deterle
Vasity Tailors
17 E. Libety Street
TIhers Is a good tasty absout
11111T Hot Chiocolate thlat yost
11' 1 s t msohtere else.

1.: 5 S

See Our i

ss it wlhippedc reC5Iatmsan a
Stationers, Printers, Binders Siett'Sntte
c 324 S. State St. ~

121 '71 " ,, a : I t,

R<ANDALL & PA CK, Photogr aphers

Phone 598

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