THE MICHIGAN Ibh.ii k .< full ins toe, high ini are I _ Neil l iii I ttISS I LAS WAGNER~~[YpJ t 1 f is short still wat1C511551 s f~ IOL. 0o. ttft( 1 i t i I J t w C UNIVE3RSITY NO TICES lre leni re et d orili( Ruti Junir lit poverl ty socia t1 i' ui 11 A11lion, 1ell 1460. MW oloiwa nt v oci h i\ o1 Major & Co.ititi. A'a ¢ {3} NewWhcitnyThar 11C C)2 ali tiuloring i l suje ct ui- tcica I ili 62e (idali "' OTTL C. lock it 'rinsi L 1 i ipunitanitd i ' MIS C. J. FOlEY. 92 . I-I ironi. tEnulof N. Phone 9uc880-J. 38t Take home iati iuic iir Scoreic : Crimson uuChest. Now on ii at Sitlicerto & Nonits 1usic 1 lois S . Man St. .1 -'tt >c r I. 64-if "I orrs Cais0Rokes7Rugs, t . ntRos i VaageVriety at w3 . '-C~EL BARBER SHOP o ij,( \Clitliooiog.l ii E,,T L, proprietor In iiorit 4 Doors From 4 Freddie's" 1 -1 s nx - Ts an t. and all 6 2 . E Accessories { co $ 0 3-50 to $28.00 ACHER HARDWR-ARE5 1 i_ . L- b CoO Yo aiii mall111111 sefuil Xiis-i f it. by CLIFTON, 2-ini. high BEDFORD, 28 in. high Thee ?N"'tchCOLLS Sit snugly to the neck, the tops meet C in front and there is amnpe space for the cravat. 10 ? " 2c. Clori,Pealody& C.,Mklkru Dtoit Laundiiry Btranchi office Cult lutff, 1047-J.i-tf. New Train BIG FOU R Indianapolis HevTuo111do 2 1). in- 111iv Indian ajliti93p. 111 Through Sleeper Cincinnati and Indianapolis R yit Ito Ill Paul D. Warren tiG. A. P.,1D.. Toledo l VOCAL INSTRUCTION Studied two years 1inFaris a5111 Berlin HELENE ALLMENDI1NGER Pupil of King Clark Busines olius; toInP.1.Sui co: Ia. Owl Block. 0301'.Sta111St.. I - - Y} y . n ayary r .)Yc, Wih 'achpackageofj nantclor. 28of <,i- guieltcol.111 tin tint (12x32)..- dcc ilun of f100. The hrain is a complex with many mar- velous attnihutes. Memor in one of them-hence do not forgot Fatima. Thought is another-think of their w goodness, their di-tinctive fidrrrd aliy. Infclligence-the niaster thouight is what we use in hlending such rare tobaccos. And Reason, well, they appral to youohoc-atse you cannot "reason" any othser igarette so satisfying and - esjO/uable. College men say they're "d, ffereol '-uatd they know. 20 fo. 1 5 lts-in a plain package -anId ;ow get en additional T ex1 £I.CAN TOBACCO CO. Le Ic, " 011110,w.HMgel onany Co C a~d ~tus surprise you with thC amount o ~ualty, vorkanship, and style we can give on: ln one of our FalSuits or Overcoats, No store carris a more complete stock of Clothing nd Funishings. r' MEN'S FVKNIS INGS Shirts, Neckwear, G'loves, Hosiery Underwear, Paj*amas, etc. WVcarycul e 1311lines of:wIll1-1ablelcidallte 1 Iwithipiceltow11111111 vas-suas churateize. 1tr1111 0111110stablishmentl. First j$.. First Floor k9 . Floor CHARLIES' BARBER SHOPColg Lanr Under Hustonl Billiard Parlors FN ADWR KnIox Hats Stetson Hats Beacon Hats Spalding Seaers Man hatten Shirts Pernand IDent's Gloves andi all the latest styles in Neckwear i I DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limited CasaEast B vund-8:20 a. ic., 10-20 Limited Cars West Bound-9u:511.. 11131 14 p. in.,113:51. i.. 5:54 p. i10,7:5411.11ii -Local Cars East Bound-1olie trilt, t5:45a m., 6:5 a. in., and everyitwosors tro 10-ct p. is. Ta Ypsiasti, atlisOioui- lylto11:15p. in., also itu15 a. to., 12:3n I. im., it-l50s. in. Ta Saline, tchange at Ypsliili. Loical Cars West Bound-5,45 a. is., 7151 a. m., and every twbours to 11:15 piit I- Charlie Weigand, Prop. Bell 1633 J 606 B. Liberty St. d h Ganger's ' School of Dancing Join tile closses 11115 time. The tie)wils whei you doll Classerstsr Ladles and Genetlemen Tuesday and Thursday Evinlgs, 7:10 I to 8:0to'eclock far Particulars cali at Acdetmy or 'hote 246 _I 1W II ;ALWAYS AJHAD IN MII.WARD TIIF TIOR T116 BEST OF EVERY