_ _ ._ ,. _ ._ .. _. _ _ .. v ... . . . --- - .. TI'his Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclified 8zCo. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Cloea s $1.00 Alarm Cloc s $1.50 Alarm Cloc s $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repe.elnriag a Speialty THE FARtMERS AND MECHIANICS BANKI MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits$oO,OOO Genral Ranking tbusiness. 3 percent paid on Time antSFavings Ipeposits. Safety He- posit toxes to reni tt 12.00 and upwards Rt. KKcentrs. IL t . G . RTMAN, Vice-Pr's. 11. A. titttS. ('a'shier F'.'P. SOtwn. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank CapitolI Mot'k J:3 1)000 Surplus 050,000 Recets 02,r00,e0 A (enerel tBanking Business Transacted steetcnnnos tChas. E. Itiscock, Prenn.; W. D. Hareritman. VicePrens.: M. J. Fretz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK na it1 5,00 10 "tntrpins 75.000 tin , ots S-1,250.000 Congranercle l w .d Sa..vlexgs Ca..Mads and Libertyr Strus. FIRST NATIONAL BANK On' ANN ARBOR, MICHn. 0. ). tKtNNts. ttARRtttONSOULE Pres.Vice-Pen a. XW. 'LA tRtKit.N, Cashier. tapita, tItt0,0 nnSrplusnnd onti ts, 065.000 ICLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WAN'TI)D lWonttcd---A colorcd wtelr itnlFrateri-ty htotnsc. Apply imnmeditely 0atjQ15 Oaklannd, phonc355" 2-4-6. W'auted-Younng mnnwhvotthasItatd tx- tpcriecin tsellinng Mn'stt'o lttnn'inoo to scork prtoimne. \'tatg tic& io.. Stoie St. ft. LOST. Lot-Michigant .1Unifoin nimetmbership it- ccittboo k-nutnmbetcs t1031-tttI0. lI dcr kintdlyc retun tttoch 15 iitnt Union.it. FOR RENT. figy Rcnt iiraltic suiictt of rotms, $3.50, oil ctnvnintcesc . Forcreferte- ccs catll n953Olcrennotdor photnit'826. 'To lect-inc suteicof cootmts. 1-1cett, light,bithfinristflootrt. AIpplySit's. .. '0'ccnnon, 325 F. Jecffccsn St. ft. M I SC ti,LAtN hO ' tExperiecd'niintstrctotr itf itt" lisit andt Gcrmnttsccks sthden, tstottortt 'ITwo ears it in Germnyit5intt I.it)it s spetciltiii tniglisit. Mt'ss ird, 41tg Stante. Si. 6 Contncto itce'"Idticl TacitrnSitopinfttr tonnn bnrbern workt antt c ouiuiti t ind "cvcrything juttsrigiht." 717 N . U tttcr sty avnueit. Johin Irn 1 it tsi tctopricettr. 1-6. "J311FMICHIGAN DAILY- 0Cntntintntcntfront. Payc 2.0 cite usititi."'t'ile' it t n'n tof tt h Rex who Nv till im Slaeo it ni'all itt ltta ai irevotving tale.. lUp tothelcpretsctltititi° this ha~s cnevIer ttetn lit.accomplished t byit slm tcn.'but isnined donklt s and itni t pittial oillda wt.I(I dolla Sieltt ort n e-si 't S t has war- lts Vt" o t lt tttto 1C unau-slf o lme.l if foitnfiltoli ;yett futin 55cioatthal- larg No.G p~itsaI t II.it y September andJune °fc enont ni aatto10permit otnsone (,derc )kibl tge;. Stylc it Shoe~s, for instttyce, citangcs t tiic