STii, MICHIGAN h)AIL . G. HI. WILD CO. 311 50. STATE STREET k I THE M1I1CIGAN DAILY.I entering tthis iinstituitions, but fruit all Ot________ her universities ansd colleges of ansy l~rrayirrq ]I dtos'-lI, 's'j4%t3ecc. standing in the Usited States. A few ines 11 iixy,r-o r tiN. 1t11 days ago one of ttse students, expelted, tast year,. apptiedt for msatricutation in 'a) ss asnother university, and seas promptly New tt S it....t...aras? Titus refused aclmission, his record from tthis Assat........IHarrv F. Folztuniversity saving precesdedIhism. Atltic Si, Iittot . .NVssltte K. Toweers Every student who psarticipsates ac- ssitant......'Il]ic I3 itonass tively ins night rushes runs a like risk Alsc ;111(1 DrItamtin...... l~id V. hMosorc of dctcctions and lptishsmsent. A wordl l~ch itcs l Iliiis.,. .Do. IlS. IBirncy tthe swise should be sufficient. I Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET TskAlors EASE UP ON THE PROF'S machnets a' tlipics, $25.00 andt iup. The Students' Typewriter Supply Cu. Rossm 4 Press Buildinsg. Opposite Majestici You woud sav'emoney by buy-I ing your Colege Books at the S tudentS' n _ i _ _ _ i Arthur J. Aibitott. G. S. Lasher. 1) A I littitlix. A. J. NA tlgesittt itare.' (. Alt see. M. Mtack Ryasi itank: tPiint'l ' Fits. a to Chltes a11. vaL iiitir. M_'IT. 'l'osise. BUSINESS STAFF -Iddl-'sS iiICHIGN DA1,, Drs s thu. Off ieitHoursit1 ]a-i" Fdto,12p 1tinsIsi Al, itl ti-5t i-8p. imt.1x Acept Slily.troIatu phs Tuttia 'NI iiIilA N I iABEL Octobe ]o-5 cl ldc i hii ps rf Tr licidOrtoi"'1Ascit~l 'Ih nrlii stillatrue in lldilutiast ]tot only-rest'ltttci ssstto i iiua Sar wi~~s u its'tiestdeth' ioiw to all (.forts of t aiSt eti Councili t it t, eSWoehh ra i~lr- tnun-i tiltass lari .. Tit e P hsiusuit, til ;wc~atcC nnci oftl iesitit have ri-itl br]]d s illemosra tiro tstti sil isoriiit i t)th i st ttItitu t ist' snd tin Octbe1, noo aSuite rle s 'iii lt Altisi Nts Atti ia]u si, uis tisisal lfirst yert men wh a b li I ot ails ituth ficitnt secp~ncesof a lolaiii ofthe ruat Never mindit. We lost to Notre Dame laist year, andtihslest We msighst trill what Yost saildlie- twesen salves were it sot Sunday. AWOLVERINES TIED BIY BUCKEYE TEAM. (Conttiinud from ipage s). gtamse ceiedwillshtesalt ini Michigani's potssessionsiotiaCase's 40-yaril line, 'Te linseup: N1ic01itAt CASi. Dasniels ..... ,E..... Kitika Eduds .......11. T....Rssestttslt Btenbrosok (Capt) IJ........Doanse Cole .......C ...... Abbott L~awvton.....s .(.......Writer AWells...... .. . rchaska. Psttteiigill ....RF.....Brantdt lcil ilisiti... Q. Is . .....Gos .Ken........ I .(Copt) Twitchell AA'esssuer.. . . . .S.. . . . eller. Maigitdstohit.... . . I ..Rttbi, Sister 'Te settee :Michisgans 3, Cas 3; Goals, from fieltd, Laiittoi, IHeller;t Referee, El- dridgse (Aliclsign);isUimpire, Kuobblins INebreaska) t;ltieldl Jutdge, Yackley (iPititStale) t;iheatlIitiesmiian, Rickey (io tliWesleyans). COACHES AND OFFICIALS PRAISE lMICIGAN TEAM. ''I Ihardly kiittwvwhat ts say shout te game sit this momeunit," said Ctsach Folgg if the Casse elevest after Satur- dlay'a gamse. "'Thle result was a great surprise itdhwusavery gratifyinig, yosu mtay esisileylielieve. This is te first MU SIC AND DRAMA THE UN~tIERStTY svSYMPHNY.aORCHESTRA. Wish three consecutive seasons of successful activity to its credit, the Usti- versity Symnphoniy orchestra is starting out upons its fourth year. Thtis orgatti- cation, which is under te suanagemenst of the Unsiversity School of Music, is cosnducted lay Sanmuel P. Locktwood, heaid of the violin departmnsi. St is composed of music lovers of every sort who have arrived at a certaisi profi- cienicy ona some orchestral instrumntt. Rehearsals are held isn Frieze M~emn- arial hall every Suntday afterstoonsfrsom 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock. For tite comaisig seasotn, fosur cosacerts has'e heeii schetd- uleud, as follows:s Novetmber 2t, Janun- tiry 23, March 6, asnd May I. Thte dues fuse thte enstire sesasinsire ottly 50 censts. As ass added idsucemenut, a bostus otf $io.oo is glven by the Schouol otf Music at the entd of the year to a few imtilortants players. A tryout foersiew utentbers will Ite heis t athse Schls of Music totmsorrows eeninig frstias 7:so to 8:00o o'clock. Catt ditdates shtouldtibrinsg their ownsinistru- mnisstsdsitiethinig to play' wvhichtteay tare tractised, sight readintg ntsbleittg if lerst imiportassce. Lou' trcessra pitchs issisetd. tSAJFS5TIC THEATE. The Rex Comiiedy Circus wsill liethis lig attracetissisat the Majestic thate Text Books For Every depaartment of the Campus. Sfi]ONII BANt) BOIOKS atati ttle store than ssOne-Flalt' Pi'e. Instruments and Engineers' Suppli s The msost coets'te stisck ii inteity All the leading mtakes of FOUNTAIN PENS 'dry a Wahs aSpesial, stue bust (InneDollIts'ptensmade' Lab, Stupplies, Shop Toosi, ANite Booiks sit evenydiesriptlitoosevii WALIR'S University Bookstore 317 Souith State Street , . Billiards IS a Fme game, ask tomsorrow siighst. Ifths'asdvasice re- ltos'siltso pay. Votiltneedl 'oris, thtat htave preceded She set frosts11Crcetinad hti G;ratidRapids, Lantssig andsothte N clii- j sit'rcsstsi st tsti gsii cities are criteriosas, Majestic pat- , better ihasi this.' rtois tare sousesthing to losok forwartd ttvSTONthBROW, toi. A niuatber of trainiedl assles, sdonkey s, solies aiidsdogs will appear ini cosmedy' sot aind inucidenstly'presensltiltnsanimsal versitont of the lasighable "huitanitrisui- ________________________ (Continued son Page 3.) 1 A' T ti 5Tlrt1 A.. r'dA ooK S Io re Secondt-hand Books at Big Reductions College Text Books Engineering Books Medical Books DRAWING INSTRUMENTS end ENGINEERING SUPPI JES Agunts tar Keutfel & Esser, Dietzgen & Rechier Instruments See Otur 1.00 Fourtalrt Pen SHEEHAN & CO. s STATE STREET 1 i t 1 A FORCIBLE HINT. Tuestday is youir lasi opportunity to busy Salz pesis at hsalf price. We offer timie it ever hapiiesied assievenssow Il a three dollar goldibandssed peii fttrisse- ho sot thsink thue Alichiiganu teaim weask, fifty. A few sit. dollar pearl siounstesd far fromsi it. Coach N'ost shoswed sl a' peiss as two-fifty tolay. Skissner's. btler saind issre sersatile heiststhasn hist ar si itshiissime. Michsigans wisn thue it.)05 gamesuseittthe testm didth siphlla'as harsi sitr as well as this year. The real reasonssforc the resislt, I bselieve, hay isn thue fact our sun were its setter physical GL1OVES conuditiont thusal Michigans. This was onuly FO'NNES natural as it was Michigaii's first gamse. 'd sas'testo1)1ay the samie teamn a mnith win Fashion's races I lauter. "hands down" "he result isas tot hooked for," said Coach NYost, "y'et there is nio reason Iso cuasiiplaiti. It wssthe fistigasme aisdlit is bctter Itiat such assesenst shoaulsd take plcs ttebgnin hna h n f the season. Anud of all the teauss Buy yousr Gas asid Electric Stusdenat ire slay, I cats thinik of isonie that IS Lamips at the State Street lHardwtre. woulds soonserhue tiedl li." D. A. Killinis. 5-hf. I r i H! I U1 l l UV s~ti Lunch Room You cat fitd a fite line of Confectionery A NEW RATE .AT... Huron Cor. William and Maynard Streets One Block from Campus No Better Mcals in Anu Arbor at Any Price i' , SOME CLOTHES HIDE YOU OTHERS COVER YOUt Aliens Hand-Tailored Clothes Dress You ALLENS -GOOD CLOTHES STORE Main Street Main Street Get your MICHIGAN BfOARD , FbsndSponsWin. ARNOLD When Wanting Clean Clothes Pins, osadSon 220 South Main St. Call Either Telephone ..... 920 HALLER'SCOLLEG3E JEWELER. COMPETELaundryCo Sel pia ,r4pt $.0prwe TEBIG BEN" VarsityCo p $13.00 4 weeks in advance . Alarm Cock y. seAdvertied IilETUAEO OK POP EVC Fune Watch and Jewlery Raiurln OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP HlALER'S JEWELURY STOREI MRS. G. DEUSING Michigan 100 Paterns 215 nd 217 .S. 4th Ave. 216 South Mates t. Pins 25c. to 5.00- I 301 N. State St. 1 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 121 Washlngton tL RANDALL & PA CK, Ph otogra ph ers Phlo'e 98