Vo. i] A N RB R Mi c i NnFiIiAY I :F"81 8Xx.(i
V -d, xxL
ANN ARBOR., MICHIGAN, FI l D:AY I)I ;C'Ia;. II31?h to, jcpo.
:\ . 62.
Director Bartelme Silent
to Possible Results of
iil ull i ,~r iiitltiiil i 11 < ii lllt )r ii l \"li
t i i t "vl1 te111ar; ) te Ai l
11tc [ig 'tht A t °c 1 1 eU cr c lo isitt
I'II)NN liii's 01,li1,x1)
(ix ci)x IN NSxONCi NI iN.
vaiou ilK Ill ch xx I( II Nhultl I l exiiiiiand
ciitwi cr xliiixl inoiiiPihl Y.iM.
C.\.ill i rtiiiite iWA xu)i Ciit
czh in tisiicountri-i oii abroad.
\. Ct c'r~le o dscils t e aIii ii ii
tspct oi f thei lxix iicii xv I he el
Faculty Cmmittee Appointed to Alter
\ lxii Iollitc a lcn <pl~lt
xii it{) uiiiiiii ii theii iiuirxxiiiiiiiii x
ttai r;i du i liliriiii ii t i huh ii
iq:rll t. I cmsss o Pr idn
Revamped Features Prove
Effective and Win Great
ii d v evn i~ iiiiii Ani Be-
to ns ';ill he prliiix .
sm-eal o thealum iwilIt, caii lild ipi
I~r mpr mpt taks. II lic eveiniii
Hil1>,iNVNII FT Ni';FFA ill.
lr1a1'd isii i .Nixui
f' ll lix1Sty a
Alumnus Claims Michigan's
Real Competitors are in
the East
E.Iwr Nlicxiliccx ix x:
iDear Sir:
Speiix in lfor myseliialonexi, but rep-
r xeni' xenraxillxxfeingxxofI thi
1iiiluioiixui ai11111ii1i(xeastiC preits
the xiili ii
Id'. N.;c t
an iiniir sti
11( t id n
_V ii kni 'illslxNo1i ii(an.li
It ill he startiiii isi a teroiixt4:1ii
;,lgcd in he ry utas i i oniiixirieci
(lxxbe iimetodiofcompai ng theiclac
;t\\<irdiiiliiiixia aps
As hecnry iss ic ii lioveiiisiii
iNN INoEN u i icnumbrl souli h
ba) N\ II te((lililN INl in(ise
isalargeI eitxi listi o ill-tix and(r ioim e x o
1"ii arcuxli assred.tN o radmiss io ifc
W i ii0, chrged.i tlx ixii xi iix
tV1- V I i Ilviilx Iii ii ii x
IA D lIx 'iu(liR ICIIii xuixuix x
ii xlxc i i uii
Ovi r tw ny-ieiii.sfo isrn
ic NoNTor(saperedbefreMthejudge
1<118 TillhenifI iedb osaM ar01s
xrelix n i iitryxoutixliix ii Ic n i ndxt xse
oixix iii ii cr ixiinible ito itry iiiiiicii-
( iiiuiiixwililxhe iheidxr iii xxiii ioixix gx at
iii iliixi i ii\ xxith iiniandTii -
xiri, ixcgin tkiiniig xl i Newi ha
iuliiire iand iriis in iiuiiiiii xhiii xxii
iiiaitedirtiiiiixiiciii Nx ofi ii gaxixi
Stdets xxiii i xiaxi ssoxiti on. ii xiteps
xiixiIf t ngixtxs iie ii i lii- lix i
the second asi the scc iii l l(i ll
firs thr il eNmk o h
ward (It soe of te spi lx,~
for the iitial apparance o
Vt ii I IV.i li
1)uinth frs fe 11(11 cst adspslls()tal~il , as
fcarnt; hat )an lof xiiis
sin ) the ix N xlxix xx 1 dan
sct ml lt. T e frst erfrrni
siii hlxx hampeired by i thxx Ill
() lc .rl xx i thiii wichii
have t)> he coatedi i th it il
..soak up the 11 ht for it c
il y 'l lii- d l 11un 11 i
nlo l l h ix lxxl I h i ll lii.
dea orsi hiliix adexx i thex iii xi
toi maete prisces
xiiratelixiiiixui hiisiix siii ii lxxx
ii 11111 lIii
kits ii li
xciii iixlii
lxiii xiiWas
lxi-ri l
:l i~tii i
esaill lii
inn Car-i
BELATED GUIDE APPEARS aNia, siithelxxi iiiseiofxle pras
ih ar' na ra ivals" whexiiirexfer-
r g to Ill xx N iinos iii , Noirii-
Student Directory tines on Sale wiii xix x Purdue, ixix ilixx ct. I1hlievex
Monday Morning Niichii an's iiiii i Iiirivxls i in laihxiexicsliri
<xcii xii n ii lix ix xx l xxii ii thei Ibigget alot b s: iii>i i hh il l> lilioxii
\ ix N i nr1111 lxintliliali ic;Mae tret ra cheixofi atli csili w Iiiiixith Yae, l ii-
bor;,trc<and drt~stres 1,1c opu 1a(1, Pri~etlt, and Pe insyvaixixi
prie1o1 x 1i - itr c t lo ,( a l i thr w ayiiii otl onixix i ll thex i eastxx, lxxx
- - -x xxxii ii (i t h i lix xdxfr xistfo
a ip dior w il Abet t;.f~llY 12pat i xiiep. Natuirilly, Purdiux,
I. c el<1 h lxxis illxxxxx Beitcx i &x ixo. xixides iire xcm etxix th(
N licii ii , andi aI moderateix lxaiiouiti tiire-
N~li ixixil~i F fi is i fittiiiixi ndxiiripx rii lxii theix makingi
l ,. ;T lxxi xiii ux FRxiix I 1)()\- I ).-i ofi thoseN iiimisi tihixiig gameslotlex
_ ___. e xs n iiciiuldibelxiiistep baikward.
I~c bori f trsee f h sae wievxiii lxxxiii nlix atxaii ruiiiax li
sixtxr l c~ ixiiixii i xxiiiixcated xxiiaItiiiin.\ ir hrecoi xirxif iilaitiii-
(110lsed V Ift iii i1xi ;111(1 ante xxii I xxiiiitii fomr thexi lexxcu ts - s xi
oth r iattrs ilo tcd r1sl1to111f e- ine f texfur iiiii retestiii ixu
IOltliF onl:t cand Bf ehrinth n even esrlatethe thCrimond
C~ilro hesoardo rctsWrfthen byed afress waogetad a
1 (aIl lix
r xxii4'11
1 pri1
ilc tul xrt
xxotii iuuixxuixx
: ttli
cd i rel rx iniretlyiixn laters
The reaso we ave xxiio
is tat poplektzc tha A, ieaseiii
passd frm on laesn it) another,
xiklxi li x x~xiil
iii~ alot awy iics gis
I' ortnnatel(l~i caiiot ivcciiiaxii
li lre \Th a tkewhc1 w xe aiiedii
andi li hl whih w (ho e iiiiiuxilixateiii x i-i
NWhiatiwicrlick i l xiis the iii ((il m rl
(Conxtinued on sa ea3.)
lxxx1 at8 xc~k hih ml ls that th
curtini i w i libe xII)i y l uatexftrx
hour.i Toico e iaf ilrith i time mean
t i ssa prif'hihm 1c ,rrl
soiieix rxiiixii ssixx lx ii toii lackifi xxi cr
defct Wee ll rmeiie lastu x righti ani
u n i he irectN iono l iriiMioIrNSit
iF<1 ixixcime iii xi xx uxxx uximitxinxi thi
prd i on.i ci l i ill illc ixxi
ix1'iil I iiiiiixiiND iii lii ii
iiiw it olrxshe e f ro n ndbl
l~aik lcl>n n f hca o, sclio df'erlIIce O l Fi he(lix ix u iixxi f il hi
lit, allcd (mo ti st~oc° It te Whe- cat iwee ]tt wo en, ndux i s lux rt
xiii lx~ tc <' nuu uiuuigh. Sl--h ,ad pnh ce iit N osi woitaed th
the pi nci i m ke. upom iie eathi t Thii is What xhe sa liiioti itii 's ixtioo
xx iii liircdislipxiirs, li1,11ihexuedciandi I itoiklepi:
tit t iii (ll- a iio vcd ixahinl:ith xi i s ii xi li ui ?alii liii xx w1111 xx i ua;1
11111 iiiiiuiiiiisia xiiif "perls."xhei-xopxran th r x an wasxixxuxx iiii
"(n l a ii xxxwihio i xiiii xuui a\,(sng h l xiii ongiieie itii
(xxiii xiii ii. ottn iiit;c i iaiilil isi ixuix Ih i t.i
I lilixi limx ,iooipcxp iiotiinxfrnt makigxisuch ax xii
Thos brilerxxa ag lioxsilxall
maiinly riliae ipped byi tayiihtxrpe-kixininhorsii oi( i o th i11,is
xi£ b u ntl i b. " ci'" liii adea d b etm hip"lixNNii ix ili I
apeiati t.Bx i tiii aidexi nox grii ati x igiarette,