THE [-IGAN IA MAKE I YOUR FULL D)RESS AND) TUXEDO ~ EASTULI3LRT Y UNF, RSITY NOTICESj t- I~lo IIat 2 ) 1 ite Y. \I. C'. C C'\icl)R I' 'liPIT S 5IIIcc11.1toI1-11a FOR FIRST 'TIME SA\TURDAY. In order t ot 1tohcntlit ththe miiii its w ill beitn their luttirlit iiiS Itte Ia 'it 11 :30. It is ttth first Ior ttis sem 1e f uiornt it soialtft ntionsI nd it a ttccles Th ditlitnc ig ilt it u t " ii tll 3 '5) liii 5A1'Nt ft SUC55 SS FO (Contitinued :ramttatill.1 Ither chara ters, ltti aclt f lcl Igaloot it cI t rdtt il~ fM (r \\aI o1I "R st, n 1 \I r~zic "-1c1A h David Belasco Peorexto This is one ot the greatest dramatic ds~et logs ttr present season Slititt t i I f odillitaittitt cii'ii % t ItItie t ii . 1,1 5 Iii-'111111iai l it ' II d } ti demand fol. tt' C ii 111Cii - a, '.rs sd Dc,26 THUR'S.,Fr~. a- i stersity Avei. Aesm Arb or, Miche.. _ __.'}: .te r. C E.u:_LT :.U_:S'.. l3:'ix '..." sr"s..c2u ' w /! " .e yep too 1 . , ry.. Musical Comaedy Girls ilneiSis ers Preliy andTI atented d. oayat 54tth St, ar tti~t, Ob' NEW YORK LL Y r o dlt nd t-te~a KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Fterms for College Treams deal Location. Near Theatres, Shops ii 'tim Piraite Sonit .. anti Central Park iFrate Cl irf ad'iii cs W ies 11ll te 5' irlil s Aleep .... New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof lItkeiMssolinlndChru Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. ;iiuut. St Med i dCh>yIa1i yo it ire it iifsln Ettn I I 114A BLANKET CO. tO~tISLSC _ 'Ctch CO L 01 airOrostg Oa~eenig. ST. JAMJES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Stsnuglyto theneck, thetct~s fet Lad .IDrsies negMasamog , 1 ittioIit.tii iitgttn in front and there is cnpo space Mst posASecat s, Fo assg post 'ctr tiiagRo oethe cravat. 11011 riirer t Gre _,. V. S TOLL, eProprijetor 1t5~7fee_..Cl.eetOPeabdy&CC.Matkrse Meo J: , 7frTeaseeosbtei 1 0 . J a~ti t 4 Doors From "Freddie's'" Detroit Paunudry Brattch office Call Huff, 1247-J. 1-tf. Scho? f ancngVOCAL INSTRUCTION u ta ge S c oo o 'd {n Studied two years in Patis and teeliet Classs-forLedi, sand Getleen eTuesday and IThursday Eentngs, 7:00 HELENE ALLME1NDINGER to 8:+t0 'lock IPupl ofKingClarit f or 'P'rmolars call at Academy or Phone 246 Buins flo u nrs; lto 5 P.M0.OStudio:t tagitr Btlock. 503 S. itateSt. i t I H nacroher Children's ;Ciitt C uu l~itere I tttcrday DLCe 11. -r 24. lPresentsofor the Ct ltt lt c.ithe 111 loidti 1o 0wihtin while you do yotnttr Chrisoutsshotoppfngtip CHARLIES' bit L EH SHOP C leg alan) Uniie lu tn -liiiar Prlrs FINE HAND WORK Chatrlieo Vigand, IProp. Bell 1t3sjI'. Ieel'1, That Class, singitg tinyp I vf rcii Sit St'lt .1 - tu o 'ir t I 11 Iii' 'rie MI n,,I tid45 f Superior Photo Plays THE FAMILYSCOPE 51 itt1 N Io S A I t0 in' 1 o TON12, °i1t'Ylt and F;t:) 1LO VER t~t'lty. t1NON(: r tt-Itnitiul a t- uy.~tnt i AOLWAYS AHEAD IN STYLS ARPt j., TlII2 BEST OF EVERY THING IN TA.ORINO