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October 09, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-09

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The Micignally

Vol. XXI.


Ni o. E.

Clevelanders Prove Tartars and
Almost Wreck Maize and
Blue Machine
For thIlusotimon'ilther athletic his-
tornmicitgnofaild to dIeft Case
bin let to ait to 3 sore' in the initial
strn:; e ofi~w iotoseaon, p ted on
ot~s"l ron ingtoot itnopoiii no Ih
halaIiiut h i to g I t tcpCasefrom
S~cuing he bt; ed of the Ior dir
'ii te seond nd iii o m quarnters.'tent
nut~in* stun; hd or iforyt'. on
co-Thorwdwsthe larest
thtrcr achda ae gm nid111it
almot c~ghl he nanacn t n tre-
1ac . T eol ikr a e to see the
ihtLe llbii l laiedi ilas newrwisn
itcuii nsi rte h te o g idisussiits
it lic-li I A hie la ni ani titi-
mohic hrn lsomad thirntappearancee
olIcr w te foiiiier toi iiiktth te
,trai; 1110111 n sp i t hlt the plyers
faik'tlin thec liii tiiiliselwork or
th backiii s 1war: 111111 iiFrequent Ii ltti
hies1antimuch poo t 'aingweesr
hathii et m o tlig defectsrTheoiif-
fcn c aild o sow eiter poish for
tol uln i, nfam 1iliiitthe nila'ys
S igorqenlymnitTe liesii
nun iilgenral ilt her1 1work ll l- l
'the \ uitiovrin' t 'irti'iavy- itCise I tis
i-In mai I n r itti plino do i hewi rg haei
strimpie te i-Irsply. iii iiriiolliewri
ii'i' st he Cev ind qateofr, ini
iniartigtins iiiik i hiru eariheite
songe ichntiiio ngestheyintlait
till-ila wileii ts('I'llasitoghthe li
tiievelwo. ld noIn's11111t otisettbriliiti

Dir. toreuentein i'tiii iiiade liiidebtiiiesi
teidaytISiirs et iiid the iii rt1111111
servilci aniiieickedoanasgolfm
lihe 2n0-nt-itliiii.
PTieevtiselaniiieirs icounitid itheIsec-i
oiii if thiiquaitetil ino which th~e iniew
rih's diideitithe gain heLk r
aiii Iiawton'sishrt put av lii vsi
tirs tie oialitaniichgn'M 0-~r
li te rtiiiu s lby I iiiti'ti'l '1nd111
ntedtwtiitii liiiars utth IO
:nldin -lib ut little grondiiid1Liiiin
ikeidshort, toss sli iitnlld fo aIfri-i
tcanheled tit Oillhelii it I W
Hele i o- edthe lr'icrosiithe
oiliti'ilagain. Gtissirece iviidiitl(iic<-I
dfilCas's y011111line ad ra - - 0di
tion. Mcullato Iaditeeii'i'i lopsicl 1of
Iii ilo kedii asi t h I i -i ithe silldyiit i -o
'-litg1t11m friiiiibeiiii astohis iter ir-
bue og LUtotmlntoisgimmpontiii'
fromlbehiid iscownlii l]n11111c
t gill Coss hieeleditatfri-n tel'close tii
Michgan' 2j-ard iarkhut thiiotinn
the'npigsi t-ntote Udleofthe nfid
er 'igtin hd h anec'ue itt tii ii vits11
goatilBcie faled hut the visihirs ilere
o111a1ttacking againi Wenner wasiili(
reatdi rescut.rthis tiieinteret
o-adlne sef(ie litwalit owned.101
-nue soft oes if theodhl is .
toildthe fitrwtaitditass wills101ttdti
Te otpportities were exce1llientA
lite efforts swerentons iiisstently s'uiees-
itl.1,'toli owas inclinedt to iiitles
s iihillps itg an1 een\\-cit threii
S asso otweesecutedImht theii wit
gettier. thr or tli ee it steied el
it tintit the (atieand bluiatiltack 11111
daetd to ivertimttendin--Ief''Iatillndth
0 (Coattioteiton Page 2a)

TV 00 FisPublicly Ya MTree 1-Sophomores STGEUNON 1KV
T0~S 000 OUM N irle1st ear Menostrlwtesbtwend SAthUeO
1 1 6 tlss n to t le last night.
House to Hou e Canvass Nearly Soiieii lii resliiiciiiiilirehetnihtrciotih Bert St, John and Allan Dudley
Doubes East 'Year's Final theisroetsnielo in,- thug1""iiitil thieyecip- Named Upon Fesignations
.1 Ii a fewisiti5. 'Tle fresliiiii'ii iim-
Enro' Iment I ill- 11111 to i-ithenscoiiil -'.1 111of Old Leaders
spoloe thtIppearcdlois ttgi-tbae
ti ctg n tno . _lho g1 n t a esd e w smutil' iirs ,-(a iii iof [11 t ehitlen s andiiiih li- i lKlt-cn. thu'
'SlclO 'ih ihc' ('ai of till'iii t~slt U i'lron pea rstsii- i niet in(I' AIr
ii ii \hi 111er1'-(,tiiliiy.
llv vtto 1,1)1 n th i rp rt. \tch i ii ii 1111 ii iiiihih the iStillns i lihsi'u ii''"'i ti'ii ll p s
intee fe o (s Capt. i ca iii 1 r1 cts1hit 11ht'(lIsthiii fi lii' or-f 1 it(ie( rs i' Io(((((5 i m i hiit i 'i cii o s
tlaiilllcf il' i~lcrllp ~iiitee' ril~i1(re ilcoict( h id- t he - ir il i-liatfIri iis w t( .I r.iiiili 01(1
las tc1 ol "I pin ra el (,11ce11 ,11ha11111theto - I l iulas bought
if satsfiiiinhisflit 11 theiii niirsmli laiiiit siil mutI t in ao hism lin a
,,orcr a(I()ier cmlctd ,-tl he olCsWo n ti e gul wllst pnBigt: ld- tintCo unitgiiIs0oiLi ii m
I ___;________-- et va cild m i ngca Neowey on rd P alm rFeald t)rn 'tephtns i.sirellmmO1- ,11( semum
1:1 1'1.. () ~ n ( l-Sin ii 1111111 hi t( thl'rtpar \,1(1-11( illthIIir
1(10 i iiiiiiiiir1 111111 liiiiton'inept Nh otsJs('u'i hit
nilii iuihi 1 h said I (lii r sh ." t el anii ofti k no wn111 lii him 1 ii lc :
c: < 't ttitlc le :,it ti eml h.pc incI 1I \- uiuutbii till (lIii m i ll.. -
ifttsof hent(11at \Ichianhat h(1 t~tilnemi ii1 iuithetli I o b t hn e o i t t lmulom was i oi lim
CAPAIS IC NMIEE il-il omsutilh isla ireor'otthi13m C Iluiion
Icyh()i Ionmhollllfsiioanl l it rucit.'i~ i tts prmlits 1mc li itc\d
be leted SaurayI nnt n in limit11111;lpahi of h e trayo-.Itn ~ ii 'tte isIni iimi ii
111)1 <111 t aiiih.1t1isiiieiiiiiit sal ttnshe a l itt i. I'Pluto 1si-il l -uu
ilM Ithei nli p nt n it 115 A S FO NE F I tiHOM Eii
tome, nd eatinceae i(me be-1Pof tivm .itEtioanuti headn.of' 111('i oca)
in nnli''imm h h 0 'ht'iill iil-i Oiiiiildep'ariii 1111 h tmeun iofitunhum-mi)o f lls
ushupossllimths itmtoho mu Nh 1-u Jil"i


l-i (=oti ii ' t]ii i t, ii lavi betnIt i iii ae
for trade I ln--omyni cI m-- oursl](
'ollils, 12 e~ inc' % ib' chllp icil to
eailtialini iithe aefrtebsbl
ii in ''i-i lui. IThie unuuu uiimuiti in iior ii-
ter sihla stici 1(1(11ger l' iti'' ih-already-boon
P 'ni-'r Sitat' anduIuh l rmi Str-its.
thu:5(1a. Nmmu nSe icci;thlreifi r.
Mr. I mmii '-Sthjn'i't "Nm-u' lieui-
6:3 Iu. Ii ii lrst'I leiilig 0f theit' ilji((
i'cgilt s hocluiffmits Uniimio illthem
u-ht-u'hi tpa'loris.
I'me sctsto tre tprovided uti in he uture I
ftiirciii'iisit s tiudeints.,isholaritt'orial
k.- Invitel timattenduuubits o s'ecs.

c limbd iwithi all ilmmhir''r''uti' l-imlt 'l
soltiitinm'' fin i al mum-mitt (('I'ber
was recucseclto etun wth it letist
il l It in e rl- ex bwek. Prstim
spodm-mcrusym A har nesfrom
eac 1111111 s ''i' ap ointe ti ll ec('uti
huir li w i ho itSophmo~mtmre, Mtai'e
Pa me; irshnui. rJenhti I ig ins.
The Comi tteeii lii wiis uleill oinomt i-y
fhi e t mittg lr ti e utte
'ill N~ h i ani h'ppo'tnty to ciQ
Cainhs ahunt y Coicitnumuhin ilten
were tutummb us. bThis is atituit- miie
hund mit mo i tua tu hi s u timei-latst

its n-viltth-ue hanids1o-mu-lhut t.Johsn,
th ill" itte mte ule-'fit f isll lc
iN pttofuesioiina ml b ici' 'nno n th0iiil
tigemteuit urges evernie p ssii. bl
itn to n-hurt 'it onh'f the inta -
NINNY 111 N \W'1ll1, 1D112i iS'
EtNRKSI I I'AWS'it Iu'thu INN'\.
1 [ ubtiuss. 1>ihui (Will 'address i.th ut
Iearo'enb of toelw umhulen liMolnt'
-i oft he 11(11 uttu ili g.uhi is addressu-o-
i w heiobe he lust 01" ewhc
th usunew sdeani tinl hi - ot tesuet
of tlhedetmtenuuuut stne lisnnlecionii o
talk ou the-ificulties andIdutuiesofu'thle
l-gablttuioesion . Alltiushi nuns anunc-
tuceteultohu tttendu.

-- President Harry B. Hutchins'
; w aTonight, October 9 McMillan Hall, 630 O'Clock

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