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December 13, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-12-13

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T he Michig____
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'I UISD 1) ,.llMI1iI .3, 1910o. No. i.

Vol xxi.

ON AI-AMERICAN eaeirtsl~ttit)1 irtt e lthe\t TO TRY -OUT SOON
coltes i th el. Tie latteris '1arelC-
Walter Camp Honors Benbrook I>>all tin ralryevent t1101 the winniler is Comedy Club will Hold Trials
reseildedl ly tle lprivileget if represent-
and Wells with Places on 11Micixigitit in lie staite ipeace orattiri- for Male Characters on
Honor even Cli'1 ist of lie irvtsiell helieldiiiThnrsday
kt(t- nii-i) aft ertnin at fori 'coc
in "0 1 insX2, U iveri-sitsy still., stes l'.
ONLY ONE YALE >MAIN SELECTED ,.I in lit kiatlsil xnsiroseit, 1iielps, MODERN PLAY TO BE SELECTED
C tti nd Slhermanitxxilspeakin ithe
oirier nai.- At i eten-thins I~liigat,
I,) h l lls l t l1 t ins- tilt. Jos, G ose, Snideir, Hiatt kspirantis for lhisiois honlistsis wxill
ssi c .of \ ss i";.n iy ili sm Ish " ar , nt dus1 .I) . Ke iy siltltirestt their h 1 1v"'1- al-is -ii -tiiisd.tythll
ant ari xiiesi sselc e iiiuii frssseti the ire iss i>, ics tae pirs ne t sshsi
h~l llrlulet by its sst n ti(' ,)iiC mix 1o, i o stiLe its hilse h nts in Univrityli le ltfo o r ni i
Is. ~ is:': tcl ot tl sselsssMlut i cM Th a x iS tiiilsispre- tso'c iiock .Thsei t ry us wlsw fr11;1
n itsn1\ I ls cs tilt i sitshis is aginxiaioietit oisr x:tter iate.
''t steltlaitsvi()..Xgsi:itiisssss sit-itssisi sssils ii lis

AII 11105 IXSlli0IStiIi TXF t-i
Inth ie I1e) -ix lie isniumber oit I.'-
Malgaie appea is arts I is.by its
'82,iasxastsisantisielsiatsgists andthsl
lMe. lMills pas ~shigh irilini-0)isree
extaodin ryen icering skill lisidit i -it
m iid Net isince thsis t;ec ic
cintl i Iiistsi i stch sgn t sit iii
ecist ofiii lii trafsieitisig sitseI

Women's League Now Has All
!Plans for New Dormitories
To Be Erected



sa ttil it - 5- 1 S 0! :- C -- MS ",Is)1
mtade it x li i}t. t ici -its ii st i i n
tisis i the 1cho iri ltesietS sits'5 cetr
lkah sit I cgis i theitis seast]acht iver-
ve- iiand stherefore l \-int ted-5
ing int co diton bu hi \v rkin tlst
ga essh wtl ha ists sinrNitts
Iial til sthe sI extson iftolists lp h
sit hit l in pikilg im Isis~ i
snah lits o flo« tebl;5hsya
sehsits itii s itsd int~ ieliandsthere
is no1mach5for il t tgiclts -
ti- coi ceofW ll rth i ght -
srnJyp~ii~l satiltsatd by iliis i
who ,A e hi w~i i ful ps-i ng, i
a-xls innelstaetPensilvnia andsi
ttii t os o ttheei i li ii-stias a s s t.
In ys he ju ped int) he imeitt i
thi-ugh i s payiti i t tkl -nil lii
ifeeltts-n ut oe ti yrcs
las t t er, a e f ie sasm i
th ,irt.M0ih i sten it r sit n fo
II ills le tis o tgret vaetoir sItea
-tal ti-iti s ir the- itt st ls it (is buti

Says Westerners are Opposed to1
"Big Eight"
i-it li t heilt iseit is. in IiD.s l ro
I- sell It. (Cali~la-an. Isisfesite filwa
the itainid Callahan atilixtx-,ltusiixta-
iothe 11i-.siis-:
lute Sir:
kA ss itoylxtiusix ofn 1tie Liist-
ise ito any ffititil ti it h i t heii sit
Michg hait t silt-l is Illirecto
tilt lissis. I hlls i l tagi ro
.t s ne o akechekes it Situoketssss
-oi n ste onlyiwith x i lit it int i i 1'x>si t i
)wi also5555 w t i tti - is 5o1d1graus isint
55w5s itie-wsitshIte, andihavetet om
isvKn sisit eterntsthe kWesternt list
Jois-ass-tx . I:ts. ii n.
lii - a s- ltld isisits its .11 k seit-
out 1fooitll teamitipickeedsl i smut iilentil
ign Isotll il ffsiialxs a-sisI pubtlishes-st in
th uret sueo eslie's Weelys
liiinK isschoe -arone lifthguv
wtut i rcivdtwieliete is-out
,)f te lssssiltle sixtn.ii SIagisssl rei--
onite frienitli hesneiijits know-
tha al o thsesitenjussix arleii li xl
It isimprtt o noxi i si t- tht Michigani
iyts evenscosnsieedin iithi-elcsxsintg
of sitki A I aternieleen by aste-
its-i. I lx xiii R. Bus iluiill xitti lre--
sessis tie slitectin of lie judgetnstss
'Ibits lisso s i t pitendxs to li el anxiAl-
Amerisicaxem. h i ie-re-ly- li
i~ts nlii i it tsit-covers tegroundis n
tiitzitte eaniis iof tselc i etii tion oul h ieit
itnte ofl ihe titles.IIN. X Shice eof
I' nsl tutuia, placii ie-istrssssiT llsi
andxi ttidsss oniiiiiss etsen

thI sidcig r ts if sit iss siTitse
Ili t and sitass0liestesm is e lx sissit.
bilsliat i ssie slithe title-lihutin'ca
ill] ofi5 spl ing wilitadi iiit ii
Ass in lii iibast, i t sotperf itsn xx xis iwill
iat,1W i (isis1 eitit i n teSaud t
ifcn i foii mi il-the "J"h p
silto- wa tri t he l msit s uccssfl it
ist~ stisesital iii( fo a it i t i ti
,cw timitt ha t tse ('1i ) csitsc an
kk'stil-x 1,s i xxx)rilii si n slik°t -
'( if lit exi s( t rs ) Its t11 () il k,
Ofi lat-~ l' tlttin Icletol-s
lege aml a tissi iiv i iltcas t Il ist1w
inpeto in site fits m d
at t e seit liiiitt() i I t itet h ilt i-
n w in dramatists ssets its.
Campus May (Get New Lighting and
Hesating Plant
'lThe l)ssirit io fix x's ts ixwill petitiosit
the- tegisltnsre ifor a prpiaint
lit -tutu1 -xilocit-- tilts-- lti t I its
iet t i ls ; i lt sits r 21 11 ll
adi~titacl" of i tepesn sI cIs
))elt e a s )fa -t t e l() n ol
-xiii 1d c)lllin ice t e rc
lion of te xlielclb i(ig
I iiprit tect aillihe lit plant5 1ay
1)"CI u(f tti[Vtilt titt lte stl W;tIttV st
of lte s1ilttili s eesi tethlelx x i n-
stallinig otil xii tireis inewiis5stesit 101sl
lt sietii isi ()i tile tnit t itit itit is
-ertaiii tut a a dtiictal etiit's siltlitay(
ts lie' treacle, -xiiit ii s tirgeil tliat oi(
ci )ctakuenisati oncexits title -thit t
sititer will nsit iiitti i I'M-t W11s- i d-
th )iddng las

situ sr j, sit , -tilt itt "i , i - t
not farseifroIm t n il li s s .st' 5sis
iT e tunnelti i tl r c s tl~t itu - ei - tii
ifps eigei mi exprss tries ii issIts-
Only Commtes will See First
Opera lPertuirllmance
l"Te Crimttstil itheist ill I -ti
tO ii tittithin"te tct tisslisstii m- - th
tee c its--tiboo tutu? 1 it- K iVittom at d
canie l t hrli ilt fro n eisstit st its~l
tilts tir asli sits sil o " er i
prcdns l it W henithti et I I -
itl out.Is The ISaleit i11 o tl k
tioth~u l{ lt I l lit
parsit s I t llo r e iou a ac i - -
-t t:l 11. tstiil ttuhn it >rt,
itl t tli hell<< ;{ i me V i5i
llste k eath at kk l k to l .sT1 h
cr vii tbelhl 110un 'ti to l I.:c
o'enlitf tere arc t n ti ti irts ,
Th hr ud(i W k - W i
IDrs Jamtes iR Angell. Itse \villeivsier ri
ss y e tte "'ie til cn-t of i g is

,,til als nd cr~u i s, ta siplx-
t1 1t Cx 1is i tit pirac ititalli5310,
Isilll ssitiiirirtt-. isasi
Ric'.a, etoitarhitct an stpruted
stdan l ill Ithe usl.h 'e cne
r t i h ll i y t x i ll I (Tie )i '
iiy ctnig c II~n) - I thll till lb x
"Oi sisshigh, toissirnt lxifi brit,
;t~d illha e t r, i illexe ien eats
it s six sith t i porxsion ist
I i ii- i stltiiig c r iors iiDead uwells txill
he it it 5uitcd t g t l ll t itbu il-
n i . Th eslimted sictst tut ah Is l
i s ls i llse itenion ,f t tuctx-it eexiii nii
ior t is as on t e fist sll sil i tl-r
s-sti ilaIstp i ig l i l t till
i~ ot 5 5- asfall-laspossib ll
C.ii gS t eet iosiroos and1
5 I, ,re . D n n ic e tes ix ill te
l l e on thethis-d i lwi er
,. nre stll -s-ibe l ced ex i i.
c f' ith d, rs lts sis of altxinx-
-i- i tit t sscittsall isr i i -it m
il , t
\ specialyus set flx ill ni fts heillssxxi
kil l tsi lariesitleepitge csii whsi chiii
It'lis,: is - d atth nd f thuie Nix '
Itsl residetilst all commiiittei sn om-
itsd iO olwigim -e s: rid
l is stM I s. \\ , j.xIxlss ,lit six Parkx s
dx - k;cits RankIi.sInt pkies '
the mos atrac stiltad f si ll pitisi
detc h lsiiii icouldii te xiiistiutttdt.
gil xh itl i s ,it Ih i i le tt Iloors
k,'ll la e he;pri ac a que txxxiixg
themsIi xx s a d uytsthe eni tit-bilxxingx
canhe sdmihs ter d- s ite "hsolitie. i i
it \ cit asi t s crrin i a txsdi-u
nite lcampaign fri h fn s oi ld a
Icst r sit andievetuallyx alsit ofxe e se
hals, I vsimtotiltsxsoxattracltivee
tha Ihan itt It- s s h - iegthatx
thrusghx sunite iriscess f xre six trxstxxssxx
[ imigt Iet iun lto Misttiig s afre s-i
1 nsxi isic t t it ti itomo isi.
Judxge- ArturarstsrDnsn .I
sits m ils teu.s om eee VCour,
whch, itsratd y thiseeent Piu
IPye lreichs sct Jussi eneisoniixwas for-
cis U.S. Dishut rtuesJxle iofWestr

! itcr sits srit sts1' 11i'1'l
its li e v>rd t ii uts es-
puc lcols titusei
the iteatu e () th Drl
tl ilt xixof "I -1 tsh 11 rxxx
Itlttttts S ak s siar
D co I -.l 11ill 1>;
at t 8:n (, i i:l (lls I)
11155 as t l l i l


seilt 5t slis
-11th '5l]ss i
>is ~itr
is t tis I tm
sti lits tse
l si t cl>lit I

IR 1 10.hllI I k In 11 10011 II IXuuiihOi I 11li- Il
:llcVlI,I,.lX 11.11,1 10111 (XV\CI-<. I Il xi NtI -I tIilIX

if ksixls-ets thu-ersttIsII- 1 -oIthis bodytitI I 101.10 xRl~IlB' sls PI,AN S 1F(O1

itiltmie lxiii ii iis xl lxx inthe athltice
xxii-lxii susxIis Iet. Sr. *liers wsi-t
xis-t. hmnuu x axidi pitarisueanhtsxto i
repre-sentithlit s litstrtixi-itin
I trseiur Iislx ste us lxwhoinst ssembxxle
this itiardi, in xi ire settil ox f uhe My,
lxt iIs texectedlb) net ltxesdate for tile
ittiitmixtnsilet-ingsuirssie-tlIyIupont5 Iis
retiurns. Istii pri xliiiha te Con Fifer-
slc ue sitin ill hue laidi lo i-ist ity
Iml ficial ets ittbfussexthssweekis i


Vi 155 ii SlKltl llE ll15
k steeltung xoithe girls intierestedh in
batallwax s ionliiinus Ists isusr xiyxxs i
nili list Satxliii atx whichsttuime plase
four teeuxComiug seatisiwexrr deciedup il-
oni. Thregmswlxbo laytedl le-
iswe-n this sexnirsixthd5juniors teassxandtx
x niia serisibew sinte sopihomoxsres
andi Ifrishn. Theu I sxxinnesrns xfshese
gasxi t s-sxxiii e st ore t hix laetss chamii-
pionsh ip Itis 1 xi li ittihold tint
games f eah5 e sun-bfor teens-tshof

Si r. Edmund W. xl II s vice-prsite
dent () h nIi Ridius Fv1
Press, who wis exnetis tushitsddrisess thme
Suxussixx s-ssening osussixix xit I hullasi
li Issunabstle ti l xiihits hic suxx u
account xxfilnixe ss.lIn thus hbsence ff
Mr. Booxth, Icr. Gibert lxexii secretary
of this Inte rutxisitsal IxntistxtxsitCina
and a "Chn sptis,,uspnxilsi xiithis
exetionalss 1 x)ppourttlxsxs nusfers xinxxalli
linsten xxiiyin ithe re asxtt
"Tinish Chiais s seknu a inatc
sixths this Uxxixed Stites,"saxilDr.Rxl.
IThu erstsn .bechuhes titli s xlutmeist
exist isinthis xxiintaige xf tillstritilitiesn
in Visin hts arex x xe netdto workeumsr s

scce tarixi Shirle \ , itsith lie.1r
WIsild I1.S ha fte hlIni cs
Wil ixtt lii its omne 111Mi se ii
ci-l tti i tIh will l i s it xII(I II 5 5 - .
andi twi- ldyx Maluistee, xxx tl its ilt -in
Fresidett 1-ixHutcis hlimitisn tde i -
iii; munsthin rilxx he \\ u-fsredto
remai in tutu Arsum alxhe is nm
feelIin tug xxi It ussuh isoo maks thus seis.
;-c- tr -s-sx Susl iSmith iWi t-si Satsurdav.t
Pahi lBetsexKappaiita -i 1ssixs has itssr-
gaiedxiax base-tasll team.s


slurfinst xsmester.

if n stilts-nastionalsxity."

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