_-- ___ s-l. MI .HIA.._ _A1w. . FOR Sam Burc -fied *.i X. Col. Ann Arbo.r's L.ca yiing 106 E. Hur-on St. Opps.Lt. urt House S. L. CHAPIAN, -Jetweler Alar-s Clocks 79c Alai-in Clocks $1.00 Alarm tloclons $1.50 Alarms Clocks $1.75 Wiuth EnR gan isu. 1 S 8p atl~ty Tilt PIRPIPIS 4A0ND lCHXNICC MAIN AND) tURON ttti nnaitai $50000 Surplus and Profits$100.000 Vineal Baituiess. sureti paid iiireand tntat- -onsibt tafuly tr- ku--iliexs t., ins ttt.0adpwads V.J NP' Iet.t- IT. i. in trr t N. Sit Pit.. if . iVtuiztini. (Cashier . .SoinniiiAs-st. TeA-n -tArbor aviag's Bankt tuie-nil Ituianking Biusitee5 nsacnniitedt 5 . i-i . .. ('apical -'Stun tttd 5 r-tlt .1ii00 R ft. tin n." t1 t 5 .0 it Itt t ttttBo t,tPes-. tn. Arnld Vicet-v . Wltz.tii ,i FIRST NATIONAL BANK itt SNs Ntt-nt~, Mtit. tt.tINNI,. ttIAtthtItn:N ,tU1,tF Prs.Vice- Pit. Wt. t .ARKSt\, Caierntt ( apicl. W00(0 "u 1)usandt)rfiI.6.0 1,i AN-i nut C li11ttu nutunI. I. -dl. ldNut,;SY: - ! e llL c te jitst m stlti alit i dsii wtittfi hicait " It t ttl. ttiRl.55tRnubinin.ti t cltn oftnt 'Ag leil renttuc lt- I IttitE sTi iilti IN " rtTHE1A\LETt n .t ittter ttitotttthent,' "tis al cn l-kcascowitlpresnt Mn Inin if Micigatt ntsiattered iitiou ih soiittthr i Si ee in ,Ik i ibctiV it).:n t Califonia tihan ()ftunlitlr a t n iV is dsc ssd l ity Fi t i ,i !- tnriesiv" tr it . I 'i la is W a . lit w:1i " Abot a n dr edimtet bertsmut f thVias-t tne 0 th m st mpratccl (1 s0itt 1 tutittlt tthe vctr (v r is ii iwa ititea tr i nt i it t Minsoa nlt evnin g o teuay nish-t\\a h r It it)c t i'itt lu. N i1bes i unchenst c~rIni ev ad ati entiu i l n t 1- 1,nni inIot it ictin an grat duaitii i ~ites II. lib -, nth r ih Il'm i';:, m k ad rs softo i ofthenulattn N ewnn Icsta nptOut i it .sli \\niV deaf With iit till Yorntifiiw icuni in nill inni~t l~e111i it r tuti nts tit il itati s t v idet l t i tha lc il1< andina nccint nuit nnttu itnlnn tsint i almosin11I prts inI- islc nnn i-s , iiitll n iin nd ltrs. ie mutti li etr ent i:t hetia tne-tntper n ftnnthe caifn Sandi houseintit a nn n i tn la t lcn 11 i . s i Stitiuo t i au-l & pneIle i llttne ArsI inn s c N w Doi l:te rrttttTick tsunits tnt3,mittnIt nill / trinindin-e. ni anid I nnll nn atsitetinnin aI itn n il vtil \vl nhurt 3h6 tf ae.ptIc c~ dIwtb, c)1(c ( ! p . a. S ,,fa +4 ' .'"" r h fir' 1 .t + Debating the god od )inlt,,of '911 V Shoes the decision is alwaoven xto10the I . - ( OVER because so many znod ' sr i s:ma~y beadvanwed in its favors. $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 $6.00 TWHEL Ie-7TBOOT SHOP 115 N S.LtaSOUJTH ' It n s tall atit Matei Street Hardware actt ofitt-uc itt ItvatliltircIt-na, Fuiller & O'Cotnar,lSteaunitantil Frenhmcry it te 1arum111.s n dry cli-anert. Rep-iairitig. 6T9 F. \Vnt tnt e )I o he odiay t o e-at pay ea inn "it itrtanlil Quar ti-v stal it s t o tin ait lo ra p c mein ho src e s-°______ent-itt- lt w11ill it l-int a st "A S cn new t f fiil l atss fnTques. !toft unphn niin t ou1 tis ; tdnIl imp-c & Co. Stair Si. 57 55 ctrr tcc rr itious, l ntgp-nrn tic-nit mi t the ianSallc "A nit tnlt if It-lu Capstm justm i n. ti-i, Ctiitto, nnswIIIcomi eswi \1 - nnt & Coi., Stite St.' 57-5it annlimptaint facSiitrl iii te nnrtr -itt opens Itomorowtn igt. Ituller & O'Connaor, Tailars until Ileant ers, 61o I'. W55illiamstitSt. i-ti. S in t in n it rn s ol1wiln fir X ______ Sn. t s fr $2.;o, etc- What-isi>lhottinnforntXmas thn annthn- c -tl I J. I,.- Slinttr. . ; ltlIlInrtl inni ;'i il. . J j { j 1, b:ra It s alwaysa satisfac- tion to hook right and be ,,:Se about it. You cane look to this-f store for right clothes. -- \riC HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATlED 4,. ;ETS NEGIGOE 51 RTS FLTALL,,,N'L SITIRTS HOLE PROOF ial INTER WOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right thing at the right time" WADHI& CO PANY 121-123 Scnuth Lain Stre lull dress styles from top to bottom iitei r1)(111iii inlitrtI' nins 1i \i aui tn v inn>('11.(1n ils 1111 in Wite niurs XVests * ____ linut arttit tiltlioHas Very acceptable if correct in style Useful Xmas Gifts for Men A unietaeintuiti ti n S I r e s or tin r I f inn i stenli i stilt nt sioo, WAGNER & CO. baSn5 Aut. A ttnr . tin f te it thintesho -,, I 'a :; a' ;, - 5 ,, ___.. tl i t11ninn I itltinn t~a clyK i liel itsoei P , Inn in-n titn vas le vutt Our goads are up-to-data .K' Xmas Msic i CHOICE SONG CY'CLES and ALBUMS The Best in Classics and Latest in Popular Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, and Musical Merchandise CHORAL ONION and May Festival 0 DIJE1I - UN ITEDLINES Cariag an Bagag ifBetween btueit, Ana Arbor andl Jackson t Ioe eachin Cnnple- t iil fromI tti- Iietace itantin t .5$10. oter 11_~'(inn. L:;tettiCars Easi t ndd sil ..it, 0itlis $2.00.. i 1:2 priceeiilte25 Cetnte, It aied ,int tiefromauptl-stairs, hnine eil in Lii nit..ilCars West B itd-9:ti4a.In_ l. i 50 Cenits. t-lt n-iup. i -t':54i n. Drieres are rne iired teito a ef ,i rs. Easteiiiund t 'I . trsit, 5:45 t tineorcartilage onud itapsatVe trv e.n IV i) . ntttndevry two hoaurs l,0 1ton iNVA Ci, Iiti I IS t inS in 1i.ToY silaniti, Iti mt i. antndoal titiur SW. 1H, -TAt[";it 0 . II. T Silhiti.Ichamar tt Ypin ti. tO~l lt Li~iiti Lcat Cars West tBoutdnd .-t-n-5 i ,yininnesnnn un tint 151ift.n i Dooc December 9 I IUniversity Music house Preos Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music Admission, ° - $1.00 Course Tickets, $3 00 4-1st yearn Aesis Arti-o 1lI IC1I A~iIE.o 41sat yatue- QUIZ BOOKS r JLEG;ALT-M!II-CELL ANY Arxsx Aebor OPISCA od Aises Aebarlra.-en as aistte ea. pe ttoit LUa M Bdg. 31 ,_._. Portrait Studio- i319Fast Huron Streci