_UNM ,kSIIY NO L t_; 'r M A K E Id" T" . ilL'r;1 r.--.. ...ti._...___., Y U JR F U L L D R E S S A N D E AU Xl E D O Ii } c , tz ¢: y ! _. th 11; New Whitney Theatre Curartir .15 P. M. Latecoearri rot seald od nmptly. Monday Evenirng, Dee 19 David Belasco Presents Im Euagene oWrlter's Greatest Play he siest Way" This is one ot the greatest dramatic offerings of the present season Prices: 500 to $2.00 Mail Id is tiiled in rotation recieved when aoronipanied by ch(etk or Omon irder Yttar atppictiton should Ut filbed Ne1l in advtanre as the deman or o stats are oery numerous. One Night to Florida l'lt) th Sleeping Cats -II ctrt ltthted MICHIGAN CENTRAL Detroit to Jacksonville 11E' lOS---Detroit 12:(05 Noon-] xteltt Sunday Totledot 2(:(0 P.il" X11 lIIVI ''S-larksonvillt s:20 P. ;41i Net IDay Ask the Ticket Agent about Round Trip Winter ' Tourists Tickets I VAWJJ ofthI Tadar-s rytd tr'riis Hers to Men 711 N. Univers4ty Ave. Arnim Ar-bor, Mich. S. W o r. Broadway, at 54th St.,NEW YORK~ Na 0hSt ll i yai5lls :- o t e KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Terms for College "Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Traosient lQ-, I ' 3-.50, nith Bth, _a dIJUp All Outi s n is Send for;'; ...: A The Safety Watch Disc - A simple but very' effectives safoet y d1 esie firt ores tnanti hot w ears t i ttil- Mail i0n Toay ttor The Blue Tea Room Oendaily tromt::30 a-. i. :30 n.. Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. M. Orders taken for special p arties It.. J. , f.' fna~, orm(too t I o t l , 1 wa D ! .E =Morn -Ca irsg Rockr y R Stuy ables and Drap eries3 Suiitab e - 4orStden Roms in Large Variety at 4 L IartinlHaie Yea , oale lilne of Confectionery li,,t iiandT uxIoitn it Iitu titilant t I( _______________________________ iiiitp oundca s andiiagto r - , ;s ,. ; s ' . (-'I TON °y~ni1 2-1 1 tits II k THE PALMYRA I 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. . NOVELTY CO. Phone 1696 5 Palmnyra, Newo YorkI CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP College Laundry Under Hiuston Billiard Parlors FINE HAND WORK Charlie Weigand, Prop. Bell 1633 J 606 E. Liberty St. THRE THINGS TO DO ,YJoin the Union Belong to the Athletic Association and SUBSCRIBE TO j The vI '.Cigan Da'ly $3.00 A YEAR $2.50 IN ADVANCE J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler'_ _______ Alarm Clocks 79c BAILEY & EDMUNDS Alarm Clocks $1.00 DtnAnERS IN Alarm Clocks $1.50 Guns. Flatting Tarckle aidAnmmunttion Alarm Clocks $1.75 K ney fittn a speeialty Fluly Guaraanead Liberty St. Ann Arbnr, Michigan Watcu aRreppnn.lraj a Specialty Uragers SChool of DanCing1- t iaaefor Ladieoad Getlemn Tedy ndhrsday ngst, 7:0 liF or iilars call at Academay or Phone 246 ( m 1: 1{ - t tit liii lot lies si 1t ofice. Call Onn of the most sensationil vaudlvi Ie shows ever presented on Anni Arbor i, ;nowv playing. DID YOU EVER1 SEE TrWO WOMIEN FIGHT Well1 then see Poor White Trash Jinn), "OH YOU XSTE YE1" Aatinee Today I P M. Ladins' lair Dressing, Shampooning, Maoncuingn, rain Massage RainWater Shampos A Specialtv Mrs J.iW.,Ta-:tamOn~aokl 1i1i10 . U, lernity ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP I Oppost~itetEletticteWaititig tottm GEO. V. STOLL. Proprietor # 4 Doors From " Freddie's " %ILWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES Lh X .7 F.l ",,,L ()R Tl BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING